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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh you won't get me in trouble. I'm the best waitress the tavern has, they won't fire me for missing a few extra minutes or anything," Vanessa replied, waving her hand a bit at Sophia and Agnes and returning Sophia's hug. "It's alright honey, you girls just talk to me if you need some pointers. Just... don't do anything with him on the first date okay. He'll think you're easy," she added before the girls left, to which Agnes blushed furiously again as she and Sophia left.

Agnes went back to their room to brush her hair out some before returning about five minutes later, coming out with her long beautiful red hair brushed so finely that it made her look absolutely gorgeous even without being fancied up with makeup and that gold dress they picked out with Vanessa. "So... I think the place is up this way," Agnes said, pointing off towards the house they were expected at. "And I believe we're supposed to meet up with her tomorrow or the day after, sometime around noon on one of those days," she went on to say, tapping her chin with her index finger as she thought about it.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia nodded "Ill check tomorrow to make sure. Wouldn't want them to wait a whole extra day because we forgot." Sophia smiled lightly enjoying her walk with Agnes. "So when did Michael want to go on this date?" As per usual ever sense the incident Sophia kept a roving eye for trouble. While no doubt her rapist was long gone on to other prey she still felt an unnerving chill from time to time. Still if they were left alone they would no doubt find themselves in front of the door. It seemed strange to revisit this place again but at lest this time it was on a happier note. Lifting her hand she would gently knock.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright, that sounds fine to me," Agnes said softly as they neared the home they were going to. "And... sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening, he wasn't completely specific about it," she added as they came within sight of the house.

When they knocked on the door, Karen, Lisa's mother, answered the door. "Oh good you both made it. Please come on in and join us. Dinner just got finished actually. I hope you both like roast beef," the woman said, bowing a little and welcoming both angels into their home.

As they walked inside and took their seats at the dinner table, Sophia and Agnes both saw that the table wasn't overly fancy or anything, but they could tell that this family was well off. "Thank you again miss Sophia and miss Agnes, for finding me," Lisa said, hugging both of the angels and kissing them on the cheek before taking her seat too.

"Oh well you're very welcome Lisa. And from now on you know not to go into the woods without someone there to keep an eye on you," Agnes replied, returning the hug and kissing Lisa on the forehead.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled "I'm just glad we found you." Taking her seat she looked over the family. She had never really sat and ate with mortals having usually kept to herself to keep her cover while she patrolled. It seemed she would see how the family enjoyed their meals. Seeing the delicious spread however she had to comment. "Oh how wonderful, the smell is divine."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Me too, and thank you again," Lisa said, hugging Sophia again before taking her seat.

"Thank you miss Sophia. I appreciate your kind words," Karen said with a smile at Sophia's comment about the food.

The food was delicious Sophia found as soon as they began eating, and Agnes apparently thought so too as her eyes lit up at the first bite. There was plenty to eat, so Sophia could get all she liked, and was even encouraged to eat as much as she wished by Karen. Agnes did so, finishing off her food after a few minutes and getting a second helping of everything, though a smaller portion that time around. Sophia did still feel a little hungry after all of the things she and Agnes had been through that day, the magic energies they'd both expended being more than enough to bring them a great hunger in order to help replenish their energies.

While they all ate, Karen asked the girls how they kept their hair so beautiful, seeming to like both and wanting to touch their hair too. After they finished dinner itself, Karen brought out a cherry pie for them to have for dessert. Agnes looked simply delighted at the sight of the cherry pie, perking up and all the food in her belly already seemingly disappearing to make room for the dessert.


"The food was simply delicious Karen. Thank you both for inviting us over," Agnes said, complimenting the food with a bright smile after they finished it all off.

"If you like, you two can stay in the guest room for the night unless you have somewhere else to stay that is. It's the least we could do to thank you after all," Arnold then told them both.

Agnes looked over at Sophia, seeing if she wanted to stay there for the night, or if she'd rather head back to the inn to their room. It seemed that she didn't mind either from the looks of it.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia did take a second helping listing in on the families discussion. As the meal wrapped up however it seemed that they had been invited to stay for a night. Thinking only a moment she spoke. "Humm an actual bed might be better than the stiff one's at the inn. But Im not sure we should impose ourselves." No doubt Lisa would try to convince them to stay and for Sophia it wouldn't take much. However Agnes was her own person and she did have a date to get ready for.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh please, it wouldn't be too much trouble for us if you both stayed with us for one night at least," Karen said, waving a hand at them to ease any worries they might have. "We have a couple of guest rooms if you'd like your own rooms for the evening. Or if you don't mind sleeping together then we have one guest room with a larger bed," she went on to tell them both.

