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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The install instructions on the wiki assume that you aren't already in Japanese regional settings. They finally just added a line explaining that you need more than the usual Japanese regional settings to get it to work properly without HF Applo, so I changed that and I'm reinstalling again. I hope I don't have to use HF pApplo and stay in English, because all the other games I play, I need to be in Japanese settings.

Yeah. changing all my settings to Japanese fixed the jumbled text in the character creator and the game works properly now. You can skip the "Run as Japanese administrator" step if you're already in total Japanese settings. Following the rest of the steps work fine (Renaming the folders and such).

Problem now is that installing the patches causes crashes, not sure what's up with that. Now it works, lol. Maybe I was hitting start too fast. I'ma wait for the hongfire patch to update before playing now.

I have no clue what problems you have. I installed everything fine without any problem(Maker,Game,DLC's). Installed also the patch from HF and everything works fine. After install you need to have first DISK mounted in daemon tools for the game to work.

I got win7 x64 Ultimate, Japanese locale.

You must be doing something wrong if it's not working for you after following wiki instructions.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I heard people like DLL and Mega?

I've uploaded the Artificial Academy 2 on to Mega.co.nz

It's the game, Pre-order bonus and DLC.
And here is a quick how-to-install

Get Daemon tools or a similar program which can mount MDS/MFS/ISO files.

Mount ジンコウガクエン2.mds and run it, select the third box from the bottom
Run it as an normal installer, mount DISK2.mds and DISK3.mds in that order when they ask for it.

To install the bonus stuff, just jgs2.exe files and extract(It will extract it into the same folder the file is in).
Now go ahead and find this newly extracted folder and run all the "FileCopy.exe" files and let it do is thing and you're done.

Go to if you want mods / updates on translations. (Or you can just browse )

Here's a link to the current version of the basic UI translation(V3).

Are you missing Disk 1?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

For those who have issues running the game, first be sure you have the requirements to play it (computer requirements. Yes this does have computer requirements). This is what you need to do:

You Must set your region to Japan. Sometimes this will include setting the time to Japan as well.

How to set region:

To set your region, first you must go to control panel and click clock, language, and region (it may say something else on other operating systems). Form here you should see change location or something like that. You will need to click location and change that to Japan. Next you will need to change "change system locale" to Japanese (this may require your windows CD). This should do it. This is when you check. Read right below this.

Here is one way to test if you set it the right way or not. Go to and make sure you click Japan (Japanese) and not english. If you set it right, it should be Japanese letters (everything must be in japanese, not just a few things). If it shows something else that means you set it wrong.


You must have Daemon tools or a program to run DVD files (THIS IS NOT A RPG MAKER GAME. THIS IS A REAL GAME THAT REQUIRES INSTALLING). This is a must. From here, make sure all files are together in a folder. Double click the first Disk and set on your new driver (the Daemon tools Driver). Now just like installing form a CD, you install the game and switch CDs when needed. If the game still does not run, uninstall the game and change time and keyboard to Japanese, then reinstall.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Are you missing Disk 1?

nope, its right there. just not called disk1 but japanese letters. look a bit closer :)

Thx for the upload btw. Played the hell out of AA1, lets see how AA2 turned out.. didnt check any "user reviews" yet.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I heard people like DLL and Mega?

I've uploaded the Artificial Academy 2 on to Mega.co.nz

It's the game, Pre-order bonus and DLC.
And here is a quick how-to-install

Get Daemon tools or a similar program which can mount MDS/MFS/ISO files.

Mount ジンコウガクエン2.mds and run it, select the third box from the bottom
Run it as an normal installer, mount DISK2.mds and DISK3.mds in that order when they ask for it.

To install the bonus stuff, just jgs2.exe files and extract(It will extract it into the same folder the file is in).
Now go ahead and find this newly extracted folder and run all the "FileCopy.exe" files and let it do is thing and you're done.

