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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As the trio walked along, with Viridiana keeping them on the main path, they ran into a trio of scylla that wanted to grab them, but they didn't dare while Viridiana was there with them. "Begone with you. if you touch these two, I will punish you for it," Viridiana said, with the trio leaving them in peace, though they did look at them hungrily with naughty looks.

Agnes didn't look to be horny right now from what Sophia could tell. It was possible that she was simply turned on so much from the situation, then again however, it could have been because of some other reason. "Sophia... what's wrong?" Agnes asked Sophia while they walked along, with Viridiana rounding a corner of the path and going out of sight for the moment.

If Sophia didn't wish to talk however, she would have the chance soon enough when Viridiana left them at the entrance of the caverns. "I shall keep an eye on Adriana for you until your return when you can take her along," Viridiana said, smiling softly before heading on back inside, leaving them alone again outside, where they saw the sun was starting to set.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia just smiled faintly. "Ill tell you later in private." Once they reached the exit Sophia gave Lady Viridiana a bow and thanked her for her hospitality. After a pleasant and sincere goodbye she would head out with Agnes into the light of the actual sun. It wasn't long after that, Sophia spoke her mind. "Agnes... I'm thinking about giving up on finding that Succubus. My pride as a warrior is not so important as to endanger someone I love. That vile creatures of lust and would use our connection to her advantage. I cannot face her alone however so I would be willing to lay down my arms and spend my days with you... if you want that....."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"What? No Sophia, you can't abandon your quest. Not because of me. I would never forgive myself if I was the cause of that. I promised I would help you bring her to justice to the best of my abilities, and I mean just that," Agnes said, genuinely looking like she didn't want Sophia to abandon her quest. "Even if you don't find her in the end, at the very least we can maybe help some people around this world and hopefully undo some of the wrongs that she might have caused," she went on to say, hugging Sophia tightly.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia returned the hug having tears in her own eyes. Though deep down she still had that lingering sense that both her an Agnes were in deep danger. Breaking away and drying her eyes a little Sophia lead them on to the town. They would have some explaining to do... and it would not be easy.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Come on Sophia, I know we can handle this. And I want to be with you while you search. Besides, the mortal world is very beautiful, and it's even more beautiful with you in it with me," Agnes told Sophia as they broke their hug, with Agnes drying Sophia's eyes and kissing her on the cheek.

Heading back to town, the two angels hid their true natures once more as they neared the edges of the place, where they then made for their room at the Inn. After cleaning up a little, Agnes suggested they go to the adventurer's guild hall on their way to the dinner they'd been invited to so they could turn in the job stuff.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Comforted but unsure still about the whole mission Sophia would lead on. "What should we tell the guild? If we tell them there are monster they might send foolish adventurers who stab first and ask questions later." Sophia didn't want to see innocents on either side hurt over a misunderstanding though honestly the scylla needed to learn their place. As the town came into view she would stop so that both her and Agnes would come to a decision. "Tell the truth or just deliver a vague warning. They couldn't lie about it as it was against their nature.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I think I can handle it. You want to go get us some clothes to change into and I'll meet you over at the bathhouse?" Agnes said, looking confident that she could keep more adventurers from heading up there to the cavern.

If Sophia agreed, then Agnes would nod and head off towards the guild hall while Sophia went back to the Inn to grab them both some clothes. A few minutes passed as she made her way down to the bathhouse connected to the Inn before Agnes showed up, a bit of a blush on her face as she entered the bath with Sophia.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Raising her eyebrow at her blushing friend Sophia spoke. "What happened to make you so flustered Agnes?" Waiting for her friend to speak she began to slip into the water herself her cloths already neatly folded as her perfect heart shaped ass sunk into the steaming water. It was then that Agnes would notice that were Sophia's wings would be if they were manifested sat two stylized wing tattoos.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"N-Nothing... it's nothing," Agnes replied, blushing even deeper before her head began to sink under the water and Sophia could swear that there was steam hissing up from Agnes' head.

If pushed any at all by Sophia, Agnes would mumble something before throwing her hands over her face and looking incredibly embarrassed. "He... he asked me out on a date... w-when I came through to the bathhouse," she stammered out finally loud enough for Sophia to hear.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled "Is that all?" Moving closer she pulled Agnes closer so she rested on her shoulder. "Well what did you tell him? Yes or no? Personally I think you should. It might give you practice if we are going to be here awhile. After all we do stand out beauty wise. So I doubt we won't get our fair share of requests. Lets just hope most of them are polite and innocent as the young man's." Twirling a strand of Agnes's hair in her finger Sophia relaxed. "I guess we met up with Adriana and our contact tomorrow. She's a brave woman letting her children go. I just hope things go well for the young ones."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I... I told Michael yes, that I would go on a date with him," Agnes said, her cheeks looking near to catching flame as Sophia held her against herself. Poor Agnes was so flustered by this that she didn't even notice anything Sophia might do, be it a hug, a grope of her butt, anything, though a kiss on her lips would snap Agnes out of her flustered state and she would melt in Sophia's arms.

"I-I'm sure everything will work out Sophia, you must have faith that it will," Agnes then told Sophia about Adriana letting her children go like she was, for now at least.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Pulling her friend and lover close Sophia kissed her lightly on the forehead and hugged her tight. "Im sure your right but! Its time to get cleaned up and out of the bath". Turning Agnes around Sophia began to help wash her friend cleaning her good from head to toe. When that was done she let Agnes do the same before getting out and getting dressed. "So what did you tell the guild?"
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, we should get done in here," Agnes agreed, letting Sophia wash her off before returning the favor.