"Sure, I don't mind staying. We'll take the double bed, we don't mind sleeping together at all. We're good friends and we're traveling together and all, so it's only natural we'd share a bed to sleep," Agnes said after a few moments.

Karen smiled and got up, ringing a little bell, where a couple of handmaids, one an elf, and the other a strange looking human girl that looked like she had cat ears on her head instead of human ears. "Girls, prepare one of the guest rooms with the double beds," Karen said, where both of the handmaids bowed and with a smile they headed upstairs, with Sophia and Agnes spotting a cats tail poking out of the back of the maid's dress on her, the thing swishing around happily.

"Would you two care to join us for a nightcap shortly? We have some fine wines and other drinks that you could partake in," Arnold asked them, offering wine and other drinks for them to have before bed.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia raised an eyebrow. It seemed strange that the family wanted them to stay over. Still Agnes seemed alright with it and it was true that she had little experience in regards to most human customs. At the offer of a night cap Sophia refused politely explaining that she preferred to get up early to begin her training and didn't want to sleep to long. This let Agnes indulge if she wanted and would ease her slight paranoia. The situation was likely benign but Sophia would take no chances this night.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes accepted their offer of the nightcap and told Sophia that she would be along shortly to get in the bed. After Sophia went on to the bedroom, with one of the maids showing her there, she found that while it wasn't lavishly furnished, it was much better than their room at the inn. There was a single double bed with soft red silk sheets and a nice thick blanket to keep them warm through the night.

After Sophia had laid down and was going to bed, Agnes came in a while later, stumbling thanks to the dark in the bedroom. "Oops, hey Sophia, sorry I was gone so long. Karen and I talked for a while about stuff. She was asking what sort of things we use for our hair and stuff, so I was giving her some tips to use for her own hair. And then we talked about some wine and stuff. I've never really tasted wine before tonight anywhere save the temple. I didn't realize just how good it tastes and stuff," Agnes told Sophia as she got over to the bed, slipping her slippers off and pulling her clothes off and changing into her night clothes, which consisted of her white panties and a short white shirt.

Sophia felt Agnes slide up against her, snuggling close for warmth as she laid her head down on the pillows. Sophia could also smell wine on Agnes's breath, and found that it was a bit strong, indicating that she'd drank a good bit of it before coming to bed.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oi Agnes take it easy on the wine. Remember anything in excess is bad for you." Sophia kept a playful hint in her voice but drew Agnes in close for warmth and the closeness of her body. Thankfully she had been feeling rather calm about her desires. Just having Agnes close soothed them and their recent escapades in the caves had relieved a great deal of stress and had taught her a valuable lesson. Never let them build up into that much excess. If that... thing had caught her in that state.....

Brushing the dark thought aside Sophia kissed Agnes on the forehead before letting herself drift off to sleep one armed draped over Agnes protectively the supporting her own head under a pillow.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I know Sophia, don't worry. I just, thought the wine tasted really good is all. I promise I'll be more careful in the future," Agnes said softly as she lie there with Sophia.

Just before Sophia drifted off, she heard Agnes moan softly in her sleep. "I love you Sophia," Agnes murmured in her sleep.


The next morning, Sophia awakened with Agnes still nuzzled against her, the gorgeous redhead's face buried between Sophia's breasts. A soft knock sounded on the door a couple of minutes later, and the neko handmaid entered. "Lady Sophia, lady Agnes, breakfast is ready. Would you like to take it in here?" the neko handmaid said, bowing politely just beyond the foot of the bed.

"Mmm, yes please, thank you," Agnes said sleepily, her eyes opening slightly as she raised her head a bit from Sophia's breasts.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

At those words Sophia pulled Agnes closer in her embrace. "I love you too Agnes."


As morning came Sophia didn't stir her paranoia having claimed many hours of rest leaving Agnes to deal with the maid. Still as Agnes stirred Sophia shifted and the blanket covering her modest bust slipped free exposing them to the cooler air exposing the tender flesh and hardening the nipple. Agnes would know that Sophia slept in the nude ever sense the incident with the demoness.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes didn't seem to mind Sophia sleeping nude, and had even slept nude herself, as if to show Sophia she accepted it. The maid bowed politely at Agnes's words and hurried off to get their breakfast, where Agnes stretched and raised up, murmuring the counter spell to let her wings out to stretch along with her. Agnes quickly gathered her clothes and slipped them on after putting her wings back up for now, so they weren't discovered by the town.

Soon enough, their breakfast was brought back and Agnes had helped Sophia get into some clothes herself. "If you both require anything else, please ring the bells on the trays," the neko maid said with another polite bow.