Go to if you want mods / updates on translations. (Or you can just browse )

Here's a link to the current version of the basic UI translation(V3).

eerr the download on the ones over gig keep stopping I have to pause and restart over and over again to make it work.

and now it gave me a error....and I lost it at 76%
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Got around to installing it. Used girlcelly's torrent. Pretty standard install, just changed the region settings to Japanese, extracted all three ISOs, and installed them. No different from any other multi-disc game I've installed or emulated, really. Then switched back to US English and applied the Hongfire patch(I've had a couple of occasions with Illusion's games where I forgot to switch back before installing the patch, and it required a reinstall of the patch in English settings to work right). Then play. Loving it so far, created a chick and playing as a male teacher.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

are they added threesome?:D
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Have they added M/M scenes or just M/F F/F again?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

My game works, I just post everything I had a problem with in case somebody else has the same problem. Only posting your successes doesn't help other people.

Not sure how I feel about the graphics yet, I think I liked the first game a bit more. Maybe mods will help that. Bodies are nice but the faces are meh.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Q.Q over 9gb?

I'm all out of space now XD

I only played some of the first one...last year sometime. how is this one?
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

My game works, I just post everything I had a problem with in case somebody else has the same problem. Only posting your successes doesn't help other people.

Not sure how I feel about the graphics yet, I think I liked the first game a bit more. Maybe mods will help that. Bodies are nice but the faces are meh.

True, sorry about that. As far as bugs the only problem I've had was the game not progressing at all when selecting the force option during interaction, but I'm pretty sure that was me being a dingus and not initially running the game in Japanese settings through AppLocale like the readme for the HF patch told me to.

And Whatever, this one's pretty cool. To be honest I think I like the interaction menu of this one more, it actually gives you specific categories to choose from and actions in each one. Graphically it's pretty good, and it feels more challenging than the first one to get a relationship going.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Are you missing Disk 1?
....and I lost it at 76%

Disk1 is there, but in Japanese letter as someone mention.
Disk1 is called "ジンコウガクエン2" Probably should have mention that.

Also sorry Kagami for that error, it's nothing wrong with the upload or anything like that, It's mega screwing up. If you want you can try downloading it as a zip,
select everything then right click -> Download as zip.. The file size will be huge, but it might help.. might. I don't know why people lose connection to mega during download at times, since I've never lost connection to mega.

Also, haven't checked hongfire but /hgg released another GUI translation, which they said would hopefully be the last one.. I assume Hongfire has it updated all ready.
But regardless -
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2


So far it seems harder to smex random people. Maybe it's because the dialogue still lacks a proper translation, so I have no idea what I'm agreeing or disagreeing to anymore. Before you could have sex with multiple people on day one or two, it took me like a week before my girlfriend would allow sex even with 400% scores on most the H options, and it was after she asked me to go with her herself. Before then sex option kept getting 0% Maybe it's her personality, don't know. Not that it's a bad thing, just different. I started wondering if I rolled a bunch of lesbians or something, all the girls seem to go for each other and ignore the guys.

I was hoping there'd be more things to do around the school like shopping, it is mostly just Artificial Academy 1.5, rather than a new game, but the new additions are nice. I haven't noticed much difference with the teachers yet, but it's probably in the dialogue. The new H scenes are really great, it has one of my favorite positions finally (Girl on stomach, guy on top) that rarely ever makes it into games like this. Actually I think it's the first time I've seen it in an h game like this, so that's great. There are a lot more positions and things you can do during H scenes than most games I've played too. The boob physics are pretty awesome as well.

Oh and there's a "force" option in the evil deeds/pervert menu choices, but apparently the girls can refuse it like any other interaction, made me laugh. Not sure what the conditions for that succeeding are. I don't think I got any of those options to succeed, you can flash girls and such with it.

Customization wise:

I'm not a fan of the face options, you really can't vary them much. Mostly the shape of the face bugs me. There's only one other jaw/chin option for the girls, no nose, mouth, cheek, ear options or anything. The rest of the face options are pretty good, especially the eyes. You can make a girl look perma yandere/aheago, which is always hilarious. The overall shape of the eye can't be altered as much as I wish, but about everything else with them is extremely customizable. It is missing a fang option for mouths as well, even though they have animal ear type hair extensions. That would have been nice.

The body is extremely customizable (And by this, I mean just the breasts, lol). It's astounding what you can do with the breast size/shape, I've never seen so many options for breasts. You can actually make realistic boobs that follow the laws of physics, it's great. Change the spacing, height, depth, direction, roundness, aerola size, even the bounce. I've never had so much fun customizing breasts in a game before. The body has decent options to make thin/average/chubby girls and the waist can be altered to make them a bit unique.

