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[DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)


Demon Girl Pro
Oct 10, 2010
Reputation score

Hello everyone, just recently I started playing DMM games and became fond of some (addicted may be a better term thou...) and this one specially cause Im sure i played a non-h game similar to this one long ago (so long i sadly dont remember the name T_T).

Anyway for those who want to play and have no clue clue about japanese (aka moonspeak, moonrunes, moon, etc) I bring this guide:


Gameplay features (mostly my guesses and undestanding):
- Similar to "Lord of Walkure" the set up is a school and you focus on getting photos of the girls and battling with other students using those pictures(...makes sense on my head)
- Each level up you get 3 points to allocate to Stamina, Deck cap or Defense deck cap
- You build a deck with your pictures to fight other people or beat bosses on quest mode (using the picture value represented with hearts on your card leader to pass a value check)
- H-content: Some scenes after finish a quest mode chapter (5 quests), and scenes after max ranking some cards (not sure if HR and higher or UR and above)
- Card rarity goes: N-R-HR-UR-SR-XR (Higher hardcore H-scenes)
- EVERY CARD can be ranked to ++ (even N) and you need 4 copies to max rank.
- There's many gacha to choose and some other events which makes getting rare cards kinda easy.

Main Interface

- Perfume: It's a special item you get on events (as far i know) and increase your attack (red) or defense (blue) for each use.
- Friend Points: More like nice player points, you get it for helping people with their raid bosses on event, or beating lots of of your own raid bosses.
- Your friends cap increase with your level (you start with 5 max).
- Sadly "Card Trade" is restricted to Japan since you need a telephone number.

Player Window

Notices: Many features use this
- When you level up you can find here the option to allocate points.
- A link to the free gacha appear here when it's time.
- Results for raid bosses you attacked or asked help to kill appear here.
- Rewards for PVP, daiy login, etc; all end here.
Greeting system: Sometimes while you find an item on a quest at the bottom you will see the profile of a random player and a textbox with moonrunes on it, if you send the text (it's just a greeting) you get some Friend points
PVP and Raid Boss stamina regen over time


Red: Points for the current gacha
Green: Banner of event for the current gacha

The different gacha are from left to right:
- 1st: 100% Cash gacha. First one is to buy 1 card only but once you fill the bar there is a 5min period to get even rarer cards.
- 2nd: 1 Daily free gacha. Every day from 11am-13pm(+9:00pst tokio) you can use this gacha to get a card however the card rarity depend on how many Friend points you currently have. NOTE: It's 20-22pm on (-6:00pst latin america) 19-21pm (-5:00pst US)
- 3rd: Friend points gacha. Spend 200 points to get a card (Min N and Max SR) or 2000 to get 11. NOTE: If there's an event of gacha point bonus this gacha is a gold mine, after using it you get gacha points and once you get certain amount you get a special card (HR)
- 4th: Ticket gacha. First one use Premium tickets (Min R and MAX XR) when it reaches stage 3 (not sure if 3 uses or 3 full bars) you have x1.5 chance to get SR and above cards. The second one uses rare tickets (According to description rate is 1:2 for R cards)
- 5th: Event gacha. Not sure about gold and silver coins I get copper coins from raid bosses.

Rank UP Card (Fusion, tips and affection)

This is explained on tutorial but just in case I'll add it (my freaking obsesion to cover everything)
- As i said every card goes from base rarity to ++
- Affection is a special stat your card get: If it's on your deck while you do PVP, rarely on quest mode, sometimes on bosses and raid bosses. Affection reduce damage from raid bosses and increase chance to pass bos checks on quest mode.
- Same system than Walkure your cards get bonus stats from the base and material used based on their individualk levels (don't HAVE TO be max lvl but it certainly gives better bonus)
- You must use same card same rarity to rank upgrade (Example 2 of the above HR you can't use HR and HR+ even if it's the same card)
- Affection does't seem to affect result or carry over
- After you pick a base card the game show you ONLY the copies you have available (not on decks so take cards out of deck before rank up)
NOTE: The game calls ATK and DEF as Sado and Maso that's why i added it (and yeah i lol'd at it)


