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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"If it makes you feel better the definition of what makes one a high or low clan can be quite different depending on the court you find yourself in. I myself am one of the high clan, the Ventrue, but I find myself considered an outsider because of the customs we follow in Hungary." Erzsebet's sultry voice said from the dark of the coach.

"I am glad that you are willing to work for your keep so to speak. If you are willing to help me insert myself seamlessly into our new society, you may find yourself among the higher class yourself. I can assure you I do not forget my allies and I would be most grateful for any aid you provide." The countess said to her new companion.

"Of course if you're unwilling to perhaps do a few dirty deeds to ensure our rise amongst the court of Paris, we can always simply part ways. Consider the dress a gift either way, you are so charming that I feel as though I can;t deny you."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Erzsebet's words were reassuring, though Marie was not entirely sure just exactly how the noble felt. There was no one but her to take it in, so if it was a show it was just for her. It could be subtle manipulation, but right now Marie was more than willing to take even that, if it was the case. The most obvious bait, if it was, went right over her head though, and Marie got a little nervous, or perhaps clingy at the last bit.

"I did not mean to sound dismayed at our earlier conversation. I will try to the best of my abilities, as I said." Really, even if there was some large catch to this offer, Marie would probably still go along. It was by far the best sort of deal she could hope for. At the same time, it was true she didn't know exactly what she was getting in to. All she could do was try.

"What clan... am I? If Ulfur dumped me... am I my own clan?" Marie shifted the conversation, relaxing enough to let curiosity drip through. It was probably going to be a long time before she could fully relax, but Marie felt as if worrying out loud wasn't going to be very helpful, and that she had ended that on a positive note and with Erzsebet's approval. Extra humility probably wouldn't hurt though. "Thank you again for giving me a chance... I am not sure of what Ulfur has left me with, but I will try and master it and use it to our advantage."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"It's quite all right to sound a bit dismayed, I suppose. I imagine it has been a rather harrowing entry into the world of the supernatural. Hopefully the coming nights will be a bit less traumatic." Erzsebet said as the carriage continued on it's long journey. At least Marie imagined it would be a long journey, she had of course heard of Paris. Though she had no real idea of how distant it would be or even in what direction, nor had she ever imagined she would ever go there.

"I'm not entirely sure of Ulfur's clan, though judging by his reputation I would say he is one of the Gangrel. They have a reputation as outlaws from the rest of Cainite society, they are the reason for many of the clanless among our kind the way I understand it. Being caitiff is not so much being your own clan as it is not having a clan. To put it in simple yet blunt terms you are sort of a bastard Cainite. Of course that only means that you'll have to work harder for your rewards than some." Erzsebet answered Marie's question with a hint of sympathy in her voice.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie frowned a bit more sternly at that, though of course hidden in the dark. There had still be a lot of unfamiliar terms, but the difficulties of a bastard were something even peasants could understand. At least it could be worse, though. Erzsebet even made it sound pretty simple and straightforward, and in line with Marie's plan of hard work.

"I guess we will just have to see how it goes, but at least it is not as if we are in immediate danger, right?" Marie said it lightly as she slunk back into her seat, almost ready to let the night's drama go, though the sliver of a thought that perhaps Erzsebet had enemies after her too did linger for a second. If it was the case the elder did not show it, though, so Marie did not worry too much. "Do you have some kind of basic plan already for going to Paris? Why were you in this village, um, if you do not mind me asking?"
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"No more immediate danger than any other travelers. Of course there is the disadvantage of burning up in sunlight but I had my carriage especially designed for just that problem." Erzsebet said in response to Marie's query her tone of voice still much the same as it had been the entire evening. Marie's new acquaintance was incredibly difficult to read even when she was capable of seeing her face.

"The plan will come to me, eventually I am well known in my homeland for thinking quickly on my feet. Besides the best laid plans tend to fall apart rather quickly so it's better to remain flexible." The countess answered in regards to their plans once they reached Paris before continuing.

