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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie slipped from her hiding place to follow the girl as she walked through the darkness of the village. The newly changed vampire followed as closely as she dared without alerting anyone, moving furtively from shadow to shadow and avoiding the evil torches. She repeated the mantra in her head as she did so in the hope that it would work.

The girl walked through the village and out into one of the fields. Perhaps she lived in the distant farm house or maybe she simply wished to be alone. Whichever it was, this was the perfect time for Marie to strike. She crouched low to the earth as she stalked closer to the girl. Luck was with her as she smoothly walked up behind the girl and in one deft maneuver silenced her with one hand while bending her fangs to the girl's neck.

Time seemed to slow as the delicious blood flowed into Marie's mouth. A slight whimper of fear and pain was replaced by a low moan of pleasure from the girl. Even as she fed the mantra had been repeated and after no more than a few drops of blood had been taken. The girl staggered a bit as though she were faint but remained standing in a daze. Blood still trickled from the wound and though it would not be immediately fatal, it would certainly not help Marie.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie's lips curled into a small smile as she pulled away, satisfied, though her mood turned serious again as she was the continuing free flow of blood. She put her hands to it, squeezing a bit, as she'd seen some others do when there had been serious injuries in the past, though it was neither a fast solution nor one that would likely work for a neck wound. If it dripped for long enough, Marie would have no choice but to slurp a bit more, and lick around the area savoring the blood, or at least that's what she told herself. Likely a fair deal of choice was involved. There had never been any suspicious deaths in the village, that Marie could recall, so there had to be some way to keep prey alive... Unless Ulfur truly did stick to animals...

(Kind of an excuse to stumble on the licking it closed mechanics ;) )
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl smiled strangely as she noticed Marie, she seemed to dazed to realize the severity of her situation. Strangely she did not scream or try to run as the first poor attempt to stop the bleeding was applied. The smile seemed to fade a bit though as the girl asked.

"You must be a friend of the mistress, strange we haven't met before. Are you just going to let all this blood go to waste or are you going to drink up."

The girl presented her throat as though she were expecting to be fed from. The idea caused Marie to pause for a moment before her instincts kicked in and she leaned in to lick the blood that had trickled from the wound. Miraculously it seemed to heal before her very eyes, though the girl seemed a bit disappointed as she pouted.

"What just that one little kiss. How disappointing."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Though holding on tight, if still looser than before, Marie kept the girl at arms length and regarded her as a curiosity, at first. When the girl mentioned this 'mistress' she stiffened, and likely would have flushed pale if blood still flowed through her in that way. There were more like her here, though if they were anything like Ulfur, feeding from someone in 'their' territory was probably not something they would appreciate. Marie realized she may have to move on, though this was still a golden opportunity, especially if the lady of this town was more friendly than Ulfur had been. At best, she could play this off as if nothing happened, and if need be, Marie was prepared to act subservient and seek forgiveness if she had broken some rule she should know about. For now she would play along, however, as while she couldn't know for sure, Marie doubted this girl had the clout to protest too much if she was regularly used for blood.

"Perhaps. I'm fairly new to this area... I would appreciate it if you took me to your mistress, though. It would save me a lot a time." She was polite, probably overly so, but left her words without enough meaning to draw suspicion or be used against her.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl nodded slowly still obviously a bit dazed by having been fed from. It very much reminded Marie of how her old customers would act after drinking too much.

"You want to meet my mistress but she's not the pri-er, I suppose I could take you to her. J-just please don't get me into trouble. I was already heading to visit her so I guess i-it's alright.'

There was a bit of fear in the girl's voice and eyes, though Marie couldn't tell if it of her or the girl's mistress. The girl started to stumble off over the field once more in the direction of a stand of thick trees.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The sudden shift of the girl's stance made Marie a bit wary. Maybe it was just the daze wearing off a bit, but now the girl was frightened. It wouldn't be good to have her stumbling around, though. She could get hurt, and that would be inconvenient, and it also drew more attention. Marie followed close, using a hand to steady and try and calm her prey down. She wasn't quite sure what she was doing, and even though her nerves were a bit fried, she did have a strange sort of confidence when interacting with the girl.

"You need not worry... I see no cause for alarm. You are being helpful, after all. If anything, I'm sure your mistress will have some more choice words for me." Marie was able to be reassuring, while also both admitting and hiding her own feelings. If things went badly, she had a plan... just run again. Hopefully whatever powerful being she found would not be too terribly upset at the trespass.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl probably seemed tipsy to any who might have seen the pair walking through the fields. Thankfully there did not seem to be any prying eyes as Marie was lead down a hill to a small inn outside of town. The place was not unlike the one she had worked at until last evening, though there was a rather magnificent coach and a number of horses in the stable.

The girl's fears definitely seemed to be more of her mistress than of Marie, though there was a hint of fear there as well. Though with the reactions she had seen between others of her kind before now she could understand that. Hopefully all of them weren't loners or eternity might be a little difficult.

