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RPG RPG Maker [ ゆりうさぎ] 少女@オンライン RJ133323

Re: 少女@オンライン

Only Asuna has this "Free mode" though, from what I can tell. Silica has the first scene, but no free stuff, and Lisbeth doesn't have anything yet.

the brothel can only be opened between 16 and 4, (use bench to advance time) and AFAICT only has a blowjob scene for 10k col. I didn't try taking Agil or Klein though, because i can't work out how to boost their affection, even with Yurimode off.

the love hotel doesn't seem to have anything at all, and the building south of the love hotel is the toystore.

Love Hotel hasn't been done yet...well, looking at how many "not available in demo stuffs" there's a lot really.

:v Well, as far as the recollection room have:
First time with Asuna/Silica each.

Late night sneak to Asuna room (Asuna x Liz)
^This require Asuna to have H experience (i.e. you had sex with her) then gift her the shower set from Argo's gifts (the cloaked person in front of hotel, the 500 item she sells give a random gift, it's the purple bottle one)

Fellatio at brothel

Free H with Asuna.

Just those 5.

Some other things:
-Breaking up reset the girl's love level to 0, but it's not permanent (if you get it over 70 again they'll accept the confession again)

-You can tell who has aggro with the red sword icon on their character (although sadly since 'tank' armors also slows the hell out of you :v highly recommend using the first turn to buff your party while the tank build aggro first) - Aggro basically make any single target attack from the enemy only aim towards the aggro target, AoE attacks/counters will still hit normally.

(a repeat)- First skill choice at character creation doesn't matter, you can learn those at Egil later.
-2nd one (weapon choice) is mainly for the passive and the initial skill, chances are you'll use dual wield (and its skill set) as soon as you unlock it anyway.
But the special bonuses are:
One Hand Sword - +10% counter chance
Rapier - +1 hit count (stacking hit counts can make normal attacks do way more damage than skills)
Short Sword - 20% speed + 20% crit
war Hammer - +20% defense, -10% damage taken
Two hand sword - +20% attack
Two hand axe - +10% HP regen
Spear - +10% MP regen
Katana - +10% TP regen

Out of these, I'd say Katana's TP regen is the strongest for skill spamming,
spear's extra MP for buffing/healing
and Short Sword or 2H sword for general offense (hit count stacking is pretty easy with dual wield) though I'd lean on short sword since the extra speed will help counter heavy armor's speed reduction if you use Kirika as tank
Re: 少女@オンライン

You probably have non-yuri filter on (disable all non-yuri events)

Go to your room, check the book, 2nd option and pick OFF.

Oh so THAT'S what the option was for. I thought it was like for... the talking mouths or something.

That's kinda neat though, to have a "yuri guard" for those who just want the yuri content.

For the brothel scene, it seems to have a change once you've done it enough, but I'm not sure what that really signifies. Not sure what the "stats" it increases mean either.
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Re: 少女@オンライン

Oh so THAT'S what the option was for. I thought it was like for... the talking mouths or something.

That's kinda neat though, to have a "yuri guard" for those who just want the yuri content.

For the brothel scene, it seems to have a change once you've done it enough, but I'm not sure what that really signifies. Not sure what the "stats" it increases mean either.

:v Probably just your character being better at it or more lewd, pick one (I only went and did it once to check the condition for you)

And the sexual stat have things like desire, sexual experience in areas.

I mean, amongst the gift items there's a dog collar, which while they accept, it gives a minimal amount of point (1, highest I've got is 5 with the ring) but I somewhat expect it to be for a scene or that if the girl is lewd enough it'll be more effective..
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Re: 少女@オンライン

A question: How do I remove a girl from the party?

And a strange bug a noticed: When talking to the girls one of the options is to give a gift. Even if you have no gifts at all you can still "gift" the girl: Simply select the gift option and on the next screen select the the only option available (an empty choice). What's more, if you do this the points you get are equal to the points you got for your last gift. So if the very last actual gift you gave earned you 3 points with a girl, then all such "empty" gifts will also earn you 3 points.
Re: 少女@オンライン

A question: How do I remove a girl from the party?

And a strange bug a noticed: When talking to the girls one of the options is to give a gift. Even if you have no gifts at all you can still "gift" the girl: Simply select the gift option and on the next screen select the the only option available (an empty choice). What's more, if you do this the points you get are equal to the points you got for your last gift. So if the very last actual gift you gave earned you 3 points with a girl, then all such "empty" gifts will also earn you 3 points.

Talk to Egil there's an option to dismiss party, and you can pick specific person to remove or just disband the whole party.

An interesting bug you found there '. '
Re: 少女@オンライン

Thank you! Now I can finally see the H scenes!
Re: 少女@オンライン

havent heard anything from the dev for about a month now. game was supposed to come out late october.. wonder what happened.
Re: 少女@オンライン

It's probably been delayed. Happens rather a lot with DLSite releases.

I wonder though, do you think it's intentional that Asuna strongly resembles Kagurazaka from Negima? Seems like either imitation or inspiration to me.
Re: 少女@オンライン

that would be the sensible reaction normally, but the dev had been posting regular updates before suddenly vanishing (now almost 2 months ago) this time and even the blog is infested with ads because of inactivity. Considering the fact that the game was apparently almost done this is pretty odd. very unfortunate if this somehow cancelled now since I was looking forward to buying it.
Re: 少女@オンライン

You and I both.
It is quite strange for this to just *poof*
Re: 少女@オンライン

I hope it's not suddenly dead or something, I was actually looking forward to this one being released.
Re: 少女@オンライン

How exactly do you trigger H Scenes with the girls? Ive gotten them to 100 but nothing yet. do i have to take them somewhere special or talk to them in the tavern?
Re: 少女@オンライン

How exactly do you trigger H Scenes with the girls? Ive gotten them to 100 but nothing yet. do i have to take them somewhere special or talk to them in the tavern?

Be on a date with them then take them to your room (only Silica's 1st time is enable, Asuna can be repeated)
Re: 少女@オンライン

Ah ha, i kept hitting join party instead of date .. derp
Re: 少女@オンライン

Does anyone know whatever happened to this game?
Re: 少女@オンライン

no one seems to know, refer to artist comments on pixiv here:

Re: 少女@オンライン

Wait, judging by the description it sounds like it's still being made? I thought it died.

EDIT: Oh, from the comment it sounds like the artist has nothing to do with the game release date and such, so nothing is answered. =(
Re: 少女@オンライン

Wait, judging by the description it sounds like it's still being made? I thought it died.

EDIT: Oh, from the comment it sounds like the artist has nothing to do with the game release date and such, so nothing is answered. =(

Yeah, it's dead. Artist's comment starts out with "this is from a while back" kind of shoots down any recent interaction.