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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I figured that much, heh," Adriana said, chuckling a bit as she got the hang of it a bit more.

After about two or three minutes, Adriana felt confident enough to walk on her own, and did as Sophia told her and hopped around in the grass to get more used to having only two legs now. "So dear, what did you wish to talk about?" Viridiana asked Sophia curiously, stepping closer and leaning in, where Sophia could smell her sweet pleasant scent.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia watched Adriana a moment before realizing that she forgot to get the girl pants and face palmed herself. "Well forgetting that I needed to get shoes and Pants for Adriana here I did have a question on a personal matter." Sophia looked at Lady Viridiana a moment as if weighing how much she trusted her. "Nearly a month ago I was defeated and raped by a succubus. She made me do and want things I've never desired before. I had hoped that resting in the high heavens would help ease these feelings and desires, and indeed they have but... I'm worried that the demon did something to me. I feel my body changing and it makes me worried. The high priestess says that I was tainted in spirit but no corrupted and in time and with holy actions that the taint will be cleansed. However with the changes I've been having well. I was wondering if you could check to see if the demon cursed me in some manner."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh worry not about clothes, I brought her a robe and some panties to wear until you get her back to the human town," Viridiana said, pulling a dark green robe and a matching pair of panties out to give to Sophia.

Viridiana listened to Sophia and nodded, smiling as she hugged her gently. "Oh you poor dear. Of course I can check for you," Viridiana said, gesturing for Sophia to sit on the ground with her, where she pulled Sophia's hands into her lap. "Just relax and breath in, and then out slowly. You needn't hold it of course," she added, gently sighing and then Sophia felt a rush of energy.

Viridiana tok Sophia's hands in her own and muttered a couple of little spells before releasing Sophia's hands. "Aye I do sense the taint of this succubus within you, but no true curse. It has awakened your body's desires, and even after her taint is gone, I don't think your body will ever go back to the way it once was before that. It will always have desires, just like those of a succubus, for sex and pleasure, though they can be controlled much better by you, an angel, than that of a true succubus. It can be suppressed of course, but to do that, would be to suppress something that... is literally a part of you now. The best thing you can do, in my opinion anyway, is to embrace it. You are an angel, a very beautiful one at that. So you can use and turn those traits against any demon that tries to taint you further, or tries to corrupt you. And you can purify them through your love," Viridiana said, gently cupping Sophia's cheek in one hand and stroking it soothingly. "You have one that you love though Sophia, and she, Agnes, will definitely help you to heal over time. I know it," she added with a smile.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia sighed slightly it seemed she would forever be this way even when she recovered in spirit her body would still be impure. Still Lady Viridana was correct. It couldn't be helped any longer. If she let it rule her then it would only make her weaker in the end, vulnerable to further corruption if she didn't unify her mind. And Agnes her dear Agnes would be there to help along the way. Just thinking about it made her heart flutter slightly. "Thank you Lady Viridana its hard to hear that Ill be stuck with leaking breasts the rest of my days." Sophia sighed again before standing. "I better meet up with Agnes before she gets into trouble in town. All the men are no doubt shamelessly hitting on her. Adriana are you ready?"

If all was set Sophia would bid Lady Viridana farewell and take Adriana into town with their first stop being the outfitter for shoes. Once that was done she would take her to meet up with Agnes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmhm, now I never said that dear. Your breasts may very well stop leaking milk someday. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday they may do so. There are also a few things that you can do to help stem their tide when they do, and there is also the fact that angelic milk would be another purifying agent for corruption in a person. So while your breasts do lactate, you can use them to your advantage, as it would allow you to not have to pluck a feather for a potion or something perhaps," Viridiana said, chuckling as she reached over and gently patted Sophia on the head, before leaning in and kissing her on the forehead. "Don't fret about it so much though Sophia, you are a good and very kind soul. And I'm sure that Agnes is just fine. Stay true to your heart and your convictions, and you will never fall my dear," she went on to say, bidding Sophia farewell for now, and letting her head on with Adriana, who stumbled a bit, but looked like she'd gotten the hang of walking on two legs now and didn't need to lean on Sophia any longer.

