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The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
After being singled out and inducted into the service of the Inquisition, things have not gone quite as you would have imagined. Removed from your past life, you have been tested and measured, questioned and interrogated. But aside from a few lectures given in darkened chambers that left you sick to your stomach and a seemingly endless stream of codes and ciphers given you to memorize and destroy, you have been left largely to your own devices. Lodging under a false name in an anonymous habblock in Hive Sibellus, on Scintilla, the capitol planet of the Calixis Sector, you have bided your time for weeks waiting for the call from your masters, and perhaps, their verdict. At last that call has come and a blank-eyed courier has delivered to you a note featuring the cipher of the Holy Ordos.

The message within was simple and perfunctory, containing a time, a date and a location. The instruction to come prepared and expect company is signed off with a single epithet —The Emperor Protects


At the appointed hour, each of you have made your way through the bustling, faceless masses of the Administratum quarter to an unmarked service elevator platform set in the rear of a vast and imposing building covered in bas-reliefs of skulls, half draped urns, and other symbols of death, crowned by an immense statue of a weeping saint. It appears that you are expected; the wizened face of the platform’s inbuilt servitor studies you and pronounces “Pass” as you climb on board. As the note implied, you were not the only person called, and you make for an uncomfortable and diverse looking group standing in tense silence as the crowds throng by. The servitor control chimes active as the last one of you boards the platform and the elevator descends as the hatchway closes above you all with a thunderous boom. The platform continues downward for some minutes through maintenance levels, deep into the bowels of the government district.

It is an odd group. A man bearing the trappings and robes of an Adeptus Mechanicus stands off to the side, with a constructor interface attached to his left arm and a worn respirator unit worn over his face. Behind him crouches an entirely mechanical construct in the form of a broad tracking canine - a mastiff to those familiar with such breeds.

Across from him stands an arbitrator, dressed in the stock standard uniform of his station, yet he is here not on behalf of the Lord Marshal's designs. Behind that badge of station is hidden a checkered past, and the rare opportunity for redemption in the name of the Emperor's law.

To his right is a tough looking individual bearing the tell-tale fashion sense of Gunmetal City, the infamous furnace hive on the far side of Scintilla, known to breed all manner of hiver scum. Despite his wide-brimmed hat and high-collared duster, the man's strong, upright stance would suggest to the trained eye that he has a military background.

Immediately in front of that individual stands the lone woman of the group, easily as tall as each of the men, and wearing the robes and trappings of an adept. Her long hair is dyed in three mixed strands of red, green, and blue, and her face is covered in bright blush, mascara, vivid red lipstick, and she wears dark eyeliner in a sense reminiscent of the noble class. She stands out as the only one to not be from a hive world, given the ruddy, sun-touched nature of her skin.

There is time for discussion between the four of you, if any of you are inclined to speak. You all assume, correctly, that each of you has received a similar summons, and are all acolytes of the same Inquisitor.


The elevator's slow descent deposits you all at the end of a long, wide grey corridor, lit by lumen globes in the shape of cherubs holding torches. Only a few nearby globes are lit along either side of the corridor, with the rest of the path shrouded in darkness. However, after taking a few nervous steps forward, more globes light up in front of you. With no alternative path presenting itself, the four of you press onward, with more globes lighting up in front of you to guide your way. Behind you, globes flicker out, leaving only darkness behind you. There is nothing of interest in the corridor as you walk, and the air about you smells faintly of chemical disinfectant.

After five minutes of walking, the corridor ends in a large metal door, which unlocks and hisses from the release of pressurized air, then opens with the loud grinding of gears. The room inside has a jumble of dusty metal crates stacked up against one wall, and a hospital gurney, complete with restraint straps left leaning unused against the other. The chief feature of the room is a large mirror that fills the upper half of the wall facing each of you upon entering the room. As the door behind you closes, the mirror gradually becomes transparent, revealing a steel room just beyond it, and a thin-faced man in white medicae robes with a red coat draped over his shoulders, staring out at you.

Behind him, beneath a mottled grey sheet, is what appears to be a dead body, held up in some sort of frame for inspection. Above the man and the body float a pair of white skulls, encrusted with a variety of brass instruments and long hypo needles, each of them hovering expectantly.