Though there's nothing for hips/ass, shoulders, arms, legs, muscle definition, etc, which is sad. I mean I understand it's difficult because of all the possible sex options that could become misaligned if the body shape can be altered too much, so I can't be too upset. Just thinking about how special/unique all the girls could be if the entire body was given as much care as the breasts though, hnng. Tons of hair options as well, I'm glad there are plenty of tomboy type hair cuts.

Overall I'd say the customization is above average for these types of games, if on the breast options alone :p In a game where you have like 30 actors active at one time, I understand the customization constraints. I'd say they did fairly well considering that.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Did it on Day one, depends on the girl. There's an option how willing a character accepts sex, you probably turned that up high.

This new engine is pretty awesome for custom designs though. I can actually port my stuff over from old AG3 and remake them in AA2.

After the first day, I found out how cold was the guy I designed was while I was playing as the girl out of curiosity. I cannot even pet his head (mostly because he's too tall = =)
But such a cool/cold personality, no wonder the girl goes kyaa every time he approaches. *nods* The personality setup on AA2 and their traits changes a character significantly. Becareful when choosing your character's trait especially heart of darkness.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Ummm there are no default girls? I need to make my own and download the girl maker? The mega doesn't seem to have a maker in it.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Ummm there are no default girls? I need to make my own and download the girl maker? The mega doesn't seem to have a maker in it.

I wouldn't worry about it, if you have all 3 DISKs, the installer contains the maker as well as the game. There are a few default girls but I think its more fun playing with the creations of both yourself and others and there are already places where people have uploaded their girls for the public to download. I think it's really more fun that way since you have no idea the traits, stats and preferences other people have given their girls, so you really need to slowly get to know them, just like real life! :p
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Yeah I like to add random girls from people. The problem is a lot of people Mary Sue their girls (Make them too perfect), though if you realize that you yourself do that, using other peoples creations can help you avoid that as well. I usually randomize traits and then build the girl around her traits. That or I start with hair and try to take one positive and one negative trait on every girl. Mostly prevents my creations from being too easy/perfect. I randomize about everything until I find something good, then tweak it slightly (Skin color is hard though).

If you think about it, someones personality dictates their hairstyle, it can even dictate their skin color (If they're energetic/sporty and more likely to be outside to get a tan) and their body. So I think traits/personality are a good place to start. Oddly enough the girls that I purposefully made difficult to get along with aren't that difficult, and I've been having trouble with the girls I thought would be easy, haha. Maybe it takes into account my MCs personality as well.

I just found out just how many different sex options there are, I didn't know along with speeding up each position, you could click middle mouse to shift to a different version of that position. Ends up being like hundreds of different combinations (Or so it seems), it's quite impressive. The huge amount of anal options is amazing. Normally you're lucky if you get 1-2 anal positions, but this has like 5 + a few orgasm options + all the extra variations of the positions. The girls even have dialogue forit happening, which makes this my favorite h sim game ever :p Time to try to hear all the anal dialogue with each girl personality~

I'm still not sure if you can orgasm without using the final options in the menu though.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Force is more a type of coercion/blackmail that mostly really works on characters with the exploitable/masochist trait.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The mega doesn't seem to have a maker in it.

Silly me, I forgot about that one. Anyways I added it to the Mega link

I didn't attach any mods, so remember to go to for the mods / Translations.

Edit: I though it was weird how hqbreaker mention that there weren't a maker included with the game... Since well, it is. From the bottom and up, box nr. 3 Is the actual game, while Box nr.4 is the Maker.

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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Force is more a type of coercion/blackmail that mostly really works on characters with the exploitable/masochist trait.

Here I was thinking it would factor in their fighting ability/size or something. Still makes me laugh that they can just casually decline to be forced into sex like any regular option. I guess if it's coercion it makes sense, they should alter the translation. It must be hard to put like hardcore rape in a game like this, I've never seen it. They don't even really do the "She's being raped but loves it after 10 seconds" type of encounter either. Maybe that's what the "Force" option is like in this game, I'll have to try it when the dialogue is translated.

Kind of disappointing that it isn't a valid option for every girl. I guess you couldn't continue your fantasy school life if you were in fantasy prison.
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