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[DMM] Grand Quest

Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

My Tsubaki is going to learn the 200 mp single target spell you talked about. The 80 one already one shots most things so this should be absurd. 200mp cost though, dang.

Oh and I found somebody else with your 3 star fire girl, tried to add them just now, I hope they accept :p I really like her look, you're lucky Dragon.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Oh and I found somebody else with your 3 star fire girl, tried to add them just now, I hope they accept :p
Awesome, now if I can find one as well so I don't have to use her as leader all the time (so much wasted exp)

Argh, event dungeon just greeting called me (1hko of an important character on the first turn) then I got through to the boss fight the hard way, and bam white screen error.
Oi, I want a refund of AP recovery I wasted. *fp*

I really like her look, you're lucky Dragon.
Actually I dislike her look, the only thing I like about her is her aoe heal. So if I ever get another character with AOE heal, and she hasn't evolved.
PS: that's like 8 runs of 6-4, I still don't have the rare water coat. Seems like in this game, getting the first holy ritual item is the hardest. You always end up with repeats of the same element. (Like fire pants, I have 20+ of them, and not once did I get a water pants)
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Add me please

Username = hkdig
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

no matter how many times i seem to pick a different helper and scan through the names i still cant find anyone from ulmf i think this game hates me lol oh well does anyone know about how strong do u need to be for the second event stage been scared to try cleared the first one barely but thats it
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Getting tired of the EXP bars always being at 80% x.x

no matter how many times i seem to pick a different helper and scan through the names i still cant find anyone from ulmf i think this game hates me lol oh well does anyone know about how strong do u need to be for the second event stage been scared to try cleared the first one barely but thats it

It's incredibly difficult. Most of us that are very active have only even found 1 or 2 already, and it will only get harder as each day passes and more people join...I really dislike this friend system method.

Edit: Ah right after I posted this, I found Dark. I'm on a new map though so lettuce hope I don't mess up and miss the chance to invite them.

Actually I dislike her look, the only thing I like about her is her aoe heal. So if I ever get another character with AOE heal, and she hasn't evolved.
PS: that's like 8 runs of 6-4, I still don't have the rare water coat. Seems like in this game, getting the first holy ritual item is the hardest. You always end up with repeats of the same element. (Like fire pants, I have 20+ of them, and not once did I get a water pants)

Really? I'm surprised, I like the whole puppeteer thing and I thought her art seemed really nice too.

Ah, goodluck finding it D: I'm going to need a couple wind items to evolve the preregister girl myself.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Congrats, Dark rolls around with a Lv20 Wind Starter girl, which is the most stable of all 3 starter girls. (i.e. hardest to kill, most useful overall)
Wait, didn't Dark switched to a Lv11 2EV3 Fire girl instead? I have to go back to double check.

I am 1 item away from evolving my water starter girl (3 star coat) as well as 1 item away from water gacha girl (1 star pant). But with the rate of new holy ritual item drops, I think it's going to be a while.

Yup, this is the very definition of so close yet so far orz.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

I am confused... how do we add someone? so we enter a dungeon and then choose one of the helper.. if we want to add that helper as a friend how to do that?
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

I am confused... how do we add someone? so we enter a dungeon and then choose one of the helper.. if we want to add that helper as a friend how to do that?

After you beat the battle, there'll be a choice that says Yes or No (I think) with the person shown in an image box, hitting yes will attempt to add them, though they still need to accept it too.

It's a really convoluted system, I don't know why they made it so annoying. I guess maybe to attempt to make alternate accounts less useful? Really I think it just hurts friends trying to help each other more than prevent any abuse of the FP earning system.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

After you beat the battle, there'll be a choice that says Yes or No (I think) with the person shown in an image box, hitting yes will attempt to add them, though they still need to accept it too.

It's a really convoluted system, I don't know why they made it so annoying. I guess maybe to attempt to make alternate accounts less useful? Really I think it just hurts friends trying to help each other more than prevent any abuse of the FP earning system.

ohhh and here I thought that part is giving them points though I always click yes.. so what are those numbers then? as far as I remember the number increases by 5 each time o.o
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Alright I'm not usually big on the cutsey wutsey characters, but Tsubaki's VA and dialogue is pretty adorable on the main menu if she's your lead girl. For anybody who isn't aware, you can click them there for some voiced dialogue. That's a really nice touch, fun to go through and test them all. The fire starter girl was my favorite but I think Tsubaki wins a bit now. The 1 star wind evolved girl is pretty funny too. The 1 star fire girl sounds like a tsundere and calls you a pervert too, haha.

