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SIM [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2 / ジンコウガクエン2

Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Anyone extremely familiar with AA? I'm ashamed to say that I didn't actually play it much so I'm worried that what I'm currently so excited about, is actually an old feature.. ><

If you remember the blue haired girl in my earlier post. She was my main character's 2nd lover, and turns out just being lovers doesn't guarantee sex. I'm guessing my main character's 1st lover was lewder since she never turned down sex from their first day as lovers.

Anyways the phenomenon I was so excited about was that the blue haired girl agreed to do ecchi activities as a reward should my main character excel in fitness scores. (Some guess work here, I understood that it referred to fitness, but didn't know if she wanted me to promote in rank or just get an A grade) Further checks with the statue revealed her status to sometimes show lewd promise (wow:eek:), and when talking to her, she wouldn't say her usual lines but instead more motivating lines (ganbatte), dangling the sweet promise of ecchi to my main character!:mad: Anyways, eventually one day she just pulled my main character all the way to her house after school and took charge and I must say, a girl with initiative is quite refreshing, looking forward to new tricks AA2 has up it's skirts. :p :p
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

"Q: Where can I find the love hotel?
A: The love hotel is located between the game center and karaoke bar on the main street. Simply click on the pink neon sign between the two while a character you wish to initiate sex with is following you. "

It's in the faq, lol.

The tips page was only the first two questions when I posted this, lol.
Thanks though.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The limitations on character creation right now are killing me, I can't make any of the anime girls I want. Please let there be a massive amount of mods soon. Going to keep using original girls until then, I hate the poorly made imitations, lol. (Need that delicious blunt hair style for Tsubaki from Mirai Nikki) Maybe I could figure out how to create them myself. I'd like to redo all the Monogatari girls as well. I hope they make it so you can add completely new hair styles instead of overwriting a current hair style.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

The limitations on character creation right now are killing me, I can't make any of the anime girls I want. Please let there be a massive amount of mods soon. Going to keep using original girls until then, I hate the poorly made imitations, lol. (Need that delicious blunt hair style for Tsubaki from Mirai Nikki) Maybe I could figure out how to create them myself. I'd like to redo all the Monogatari girls as well. I hope they make it so you can add completely new hair styles instead of overwriting a current hair style.

If you're confident in your skills, feel free to upload some of your characters. I'm fairly certain the character maker in AA2 is much more in-depth than its predecessor, but mods might have changed that.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I make characters all the time for games like this, but I've never modded. Atm I'm having trouble finding which programs are suitable for the task I'm attempting (Modifying hair or making accessories.). I don't know which tutorials/programs can apply to Artificial Academy files, and there are really no "beginner guides" that I can find on hongfire. It's one of those moments where actually working with a lot of this stuff would be easy, if people explained it a bit. You know a simple: These programs are used for this in AC2, that program does this, etc, etc.

It doesn't seem blender is capable of opening the files (At least like this.). I got that Sb3Utility but none of the exported file types can be opened with it apparently. I think I might need Maya or Metasequoia? I think both cost money.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Does anybody have ppextractor for modding ?
I find one link but when download and use it, it said " error reading file. "
and nothing happen ...please help.
umm... another program is okay.

Thank a lot
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Meta seems to be working for face morphing, so I'm playing with that right now. I don't like the default faces, changing them to be more anime-y and less dollish. I really hope I can export this after all this :p

Annoying that I don't seem to have the same options for some reason as the tutorials I'm looking up, I can't figure out how to add a background image because I have no "View" tab. Not sure if that's a premium only feature but it's making modeling obnoxious.

Does anybody have ppextractor for modding ?
I find one link but when download and use it, it said " error reading file. "
and nothing happen ...please help.
umm... another program is okay.

Thank a lot

I believe that's what you're looking for.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

does anybody know how to fix the random crash? I change my non-unicode language to Japanese and Format to Japanese but still didn't fix the error
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

does anybody know how to fix the random crash? I change my non-unicode language to Japanese and Format to Japanese but still didn't fix the error
I had the same problem. Unfortunatly the only way to fix it was to uninstall the game and delete all folders, switch my app locale to English and reinstall the game using HF pApploc. Just follow the steps at using english as your local setting, and make sure you properly name the folders.
Hope this helps hun.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I had the same problem. Unfortunatly the only way to fix it was to uninstall the game and delete all folders, switch my app locale to English and reinstall the game using HF pApploc. Just follow the steps at using english as your local setting, and make sure you properly name the folders.
Hope this helps hun.