The man beckons the four of you forward with a gloved hand, at it is at this point that Thiopia, the adept of many colors, notes a small insignia on his robes of a raven clutching a scroll. It is one that she herself knows well, for she has some garments of her own that bear such a crest. It is the symbol of the Hetaireia Lexis, the scholarly organization to which she herself belongs. As she looks up from noting the crest, he gives her the briefest of nods.

"Greetings, acolytes. I am Medicae-Interrogator Sand, and you are the new bloods, are you not?" He looks you all over, though mostly resting his critical gaze upon the three men.

"Worthy additions to our holy war? We shall see... far be it from me to question my better's judgement. No doubt Inquisitor Skane has detected some promise in each of you. Now, to the matter at hand.

"I represent the Holy Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition which we all serve. Our masters have called you here to assist us in the investigation of a matter of interest that has recently, and unexpectedly, come to light.

“Oh, yes, for your information, you are now in the depths of the Templum Mori, the house of the dead where the Lords Prefecta Mortem hold court and the fallen and the lost of the great city are named and counted. It will not surprise you then to know you are here to view a corpse, I doubt it will be your first, but it is, shall we say, quite singular!”

Sand chuckles to himself, but then quickly continues, brushing aside any attempts at questions during the short pause.

“Now if you will kindly attend and pay heed, I will take questions afterward.

“The body has been positively identified as that of one Saul Arbest, male, 23 years of age, hive worker, unskilled laborer certified. Formerly of the Tantalus Indenture, registered habitation: chamber 6/23 stack 717# Coscarla Division, southern zone, Hive Sibelius.

“Subject found dead on the midhive transit rail three days ago as the car returned to the main depot. Preliminary examination at the scene suggested death by drug overdose. Post mortem performed by the biologis forensic, however revealed certain anomalies that necessitated our involvement.

“The cause of death was in fact total systemic failure brought on by tissue rejection of an implanted synthetic graft organ. Said organ destroyed his central nervous system while attempting to overcome the immune response.

“In short this…” The servo skull whirs forward to display a jar containing a ten centimeter long white cord of waving glassy tendrils, still in motion, still alive. “…crushed the life out of him from the inside."

“What’s it for? Unknown, but my opinion would be, in a word, ‘control’—neural and synaptic override, perhaps worse.

“There were other grafts and surgery of a less singular kind also; one lung replaced by a concealed storage cavity, possibly for his use as a courier. Also, one optic nerve removed, skin flayed from his stomach, I’ve no idea why. His system’s awash with alchemic traces, clotting agents, panimmune and the like.

“The surgery was expert, but by the lesions and tissue stresses, I doubt any care was given to whether or not it was painless. In fact, by the damage to his vocal cords, my guess was that he probably screamed as long as he was able to.

“But this little monster is what concerns us. Oh, you don’t need to know the genelore or the Omnissian edict, just that this is not only illegal, it is forbidden, it is heresy. Merely tampering with this kind of dark tech is enough to warrant a death sentence from the Holy Ordos, the Arbites, or the Mechanicus.

“And I’m sure that you, as well as I, am wondering how such a rare and vile thing ended up wrapped round the spine of some anonymous habprole from the dusty end of the stacks.

“The man has no prior criminal record, he was rendered invalid by indenture—laid off if you will, some sixty days ago now and was reported missing thirtytwo days ago by his sister, one Lili Arbest, resident of the same habstack. More than enough time to get himself into all sorts of trouble, I’m sure you’ll agree. These grafts are no more than eight or ten days old at most. We have nothing else on him.

“This is to be a shadow investigation, no open official involvement and no notification of the local authorities, and no one knows he’s here either. Coscarla’s down hive, so a covert approach will draw far less attention than a boot through the door, and be far less likely to kill any leads to our heretic.

“Find out why and where if you can, better yet, find out how. Best of all, find out who is responsible. Go with the grace of the God Emperor, oh and additional samples would be a blessing if you can procure them.”