"The last village was a bit of an impromptu stop. I've always tended to be a bit of a traveler and once I learned of a certain item in the possession of the prince's chamberlain I simply had to acquire it."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Did it go... well?" Marie hoped she was likewise a mystery of sorts to Erzsebet, as she did not particularly like hearing that there was not a plan yet formed. She supposed that perhaps Erzsebet was good, as she said, but Marie would believe that when she saw, with no malicious intent. For now, Erzsebet's success was her success. This latest escapade was probably something she should be concerned about. "Would not the prince be reluctant to part with any such... valuable object?" She measured her words carefully, being deferential, but probing if she could.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"That would depend on one's definition of going well. I managed to obtain the item as I planned, but then I'm afraid it was lost. To have held it for that brief time however was quite...wonderful." For the first time since Marie had mt the countess she could sense the excitement in her voice at the brief victory. It was the first sign of true passion Marie had seen in one of her new relations and it made her glad to realize she had not lost all ability to understand the motives of others.

"I'm sure I'll get the chance to retrieve the item eventually perhaps even in Paris. One never knows when such an opportunity will arise and must remain flexible in their plans." The countess said before adding.

"Oh, the prince was well compensated. Though the chamberlain is rather angry about the whole thing. A shame the prince won't be able to enjoy his compensation for long."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Cliche as it may be, Marie now had more questions than answers from what Erzsebet had said. She could see why Erzsebet might want to avoid this Prince, but she also made it sound not as bad as some of the possibilities Marie could image. At the same time, it sounded as if he was about to have something unpleasant happen to him, but even then, not at Erzsebet's hand. At least she had goals, though, if not a solid plan, and enough experience to know that they would get a chance to act, whatever their actions may be.

Marie made a small sound of contentment with the answer, though it was too dark to see the accompanying shrug no doubt. "I suppose it is something to think about, once we get established...." Another thought dawned on her as her mind floated back to the practical, immediate concerns. "Though speaking of... you had many dresses with you... can I assume you have brought a lot of personal belongings with you from, uh, Hungary did you say? I guess we will not exactly be starting from scratch."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

The countess smiled or at least Marie imagined her smiling as she thoughtfully spoke. "Starting from scratch in such an endeavor would be rather difficult. Though the clothes are hardly the only thing to make one a noble. One's manner and deportment are equally important. Despite your lowly birth I think you will find it quite easy to charm your way past many lesser nobles. Not to mention you are..."

The carriage seemed to suddenly slow after having moved so steadily through the farmlands near the village, and though it kept moving the countess stopped mid sentence and seemed to concentrate. Marie didn't see anything to be too alarmed of as the roads were hardly suited for travel by coach even at the best of times. Perhaps though the countess knew something she did not and so she listened as well. Though Marie's senses had grown keener with her new powers she could sense nothing out of the ordinary.
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Re: Risky Business (Marie)

This was quite the conundrum, though not purely of social convention as before. Marie desperately wanted to ask what was going on, as clearly someone more experienced could tell. At the same time, she didn't want to upset Erzsebet by interrupting, or in this case, ruining her concentration if she really was focusing on something. If the noble could hear better and was listening in, it might be rather important that she not be disturbed!

Marie closed her eyes, the darkness of the carriage making that sense rather useless, not like there was a window to see out of anyway, and tried to refocus her ears again, probably with a forced, exaggerated cringe. She didn't hope for much, but it was almost like a child not wanting to be useless when the adults were talking. She subconsciously leaned in closer to Erzsebet slightly, not realizing, though it was unknown if the other vampire would notice, especially deeply in focus. With both feelings so recent, Marie was able to compare and decided that as odd as the thought was, she would rather feel this twinge of physical danger, the fight or flight reflex, than the feeling of perhaps disappointing Erzsebet, so for now she would be a good little fresh vampire and stay put and wait for Erzsebet to tell her what was going on... or not... though that would be very disappointing too...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Strain as she might, Marie had no way of sensing much from within the carriage. She felt the carriage continue to slow as she listened intently for any sign of trouble or a response from the countess. The wait seemed maddening as the carriage finally came to a stop. Only a few minutes had passed but it had seemed like hours as the newly embraced vampire's apprehension raced.