As Marie drew closer she glanced down at her ruined and dirty dress and realized that walking into the inn like so probably wouldn't do. The blood stains were probably the worst part. Anyone seeing her would probably think her some bloodthirsty lunatic if she weren't careful.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The nuance of fear was indeed important. Marie was in a similar state. She was not afraid of this wandering girl, but the implications involved were quite heavy. As she drew near, her state of dress was an obvious cause for concern, though Marie was now jolted into realizing that whoever this mistress was might not like Marie's presence just as Ulfur had, or at least the possibility of a violent reaction was now on the table, she had always known she was treading on thin ice. Approaching with at least some respect had been possible in her mind... if she had looked the part. Marie was now reminded that she most definitely did NOT look the part. She would have to think of an alternative, and fast...

"Ummm, hold on a second miss." Marie reached forward to put a hand on the girl's shoulder, gently so as not to startle or threaten her. "Are there festivities tonight, and if so, have they already started? Seeing as I am not quite expected, could you perhaps get your mistress and ask her to meet me out here, at her earliest convenience, of course..." She stumbled with her words a bit, but did better with sounding like she had an aura of confidence than she expected. Marie would take what she could get at this point. It probably wasn't the best plan, but it was at least a bit more discreet. Maybe she would still get run off, but she would have the freedom to choose an escape route again this way, and prevent herself from causing more of a stir than needed. "I'll wait here, if you don't mind." Marie would stick to the shadows of a nearby tree, or around the side, out of the way but ready to confront what came next, if it seemed safe...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The girl stopped as Marie bade her and listened to the request. Judging by the look on the poor girl's face she was too afraid of Marie to not accept but too afraid of the other to do as she asked. The girl simply stood in her dazed state as she looked for some means out of her predicament. Finally she looked down and nodded her head as she said.

"I don't think I'll be able to get her to come outside but I can try. I don't think she'll even be pleased that I brought you this close."

If Marie had nothing more to say the girl would turn and stumble towards the inn. Looking quite fearful of the situation she found herself in.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie's eyebrow quirked a bit. "Well if she isn't happy about that, you can at least tell her you didn't bring me inside, hmm?" Marie was not used to know this girl was acting, and it was unnerving, even if the girl herself was not threatening. By any stretch, Marie was in over her head as well, but she couldn't fully suppress the urge to want to take the burden off the girl. Perhaps it was still consistence effects of how she behaved at the old inn, or perhaps her mind really was sold on her plan, as risky as it was. There was nothing to do now but ponder these thoughts as she waited, making Marie twitch every so often with a hint of nervousness.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie waited in the cold of the bushes wondering how her risky plan would play out. She had almost no knowledge of other vampires beyond that which she had learned from Ulfur. This of course did not paint a pretty picture of what to expect, not that she put much stock in what he had told her.

It seemed like she had been waiting for hours when the girl finally reemerged from the inn. A muscular beast of a man right behind her, she still seemed frightened but of what Marie could not tell. The man stared into the darkness where the girl pointed towards the bushes. Marie felt the briefest moment of fear at the sight of the man, but this was soon replaced with more curiosity.

He was simply a man and if she could kill a boar with such ease surely there was little to fear from him. Perhaps he was simply a guard to the mistress of this girl. There was only one way to really find out.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

It was not as she had expected, but Marie supposed that if someone was important, they may be wise to send someone else ahead to check out potential threats. It was reasonable, even if Marie had no intention of causing trouble. She sniffed the air in this man's general direction, new instinct telling her it might somehow be useful to gather information. She was caught off guard enough that her reaction was delayed, and Marie started to fidget, though at the last second she turned it into a more of a calm, but impatient look, but just an act. She wasn't completely satisfied this guard was a mere mortal, even if she did not know how to tell such things easily just yet. Either way, behaving herself would be a good show of faith to whoever he was, and acting like she wasn't out of place might throw off any aggression.

"Hello there. You aren't who I expected. Is there a problem?" Marie stepped forward slightly, but not too much, and tried to act as confident as possible. Dumb muscle with hostile intent, if such was the case, was likely to be confused if she acted this way, or so she hoped.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The bodyguard or whatever he might be eyed Marie suspiciously as he finally caught sight of her. He certainly looked capable of holding up in a fight which did giver her pause. Animals could be counted on to act a certain way but people were dangerous. He didn't seem to hostile in the way he answered though he was certainly suspicious.

"I could say the same for you, lass. As for there being a problem it depends entirely on your intentions in meeting the Countess? We have already assured the prince that we'll be moving on soon." He smiled grimly as his hand slid down to the sword at his side and added. "We were sure there would be no problems with other locals."

