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Risky Business (Marie)

Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Even were they fresh, as you so elegantly put it, I would not be able to feed from them I am afraid. It is the burden my clan must bear as one of the first-cursed. I can't say I would enjoy the thought of dining on such odious creatures were I able to however." The countess said with a devilish smile that faded as the door swung shut. Soon they were once again rolling through the countryside on their way to Paris.

"You really would have done well as a noble, you're such a wonderful flatterer. Yet you do not have the air of command that makes one a true noble. I assure you that any servant who had shot me such a glance as Attila did to you would regret it immediately. Something to keep in mind for when you take on your new role in Paris." The countess added as they sped along into the darkness of the countryside.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well I was not sure it was worth the effort, but I suppose you are right. Sometimes a clear statement has to be made... Thankfully it is not very urgent right now..." Winning Erzsebet's approval was going about as good as it could. "Will the court in Paris just accept us in without any trouble? Forgive me for my ignorance, but I just get the feeling they will not exactly leap for joy at the thought of new arrivals..."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"They most certainly will not jump for joy at our arrival nor will there be much trouble in gaining their acceptance. So long as a we follow the prince's rules and avoid getting caught when we don't. A little bit of that flattery will likely go a long way in Paris, the Toreador clan does so enjoy their Courts of Love as they call France. At least it will with the Toreador, there will be others of course but we will worry about them when the time comes.

We kindred are funny creatures, we are all solitary hunters with no actual need for companionship. Yet we still flock towards each other like moths to a flame." Erzsebet's voice seemed to drift off as they traveled on. Marie wondered if the countess was beginning to feel tired as she herself was. The sun must be near rising once more, meaning she had managed to survive another night.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie had more questions, about clans, nobles, and whatnot, but with growing tiredness realized only more would crop up as she asked. It was like Kings, Counts, and Dukes. There was a big structure, one she had never really learned, but people needed years to fully understand. This was now her problem, but not one she could fix overnight, literally.

Her next concern was how she was going to sleep like this. Marie was very familiar with the concept of a bed, after all, but did not know if Erzsebet would think her rude for laying down on these nice seats. Nobles did have all sorts of little rules too, not just big ones. For obvious reasons, the ground was not an option again. "I take it... we are far... we must now sleep before we arrive in Paris?" Asking was probably best, even if she was quickly losing the ability to think hard enough to remain polite and noble to her new patron.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Yes, the sun will be rising soon. Thankfully our bodies are dead and we need not worry about comfort while we lie in torpor. All the same I do so look forward to a luxurious bed when we reach Paris. Rest now little kedvenc, your questions can wait till tomorrow night." Erzsebet said as she too seemed to tire.

Marie wondered how safe the carriage truly was compared to the safety of the earth. She was too close to sleep or torpor to say anything about it now though and she soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Much like her previous evening she became aware of her surroundings before she awoke. The carriage was still moving, just as it had been the previous evening. Everything was still the same when her eyes finally fluttered open, darkness. Thankfully as the countess had pointed out her body was quite capable of resting in even the most painful of positions. Their was no sound yet from the countess, though she could hear someone speaking towards the front of the carriage.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie stretched and groaned, more out of habit than anything. Just because this worked, didn't mean her mind had fully adapted yet. Oddly one of her first thoughts was that the ground probably provided more back support and comfort anyway, moreso than any normal bed let alone this coach, but the first thoughts upon waking up were always odd anyway, vampire or no.

If Erzsebet was not up yet did she not want to interrupt the noble, once again being cautious, but her cute noises of wakefulness might do so in a less offensive way. Assuming there was no response, Marie would carefully try and slide closer to see what was being said, not truly eavesdropping, as that would of course be rude, or so she would say should Erzsebet actually catch her somehow.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

No sound came from the darkness of the coach as Marie woke from her deathlike slumber. Of course the darkness of the small room prevented her from even knowing if the countess were still with her. Marie was glad that she no longer had to breath as the carriage felt somewhat stifling after having been shut the entire day. It might be quicker and safer to travel in this manner but it was incredibly uncomfortable compared to the outdoors.

The voices from without were only somewhat difficult to pick-up as Marie attempted to eavesdrop. Attila's brusque voice came to her most easily but the other was unrecognizable and rather soft. Probably some young maiden that Attila was trying to work his wiles upon. The sound of stirring from the opposite side of the carriage drew Marie's attention, however.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmmm, you are awake too?" Marie did not outright mention she had just awoken too, but it was implied. "I believe our dearest Attila may be up to his usual tricks again..." She was finding adapting her speech to Erzsebet's noble ways a little easier this night, even if she still had a ways to go. She let what she felt was a fitting level of sarcasm drip in her words. While Erzsebet was likely not going to be happy if she needed to prod Attila to get rolling again, it was technically her problem. While a chance of Marie's own to assert herself was nice, she felt as if this situation was still better off if she showed deference to her new patron again.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Erzsebet gave a soft chuckle as she teasingly asked. "Eavesdropping are we. I can't say I blame you. Sometimes it can be the best way to gather information in a court. After all most nobles are so gossipy that you can learn anything from them, especially the chamberlain.

What exactly does it sound like my boring man at arms is up to now. I do hope it is a young maiden, I feel simply famished after this long ride. Not to mention rather cooped up, it gets rather stuffy in here. Much like a coffin I have no doubt."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Well, not exactly! It is not my fault he is so loud!" So it was a fib, and maybe one Erzsebet could easily see through, but that was how these people acted, right? Marie was just showing she could fit it more, though quickly moved on, lest her routine become troublesome. "It could be, but would not such an act cause alarm at our presence? Or is he actually good for something and have a routine where her lures you such women?" No doubt Erzsebet would soon demonstrate, but hopefully the mix of caution and eagerness would be features the noble would value in an underling.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Spoken like a true noble when she has been caught red-handed. You are simply marvelous my dear, and to think your sire was a Gangrel. Though I suppose it could have been worse, there are the Toreador after all." The countess said as she continued to tease her companion. The carriage seemed to be slowing down even as she continued speaking.