"There is someone up ahead, I cannot say if they are friend or foe, though I would lean towards the latter. A rather unfortunate truth of traveling as I do are the numerous brigands in the world." Erszebet suddenly spoke from out of nowhere. She did not sound the least bit worried but rather more inconvenienced by the problem as she added.

"Attila should be more than capable of handling mere brigands on his own. Unless you think he might need aid that is. This is your homeland after all."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, I do not imagine our highwaymen are much different than anywhere else..." Common criminals were, by definition, common. More than that though, they were uncouth, and lacked much in the way of wit. Even if Attila had not impressed Marie with those traits himself, no doubt superior strength and experience could combat common rabble. It allow a chance for Marie to gracefully slip in a question she figured she had better ask sooner or later.

"What is the deal with him, by the way? I can understand being suspicious when I approached, but he seemed... odd... in different ways..." Sure, she had been given the 'need to know' information with a more formal introduction to Erzsebet, but if this was her new arrangement, knowing more about everyone would probably be helpful. She was a bit calmer because Erzsebet was, though as usual as of late, a bit of tension lingered.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Attila, he's rather boring to be honest with you. True, he is an invaluable servant at times but he lacks in the finer graces. His loyalty to me is beyond doubt though he is not above trying to trick others for his own personal gain. Unfortunately he lacks the finesse or guile to be very successful, which is why he is still a ghoul after so many years." Erzsebet answered with a bored air in her voice.

There was little sound from without, yet there was nothing to signal alarm either. Marie's fellow vampire seemed quite at ease but then Marie actually found it quite difficult to imagine her being not in control of herself.

"He actually served another Ventrue like myself before I managed to gain his services. I have never actually cared to know enough to ask but it's quite possible he is even older than I am. Our blood can be quite the fountain of youth to mortals that serve as ghouls."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmmmm..." Marie could hardly argue with the assessment. If anyone was naive, it should be her, yet even she could tell something was up with his display earlier. She didn't want to be too nosy and keep bugging for details, and she did get the picture that Erzsebet had him under her spell somehow, but it definitely did give Marie more fodder for questions later.

"I suppose it is rude to ask too much about one's age, and whatnot..." Asking about vampire etiquette itself was probably safe, though, and definitely something Marie would need to very quickly catch up on! "Do we... typically just follow those that are older?" While still happy just to have a roof over her head, it would be kind of depressing if things would always remain as they are. Perhaps Marie was feeling a twinge of something new, maybe a little ambition. After all, a peasant only lived a few short years... this deal sounded like it was for eternity. A peasant probably wouldn't get bored with the same thing day in and day out, but an eternity... that could get boring fast!
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Don't you know asking a lady's age is always considered rude." Erzsebet's silken voice purred.

"I would not go about asking another of our kinds age per say, though I would think nothing of asking his status. Status is not even the right word, I am not wise in the way of your tongue however so I will attempt to explain. The lowest rung of our society are the fledglings, those newly embraced and still under the protection of their sire, much like children to mortals. Next we have the neonates, like yourself, not quite children but not quite adults. Following these are the ancilla, like myself, adults who have not truly come into their own as of yet. The majority of Cainites you meet will be either neonate or ancilla." The countess suddenly paused as the sound of steel ringing against steel erupted from without the carriage. Judging from the sounds of triumphant shouting and grunting Attila was winning against whatever brigands were about.

"The leaders among our kind are usually the elders, I have yet to meet one who is not at least a few centuries in actual age. Last of course are the methuselahs, let's just say it's and incredibly unique experience when on of these hoary creatures deigns to speak with you. Though I would not necessarily seek out such an experience as many of them would think just as much about eating you as they would a mortal." Something or more likely someone being slammed against the side of the carriage with enough force to shake Marie and the countess where they sat. More than likely a good sign as Marie had difficulty imagining a normal human capable of such strength, though it did give her a bit of a start.

