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[DMM] Grand Quest

Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

So far it kind of seems like the strength type girls kind of get shafted, when you have a mage that can just 1 shot aoe all the mob enemies down or do 1800+ damage to a boss. I can only assume eventually there will be enemies with high magic defense or that are invulnerable to magic altogether.

Physical attacker does more damage to not weakness, and normal. But much less when compared to magic in terms of weakness.
Magic attacker only does more damage to weakness. That and AOE makes life a lot easier. (Though matters much less in the higher level dungeons) They are also very easy to get greeting called (1 enemy cast damage, good element, mage dead)
Defense are slow, but otherwise excellent in terms of damage (about 3/5 of a magic attacker and 4/5 of a physical attacker in terms of damage) and are very hard to kill. (Reduce the need to heal)

All in all, physical attacker are a bit weak in terms of damage, but otherwise balanced. (They need higher HP and skill for physical damage, or increase from 125% to 150%~200%)
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!


The more characters that die off, the faster you level. *coughs*
This has been stewing on my head for quite awhile, but only now has the reason taken form.

If say, you pair a miko you want to level up w/ 2 maxed out ones, then would all the exp go to that miko you want to level? Without the need to kill off your other mikos?

Tch. just finished 10-5 and got the 3 star wind miko. With my wind starter tank and pre-reg wind mage already in my frontline (both of which I'm hesitant to let go of), she has no place there unless I want to trudge through w/ an all-wind line-up...
Off to 11-2 then.

Dark GET!!!
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Geeze those Lv20s and their post-evolved units, I am jealous.
I have a pretty big backlog of max level units and no where to evolve them due to lack of key items. (That just doesn't drop)

Note on Maintenance:
・クエストAP消費量調整 (Quest AP cost will be changed -> I read decrease)
・獲得友情ポイント調整 (Friendship points get will be changed -> I read increase)

It will be done within 50 minutes of this post unless they extend it.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Geeze those Lv20s and their post-evolved units, I am jealous.
I have a pretty big backlog of max level units and no where to evolve them due to lack of key items. (That just doesn't drop)

Note on Maintenance:
・クエストAP消費量調整 (Quest AP cost will be changed -> I read decrease)
・獲得友情ポイント調整 (Friendship points get will be changed -> I read increase)

It will be done within 50 minutes of this post unless they extend it.

extraordinary maintenance time

( Gold ) there is not 14:00 ~ 17:00 ※ Sorry, February 21, 2014 , I was allowed to extend (planned)


This has been stewing on my head for quite awhile, but only now has the reason taken form.

If say, you pair a miko you want to level up w/ 2 maxed out ones, then would all the exp go to that miko you want to level? Without the need to kill off your other mikos?

Dark GET!!!

Good question, I'm curious about this as well. It's difficult to test because of how they show exp gains. And grats on finding somebody. It's funny that finding a friend is cause for celebration here...
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Good question, I'm curious about this as well. It's difficult to test because of how they show exp gains. And grats on finding somebody. It's funny that finding a friend is cause for celebration here...
This thread member search has become its own mini-game of sort.

Or its own gacha spin, with the ULMF members as Rares.

Made somewhat tolerable due to the game's long AP cooldown

Geeze those Lv20s and their post-evolved units, I am jealous.
I have a pretty big backlog of max level units and no where to evolve them due to lack of key items. (That just doesn't drop)
Hear hear!
Note on Maintenance:
・クエストAP消費量調整 (Quest AP cost will be changed -> I read decrease)
・獲得友情ポイント調整 (Friendship points get will be changed -> I read increase)
Increased pace and more reasonable FP distribution.

Sounds promising!
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Well I had my client running for a bit, while doing my dailies in FFVIX after they started maint, and it let me enter the quest area. it Seemed like everything up to area 4 or 5 was 10 AP, and everything up to 10 was 11 ap, so pretty nice reduction if I do say so.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Well I had my client running for a bit, while doing my dailies in FFVIX after they started maint, and it let me enter the quest area. it Seemed like everything up to area 4 or 5 was 10 AP, and everything up to 10 was 11 ap, so pretty nice reduction if I do say so.

Nice, this was severely needed. Atm you can't even afford to play around much with different girls.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Time to properly marathon, I was waiting for that

Good place to grind:
05-3 [195 EXP] Wind aoe *Water enemy only
Comment: Can level weak units here with a good wind aoe (pre-reg Meiling works wonders) Drops 2 star units

06-4 [269 EXP] Water single (preferably aoe), Fire single
Comment: Much more efficient AP/exp ratio, good place to for 2 star units to level. Note: You do need to brute force Round 1

07-4 [276 EXP] Wind aoe, water single
Comment: Equivalent of above, but only requiring wind aoe, water single is also preferred for that one fire enemy so it doesn't 1hko your low level units

10-5 [??? EXP] Water aoe, wind single *First floor 2 strong water enemy, rest all fire
Comment: You will want a water helper for this one and a water aoe unit. The first floor needs to be brute forced or bring a wind single unit. Drops 3 star unit.