Oh if it's that problem, you need to know that the typical Japanese unicode settings that allows you to play most H games isn't enough for these. You need to also set formats to Japanese in your Regions and Languages settings. It'll make a lot of your programs/clocks go Japanese though. You can probably tweak most things back to English, I went that route.

You'll know that's the problem if when you open the Character Editor, the names of characters will be garbled text instead of Japanese. Requires a complete reinstall as Cora has mentioned as well after you change it. Kind of sucks that you seem to either need to go full Japanese, or full English and use HF pApploc, since most other Jap h games only require half/half.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

need a mod to let you pick more then 2 traits...
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

need a mod to let you pick more then 2 traits...

It's a website where you let it take your card and you can edit any traits.. Granted an actual mod would be better, but this is the easiest way for now.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

So just a few quick questions; I have the translation patch and everything installed already (with the dialogue patch as well).

Can anyone tell me what flouride means? I know the translator for dialogue is a bit rough at the moment, but that term seems to come up a lot. The first girl I was with would often say "It is a good flouride" and it was pretty creepy.

Also, is there a way to get an npc to try to use the forced sex option on you? I've made a teacher character specifically for it, but I was impatient and made her love me immediately >.>

God, we need a mod to fix the aggressive interaction though... I hate having some slutty skank character burst into the room, interrupt MY H stuff, and then immediately start groping some other dude right next to me. The worst part is that I can't beat the shit out of her unless she agrees, and I can't make her go away!!!
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I really wish someone would come up with a high heel shoe mod, seriously, those school shoes they wear should be just banned :/
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

I'm sure there'll be plenty of mods in due time, I think a lot of people are waiting on the full translation or more official patches before starting though. Since it was just fully released, the build is unstable and subject to change after all.

Man you can make some girls nearly impossible to sex. It's taking me weeks to sex anybody in this current test game. Funny that some girls can take a day, others take nearly a month. It's almost too realistic >.> I wouldn't mind the month thing if there was more to do than just the same ol cycle of text options day in and day out. I've found with the difficult girls, it's better to avoid asking for sex and let them offer it themselves. You seem to take a pretty big relationship hit if sex or h stuff fails. Their friendship points might be high, but love points can take much, much longer. It's pretty misleading.
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Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

There's already an AAEdit with N# of traits and H-preference. I am currently using it myself. It's on a single post on Hongfire mod release thread, have fun digging. (Easy to miss) On the other hand, that rainbow modifier ... I got those the hard way. The traiter will be useful for that at least.

1) Max character sports ability
2) Selected PC
3) Rainbow card effect
The next best thing to instant movement. That and facepalming at the fact that you entered the girl's bathroom/locker room by accident before you realize it happening.

Man you can make some girls nearly impossible to sex. It's taking me weeks to sex anybody in this current test game. Funny that some girls can take a day, others take nearly a month.
My current record is within 2 period on the first day. i.e.
Hit on in the morning, after the morning meeting, confirm relationship -> sex.
= =
The really awkward part of the above is that the girl didn't have lewd trait. That love at first sight and compatibility is scaring me.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

So just a few quick questions; I have the translation patch and everything installed already (with the dialogue patch as well).

Can anyone tell me what flouride means? I know the translator for dialogue is a bit rough at the moment, but that term seems to come up a lot. The first girl I was with would often say "It is a good flouride" and it was pretty creepy.

Also, is there a way to get an npc to try to use the forced sex option on you? I've made a teacher character specifically for it, but I was impatient and made her love me immediately >.>

God, we need a mod to fix the aggressive interaction though... I hate having some slutty skank character burst into the room, interrupt MY H stuff, and then immediately start groping some other dude right next to me. The worst part is that I can't beat the shit out of her unless she agrees, and I can't make her go away!!!