They had bacon, eggs, toast, fried potatoes, and some sausage as well, with orange juice to drink, as well as milk. "It looks delicious, thank you miss," Agnes told the neko maid, who smiled happily at being praised before leaving them to eat.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes it seems awoke before Sophia though given exactly how long she had stayed up listening to the sounds in the house it really wasn't too much of a surprise. Waking only as the cute made left Sophia blinked a few times rousing herself. Sitting up Sophia felt heavier than before almost swearing her breasts had swollen, maybe it was just her still being tired. Enjoying the light meal Sophia took the time to stretch her own wings giving them a few tentative flaps to ease out the muscles. "We should really go for a flight today give them a proper work out." Frowning she chanted the spell to hide them once again. With her grogginess gone Sophia became far more perky and spoke in a soft tone about the tasks ahead. They needed to meet up with Adriana and they should probably resolve any other business in town such as Agnes's date. Other than that she couldn't think of the other tasks they needed to do.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia's breasts had indeed swollen a little bit, but Agnes hadn't noticed it yet it seemed. Sophia knew what they were swollen with, but thankfully none of her milk had leaked out. "Aye we should. I really want to stretch mine too," Agnes said, agreeing they should fly around a bit.

After they finished breakfast, Sophia saw Agnes get up, walking across the room to their bathroom, where she splashed some water on her face and then dried it off, her wings still out for the moment. After she'd dried her face off, Agnes put her wings away, but only after giving them a couple of mighty flaps to give them a little stretching.

Once they were both redressed and had hidden their wings and were ready to head downstairs, they would find Karen sitting in their living room, knitting to pass the time. "Oh good morning you two. Did you sleep well? And would you like some coffee or tea?" Karen said, greeting them with a smile.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ahh no thank you for me at lest I have some business to attend to early this morning." Giving Karen a slight bow Sophia turned to Agnes and whispered. "Ill meet up with Adriana, after all you have a date to catch humm." Smiling Sophia gave her friend a hug before heading out of the house before turning to head out of town to meet up at the desired location.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I'll take some coffee. I rather enjoyed the smell of it at the inn we were staying at yesterday and whatnot, but I didn't get any. I'd like to try it," Agnes replied with a polite bow.

Agnes nodded to Sophia and blushed a little bit, before they parted ways, returning the hug and letting Sophia go on. Sure enough, Adriana was waiting inside of the cavern, with Viridiana standing next to her. "Sophia, it's good to see you. I hope you are well, and that Agnes is... as I don't see her," Viridiana said with a slight bow of her head. "I shall teach you the spell that will help shapeshift Adriana's form to a humanoid one, though she'll look like an elf, as her ears are pointed," she added, teaching Sophia the spell she'd need to know, and then casting it on Adriana herself.

"W-Whoa... this is... this is really weird. I... may need some help walking, not used to just having two legs, that I can't climb anything with so easily," Adriana said, stumbling a bit until she bumped into Sophia, her legs wobbling dangerously.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia bowed to Adriana and Viridiana "Well met." righting herself after the bow Sophia slide a hand threw her hair to get it back in place. "We are well thank you but alas Agnes had another task to perform in town and I did not want you to wait for long. How are you? Did the slime girls take the eggs well? I don't see them around." Still that explanation would come later as Lady Viridiana taught Sophia the spell to hide Adriana's monstrous features. Supporting Adriana Sophia held her firm. "No worries spider butt you'll get used to it soon." Sophia smiled teasing Adriana slightly but supporting the woman till she found her footing. Of course her face began to flush as Adriana accidentally grabbed her slightly swollen and sensitive chest but Sophia held firm.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh it's alright. And of course they did dear, they are slime girls after all, hmhm," Viridiana said, chuckling a bit as gestured Sophia over.

After Sophia caught Adriana, the former drider girl looked up at the angel, looking a bit unsteady still. She nodded to Sophia, as Sophia got a good look at her now. Adriana now stood about 5'6" tall, and looked like a simple dark elf, but other than the legs, she looked essentially the same as before. She didn't seem to have noticed or cared that she'd grabbed Sophia's chest either from the looks of it.

"I... may need your support to walk around a bit until I get used to it, Sophia," Adriana said, her legs still pretty wobbly, but she was slowly starting to get the hang of walking on two legs instead of eight.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"No worries Adriana you'll get the hang of it, just remember you can't walk on walls any more okay." Sophia supported the Drider woman and in turn supported herself with her glaive. For awhile Sophia would help Adriana walk around till she got the hang of it and found her balance. Then and only then would she let the girl walk on her own telling her to practice running and jumping in the soft grass while she talked with Viridana