The long winded interrogator at last pauses, and it seems that if you have questions, now is the time to ask them.
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Re: A Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Move it! Scoot your butt over! Arbite coming through! Out of the way!"

Quickly pushing through the crowd, Zieg 'Boomstick' Murthras shoved through the people around the plaza like a bulldozer, pulling open the flap to the small computer wrapped around his arm to check his time. A loud curse leaves him as he keeps moving, flipping the device closed as he goes. If looked from above, the speed and agility this man showed pushing his way through the hive crowd was amazing, before finally sliding to a stop before the proper terminal.

"Right, last time you drink before a job, dumbshit..." he mutters a little, shaking his head a little with the painful thud at the back of his head.

After getting passage by the Servitor, he quietly rubbed behind the back of his neck as he suffers the glares of the others who he held up, but simply leans back a bit as he eyes the group, taking a moment to open the flask and take a gulp of the fiery liquid, letting it burn into his throat.

Glancing to the cybernetic-laden man, he glanced down to the construct before nodding quietly. Anyone who could keep those useful little buggers going is definitely high on his list. Always enjoyed the perks of a tracking bot...

Glancing at the other man, he raised an eyebrow at the flamboyant attire and heavy coat and hat. What was this, one of those 19th-Century Westerns? Still, he looked more then capable to a fight, and at least had the air of competency to match his outlandish attire...

Then again, the next person was dressed even more outlandishly. Giving the woman a odd look, he simply shrugged. Freaking nobles and the clown dress they tend to do to try and stand out. Meh, long as she doesn't cause any trouble.

Quietly, he took another drink to his flask before closing it, stowing it into a chest pocket in his uniform under the armor vest he wears. Giving a loud sigh, his face continues to look around a little more, various knife scars and at least one visible pockmark from a slug crossed around his face hinting at his checkered past. Unless bothered, he'd have nothing to say to anyone else in this situation...


Entering the room with the other acolytes, he'd scowl a little at the jab at the fact he didn't look like a proper Inquisitor guard but didn't comment on it. Quietly he'd keep a wary watch around them, staring at the body while he mentions various parts of the autopsy with a critical eye. Perhaps looking for obvious handiwork on who may had done this before, or any identifications usual of at least hiver gangs.

Zieg would stay quiet as the rest of the crew as the talk slowly starts to finish, rubbing under his chin slightly. "Shadow ops, eh? So we shouldn't try to look for assistance or equipment from local sources even?" he'd ask, voice having a bit of a sharp bite to it a little.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg looks the body of Saul Arbest over, looking for the tell-tale signs of hive ganger marks. He sees no sign of such things, though with the amount of grafting work done to the malformed corpse, it could be possible that tattoo work could have been sliced off or hidden by whomever performed the body modifications.

Zieg's question would result in a quick reply.

"For the sake of preventing our heretic from going underground, you will have cover identities provided to you. You will pose as four bonded agents of the Coblast Assay - a mercantile organisation within Hive Sibellus known for its dubious private enforcers and aggressive methods. They specialize in tech salvage and 'manpower services.' That sort of reputation will help to intimidate the local populace into not asking too many questions of you, without alarming the locals that there is an Inquisition cell in their midst. You will be provided a small mission budget for bribes and incidentals. It's not much, but should you need more, I trust that the four of you will be resourceful on your own."

Sand makes a tight-lipped smirk, and waits for further questions.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

As the daily crowd floods through the Administratum quarter, a man seems to bob and weave among them, much like a ship navigating rough waters, this fellow in an olden style hat and longcoat makes his way to the unmarked service elevator, raising his head to stare at the servitor before being allowed passage.

The entire time he was on the elevator, he said not a single word. He barely even moved save to look around at those gathered with his good eye, ruminating on them.

An Arbites. Likely to cause problems for him, but better that than someone who doesn't know how to hold a gun properly. Which brought him to looking at his next companion.

One look at the woman and all her make-up and he knew she was going to be a problem. That was when he noticed the last member of the group.

A Tech-priest. And he had a dog with him. He hated dogs, and this mechanical one was no exception.


Following the other acolytes, Mordeci focuses his one good eye on Sand, listening and observing as the man explains the situation, before finally speaking up when he is done.