For those with pre-reg girl maxxed at lv10:
I would suggest you level up at 5-3 for low levels. Then move to 7-4.
For those with water starter girl maxxed at lv20, or a 2EV3M Tsubaki
After you have a solid water aoe and one of the unit you are leveling has wind single, go play in 10-5.

Note: Update to shorthand
2EV3 means 2 star evolution 3 star
The S added at the end means strength (samurai/lancer/gunner)
The M added at the end means magic (mage/healer)
The D added at the end means defender (tank)
And if I know the name itself, I will add it afterwards (Tsubaki and Meiling for example)

Added to 2nd post
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Ooh, nice find!

I've been unsure about how to efficiently level new units from scratch, considering how precious AP can be, that I've used the same gals all game (2wind, 1 water, w/ fire or water helper), til I can evolve them or find a higher star rating gal to merge them into.

The wiki, too, has been very helpful in preparing w/c helper to pick to tag along.


I may start training a fire girl at last. These last 3 areas i went through (9-11) have been very unkind to fire types, esp. those large water enemies, that I've been picking water helpers a lot lately.

I've been very fond of my wind starter girl (will pinpoint her name soon) lately, due to her sturdiness, even against strong water attacks. Mei Ling (pre-reg girl) at level 10 needs a bit of baby-sitting due to her squishiness.
Not looking forward to fire elemental bosses...
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Yeah, I gotta play in 10-5 for a while, I'd love the 3 stars. Still an hour on maintenance.

I just really want to get my 2EV3 water girl and preregister girl up to decent levels so I can have one of them as my helper, atm their stats are low and they're prone to dying, even though they wtf pwn the fire starter girl's usefulness/damage if I can keep them alive. It's really hard to replace the starter girl as favorite who is at level 20, her stats are absurd.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I just added a new guy with a lv 10 4-star fire miko (i think he got it from gacha), which has 2.6k+ hp, 500+mp.

They really need to add a feature to see what items u can get from a particular level while you're picking your dungeons, would really help a lot. Most of the items i need only drop from friendship gacha which always give me 1-star miko. :mad:
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I just added a new guy with a lv 10 4-star fire miko (i think he got it from gacha), which has 2.6k+ hp, 500+mp.

They really need to add a feature to see what items u can get from a particular level while you're picking your dungeons, would really help a lot. Most of the items i need only drop from friendship gacha which always give me 1-star miko. :mad:

Tadaaaaa. Just click the stage and you can see what it drops. You can else tell what a new stage will have enemy wise, it makes things a lot easier to plan for.

Or you can check the "Kiyoshi交/聖交" link on the left side of the wiki that will show where to find items quicker than searching each individual map. The wiki is being updated very quickly with new information. Thank you Jap players.

Maybe you already know about it though, I can't tell by your message asking for the maps to show item drops, but you also seem to know your items only drop from FP gacha. Anyways it's useful for anybody else reading this thread who doesn't know about it already. It does suck that so far it seems some items only drop from FP gacha. I won't be able to evolve my preregister girl or fire starter girl for quite a while. I think most of us will have that problem.

I hope they add unit pictures and pages to it soon with more detailed information on all the girls.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

I just added a new guy with a lv 10 4-star fire miko (i think he got it from gacha), which has 2.6k+ hp, 500+mp.
Got a screenshot? My guess is that it's an 3EV4M Fire gacha miko. (Screw priestess, too many letters)

They really need to add a feature to see what items u can get from a particular level while you're picking your dungeons, would really help a lot.
That's what the wiki is for. But yes, I would prefer it as well. (Still no water coat drop and I have been farming 6-4 for ages, they probably removed it during the last maintenance or something)

Evolution item is the only thing that's keeping me from getting a set of 4 star max leveled units.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Actually, that's kinda helpful. I've been looking at another page from the same wiki which lists the drops, but i might be able to find what i need from the one u gave me once the game is up. I still can't find the green pants needed for the 3-star miko i got from 10-5 (She only needs that last one). I hope i can find something for the others....
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

It's up *goes to grind*

Apparently, you can get 2 star from the gold ticket gacha.
*double checks*
Ok good, it can go to 4 star. *is relieved*


  • 2 Star Super Rare.jpg
    2 Star Super Rare.jpg
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Now that the game is up, i can show you my friend's miko...


  • Grand Quest - 1.jpg
    Grand Quest - 1.jpg
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Yup, I have her as well, but not evolved (missing 2 items?)
Need to work on getting her evolved orz

Friendship gain flat doubled, woot!
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Digging the new quest AP costs.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest

Hey the game is actually somewhat playable as like a full dmm game instead of just being a side game now.

Ugh, how many times I've used the preregister girl's attack spell instead of her great heal because it has a wind looking symbol in it first. Oh does anybody even know how long buffs last? I guess only 1-2 rounds for the defense aoe spell the starter fire girl gets? That's not very helpful.

Whoo, 3 star wind girl I don't need from 10-5, she's cute though and attack oriented, so probably worth hanging on to just in case. Time to farm 10-5 like crazy and try to find the other 3 stars. I don't want to give up Tsubaki though :'( I don't usually get attached to characters in games too easily, but her dialogue and voice is adorable. Funny how much a few lines of voice acted dialogue can do, I wish more games had this.
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