On PVP you use your deck and trap items (no idea how to use) against other players decks to get exp, recovery items (both normal and PVP stamina) and cards if you win enough battles
- Below the above images is the list of players available
- You start at class 9 and go up to 1, then from stage 1 to 9 and finally reach Hall of fame
- Red square is where you see the reward for reaching next class
- Pick people according to their level+deck cost (1st number below their level), level is not reliable enough to pick your opponent as some low level players may be cash users and have a deck with UR or better cards while people at mid-high levels use N++ to HR cards
- With Above in mind you should be alright if you pick players with deck cost below your deck
- Check deck edit for some tips before you step into PVP if you need help

Quest Mode


Not much to explain here just click and advance, if you're lucky you find cards or set items (Check Mystery Sets)
When you reach a boss there's 2 slots named Support which can be filled by people on your friend list (More on Deck edit)

Card Level UP

The interface is mostly the same as card rank up except for the button above to change into Bulk feed mode (aka pick more than one card however you must learn to use the filter efficiently, check Deck edit for that)
Rules and TIPs:
- You can only use cards Lvl 1 as material to lvl up a card
- The same you can only use card with 0 affection
- Finally you can only use cards N-HR as material
- There are some cards called "Trainer" (A man/woman? in black tunic holding white masks) to use only as material and give A LOT OF EXP.

This covers the top icons next post cover the bottom right so... to be continue (always wanted to say that)
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Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)


1st: Card album. Top filter separate cards in blocks for girls and secound on card rarity, click on a girl to check unlocked versions (+, ++)
2nd: Quest mode and event scenes

Card Sell AND Bulk Sell

Left blue button sell the card
Right blue button links to Card Level UP

Bulk Sell
Show the cards listed so you just pick many and sell in faster (it also list the price of each card)

Deck Edit

Pink box is your active deck used for Quest mode and PVP
Blue box is your support deck used to defend yourself when you are attacked
The 3 gray squares on both boxes are item slots (perfumes and others i assume since i dont have anything to put there)
The blue buttons take you to another screen with the slots available

- The first slot is your Leader card, this one will be used to fight Quest bosses and is shown in your profile picture. This slot can never be empty so the game only allows you to change card.
- Once filled any of the other slots will have 2 blue buttons: left empties the slot, right change the card

The Filters
With exception of the first one listed here and the filters or card album every other filter has same options

Mystery Sets
While doing quest you may find items like these blindfolds or ribbon on different colors, those are set pieces and once you have all can be traded for 1 specific card (usually related to the item)

Item Shop
Everything here is cash only


Those are the basic items, will update if I find more

Friends (and how to add)

- Top button gives a list of random people to send invite
- Then another filter
- Left tab is your current friends
- Right is friend invitations sent

But how to add someone specific?

This button in current events (top right) takes you to your invitation code page.
At the botton of the page are 2 textboxes, the big number is your invitation code and the blank space is to input a code of the one who (duh) invited you to the game. THIS IS IMPORTANT cause if you manage to invite 35 people you get the SR card shown on that page (you also get a full quest stamina drink for every people using your code)

My Code (for those who wqant to add me): 45552db3e1542eb7

- This will seind him a messgae with your invitation code
- Once he use your code check your player page and check the greeting history
- Click on his/her name and click

- This send the friend invite and once he agrre ready
* Thanks to Braemir for being the first test subject.

Last 3 Options are: Player info (Lvl, money, etc), Rankings, and Card trade however as i said above this one is useless unless you have a japanese telephone number.

Current EVENTs (Ends Feb 14)
- Valentine gacha and story line quest
-- Second area for the vent opens feb 7

Different buttons to the images but the information is still the same and same rules, good luck on the ranking.

To enter event main page click the top right icon (only letters) on current events

This quest mode works the same as normal just give less exp and spend more stamina at later stages (if you are new this one is a good exp farm)

Also on this page the other buttons take you to the ranking and prizes lists for the event (there is many neat rewards here)

Raid Boss
While doing event quests you may (quite frequently) find the boss


- Top image list the boss name.
- Top button goes to the attack boss page (The lvl on the button is the boss - lvl and goes up by 1 every time you beat it)
- Lower button continue quest mode

- Set your best cards in your deck before you attack
- After each card attack once the boss can counter
- After 3 attacks your turn ends
- If boss dies you can get your rewards on your Player page
- If boss survives check After attack below