The guard's words did the opposite of making Marie feel confident as he mentioned the words countess and prince. She hadn't been expecting to deal with nobility after seeing how Ulfur lived. She was completely out of her league and she realized it but that didn't mean this guard or this countess would know that she was out of her league. If she could talk Ulfur into helping maybe her charms would help out here as well.
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Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Ah, well, you see..." Marie stumbled over her words a bit more, not wanting to lose the flow of the conversation. She had a basic idea in mind, but not the specifics. The guard was talking, though, which was a good sign, and already a good spot of luck. Now it just had to hold. "I am not from the Prince. I suppose there is a problem, but it is my own." Marie tried to give her best disarming smile, while at the same time making it clear she was unarmed. "I am a traveler, of sorts... and I appear to have lost my way... quite embarrassing really. As you can also imagine, it's not the sort of problem that I would bother the... common folk with. I know it is a hassle on our sort, too, but I would be most grateful for any assistance you could offer. I would very much be in your debt." She did not lie, but she was vague, so that the man's assumptions could fill the gaps as need be. She would still seem suspicious, no doubt, but hopefully not in a threatening way. Marie made sure to play up the last bit, about owing a debt, as a form of enticement.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

His eyes narrowed as he listened to Marie explain her troubles. There was a strange flash of interest in his eyes when she mentioned owing a debt. His stance wavered between simply heading inside or moving closer to her. Something about his eyes made Marie a bit wary as he decided to take a step closer. He wasn't just some muscle with a sword there was a cunning in those eyes and perhaps a bit of lust.

"And what kind of a boon would you be willing to grant for helping you find your way? Perhaps I could help you without troubling the countess overly much. I know this area better than she does anyways."

There was something about this man that was beginning to worry Marie. She was somehow sure he wasn't a vampire like her, but then did she even believe she was a vampire yet. Something told her there would be a number of learning experiences in her future and that the trials would be rather unforgiving if she didn't learn quickly.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie stiffened a bit, much like a frightened animal would, but for the moment she still had control. She didn't meant to startle the man, but she did want to show that she was one for action if trifled with.

"Well, I suppose it would depend on what was needed, and whatever mood the Countess was in." She tried to steer the conversation back, still polite, but firm. She also didn't want to slight the man too much, though, so Marie probed for a bit more information before she found herself at too much of a disadvantage. "I will admit, I have not met the Countess before, so I cannot say I am familiar with her demeanor. How might you know her? You have not even told me your name, hmmm?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The man nodded and bowed slightly though his eyes never left Marie's. If anything he wouldn't be lowering his guard around her anytime soon. "I am the countess' bodyguard, Attila. The countess of course is always willing to entertain those who might interest her in some way."

It hadn't occurred to Marie until she heard the guard's name but he certainly had an unusual accent. She had never heard anything quite like it before, though she had heard horror stories of the scourge of god and his Huns. It was now that she also noticed the woman had been slowly edging her way closer to Marie and away from this Attila.

"The countess might be interested in many kinds of favors, of course the same could be said for me. Depends on how much you are willing to pay for directions?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, it is not such a big deal, and I do not mean to impose..." This Attila was definitely doing a good job of unnerving Marie, and she wasn't quite sure how to handle him. Marie racked her brain for all she could remember about where she'd heard the name before, but being a mere peasant only nights before, it was not an easy task.

"Surely I have proven myself no threat and with no ill will, can we not go inside and make ourselves more comfortable?" Marie really wanted to disengage, and probably would have, if she had not noticed the girl drawing closer. Marie was not particularly up for heroics, all things considered, but she did feel like she should clean up her messes, as old habits died hard. If anything, likely even a dazed and confused preyling would have information she could use if things turned sour with Attila. For the moment she just focused on trying to get back on track, one last time.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Attila took another step forward with a cunning gleam in his eyes. He held up his hands in a reassuring manner though it was by no means reassuring to Marie. This man or whatever he may be was to cunning for his own good and she felt the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. Every instinct in her body told her to run but her curiosity was to great for her own good.

"True you do not seem to pose a threat to my master but I've always found it unwise to bother her with something I can handle myself. Perhaps a small boon for directions and we can then simply part on fair terms."

By now the girl had edged far enough that she was closer to Marie than Attila. She anxiously glanced between the pair as though trying to decide something. Then Marie noticed something utterly odd as she watched the girl out of the corner of her eye. Perhaps it was simply a trick of the darkness and the slight feeling of fear in her gut. The girl had seemed to flicker after taking a step before repeating the step once more in the same fashion.

Attila the Hun did sack Tournai and Cambrai during his invasion of Gaul, though that was about 500 years prior. I mostly chose the name because the bodyguard is Hungarian but it could also be a bit intimidating. I leave it up to you to decide how frightening the name may be to Marie though.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well while I am here I thought I might seek audience with her, to introduce myself, as is polite. What exactly are you proposing that would ignore such tradition?" Marie mustered all the strength she could, insisting as forcefully as she could without being insulting, though her judgement should be off. She was very clearly signalling with her body language now that one wrong move and she was going to bolt for it. The fact that she had established her intent didn't mean she couldn't pressure Attila to do the same. She did not hold out much hope now, but the other girl... something quite strange was going on...

Before Marie noticed the strange flickering, she shot the girl a very strong glance as well, though not necessarily of the same type she was directing at Attila. It was a more questioning look, an unspoken 'are you going to do something, because your unknown intentions are causing problems' type of statement. Marie was pretty sure she was delaying this far beyond reason, and that she could not by the bumbling girl much more time to do whatever she was going to do. If anything, this made her all the more surprised when her eyes started seeing strange things, almost making her startle, the edge of action testing her frayed nerves.