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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

sorry for the several day long hiatus, everyone. i promise this project is nowhere near dead lol. i haven't physically felt up to working on anything over the past few days, just trying to recover from the food poisoning. i should be able to get back to cranking stuff out very soon, within the next few days. i would promise something sooner but there's some other stuff going on in the personal life that might slow me down for a short while - regardless, it will pick up again very soon.

with that out of the way, does anyone have recommendations for places to find voice clip packs? i plan on animating the sex scenes soon, and i'm working on finding sound effects for it. it doesn't have to be now, but i'd like to be able to find a voice for Alicia's sexier moments, and i'm having a hard time finding any good ones online. i can't exactly mix and match different sounds from different women, lol.

EDIT: here's a screenshot of some of the background art i've been working on, for those of you who missed the livestream.

damebou are the ones i have and let me check my dlsite history
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Hey! Just a lurker here who wanted to say that I am loving all the work that has been going into this and im digging everything that you have implemented/will be implementing so far. Cant wait for the next update!

Oh! A few pages back you mentioned something on feedback on maybe enemies becoming harder/stronger the more they rape you? I am all for it. If I could code/draw/anything i would make it similar to WitchGirl or ShinobiGirl. but not to the point of there is no escape from the rape. Take or throw away what you want from the post!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Hey! Just a lurker here who wanted to say that I am loving all the work that has been going into this and im digging everything that you have implemented/will be implementing so far. Cant wait for the next update!

Oh! A few pages back you mentioned something on feedback on maybe enemies becoming harder/stronger the more they rape you? I am all for it. If I could code/draw/anything i would make it similar to WitchGirl or ShinobiGirl. but not to the point of there is no escape from the rape. Take or throw away what you want from the post!

hm. i think you might have misinterpreted? when i say the more enemies are raping you, i mean in number - as in 1 enemy compared to 2 enemies. i'm not a fan of rape getting harder if you wait, personally, but now that i think of it.. i'm not really sure why. maybe just because some games make it TOO hard. i wouldn't want enemies to get stronger by raping you though, as it goes against the entire point of h-scenes not being detrimental to your progress.

anyway, thanks for the suggestion - i'll take it into consideration. glad you're enjoying the project :)

in other news, got a bit of time this morning to work on sex-specific sprites and facial expressions
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

boom, update!


the detail work isn't quite finished, and there are a few flaws, including some weird distortion (namely on the upper right) from making it into a gif that isn't normally there. still, the general animation is there and done. whaddya think?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

You've got dat animation skill.

I might start avoiding this thread to avoid being spoilered lol. Really looking forward to it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I think his other arm should be like holding her leg it looks funny doing nothing. it looks like she holding his nipple? maybe have her hitting him? its just not saying *AHHH!! I'm getting raped NOOO!!* to me. you got the talent, you have the skills, but can you lay it down and rape it like ye mean it?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I think his other arm should be like holding her leg it looks funny doing nothing. it looks like she holding his nipple? maybe have her hitting him? its just not saying *AHHH!! I'm getting raped NOOO!!* to me. you got the talent, you have the skills, but can you lay it down and rape it like ye mean it?

i think constantly hitting him would be a bit too much going on, visually. it would start to be overkill. there were complaints with the original position of her arm, so right now she's pushing against him, not holding his nipple. also, for the record, i don't want it to SCREAM rape or anything. not everyone has rape fantasies, and i'm one of the ones who prefers consensual sex, so with this animation i'm trying to hit a middle ground with it, where it could go either way.

as for grabbing her leg with his free arm, i was thinking about doing that too. it did look a bit odd to not be doing anything with it, so i'll try it and see how it looks.

@yes - thanks, lol. are spoiler tags a thing here? or is there anything close? i do plan on sharing a lot with the community as the project progresses, so there will definitely be spoilers - but if there's a way to 'hide' them for people who don't want spoilers but still want to follow the project, i could do that. maybe i'll just start posting links to images instead of the direct image?

anyway, glad you both like it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Yes spoiler tags work here.
You need to type the tags manually however.
Or at least thats how I do it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Awww man! This is shaping up even better then I was expecting so far. Hell, I'm hoping to catch a livestream some time, but it seems you like to do it when I'm at work. xD
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

That looks awesome. I wish I had half the skill to do that kind of stuff.
It seems I missed the update 2 days ago, that one looks great too, I'm guessing they have to remove her clothes before being able to rape her?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

That looks awesome. I wish I had half the skill to do that kind of stuff.
It seems I missed the update 2 days ago, that one looks great too, I'm guessing they have to remove her clothes before being able to rape her?

haven't decided the specifics for sure yet, but the current plan was that her clothes are ripped off when she's grabbed for rape, rather than them needing to attack and take her clothes off before grabbing her.