Boss attack

- The HP, attack and defense go up according to level (and a lot)
- If boss is not dead when time's over attack fails (you must fight that level again)
- You get a bonus (extra bronze coin) for dealing more damage to your own boss
- Using 2 stamina deals x2.5 damage, using 3 deals x4 damage
- There is 4 cards (1 given by continous boss beating) that cause extra damage to the boss
- The yellow button at the bottom takes you to the list of bosses open to the public
NOTE: The first attack on a boss open to the public don't consume stamina (nor recieve bonus damage), however most people tend to attack your boss in return for the favor so try to help others (you get Friend points and event rank points)

After attack

- Number below HP is damage dealt on your attack
- Next is your total event rank points
- Next is your event rank points for the day (the more you get better bonus)
- Help request makes your boss open to the public so they can attack it (you can also request help from friends apparently, need verify)
- If you still have stamina can attack again (give you another bonus coin)

And that's it if I discover more I'll edit, if people join I may add a list with their inv codes.
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Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I will try it out. I used your code. Here is mine: 60452de4c59c3ced
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I tried to help usher in a new era of people actually writing decent guides for games, this pleases me to see someone else attempting that :3 Very nice job.

Not sure if I care to try yet another card "game" like this again, seems similar to LoW and those are kind of annoying/bland after a while. Maybe I'll check it out later, but the screenshots don't make it look much more interesting than LoW atm.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I tried to help usher in a new era of people actually writing decent guides for games, this pleases me to see someone else attempting that :3 Very nice job.

Not sure if I care to try yet another card "game" like this again, seems similar to LoW and those are kind of annoying/bland after a while. Maybe I'll check it out later, but the screenshots don't make it look much more interesting than LoW atm.

To be fair It's like LoW with better card pictures (chaged LoW for this one for a while) and you dont have to sell your soul (or practice some weird voodoo ritual) to get rare+ cards; actually if i knew release date I'd say one was based on the other.

P.D. Thanks for appreciating the guide, Im quite picky for any written work i do (specially guides and manuals).

I will try it out. I used your code. Here is mine: 60452de4c59c3ced

It seems there was more to the process than just suinf the code to add friend, i added the extra steps i found to the guide if you wan to send me a a friend request or check your notices on player page and add me.
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Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Hello, long time lurker here. It seems that i can contribute a bit here.

I have been Playing this game for about a little over 3 weeks and is currently lv 60+. Possible to do with good planning and sacrifice of sleep time. =P

In-Game Name = HolyPaw.

Referral Code = 47952c64bc57b346.

Just a few things to adjust and add for the guide:

Card rarity goes: N-R-HR-SR-UR-XR (u got the SR and UR placement wrong).

You can get additional 3 status points for each friends you add (仲間).

The maximum number of possible friends to add is increased by 5 every 10 levels.

Time needed for staminas to regen: Quests 3 mins, Event 10 mins and PvP 1 hour.

There are 6 Acts/Chapters in total for the quests.

When you combine / fuse / evolve (エロ化), 10% of EACH sado/maso status of the base and sacrificial card is added as a bonus to the resulting card.

At MAX affection, your sado/maso status are increased by 20% each.

Which means that it's best to maximize the card level and affection level before you combine/fuse/evolve (エロ化). Only event related cards and/or SR/UR/XR cards are worth it to maximize like this.

There are 2 types of PvP Battles: Rank PvP and Sex Toy PvP.

You can Steal "Mystery set items" from other people at the sex toy pvp battles. (Need to unlock the set from quests first)

Trap items are used to guard your "mystery set items" from being stolen at sex toy pvp battle. You set them up on the items that you want and you'll get instant win when someone tries to steal it.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Sorry this is somewhat of a necro... anyone know what the level up options do? First one seems to increase by quite a bit. Interested to see if I can affect the deck size.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

The 3 status that you can increase when you level up are:

体力: Stamina that is used for quests and events . Regenerates by 1 every 3 minutes. Put most of your points here.

攻め力: Attack Power. Determines the total maximum command points (総コスト) that you can put into your attack deck. Increase this only when necessary. Shouldn't exceed 70 even when you use all the best starter cards from PvP.

受け力: Receiving /Defense Power. Determines the total maximum command points (総コスト) that you can put into your defense deck. Defense deck is used when people attack you in PvP. I suggest you ignore this until you have over 150 stamina points.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

say aren't those girls from Liquid Nexton Games?
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Sorry this is somewhat of a necro... anyone know what the level up options do? First one seems to increase by quite a bit. Interested to see if I can affect the deck size.