"How tied are our hands, here?" he asks, his arms crossing over his chest as he does so. "How far can we go in order to achieve our objective? Chances are we're going to need a bit of.......Brute force, if you will." he says, his eye darting around the group before settling back on Sand.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Sand's attention turns to focus on Mordeci.

"Naturally if you find the heretic, or have found those suspected of heresy, you are expected to dispense the Emperor's justice. But the malign intelligence required to insert a vile object like this into an ordinary man is likely to not be doing so out in the open, so your chances of finding the heretic will go down the more loudly you go knocking doors down. See if you can manage some finesse in the beginning. You will be expected to operate on your own, in isolation, and you are expected to get results. Use your better judgement about when to use force, and when to hold back. A small kit has been put together to aid you. You'll each be given a false Coblast Assay ID card, hiver overcoats to blend in, individual hand vox's that should be good for two way communication with a range of two kilometers, chem lamps for each of you (should you go searching during the night cycle), a bio sample kit for evidence recover (quite optimistic on the Inquisitor's part, but she insisted...), and a coded dataslate with mission data, local maps, and audio and visual recording devices attached. A money pouch with 120 Thrones in loose change and used notes is there as well. It's up to you four to put it to good use."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

[19:45] <Blarglegaster> Blue, I wish to use my NOBLE COUNTENANCE to look all intimidating and shit and not have the dirty plebs rubbing on me when I'm going to ye elevatus
[19:48] <BlueSie> okay then, roll half your fellowship score
[19:49] <BlueSie> so that'd be 27/2 = 13
[19:49] <Dicebutt> :: Total 97 / 100 [97%] :: Results [97] ::
[19:49] <Blarglegaster> Well.
[19:49] <Blarglegaster> Shit.

By all rights the crowds should have parted for a woman of such illustrious birth as Thiopia.

But they didn't. The unwashed masses of this infernal place pressed in, bumping and jostling against her, while she breathed in stale air smelling of the same things it had for millenia, locked into the Hive as it must have been, for the air in the outside was polluted and toxic. Head held high as she was taught to hold it, she didn't see the leg out in her way - only felt it when it kicked out under her, whipping it out from under her and sending her flailing to the ground. She wasn't sure how that man managed to get a hand under her robes to cop a feel, but then, she didn't spend much time thinking on it after struggling to her feet, looking around for her assailants (gone, of course), and checking her belongings quickly before fleeing the laughter around her for her destination - eyes down and alert now.


Unsurprisingly the colorful noblesse was more surly than her colorful appearance would have otherwise made her seem after her run-in. She ignored the others there, checking that she indeed had everything - her flak vest was still there, under her robes, of course - had they managed to steal that after a mere trip, she would have been infinitely impressed - as was the fine pistol of some make she'd mostly succeeded in not forgetting, and a sharp knife, for her to pull out when she had nothing left - at which point, she was probably going to die, anyway, but having it in her hand when that time came would at least let her know the forces working to undermine The Emperor had not broken her. A few bombs, for when her bullets would not serve, and a gas mask, to allow her to continue her service in spite of noxious fumes opposing her. In truth, she'd considered using it already, to try and make the air in this place more palatable, but she'd worried over depleting it for later use - that, and it would have smudged her lovely paints. All bought last minute, after her notification of being conscripted - conscripted! Her, a Noble! - into service as an acolyte of the Inquisition. The sum now in her coinpurse was pathetic - by her standards. She'd been planning to buy a lovely set of colors, but armament had rapidly become apparent as the more prudent of purchases.

Her scholastic tools all looked safe in shoulder bag, as well. Others filtered into the elevator with her - at least she wasn't expected to perform the tasks required of her alone. None of her compatriots seemed to be even remotely relatable, though - Machine Cultists were always disturbingly detached, and the other two were men, neither of whom looked learned, but both of whom looked worn and accustomed to labor. In no mood to accommodate one of the latter plebian's funny looks, she returned a disdainful sniff. "I do hope you are sober," she said to him.

