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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Very Much so. Thank you tassadar for giving me logic to argue a point with.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Eh. It's not that I really want to... but Silth says he needs it <.<;;
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

If a player has 2 characters in the same realm, but diferent team, then the correct response would be to properly decide their actions separately, using just their in game knowledge without out of game bias or information.

Some people find it hard to do that, so for them it may be best to either have a second on a diferent realm, or have them both on the same side.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You all have valid points, believe me.

The big problem with Jumpers though is it's meant to have a lot of characters. For instance, the only reason I haven't started working on Wahki/Asesino stuff is because we don't have enough characters in the game. Many people are going to have to chose a side also, because we can't have as many Neutral characters as we do and still play the game. I get why you're all worried about having multiple characters; it's something I understand, really. I won't tolerate people using the information they've gained on one character and exploiting it on another - it is technically cheating. If you make a second character, I will be in your debt unless I (or another GM) think you're cheating.

If you want the full content of the game, either help me in getting more people to join (I know it's hard, since the game isn't even running yet), or make a second character.

I won't be pissed if you refuse to make a second character. I just need to know how many characters we'll have so I know how much can be included.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

ok, i will make a second character. later
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Woah, been a bit since I last checked.

I plan on incarnating Mithral in this too at the least, though I need to check Blazetail to go with any new rules... I think ^.^;
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Gonna make 2 characters sometime this weekend. Getting ready for work at the moment.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Under the description of command it says that for each ten points we can have an npc follower, if our character is starting with ten points how do we go about building such a follower?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

NPC events. For the first few dimensions, there aren't gonna be as many bad guys out to rape you... That's a chance to get a 'pet'. You can still get Followers.

Yes, there's a difference.

Pets are people you'll have control over - their stats, who they attack, all that stuff.

Followers never level up and are controlled by the GM.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So, I can corrupt one of my "teammates" and turn them into my pet?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Since a while back you stated you wanted people to more pick a side than be neutral: should those of us who have a neutral character (I.E. don't want to play an evil character nor someone with a stick up their ass) specify which side they would prefer to help?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Help evil. And maybe you will be able to keep yourself from being back stabbed, sold, or used as bait.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So, I can corrupt one of my "teammates" and turn them into my pet?

Nope. Once players are corrupted fully, they're NPCs controlled by the GMs.

And as of right now, if you are Neutral, it's going to be first come first serve... So if you aren't one of the first few, then yes, you may want to put a second alignment in case you can't be neutral.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Still, if a gm player corrupts another player doesn't that mean he now controls said player?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

How do you intend to have the GMing done anyway Slith? I'm assuming each realm would have it's own GM, but will each team in a particular realm have it's own thread?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Actually, when I say the GM takes over for it, I don't mean the GM gets an actual character... More like an NPC for them to control. A very horny, sex-crazed NPC.

As for GMing, each GM will have teams they look over and roll for.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

M'kay. That works for monsters, but what if teams come into conflict?
And who decides what Fate wants for the Neutral characters? Will it be you, or do the players get to decide if they want to join good or evil?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

How about me? I am completely partial to evil! Wait, no. Then that means they might backstab me..... Good = they hunt me down...... How about a randomnizer?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth


Do you have in mind a day to start jumpers?

its just than my computer will be ready in some days XD
Re: Jumpers Rebirth


Do you have in mind a day to start jumpers?

its just than my computer will be ready in some days XD

My GOD yes!

Also, Silent how's the rules coming along?