I think it'd be necro after 1 month, the "level up options" were on the first post on Game features btw.

This game dont seem as attractive as others on dmm so it seems this thread will mostly exist as reference for those who wanna try it, I've been playing for a week and i must say im not really impressed or attached.

- Too similar to LoW except raid bosses are tied to events on this one.
- A bit more Free user friendly if you stick to events like the one right now (my deck is already max level UR and SR cards from the event and free gacha).
- The loading from page to page can be a bit annoying if you dont have good internet.
- Few H-content beyond the cards (for those more interested in that)
- Almost 0 gameplay challenge (thou this may be cause i got the event cards)

I may stop playing this game once the event finish (tomorrow). Dungeons and princess, Aegis or Tentacle tactics are more attractive to me than this one.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Hey I'm having a hell of a time connecting to this game, I don't know if it's the server or my firewall or what. I got past the registration screen, picked one of the three icons of the girls, and the game tries loading the next flash page but it never loads. I have a similar problem with Tentacles Tactics where the game's "loading" circle loops infinitely after pressing the first game start button.

I'm using the most recent version of Firefox, but I'll try with Chrome to be sure.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I'll write a review for this game sometime in the next couple of days. I haven't had much sleep for the last 2 weeks due to this event lol.

Nereid8, what's the drop rate for event cards from gacha? I haven't used my free gold and red gacha tickets. i have 68 each at the moment ( I farm the last 2 events like crazy ). I was kinda planning on using them all at once for one of the future events.

BTW, this game receives the highest score of 4.72 /5 amongst all the DMM games. If i'm not mistaken that is.... can't think straight right now. =)
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I'll write a review for this game sometime in the next couple of days. I haven't had much sleep for the last 2 weeks due to this event lol.

Nereid8, what's the drop rate for event cards from gacha? I haven't used my free gold and red gacha tickets. i have 68 each at the moment ( I farm the last 2 events like crazy ). I was kinda planning on using them all at once for one of the future events.

BTW, this game receives the highest score of 4.72 /5 amongst all the DMM games. If i'm not mistaken that is.... can't think straight right now. =)

Completly uberly low rate, the red tickets give mostly R cards and N (i got only 1 HR with around 80 tickets) i suggest save up 20 gold tickets min before you use those, after 10 tickets the yellow bar fills and you have 3minutes for increased chance of SR, UR, XR cards.

Event cards are more common (thou still too rare) in the event gachas that use coins thou i didnt get one from those since I hardly can beat the 2nd raid boss after lvl 62 in time, and the 3rd raid boss is heck rare to find.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

After further research, the chance of getting XR card is around 1.5% at gacha level 3, it increases by 50% with the 5 minutes bonus chance which put it at around 2.25%. 50 gold tickets minimum to get a decent chance at XR card, good thing i save up 68 of them.

As for the event cards that you get by trading coins that are looted from raid bosses, here's some data that might interest you:

Raid boss 1: Drops bronze coins, has around 5% chance to drop HR card. 10 coins for 1 try.
Raid boss 2: Drops silver coins, around same chance to drop a different HR card. 5 coins for 1 try.
Raid boss 3: Drops gold coins, unknown chance to drop UR card, high chance to drop R and HR cards from raid boss 1 and 2. 5 coins for 1 try.

For this event, i have defeated each raid bosses the following number of times:

Raid boss 1: 500x, took me the first full week of the event, the prize for doing this is not really great, which is an SR proxy card (replaces any SR card for evolve/combine purposes).
Raid boss 2: almost 80x, currently working to defeat it 90x, gives the final piece of event-only HR card. If u defeat her 500x, u get an SR+ proxy card.
Raid boss 3: 91x, I got lucky with this, a guy in my friend list is an item mall user and he kinda dragged me from lv 80. Drops a UR card when you defeat her 10x and 100x (same card). Don't even think about defeating her 500x LOL. Currently almost out of event-stamina-recovery items, so i decided to work on boss 2.