As Agnes washed her body, Sophia felt her smooth hands caressing her skin, and gently massaging her as they went. She lathered Sophia's body up with soap and made sure that when she began rinsing with the water bucket that Sophia was squeaky clean.

"Oh I told them that there wasn't much in there other than a good place to make camp for the night to get out of the weather. No need to tell them about the secret passageway and stuff I figured. It wasn't an outright lie, as they never asked me if there was a secret passageway or anything. All they asked was what was in the cave," Agnes told Sophia when asked about what she'd told the guild about their mission. "And they gave us some gold as payment. I put it in our room before I came in here," she added.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Good we are going to need that as we travel." Helping Agnes dry off Sophia spoke again. "Plus we are going to need to buy Adrianna some cloths. We can't have her walking around naked all the time right." With that done the girls headed back to the inn. Sophia herself kept an eye out for the girl that asked them about their hair. After all its not like Sophia ever went on a date in her life and they would need expert opinions if we wanted to make it a success for Agnes.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, and yes we will need to get her some clothes if she's to travel with us. At least a couple of outfits anyway," Agnes said as they climbed out of the baths and Sophia helped her to dry off, returning the favor and kissing Sophia on the lips as they finished up. "Thanks for the help drying off, and for everything else," Agnes went on to say.

With that, the pair headed out from the bathhouse and back to the Inn proper. As they walked in, Sophia caught sight of Vanessa in the tavern area carrying some food to a table for some customers. She noticed the two and waved at them before coming over before they went upstairs to change for the dinner they were invited to. "Hey you two, how have you been?" Vanessa asked them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Good good and you?" Greetings aside Sophia waited a moment before asking Vanessa for help. "Hey Vanessa we could actually use your help. Agnes and I are traveling adventurers and as such we don't really have a lot of room in our kits to keep nicer cloths in you see." Sophia could see Agnes start to blush and tried to hurry the request along. "Well Michael asked Agnes out on a date and I was wondering if you could help her get ready.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I'm doing fine. And I see," Vanessa said, tapping her chin before Sophia told her that Michael had asked Agnes on a date. "What? I can't believe that shy guy asked Agnes out. I've been trying to get him to go out with me on a date for a year and he's just too shy. You lucky gal you. He is a handsome guy," Vanessa went on to say.

"Alright come on, I'll see if I got any nice dresses you can wear. I think we're around the same size in all but the chest," Vanessa said, grabbing Agnes' and Sophia's hands and leading them along. "Hey boss I'm taking my break, I'll be back in twenty," Vanessa called back to the tavern area as she led the girls out.

Vanessa brought the two of them upstairs to her room, where she told them to sit down on the bed while she opened her closet door up. Looking around the room, Sophia saw it was larger than hers and Agnes' room somewhat, and it only had one bed instead of two like their room. "So what's your favorite color Agnes?" Vanessa asked curiously from her closet.

"Um... red, like my hair, and gold too, but red more," Agnes replied shyly.

"Oooh, sexy. I don't have one quite as beautifully red as your hair though unfortunately. But I might know someone who can help you with that. I got a couple of favors I can call in to borrow you a outright get you a dress," Vanessa said with a smile, winking at Agnes.

"Well, we could always ask that girl's parents if they could buy me one I suppose, hmhm," Agnes said after a few moments, giggling as she glanced over at Sophia. "When we go over there shortly I mean," she added.

"Hey it's up to you. Just let me know before your date and I'll see what I can do for you, it's the least I can do for the help with my hair," Vanessa told them before sitting a light gold colored dress down on the bed. "If you can settle for this color though, you can just have it. I've got a few extras, and I can help you to let the chest out too to... you know, encompass these big melons you have here," Vanessa then said as she sat down behind Agnes and gently cupped her hands over Agnes' breasts and gave them a couple of playful squeezes, which made Agnes blush deeper and let out a little squeal, though she didn't look like it bothered her that much and more took her by surprise.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smirked and looked over the gold dress picturing it on Agnes. "I like the gold myself I think it would look dazzling on you. But it is your call." Sophia watched Vanessa tease Agnes a little. Her friend certainly opened up a little sense their trip to the sanctuary. Maybe... maybe she should do the same. In stead of fearing the intimate contact embrace it. Still after Agnes made her choice Sophai would talk with Vanessa while Agnes tried out the dress. Mostly little stuff nothing too in depth.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I think the gold would go better with your hair too Agnes. Your hair is just... gorgeous, and meshes perfectly with the gold. You're a bit larger in the chest area though like I said before, so I'll need to alter it a little. Shouldn't take long though. Just need to let the hem out a bit," Vanessa said, agreeing with Sophia about the gold dress.

"Well, you've got until tomorrow night for that," Agnes replied, blushing a bit as she picked up the gold dress and held it up in front of her for the two to see.

While Sophia thought things over in her mind, she remembered what the high priestess had said about even angels having carnal urges from time to time, that even she did, despite being the high priestess. The thought came to her that maybe they were feeling the way they were because neither her nor Agnes ever had any carnal urges like this before. "I can have the hem fixed on this pretty quick. Just gonna have to get some gold colored thread and stuff and I could probably have this done in an hour," Vanessa said, shaking Sophia from her reverie.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh no rush Vanessa we have till tomorrow besides we don't want to get you trouble here at work." She gave the barmaid a warm smile before standing up. Giving Vanessa a hug before moving to the door. "Thanks Vanessa. I have to admit I'm rather clueless about dates and such myself. I doubt I would be able to properly prepare Agnes." Sophia waited to see if Agnes was ready if not she would let her know she would be outside in the fresh air.

Once Agnes caught up with her she would make their way to the family for the promised dinner. During the walk she would talk to Agnes about when they were supposed to meet up with Adrianna.