I believe fluoride is sex or at least some form of sexual interaction. I've seen too many instances where it would make the most sense if it were that. One of which was the teacher spamming, "I can't wait for the fluoride" until I raised my sports score and she rewarded me at home. Just my guess though.
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Okay, decided to take a break from Wildstar today to look at this. It's definitely a step up from he first AA. Somethings are better; the AI is more social now, and interacts with each other a lot more, being able to befriend or romance people without constant study session and things like that, and areas where you can go h it up undisturbed. Although, the game overall still doesn't offer much to vary up the interactions with characters. The teacher mechanic is okay at best, it doesn't really do anything other than special dialogue and relationships (and getting fired because the class prez saw you banging somebody.) One thing that really bugs me is the well... bugged out statue, it makes it somewhat unreliable in determining your standing with someone; it'll probably be patched at some point but for now you're better off using the success rate to determine relationships. As for how often some characters put out, it's really varied. My first playthrough my pc got a lover day one, they didn't h till day two but one of her traits had her dragging my pc off to constantly have sex with him (passionate.) My second playthrough it took a bit more effort to gain lover status but her libido stayed, she executed h pretty much twice in a row! And this talk of marriage... Oh s*** it's Harriet the band geek all over again :(
Re: [Illusion] Artifical Academy 2

Oh I found out how force option works. Rather than the usual interactions that start off with somewhat decent chances and lower if you fail them, force only raises if you keep spamming it at the girl. You'll start off at 3% for "Show that" option, after a few tries it'll go up to 60-99, then a couple more it goes up to 999%. You can do that with any of the options. The girl should hate you even if the sex goes well (And she is masochist), so I guess that's kind of a way to "bully" girls if you're interested in that. Because they hate you, they also won't follow you places, I'm not sure if there's a way around that but it makes finishing H with them quite difficult.

The "Wear this" option makes it seem like you might be able to force them to change outfits, but even when it succeeds, she doesn't change for me. Though they do change their attitude and hold their skirts. If only you could force a girl to walk around school naked or in her panties~

Girls without exploitable still seem completely immune to any force options. I spammed it at a girl for quite a while and never got anything but 0%. Good to know that they don't need masochist as well as exploitable though to get it to work, you just need like an entire period to devote to harassing a girl. Perfect for your unholy teacher/student relations :p Teacher should get a bonus on force options against students, lol.

Okay, decided to take a break from Wildstar today to look at this. It's definitely a step up from he first AA. Somethings are better; the AI is more social now, and interacts with each other a lot more, being able to befriend or romance people without constant study session and things like that, and areas where you can go h it up undisturbed. Although, the game overall still doesn't offer much to vary up the interactions with characters.

The teacher mechanic is okay at best, it doesn't really do anything other than special dialogue and relationships (and getting fired because the class prez saw you banging somebody.) One thing that really bugs me is the well... bugged out statue, it makes it somewhat unreliable in determining your standing with someone; it'll probably be patched at some point but for now you're better off using the success rate to determine relationships.

Holy wall of text. I haven't tried being a teacher yet, but from the npc teachers, all I really notice is that they're harder to smex up, they go to class like everybody else, it's a little weird. Doesn't seem to add much to a player being a teacher over a normal student then since it's your choice to accept sex. I agree I was hoping for a little more in the way of interactions and things to do with the girls, all these games are like 95% hentai and 5% story/love sim.

The statue shows your temporary relationship with people. The relationships in this game are quite complex, it seems. There's a long term friend and lover score as you'd think of it, but there's also short term ones I think. You can pretty easily raise your temporary scores with a girl, but the long term ones can take weeks if she doesn't have the proper traits. In this way, it's more difficult to permanently raise and lower your scores with a girl. I like it.

Many of the H scenes are locked until you max or near max out your love score, so that's a good way of monitoring that. I have 200-800% H interactions scores with one of my test girls and she would barely let me fuck her for like two weeks, and she's not even as difficult as a girl can be (Above average virtue is a bitch for long term H scores).

You can test the long term friend score by a week or two into your game, if you regularly have been talking to girl but not doing any H/love stuff with her, she may still be a "Classmate" on the statue, but she'll also talk to you more often, follow you around more, and her interactions will all have a higher success chance than when you first started playing, even if she was a Classmate then too. By a couple weeks into the game, even people who seem like they don't like you by the statue will be all up in your biz. I have random girls asking me to lunch and solo interactions even though they're like "I don't know" on the statue, just because I talked to them in passing every day for a couple weeks.
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