Down the shaft, they received their orders - from a fellow Scholar, even! Thiopia closed her eyes, speaking the pertinent details he'd given them soundlessly to herself, committing them to memory. When she had done so, she gave some thought to questions, and spoke up after the others had questioned Sand - partially asking questions, partially thinking out loud.

"Is there any estimate of where upon this midhive rail transit this man boarded? It sounds like he was the only one on it when it arrived and he was 'discovered' - is that it? What sorts of places are on this rail line - are any perhaps places that the perpetrators of such heresies might den, that we might perhaps look into?"

"What of this 'Tantalus Indenture' - was any reason given for his invalidation? Do they have any enemies? Was this 'Saul' seen speaking to anyone unusual? What of suspicious groups or people around his habs - surely none of the local gangs have the knowledge to do such surgery, but might they perhaps be recruiting for a more powerful organization?"

"It's no stretch to guess that, following his invalidation, he began looking for work elsewhere, and as the Medicae-Interrogator says, he seems to have a courier's cavity. Medicae-Interrogator Sand, did you say all his grafts are only ten-some days old, even that one? I would wonder what he had been doing in the time between his disappearance and their presumed grafting..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

In reply to the young scholar, Sand looks perhaps a bit more - nurturing? - as he speaks. As though he bears the colorful and youthful noble some measure of higher regard.

"The body was found by a passing rail car, not on it. To say exactly how the man got to that point would be an exercise in pointless speculation. Nothing from the biologis forensic can ascertain it. The most likely scenario that I would wager, is that he meandered down the rail transit lines on foot, until his system completely crashed and he would have collapsed in a heap.

"Your other questions are pertinent, and they are precisely what we would like you to find out. We intend to send your team down to the Souther Corscala Division, where this Saul Arbest was last known to have worked and lived. Doubtless if you pry into his life, you may find leads as to how such an unremarkable man came to meet such a grisly end."

He pauses as Thiopia makes further speculations.

"Yes, the grafts are at MOST 10 days old, so whatever heresy was inflicted upon him was recent. There is no way to determine what he was exactly tasked to do since having the grafts made - not without doing a more up close investigation of his former habitat and contacts. That is what you four are meant to do."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

As Gallus, reaches and boards the elevator, the others get something of a cursory inspection, with the Arbite getting a slight nod of acknowledgement. He made no move to speak... But then, the Mechanicus were, by and large, not a very talkative bunch, except amongst their own.


Once the initial briefing was done, Gallus started to speak up, but only "What a..." got out before his vox-unit's volume dropped to a mere whisper, the rest of his comment lost under the other questions. While he busied himself attempting to settle his mask's "complaint", the other questions asked seemed to cover whatever he'd started to ask. Gallus would pause and pay closer attention to the coversation at those points.
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Sand awaits further questions from the group. In the meantime, any of the acolytes will notice the equipment that the Interrogator mentioned lying in the top crates lying against the wall. The acolytes are free to pick up the objects provided in the kit:

4x hand vox (walkie talkies)

4x Low Hiver Overcoats (1 armor body and arms)

4x Coblast Assay IDs (including photo and appropriate data codes)

4x Chem Lamps (illuminates a 3 meter radius, or a 6 meter beam of whitish light)

1x Bio Sample Kit (A satchel containing 3 biotubes, 1 bioauspex detector set to locate anomolous human tissue within a meter, and 1 long edge, mono scalpel.)

1x Coded Data Slate (Contains a dossier on Corscala, Saul and Lili Arbest, and an audio and video recording device. Activated with a 5 digit code, a note reads that you should ask Medicae-Interrogator Sand for the correct sequence as failure to enter the correct code will memory wipe the data slate.)

1x Money Pouch containing 120 Thrones in small, worn denominations.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Giving a quiet hum, Zieg would grab some of the devices sitting on the crates with a soft mutter. "Sounds all in order to me, Sir. What about the rest of you? Head out now? Or should we at least get each other's names here before one of us is inevitably gunned down?" he adds, glaring to the noble a little pointedly.

