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RPG RPG Maker [ ゆりうさぎ] 少女@オンライン RJ133323

Re: 少女@オンライン

seems promising but not much you can do in this trial as far as i can tell. character creation is nice touch

It's a revamp of the old system to be more open and at least right now it's got potential (albeit still need more stuffs in to be proper trial I guess)

"Tutorial" stuffs:
-character creation includes picking 2 things:
-Initial passives (both the passive/active part of this can be bought at Agil later)
-Initial weapon choice (you can equip something else to learn skills later, so I'd recommend picking based on the passive it gives which can't be bought at Agil...btw I picked Katana for the TP regen which also work outside of combat...meaning my MC almost always starts a fight with max TP)

you start at the fight with Heathcliff, the result gives you either:
Win: "Irregular" skill, increasing all your stats by 5%
Lose: "Beater" skill, makes you gets 2x exp (*coughCheatEnginetomaxlevelcough*)

then the 'plot' makes it so everyone suddenly reset their level/skills and are now stuck in that town, with only transport gate to dungeons being available

The tutorial then basically asks you to clear the lv 1 dungeon with one partner

After that you're free to do whatever you want.
The center includes the teleport gate, Agil's shop (basically the inn/skill teaching) and bathhouse.

West side is the item/weapon/armor shop and Liz's store
East side is redlight district, don't think you can do anything here atm.
North is a church, for marrying.

H content for now
Basically the new system is now a stat value rather than the previous demo of event-based (for example in the old demo Silica loves you after beating the demo boss)
Due to the actual process will take a while, the author have decided to make one girl available from the go, Asuna (as well as putting her at a point where you two have already done it)

To have sex simply invites her on a date and takes her to your room, the bed will have H option.
There is an adult toy shop in redlight district that opens after 16:00 and sell a few toys that can be used during H scene.

(I tried cheating the love value on another girl to where they're willing to date and try to take her to the room, but she rejects it on notion of "not unless we're really going out first")

There's 2 dungeons + 1 extra boss.

First is the tutorial dungeon, ending with kobold boss fight

Second dungeon ends with plant boss, rebalanced to be less obnoxious with minion spam.

After the 2nd boss you meet Leafa, although the author mentions that you can't get her in your party right now, the next update will includes another dungeon for you to properly get her to shows up.

The extra boss is a dragon with 2 gimmicks:
1. It occasionally goes into defensive/counter stance, so watch for its status icon before deciding whether to attack or not.
2. It summons 2 crystal thing that after a few turn try to do something...(probably explode? I usually kill them asap so eh)
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Re: 少女@オンライン

It kinda sounds like he's basing his system on Hollow Fragment.
Re: 少女@オンライン

OK. I like this game.

Any estimated release date?
Re: 少女@オンライン

0.92b trial is up at the blog.
bug fixes:
-Bug where if you're on a date and go to the bath, the character will appear both inside the bath and following you.
-Bug there status at the shop window isn't properly updated
-The 3rd boss bug that I previously mentioned

-Now you can talk to your party members by going back to your room (previously you had to remove them from party and go find them in town)
-When removing party member, now you can just choose to disband party
And because of this, the MC's room layout has been changed.
Re: 少女@オンライン

Another blog update, no new trial yet though :v
Stuffs planned for 0.93:
Randomly generated dungeon

Event to make Leafa appears in town (and thus recruit-able)

1 more yuri event

Recollection room

Also part of the Q&A mentions you'll have the option of turning off hetero scenes '. '
Re: 少女@オンライン

Also part of the Q&A mentions you'll have the option of turning off hetero scenes '. '

I personally don't care about this as I'm a guy, but I guess this shows how serious the developer(s) are about appealing to yuri fans.
Re: 少女@オンライン

' 3' So, the author make a post saying that 0.93 trial will be out 10th July...and that it's the more proper trial if I'm reading it correctly.
Re: 少女@オンライン

So, the author posted a 0.92+ (basically an 'almost' 0.93, but missing some of the promised content, like more yuri scene) on the blog.

The changes are
raw text:

My translation from google-fuing
New Dungeon
Filter for turning off non-yuri scenes
Prostitution (male partner only)
Add recollection room.
Additional of slant movement (diagonal movement?)
Change item prices/money gain.
Change town layout
Enables Leafa AND SHINON for partying
Change some BGM/SE
"Coordinate skills"
Up the level cap to 20
More bug fixes
Change the rate of gauge rising in free H mode
More explanations added (but for now in a memo, eventually will be added into the game)

And due to the many changes, it's recommended you don't port over 0.92 save to 0.92+

EDIT: Decrypt file for lulz, saw this
; ^ ; *feels*
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Re: 少女@オンライン

I want this. He/She/They has/have three days to make their July deadline. However, if it doesn't come out until the end of NEXT month, it'd make a fine birthday present. I'd also like to see one getting the Sorter and Yariel treatment onc it comes out ... if their schedule allows.
Re: 少女@オンライン

I want this. He/She/They has/have three days to make their July deadline. However, if it doesn't come out until the end of NEXT month, it'd make a fine birthday present. I'd also like to see one getting the Sorter and Yariel treatment onc it comes out ... if their schedule allows.

:v The author is going to delay is because he wants to polish it more

Latest blog update is still the usual a bit of Q&A and normal blog post. (Well, he said 0.93, where there'll be more events, include should be done soon)

One interesting thing mentioned is the Hate system (i.e. aggro) :v if done right it'd be quite interesting since you can actually split roles instead of just praying the enemy doesn't just randomly target your clothies like in other RPGs.
Re: 少女@オンライン

allso in the demo that's not sex toy
Re: 少女@オンライン

allso in the demo that's not sex toy

Unless the ++ version changed it, you were able to buy sex toy in the red light district, the store open late at night though.
Re: 少女@オンライン

which have been found and even bought but can use one does not.
Re: 少女@オンライン

which have been found and even bought but can use one does not.

Take Asuna and go to your room, the bed should have the heart mark and you'll have sex with her, (again, assuming it didn't get removed in ++) you should be able to use it there.
Re: 少女@オンライン

Aaaaand DLSite still says July.
Why can they not tell DLsite they'll be late, again?

Tis a shame as I really, really want this. I love me a bit of Yuri.
Re: 少女@オンライン

Aaaaand DLSite still says July.
Why can they not tell DLsite they'll be late, again?

Tis a shame as I really, really want this. I love me a bit of Yuri.

The author plan to update new release date when he get a new stable trial out (which should be 0.93 :v)

Since the old vision vs the new is quite different (the old was following SAO story but with yuri, the new is basically heathcliff retreats on floor 75 after the fight, and on the next floor everyone get cutoff from the previous floors + all their stats reset to lv 1)
Re: 少女@オンライン

So besides being SAO with yuri... what else does it offer? Just basically consensual yuri?

Not a bad thing, of course, but curious.
Re: 少女@オンライン

I know there's prostitution, but not too sure beyond that. Also there will also be straight sex, it's not just yuri.