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Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

examine the altar and listen to the doors again
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Wear the robes then examine the altar.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

If not going back the way in which we came is not an option, then I would pick the door that was the bottom left one, so


would be my direction choice assuming we cannot get back into the room we were in, having a weapon is better than not having a weapon imho.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Try robes on, listen to doors, if we suspect no danger go with C
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Is going back the way we came possible?

Well yes but I kinda forgot to put that option, oops.

Do we have any methods of checking if stuff's cursed yet?
Nope. Only wearing and using.

Power vote status:
xaero: 1 + (1/3)
Kathy: 1 +(2/3)
plmnko: 1 +(2/3)
Maxentius: 2
Genius700: 1 +(2/3)
Minerve: 1 + (2/3)
MrMe: 2
Freeko: 1 + (2/3)
Ayu Break: 2
Firehead: 2
mc swagger: 1
gamefreak: 1 + (2/3)
barreytor 1
AngelEater 1

Listening to the doors:


Listening to the doors you learned that...

... It's a complete waste of time. These thick wooden doors block the sound somehow just so well you're gonna need one of those things the human doctors use to listen to hearth beats and stuff.
That'd definatly help. Those odd things.

Maybe if you come across any more thinner doors or broken onces you might automaticly try listening to em.

Wear the new robe and check the altar.


You put on the robes.
This robe is pretty loose on the top, it has quite a bit of trouble keeping your chest well in place, infact you're most likely going to nipple slip with this a bit. Not to mention fast movement might even just all out expose your chest.
Funnily, the bottom of the robe is nearly form fitting.
Maybe someone more bustier but otherwise same size female used to wear this? Who knows.


You feel the magical effect!
You have lost the mana reduce cost from your earlier robes
However you have discovered:

Dark Robes Of Seeking Shots
This robe makes your magical attacks more accurate!


You examine the altar.



This altar seems to be clearing your mind of dark thoughs and giving a piece of mind, infact it feels like this fire has a similiar effect as your mental easeness herbs.
Oughta come handy to crawl here if you ever get your mentality go down the drain.

With that you've about summed up this room.
Not bad, really.



You go through the northeast door.


You are in a corridor that is very, very split up.

In one you have a corridor that is collapsed by boulders..
Bit further a head there is a door.. Yet another heavy wooden one too
And what seems to be a ladder.. thats going up?!

Uh huh.

Behind the collapse you hear some slithering, icky gooye sound.. Something's lurking there.. You could probably break this collapse with a few good fire balls.

The door is heavy and leads to what you expect to be yet another dungeon room. You can't really hear much at all, once again. surprise surprise.

The ladder however seems to be looking like there's some fresh air coming from there, you can clearly hear the wind, infact you suspect that is some sort of a mountain side like positioned place there with that strong wind going on, it's definatly not another entrace to this place, thats for sure. It could be a pavement or some sort of shorcut? Who knows.

Well there's some options there again.

A) Take down the boulders (will cost mana depending how many casts to succeed)
B) Go through this newfound door.
C) Go up the ladder
D) None of these lets go back to an earlier room take another path there (specify).

Minor stuff:
1. Specify.

Status: Fine!
Magic: Full mana. (60/60)
Exp: 10/50
Trait: ???

Spells known:
FireBolt - Fast cast ranged fire bolt that deals bit of damage. 5 mana.
Scorch - almost instant cast close range fire swipe move that deals damage and is good for taking distance. 8 mana
ice shard - Fast cast ice spell that creates a shard that impacts hard on the foe and shatters. Useless against armored foes. 7 mana.

Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 8 mana.
Frost breath. - Fast cast surprise spell for close range. Slows down foes quite nicely, but can't be cast repeatedly. 13 mana.
bolt strike. Fast cast medium range lightning move that deals nice damage and can shock foes. 13 mana.

Combustion - Fast cast, powerful, explosive move that is almost a last resort move. Can damage user and their items. 23 mana.
chain lightning. - Medium to long cast powerful jumping classic move. 14 mana.


Dark Robes of Seeking Shots (Raises magic attack accuracy)
Braces of Brave Girl (+1 to struggle attempts)
Boots of nice walk (No slippery)
Cute Panties.
Cute Stockings.

Unlit torch.
2x Mental Easeness Herb
3x Mana potions
2x Healing Salve
30 gold coins
wet piece of paper
Weird Bottle (???)
Kitsune Novice Mage Robes (reduces mana cast cost a little)
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Switch back to your previous robes for now, it may only save us 1 mana a cast but that could be enough to give us an extra spell or two when we really need it. As for where to go let's C what's up.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

keep the robes on and use the ladder. (C)
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA


... oh wait, just your imagination from hearing that weird stuff behind the boulders. Whew. Well after the little hiccup with that nice slime girl (she really was cool about it, we should find her something nice in the dungeon maybe), but for now, that ladder seems interesting, let's go up it.


Also, do NOT change robes back. Mana is fully charged, it's more important to make sure spells land than to save mana. If your mana starts running out, or you intend to do something very magic intensive (like throwing a bunch of fireballs at a pile of rocks later on), swapping back first could be smart, but not now.

(Don't change back, these robes seem better for the time being.)
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Keep robe on. Accuracy is more important than saving mana especially when its full. Wait if her breasts were bigger, it would fit right? Hmmmmm....

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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Change back, unless we find an undergarment of some kind, or at least some thread, we can't be giving already hormonly charged monsters even more ideas!

Assuming of course we can't wear this one over the other one much like a Kosode, which were traditonaly considered undergarments and worn with a kimono over them.
Obiously we wouldn't get the effect of both, but y'know, modesty.
She's a from a race of principle damn it. :p

If it's not too late to go and get that sword I'd say do that.
Otherwise C
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Where starter robe until we find a new bra

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Is there passive mana regeneration? If so, how fast it is?

C, but carefully.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

C keep new robes on, be ready to switch back when the situation calls for it.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

B and keep the new robe.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

and keep new robes on, with higher accuracy you also save mana, since you don't waste it on missed casts
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

C and keep new robes on.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

To those voting to keep wearing the new robes:
You did see the text about our's characters tits are likely to fall out as soon as combat happens, right?

That's probably going to be a massive disadvantage.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

It's early in the game we can change back if that really does become a problem.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

A would be my choice. Why not take some target practice?