"So... how far is this human town? A-And what do the humans look like? I've heard that after we retreated into the underground caverns that lady Viridiana took us into, that the humans now look like hellish monsters. But... I think that was just a rumor that someone started to scare us when we were little to keep us from trying to venture out to the surface," Adriana asked curiously as she followed Sophia back to town, looking giddy, and cheerful, bouncing along as they walked, her breasts bouncing quite noticeably under her clothing that Viridiana had given her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Its not to far but it may seem that way to you just bear with it. Your feet are going to be tired after this. As for the humans well to be fair there are more than just humans on the surface, but you could say that they look similar to me and agnes but just keep in mind that they are a diverse lot and they have two genders. There are also elves and dwarves above ground as well. Elves look like you or Lady Viridiana and they normally have two genders as well. As for dwarves I've never really met any of the females but the men are stout and sturdy. There are other races as well but you'll see them soon enough.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"A-Alright, I'll manage, Sophia. Thank you," Adriana replied a she followed along, looking eager to see this town above the ground.

They arrived back in town a short while later, and it didn't take them too very long to find Agnes, as she had a group of young men surrounding her in the middle of town in a small clothing store. Vanessa was with her, and apparently Vanessa's friend that she'd mentioned was helping to get Agnes' clothes fixed up for her date. Sophia could tell that Agnes was blushing in embarrassment at the sheer number of men staring at her as her outfit was fitted more properly to her, but she was holding strong and not giving in to her embarrassment.

Agnes noticed Sophia and Adriana through the crowd of a dozen or more, and waved to her, smiling brightly as she did. Several of the guys watching perked up a bit, thinking she was smiling at them, until they noticed Sophia moving through with Adriana.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia waved back before speak with Adriana. "See they are not scary monsters. Though like with any creature there are good and bad." Leading Adriana in she quickly parted the pool of men around her. Sophia of course kept a close eye on Adriana so the poor woman wouldn't subject to too much harassment.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I can tell. Though... why are they crowding around Agnes like that? Are they... trying to take her, as I did both of you in the caves?" Adriana replied in a whisper.

As the two moved forward towards Agnes, Sophia noticed several of the guys eyes had turned to her and Adriana, a couple eyeing Adriana's exotic look with desire, though Sophia could tell that they most likely wouldn't try anything and were simply looking for the moment. When they managed to push through to Agnes, the redhead angel smiled down to them from where she was standing, one a small block to elevate her so that the outfit she was being fitted with could be sized better.

"Oh I'm glad that Sophia found you Adriana," Agnes said as she smiled at them both.

"Vanessa... do you think that you could help get our friend Adriana here fixed up with a few outfits maybe, and some shoes or boots?" Agnes asked Vanessa, who smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I think we can help her out," Vanessa said with a smile, moving over to Sophia and Adriana, and gently taking the now dark elf's hand, and leading her over to find her some clothes, where Sophia could follow, or stay with Agnes for now, though she did notice a few of the guys slipping away to follow and steal peeks at Adriana, likely because she was a dark elf and looked exotic to them.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled and answered as they approached. "They are admiring her beauty though she did draw quite the crowd." Leading Adrianna in Sophia kept a watchful eye noting the harmless looks but always on the look out for the ones that were not. "Yes Agnes it wasn't a problem though I think Ill keep with her for a little bit she is not quite use to human's yet. Enjoy your date Agnes and let me know all about it." With that Sophia would give Agnes a warm hug and move off to keep an eye on Adriana.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well, as beautiful as you both are, I wouldn't doubt every man in this town, married or not, to be ogling at you both, to be perfectly honest," Adriana said with a giggle as she moved to follow Vanessa off.

"Alright Sophia, I'll be alright... I think. And we're supposed to meet in about an hour or so, at least I think we are anyway," Agnes replied, returning the hug Sophia gave her, and kissing her on the cheek before Sophia went to Adriana again.

When she got back to Adriana, Vanessa had picked out a couple of things for her to wear, nothing too fancy of course, but fairly nice things all in all. She had been fitted with a simple dark green sundress, slippers to go with it, and some lingerie to go under it. Then the other thing Vanessa had gotten picked out for her so far was a set of traveling clothes, consisting of a simple light brown tunic, the same color of trousers, and a dark green cloak, and brown boots.

"Ah Sophia, there you are. I think that Adriana here needs a little more than these two, if she's to be traveling with you, like she told me. Help me pick out something else real quick that she can have to wear along the way," Vanessa said, smiling to Sophia.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

No worries Agnes this shouldn't take too long. See ya in a bit!" Sophia would return the kiss on Agnes's cheek before heading off with Adriana. Once at the shop she would help Vanessa with the cloths only adding a couple pairs of socks to the pile of cloths. Smiling she nodded at the girl. "This should do for now. Other than that we may want to get you a weapon. After all there are bandits on the roads.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"O-Oh, okay then. I suppose that would be good to have. I'm okay with a bow, and a spear too," Adriana said, looking over to Sophia and smiling.

"Adriana here is such a cutie. I've never really seen a dark elf before. Soon as she changes, I'm sure that she'll have the guys over there crawling all over to meet her, hmhm," Vanessa said, giggling as she spoke.