[ Zieg grabs a Hand Vox, Low Hiver Overcoat, Coblast Assay ID, and a Chem Lamp ]
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Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Gallus looked at the Inquisitor's agent, then spoke again. "You mentioned that the data-slate was coded. Which will mean that we'll need some manner of key to access it. How are we going to acquire that, if you are allowed to tell?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Medicae-Interrogator Sand shifts his hands around in the inner pockets of his robes, retrieving in short order a small slip of paper, from which he reads:

"7-6-1-1-9" He puts the code away. "Commit it to memory. Now, if there is nothing else, you may all exit the way you came. The servitor at the far entrance will provide you each with a transit pass that will take you as far as the Corscala South Station, which will be at most a few hab blocks from the victim's last known residence and the worker's union to which he belonged. I wish you good luck, and the guidance of the God Emperor."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Hand on chin and trying to puzzle her way into some insight on their task, Thiopia drifted over to their gear, looking over her Assay card, so she would be familiar with it should she need to present it - things like insignia or falsified information. She also stowed one each of the equipment provided to each individual - the vox and chemlamps - in her shoulder bag. She shook out her Hiver's overcoat, checking for a hood - her robes had one, of course, but Thio thought it might look a bit out of place to wear a hood while bundled up in some great coat like this ratty thing.

The bio-sample kit she briefly studied, but upon hearing the code for the coded slate, Thiopia carefully punched in the numbers and began to reading through the files for information on their their people of interest.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Mordeci walks over to the crate with the supplies on it, picking up one of the hiver coats and shaking his head, before setting it down and buttoning up his own coat. "Mordeci." he says in response to the Arbitrator's question of names, picking up a chem lamp and stowing it in one of his coat pockets, then storing one of the hand-vox units in a pocket on the other side. "Doubt any of us are going to get gunned down with me around." he says, flipping open the Coblast Assay ID for himself and inspecting it, before flipping it closed and turning to the woman with the multi-colored hair. "Might want to get yourself a hat, miss. You'll stick out worse than a Vapour Rat at a Nobleman's gala with that hair." he says, tucking both of his hands into his coat's pockets and waiting on the others to decide when to leave.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Zieg shrugs a little as the one man responds to his question, looking back to Mordeci. "Just don't ask a heretic to draw and we'll be all good," he quipped, sliding the ID to the pocket next to his flask and finding other places to stow everything else, tossing the coat over his gear. "Though at least glad I didn't grab a riot shield if we're doing a ghost-ops..."
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

"Do shut up, I am reading," was Thiopia's only response to the Guardsman. As if she didn't know her hair stood out. Why was he wearing that hat, and not a proper helmet? There wasn't even any sun in here to keep off his brow!

When she was finished, she held the slate up and out, in case anyone else wanted a look. If not, she would pack it away into her shoulderbag. 7-6-1-1-9.

if the Hiver Coat had a hood, she would put the thing on and flip it up, concealing her hair. If not, she would raise her Adept robe's hood instead, before shrugging the heavier coat on. Either way, clad in underclothes, armored vest, robe, and coat, Thiopia was feeling awfully overburdened, especially in this stifling place.

"Does this stand out overmuch?"
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Sand looks to Zeig. "Riot shields are only good for riots. Try not to incite one, and you should make it out okay."

Having pulled up her acolyte's hood over her colored hair and thrown on the bulky overcoat, Thiopia did look a tad overburdened. Fortunately, being the only human not to have been raised in a hive habitat, and coming from noble breeding on an agri-world, she had the advantage of being raised on a much higher standard of diet during her formative years, meaning that at the very least, she stood as tall as all three of her male compatriots.

"You look the picture of hive scum, my dear Thiopia," Sand says. "Though I would not worry too much if a strand of your multichromatic locks should stray from your hood. This is not Dreah, and the low classes of the hab proles do tend to sport dyes in their hair, usually in gang colors or some nonsense."

He looks out at the four of you. "You look ready. You are armed and trained for this. You will impress Inquisitor Skane... or die fulfilling your duties to the Emperor, of course."