"The rudest question of course is to ask one's generation, or how many steps are they descended from Caine himself. Certain clans like my own take a great pride in being able to recite their lineage of course, but outright asking one's generation would be rude."
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Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Ah, well, I did not mean to imply any connection to our current situation, of course!" Marie did not think Erzsebet was actually mad, of course, but nobles always demanded such fancy talk. "It is more or less the experience of being alive so long that is important than, a subtle difference?"

The rocking of the carriage was now too much to ignore. Maybe Erzsebet was still confident, but that just seemed to be how she was. It did sound as if she had gotten in trouble with some who were more or less on their level, and you know what the saying was about those who assume...

"Ummm, should we... check on him? The Prince or whoever would not have sent... 'more capable agents', perhaps?"

Still not perfect but I at least know what you're trying to say, we can blame it on Hungarian being a crazy language ;)
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Oh, I know my dear. I could not help but make a jest at your expense," The countess said in response to Marie's apology. The shaking of the carriage and the sounds of combat from without still did not seem to bother the countess, though Marie had to wonder if it was more show than anything. Confidence was one thing but this seemed to border on stupidity, and Erzsebet struck her as anything but stupid.

"I doubt if the Prince can spare such capable agents at the moment, however it may be a good suggestion. Even if only to make sure Attila doesn't break the door to the carriage off it's hinges." She aid as Marie heard her move towards the door in the dark of the carriage.

It took only a moment for Marie's eyes to adjust to the moonlight to see that Attila was quite capable. At least three men already lay broken and bleeding in the mud of the path, one of which looked to have been thrown against the door. He currently was fighting off the other three assailants admirably, it was as though he were toying with them more than anything.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie blinked a few times, not from the light or lack thereof, but because it was such an unusual sight compared to what had been her standard fare. It was slightly impressive, as much as a fight could be, though Marie was also slightly boggled as to why the other attackers did not take the hint and just run off, when it was clear they could not win this fight.

Her new nature twinged a bit at the sight of combat as well, and of course at the blood. Thankfully though earlier events had reduced the overwhelming urges to mix into the fray. Nevertheless, it did satisfy her concern, though Marie shot a wry glance to Erzsebet. "Should he be wasting our time, then? Do not we have places to be?" Perhaps her boldest statement so far, but something deep inside told Marie that she could probably score points at Attila's expense. Erzsebet had shown great patience with her, but most people didn't have an unending supply, and nobles frequently even less so...
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmm, you raise an excellent point Marie. Though before we leave you would perhaps like to sate your thirst? I'm afraid my palette is a bit too refined for such base fare to partake myself." Erzsebet answered with a devilish smile as she looked towards the one-sided combat.

"My companion is impatient to be off for Paris, Attila. Be done with the paraszt and let us be off." The countess declared before stepping back into the carriage and making herself comfortable within.

Attila said nothing though he quickly finished one of the three men off with a slash across his throat. The ensuing gout of blood stirred Marie's thirst but very little, perhaps she could do with a small drink after all. Seeing another of their number fall at the hands of the single footman, the others quickly broke off the combat and fled down the road. Stalking back to the carriage, Attila gave Marie the smallest of scowl though it quickly faded, as though he thought better of saying something.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie's mouth twitched slightly, eyeing each individual where they lay, and the few that ran off. Marie considered taking one quickly while they were still warm, but that just felt slightly wrong, though perhaps not completely inappropriate. Still, chasing the live ones down would take more time, and after she caused a fuss with Erzsebet, it would seem a bit hypocritical, or childish to waste more. More time was of course wasted as Marie stood to decide. In the end she turned around and got back in as well, fighting down the urges as best as she could. This could also be a chance to endear herself to Erzsebet even more.

"Well, you are right. My taste may not be as discerning, but the bodies around do not quite seem fresh enough." Marie played it off with a small shrug as she sat back down. The hints of genuine honesty were probably something the other vampire liked to see too. "The standard brigands do not seem quite worth chasing down either." She tried to pose as eloquently as possible back in the seat, though soon the shut door would make her invisible again anyway. Perhaps the attempts, even if not executed to perfection, would come off as 'cute', or something, and if anything nobles liked to be flattered.