@casual - thanks. i'll make sure to tag spoilery things from now on

@zodiark - glad you like how everything is shaping up. i haven't livestreamed in a while if that makes you feel any better, lol. there have only been two so far. i'm sure you'll catch one sometime
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

thats the kind of sprite I was looking for :D
and the last demo seem to be perfect.

hope to see actual demo for the monster soon.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

thats the kind of sprite I was looking for :D
and the last demo seem to be perfect.

hope to see actual demo for the monster soon.

been working on that today, actually. i set up a simple 'knocked down' animation for Alicia and coded it in, along with rape activation. the monster still doesn't have any real animation yet, aside from sex scenes, and you can't struggle yourself out of rape (nor does rape ever end) but that's all on the agenda.

progress IS being made, just not as quickly as it was in the early days, as i don't have as much time to work anymore what with personal life and money getting in the way.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

been working on that today, actually. i set up a simple 'knocked down' animation for Alicia and coded it in, along with rape activation. the monster still doesn't have any real animation yet, aside from sex scenes, and you can't struggle yourself out of rape (nor does rape ever end) but that's all on the agenda.

progress IS being made, just not as quickly as it was in the early days, as i don't have as much time to work anymore what with personal life and money getting in the way.

I know what that is, so I wish you luck with your problems because... I don't know, I think it's the right thing to say? It's not like I can do much else to help.
Nice to know progress is coming along, and that the main character has a name (I believe that's the first time it's been mentioned)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

I know what that is, so I wish you luck with your problems because... I don't know, I think it's the right thing to say? It's not like I can do much else to help.
Nice to know progress is coming along, and that the main character has a name (I believe that's the first time it's been mentioned)

definitely not the first time it's been mentioned, her name was in the original post back when i first started the thread. thanks for the well wishes, though.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

hey all - haven't had much time to work over the past few days, but i got to sit down and work for a while today. worked on some more enemy concepts which you can see below in the spoiler!


the plans for these guys are simple. the small slime will be a nuisance enemy - no rape scenes, he's there just to be an enemy to impede your progress. this will be very useful to me as a developer, because i will be able to more or less copy/paste the graphics for them, just in two different sizes. i can make their AI patterns different, thus resulting in two different enemies with more or less the same graphics. efficient work! whoo!

the tentacle plants are going to be fun. they sit there waving around, and when you get within range, they start attacking you with tentacles. these tentacles will burrow underneath the ground, kicking up dirt, until they're underneath you - at that point, they shoot up through the ground and hurt you. this attack reinforces the mobility theme i have talked about many times before - the player is forced to stay on their toes and watch the ground, in addition to anything else that's going on.

anyway, that's all i have to show for now. i might be doing a livestream later today so keep an eye out!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

i might be doing a livestream later today so keep an eye out!
We'll be a bunch to watch you work, buddy...
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

new update below!

controls are as follows:

arrow keys - movement and aiming, struggle when knocked down/being raped
Z key - jump (hold down and press to jump through thin platforms)
X key - shoot (only 3 bullets are allowed onscreen at once)
C key - diagonal aim (holding this key forces you to aim diagonally, pressing up or down changes which direction)
H key - switch between fully clothed and half naked
E key - spawn blue enemy at mouse cursor
1/2/3 keys - switch between blaster upgrade levels
F4 - fullscreen
Escape - close


new features.. too many to remember, honestly. there's a pretty good chunk of stuff though, so i'll list off what i remember.

-basic enemy "chase" AI is implemented, though incomplete.
-the rape scene is fully functional, including struggling, escape, voices, sound effects, and enemy climax (the climax IS NOT FULLY ANIMATED yet, so no complaints about that, please.)
-double jumping
-finished jumping animation
-upgradable weapon, increases damage done per shot
-crouching system
-player can be knocked down; no health or deaths yet
-minor animation glitches fixed
-(partially incomplete) background art

there's still a bit of stuff missing, mainly with the half-clothed animations, but everything should be functioning perfectly (note that the tentacle plant doesn't do anything yet, it just animates).

i'm not sure if i'm going to get around to livestreaming tonight after all, but hopefully this makes up for it - especially since there's actual fapping content now. let me know if there are any bugs or anything i overlooked, and enjoy!

(side note: huge thanks to Azure for helping me find a good voice pack for our good lady Alicia)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

good development so far. Keep it up.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game

Loving the sprite sex animation so far, if you do have a gallery, hope we can tell the game which part of the scene we wanna see (speed-wise.)

On a side not, after playing around on it, i ran into a glitch where i jumped on the first tall platform, held the jump button all the way down and jumped off to the ground, and i disappeared.... Not even the blue guys can see me anymore, so i guess i'm so beast i activated stealth mode.

Love that you've got the tentacles parallaxed, makes me wonder how something like that could be used in another game in a different way that you could hide in it and it have sex with you, but it doesn't harm you like the 'predators' would. Kinda like a herbivores and carnivores survival game setup involving sex. carnivored hurt you in sex, herbivores heal you or just there to keep you hidden.

Meh, dem ramblings though. cool idea that sprang up in my head when i crouched while in the inactive tentacle plant.

Now if i had the drive to actually make this idea into a game, that'd be cool...

EDIT: Adding a screenshot showing the glitch, can just move the screen left and right, and hear the shooting sound as i hit x, just nothing else.


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