He mumbles something under his breath, possibly suggesting to himself the odds of it being the latter.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Going to move this forward a bit, since conversation died down. I will assume that all free equipment was taken. Zieg the Arbitrator has the bio kit and all 120 Thrones. If any of your characters have a problem with this, solve it IC! :)

Sand dismisses the four of you, and you withdraw the way you came, down the long, darkened hallway beneath the Templum Mori. Thiopia studies the data slate maps while Zieg stows away the money for the mission in one of his pockets and shoulders the bio sample kit.

The maps provide directions to the Southern Corscala District, which is very far downhive from the Government District that the four of you are used to. In fact, given the layout of the maps, the Southern Corscala District lies on the very edge of the mid-hive, dangerously close to the lower hive, where it is known that no law exists and scum and dregs live out their lives in a terrible dog-eat-dog lifestyle that gives power to the ganger bosses and syndicate monsters who live like warlords amid the squalor. It will take hours to reach Corscala.

You begin your journey, riding the cars along the transit rails, progressing from the densely populated and wealthy areas of the upper hive to more and more abandoned stations, with cars that are more and more trashed and under-used. Eventually you reach a point where you are waiting alone for cars that only stop perhaps two or three times a day. Only with the data slate's information are you able to successfully navigate to your destination without major delay or setback.

When you finally arrive at the Southern Corscala District transit rail station and disembark, the first thing that strikes you all is the darkness. Corscala bears the signs of a once prosperous district, but it has been hundreds of years perhaps since this was the case. Now significant power failures in the region light up only a very small portion of the luminous globes in the steel sky, giving the affect of perpetual twilight during the day cycle.

It takes only a glance at Corscala to see that this district is in severe decline. The only signs of life are those hab complexes that are huddled around the immediate vicinity of the transit station, where vital supplies would be delivered. From the data slate, those who had read it would know that two major disasters had plagued Corscala, one economical, the other physical. The Tantalus Combine, which owns most of the indentured workers living here, is in financial turmoil, forced to lay off more and more workers due to its own dwindling supplies. To cap that off, Corscala suffered a black out fire that cost the lives of millions who burned alive in their homes, in the pitch black.

In short, this place has the feeling of a graveyard.

As you step off the rail station, you can see that you face directly towards a central plaza, focused around a dried out fountain with a great winged statue atop of it. The statue is missing its head.

To the left (west) of the plaza is what appears to be the local enforcer station. You presume this because of the enforcer insignia above the door and the armed guards in enforcer flak suits and helmets guarding the entrance. The enforce station is at the end of a long tenement hab complex. Beyond that is a wide main arteria network that leads back to the rest of the midhive (through many kilometers of abandoned city wasteland). To the right (east of the plaza is a market of stalls, teeming with what life remains in the district. Hundreds of people seem to be walking about among the stalls, which are pushed up against two hab complexes, which themselves are split by a narrow market street which leads further east and out of sight. Beyond the statue, to the north of the plaza, is a grand archway (looking ready to crumble at any moment) and then the spires of the local templum, where services of the faith must be held.

It would now be up to the acolytes to begin their investigation into the the final days of Saul Arbest. Where they felt like starting would be up to them.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

Thiopia made sure to hunch over her dataslate as she studied, when she had the leisure to do so, resting her arm over sensitive information, keeping it hidden away in her shoulderbag when she was unable to study it. Mostly she did it in the emptied rail cars - the others seemed to be uninterested anyway, and you could never be too careful.

Reviewing the map information she'd just studied up, she started walking in that direction - turning around and raising her arms questioningly if no one got moving.
Re: The Question of Heresy (Game Thread)

As they move along the rails, Zieg quietly rearranges his gear under his coat, giving a quiet grunt as he shifts the shotgun to be less obvious with it's sling on his back, along all the other equipment strapped along his arsenal. Soon, he'd appear slightly hunched at the end of his task, his stoic face barely visible out of the hood. Glancing at one of the car windows, he gave a ghastly smile at the sight. Excellent... Should scare some of the gits off.

Zieg takes a few glances around at the crowd as they stand still off the station, shifting a bit in his spot. "You know you're in the fun part of town when there's no people on a hive street..." he deadpanned, looking to his team. "So, where ya reckon? Check the guy's place out first before we start going over less obvious locations?"
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