It really gives them some personality even if you have no idea what they're saying >.> There aren't really any I've tired that aren't interesting to listen to. Now it's making me wish I could still use some lower leveled girls because I like their voices :( At least all my main girls are entertaining too. I wish there was a way to cycle through your main team on the main page instead of needing to change the order of your whole party to hear your other members there.

ohhh and here I thought that part is giving them points though I always click yes.. so what are those numbers then? as far as I remember the number increases by 5 each time o.o

It's how many FPs (friend points I think) that you currently have. I think you and your helper both gain either 5 (If they aren't on your friendslist) or 10 (if they are on your friendslist already) for a successful battle. So obviously it's best to use friends if you have them. Still it costs 200 to use the FP gacha for whatever reason, and it's a very slow process to get that high even with 10 at a time with the slow energy regen in this game for the cost of maps.

Then you actually spin FP gacha and get a bunch of 1 star items/girls x.x
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

It's how many FPs (friend points I think) that you currently have. I think you and your helper both gain either 5 (If they aren't on your friendslist) or 10 (if they are on your friendslist already) for a successful battle. So obviously it's best to use friends if you have them. Still it costs 200 to use the FP gacha for whatever reason, and it's a very slow process to get that high even with 10 at a time with the slow energy regen in this game for the cost of maps.

Then you actually spin FP gacha and get a bunch of 1 star items/girls x.x

ohhhh tnx for the infos! 8D
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

and it's a very slow process to get that high even with 10 at a time with the slow energy regen in this game for the cost of maps.

The trick here is to have a lot of active (play often) friends *cough* that ends up using your character. This means instead of starter girls, you want 2EV3 girls for uniqueness (or 10-2 drops) so that they are curious and ends up using her so you get 10 points.

Then if that girl happens to be maxxed level, and useful, they will likely keep that in mind and use it again. (Each time they use it, both you and them gain 10 FPs)

Hence you want uniqueness, max level on your first deck leader (helper) if you want a lot of FPs. I think I am at my 2nd gacha today (>400) but I earned most of them myself since 2 runs of the event dungeon is enough for a level.

And the game just eat my AP again, clicked once no effect, clicked again worked, double AP drain ftl there goes my marathon
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

btw guys one more question, does doing the same dungeon with the person you wanna add as a friend. Increases the chances to see him/her as a helper?
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

btw guys one more question, does doing the same dungeon with the person you wanna add as a friend. Increases the chances to see him/her as a helper?

We don't know, we thought so at first but haven't found any concrete pattern really.

Oh sorry, didn't mean to make it sound like I was talking for other people, I just haven't seen any proof from anybody of it and my own theory of it was kind of disproved.
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Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

The water coat just won't drop. Fruit, the water coat is much rarer than you expect it to be. Either that or the game's determined that your screwed when it comes to your starter girl in terms of holy ritual item.

Someone beat me in EVing the first Gacha girl. 3EV4 Gacha girl is very strong
692 Atk, 590 Def, 451 Magic, 691 Agility.

Apparently all priestess can be separated into 3 growth types.
Strength, Magic, Defense

For example:
Fire Starter Girl (Strength)
Water Starter Girl (Magic)
Wind Starter Girl (Defense)

Strength: (Swordsman, Lancer)
Mid HP, Low MP, High Atk, Mid Def, Low Mag, High Agi
Magic: (Caster, Healer)
Low HP, High MP, Low Atk, Low Def, High Mag, Med Agi
Defense: (Tank)
High HP, Med Mp, Med Atk, High Def, Med Mag, Low Agi

Element wise doesn't change much, it's the above growth that matters. This is shown as early as level one, hence pay attention to the small difference. Elements difference makes little difference in status.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

what is the EV thing you are saying? o.o 3EV4?
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Shorthand for 3 Star Evolution into 4 Star.
Re: [DMM] Grand Quest - Launched!

Shorthand for 3 Star Evolution into 4 Star.

It's pretty good, we should start using that to avoid confusion.

So far it seems like the strength type girls kind of get shafted, when you have a mage that can just 1 shot aoe all the mob enemies down or do 1800+ damage to a boss. I can only assume eventually there will be enemies with high magic defense or that are invulnerable to magic altogether. The defense girls are nice just because you won't have to waste as many turns healing them. I hope some eventually get some kind of tank spells, I love when fighters can take damage for their teammates.
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