After a couple of more minutes, the two of them were done getting Adriana's clothes, and it seemed that Agnes was done with her fitting job now too. Agnes came over to show off her dress to Sophia, giving a little twirl around and smiling, which would make Sophia's heart give a little flutter, and it did Adriana's too apparently, because when Sophia looked over to her, she was blushing slightly too.

"Well then, I... I guess I'll be off for my d-date. I'll meet you two back at the inn when we're done," Agnes said, blushing profusely as she smiled to Sophia and Adriana.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia could hardly resist and gave Agnes another kiss before she headed out. Watching her go she would sigh deeply before getting back to business. How are you holding up Adriana? The magic taxing you too much?" Sophia would give the woman a concerned look. It would take time to get used to the magic after all all Sophia had to do was hid wings. Adriana had to alter most of her body. Still if she was doing good Sophia would offer to take her around town to answer any questions she had.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

After Agnes left, Adriana looked back to Sophia and smiled when asked how she was doing. "I'm doing fine I believe. And no, it's not overly taxing, thankfully. Lady Viridiana even showed me a few magic tricks that I could do, to try and help you two along some, though I don't know if I'll be able to perform them half as well as you both could," Adriana replied, looking quite happy to be out and about like this, even if it was weird for her to not be on her 8 spidery legs.

After leaving the tailor, Sophia took Adriana around town, letting her get used to walking more on two legs as they went. Adriana was holding the bags that contained her new clothes against her chest, looking quite happy to have them. "Say, Sophia. Are you still, you know, wary or scared to be around me and stuff? After what happened between us in the caverns and everything I mean," Adriana asked Sophia, looking over curiously. "And... do you really not mind me joining you and Agnes on your journey?" She then asked.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia stopped a moment. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't but.. after speaking with Lady Viridana I've come to understand something of your situation. As for it being okay for you to come along... well it was my idea to begin with. What happened to you was not right though even if in part you were to blame. Besides out here you could make a life for yourself if you find the right person and even then you could become an ambassadress of sorts for the whole of the mountain. As far as second chances go this is not so bad.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I suppose it's understandable. So I won't hold it against you. I did come off as quite... scary I guess, when we first met I mean," Adriana replied, looking a little disappointed that Sophia seemed to still be a little wary around her, but understanding. "I suppose you're right. I never thought of it like that really," Adriana said after Sophia finished, looking thoughtful about what she'd said.

"So, where to now, while we wait for Agnes to get done with her date?" Adriana asked curiously, looking ready to go anywhere really, and eager to explore.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Seeing how her words had effected Adriana Sophia moved over and gave her a hug. "Do not fret about my opinion Adriana its just who I am. If I didn't trust you.. well you wouldn't be here with me and Agnus." Sophia would give her a slight smack on the butt. "No more worries about that okay." She would smile at the woman before thinking about what she said. "Well... we could visit the tavern they seemed nice other than that we could walk around town and explore a little bit. Its really up to you."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"A-Alright, I guess I'm just worrying too much about it. And sure, I don't mind walking about town. It'll kill time I guess, and help me get used to walking and whatnot some more. Besides... this town is quite... intriguing, to say the least. I've never seen a town so... bustling before. And so bright too," Adriana said, looking curiously into a shop window they passed by for a few moments, before they continued on.

After a while of walking, Adriana did finally start getting weary, her legs wobbling slightly as she stumbled when climbing the little step up to the main doors of the inn and tavern Sophia and Agnes were staying at, and reaching up quickly to grab hold of Sophia, one hand landing on Sophia's breasts by mistake and giving one a good squeeze. In her tumble, Adriana's right leg came up and her foot caught on the skirt of her sundress, and ended up yanking the whole dress down, leaving her in her lingerie, right in front of the inn, where a few people could easily see her near nakedness. Adriana blushed and clung to Sophia, trying to hide her front, as her quite large bubble butt showed to all who were watching.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Initially Sophia blushed but was quick to act to make sure no one caught a glimpse of the full goods. With her back to the crowd she flung out her cloak so to hide Adriana from the eyes of the no doubt surprised patrons of the inn. In a low voice she spoke to Adriana. "Come one pull it up they can't see." Her voice was gentle and calm hopefully inspiring Adriana to listen to her and not keep groping her breast which had begun to leak its milk from the sudden pressure. Once that was done she would lead Adriana up to their room giving any who stared a very dark glance indeed. Once inside she told Adriana to rest on the bed while she moved over and began to massage the woman's tired legs working out the knots and easing the tension.