Event is going to end at 17:00 tokyo time, which is in about 7.5 hours at the time when i write this post. I hope that i can finish at the top 50 for this event. Wish me luck! =)
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

I've been playing this a while. From experience i will first say its a huge pain having a 100 card capacity.
There are lots of cards and if you follow the event, points to use on the gatcha will go up like crazy. Even maxed out once at 99999 points.
I recommend lvling only UR and better.
For each event highly suggest you quickly aim for the last boss type as they give UR and for the particular event the UR usually give 5X base damage. Some recommendation is have strong friends and tap the boss and share it to let them finish it off.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Event just ended, I ranked #56, not too shabby considering it's my first month. Kinda disheartening to know that i would've made top 50 if i had less than 5% more points. :(

There's a new item mall stuff that let's u upgrade the card limit up to by 10 (up to 5 times), however, i don't think non-item-mallers would be able to buy it.
The Gatcha points that u're referring to is actually "Friendship Points", you can use them to get sacrificial cards up to HR. The REAL item mall Gatcha needs either Gold/Red tickets from events or be bought using real money.
SR, UR and XR cards have their own "events" that can be unlocked if you max our their level and relationship points. These events are viewable in the album. Don't expect animated or different CGs from the card face though.
The event points that you get from boss fights are a bit complicated. Delegating the damage to your friends would mean splitting 2/3 of total possible points that you can get. More damage done = more points.

If i want to write a review or a guide, what's the proper procedure? Should i just post it here or make a new thread? I'm kinda new to this forum posting thingy since i usually just lurk around. :D

Happy Chinese New Year to those that celebrate. ;)
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Nereid8, If i want to write a review or a guide, what's the proper procedure? Should i just post it here or make a new thread? I'm kinda new to this forum posting thingy since i usually just lurk around. :D

Happy Chinese New Year to those that celebrate. ;)

For easier access and reference add reviews on the main thread (here in this case).

For guides create another thread; unless there's an already existing guide in which case add your contribution to their thread and/or ask for your part to be added to the main post.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Really should've read more thoroughly before playing. Is there any way to bring a card back to level 1? would love to combine two cards I have.
Re: [DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy (Guide)

Really should've read more thoroughly before playing. Is there any way to bring a card back to level 1? would love to combine two cards I have.

Wheon you combine 2 cards (for rank up) the lvl resets but the card gets bonus the higher the level of the materials (check lightfellow post after the guide). There is no other way to reset a card lvl.
[DMM]聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy Review By LightFellow

Hello everyone, here's my review of 聖ラブリィ学園/St.Love Academy.

WARNING: This game contains loli.

First of all, i would like to note that i am writing this review based on my personal experience as a non-item-mall user (The item mall is called Gacha in the game). I have been playing this game EXTENSIVELY for exactly 1 month, and i have seriously taken part in the 2 events that happened in that period of time.

I really like the quality of the CGs that are used in this game. I think they might be the best out of all the DMM games that are currently available.
I have not found any animations in the game so far, however i read that the final XR reward card in the last event had one (Unable to confirm since i had to get top 50 rank and i got #56).
I like the fact that they provide an album to view the CGs of the cards that you have had at least once in your inventory. You still have to evolve your card to view them all. Some of the event cards are only attainable during their respective events, so do not expect to get them all if you're a completionist.

There is no music/sound in this game.

This game is a bit harsh on beginners and non-item-mall users. If i'm not mistaken, this game started at the beginning of November 2013, so anyone that starts playing the game must understand that they are at least 3 months behind.
The main highlight of this game is the event part. They last for a couple of weeks and very little time between them. EXTREMELY taxing on your time and focus, especially if you do not have 5 decent cards in your attack deck. But it doesn't mean that it's impossible to get good rewards or rank if you're a beginner. I started the game a couple of days after the New Year event started and i got rank #114. In the 2nd event, i finished at rank #56.
Story/quest is only useful to farm sacrificial cards to level your cards.
PvP is a great place to start collecting your first decent cards. There are about 20 ranks in total, the rewards for the final few ranks are UR/XR cards of the same kind (meaning that you can evolve/combine them up to ++). Its usefulness drops drastically once you obtain the final rank, since you can only obtain mini recovery potions after that.

A great game if you're not the competitive type. The Gacha driven events are a bit of a turn off for me, some players put ALOT of money to finish them in the top 10.
Take your time, build your attack deck properly before you decide to participate seriously in the events.
There's something about the card collecting and leveling that reminds me of games like pokemon..... only with hentai pics. lol.
This game is rated 4.68/5 by DMM. 2nd highest.
I give it 4/5.
Thanks for reading. Live long and prosper~ :D

P.S. Nereid8 has written a great guide for this game. Please read them at the first post of this thread.
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