"There are ways to hide the fact we have fed, and if we are careful she'll survive with nothing more than slight feeling of weakness for a few days. I completely forget that you have not even learned something so simple as how to hunt, it is a wonder any of the Gangrel can survive as they have."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Hmmm?" Marie assumed now was not a good time for an explanation of what these other clans were, or to press her luck after more or less succeeding at putting on this new persona. Yes, Marie was definitely feeling as if it was time for a more 'practical' demonstration.

"Shall we investigate?" Marie motioned towards the door, and softly put a hand on it, though as before the lack of light likely made her gesture largely irrelevant. She had restraint the night before with the ruffians, and while the passage of time did seem to make her slightly more hungry than she remembered, Marie felt as if she could resist the urge at least long enough to patiently jump through some more hoops for Erzsebet. The night was likely still young, unless vampires were inherently dullards that slept in like some humans she knew, so Marie did not feel pressed for time.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

"Yes, I think we should, investigate as you say. This carriage has grown most unbearable during the day. A little walk and some nourishment would do us both wonders. Now just keep an eye on me, and I you shall learn a bit about the art of the hunt." Erzsebet said as the carriage came to a full stop and Marie opened the door onto a starlit sky. A gust of fresh air met Marie as she stepped down into the muddy road, a village sat picturesquely ahead of the carriage. It might have been Marie's own if she hadn't known better. The sound of minstrel music from a nearby inn reached her ears as she waited for the countess to exit. She had waited for Attila to come around to the door so that he might assist in her exit.

Something told Marie that it was largely an act, perhaps to make Erzsebet seem more noble. As though she were putting on a show for any peasants who might be watching such as the young maiden who stood quietly near the front of the carriage with her eyes cast downward. The countess looked about smugly at the small village before her eyes lit on the young girl and a silken smile spread across her face as she swept towards the now curtsying girl.

"Ah such a lovely little parazst. I do hope my servant did not cause you any alarm in offering you a ride. Won't you be a dear and escort me to the inn." The girl seemed to be able to do little but nod as she stood and listened to the countess before following her towards the inn. Erzsebet turned and winked at Marie indicating that the younger vampire should follow carefully. "Marie, do make sure that Attila is careful with the baggage and join me in the inn once you have finished."
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie internally chaffed a bit at having to watch Attila and make sure he didn't screw up, partially because it was Attila, and partially because Erzsebet had made it seem like they would be sticking very close together. Marie liked that idea. To be fair, this task wasn't the largest reversal, and probably for nobles telling others what to do came as second nature. It was not worth objecting over, though once Erzsebet was out of sight she frowned a bit at the thought of having to advise the noble about matters the foreigner's sense of enthusiasm would cloud her judgement on, if this deal was to continue and Marie was going to do more than just echo her sentiments. A lot of nobles probably liked people to just agree with them, but that seemed like a recipe to blindly blunder down the wrong road to her...

Turning to Attila, Marie surveyed their ride a bit more closely. "So what do we have to move? If we continue our trip, is it really wise to unpack anything anyway?" Marie tried to take on an authoritative tone, even though Attila very much so did not make these decisions most likely.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Attila turned to Marie with an incredulous look on his face as she asked about the baggage. Shaking his head he spat in the mud of the street while leaning against the carriage. "I highly doubt if my countess wanted me to unpack any of the baggage. Perhaps she merely wished enough time to feed without being interrupted by peasants."

Attila certainly did not seem the least bit cowed by Marie's sudden backbone nor did he take an entirely disrespectful tone of voice. None the less the young vampire could feel the beast within her stirring as though it were insulted by his impertinence.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

For a second, Marie was quite in shock about how Attila could be so insolent. It was probably a case of not being able to teach an old dog new tricks, however, if he had been in service as long as had been claimed, so she should probably get used to it. It did not mean, however, that Marie's quick wit was about to fail her. "And do you risk such an assumption?" Marie's eyes darted to make sure that Erzsebet had not suddenly returned. "I imagine she is not kind when someone fails her. She did task me with making sure you did not fail, whatever she intended. It would be a simple matter for me to report back that such a failure has happened, regardless of whether or not YOU think it has." She didn't expect Attila to be impressed, but it was good practice either way. She didn't outright admit she would lie to get him in trouble, but she hoped the implication that he better watch himself soaked in.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Attila, much as Marie expected, did not seem the least bit impressed by her newfound assertiveness. Nonetheless he pushed off from the carriage and sarcastically asked. "And what would your highness order unpacked from the carriage, after all I would not dare to make a suggestion of my own to one so noble."

Out of the corner of her eye Marie noticed the countess slipping around the corner of the inn with the young maiden after she had cast a sly look back at Marie. Marie would have quickly followed but Attila's sarcastic tone and demeaning air had really grown to be too much. She could feel the beast roiling up within her mind telling her to put the mortal in his place for good. A few more seconds and she would no longer be in control of her faculties.
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Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Marie was certain her eyebrows twitched, or some other sign of annoyance manifested. Her new nature may have changed her, but it only had her original form to work with as a base. No matter how supernaturally strong Marie ever became, it was doubtful she would ever not look like a mad kitchen assistant in this kind of situation, at least barring things actually taking a messy turn... or future use of commanding presence...

"Just get the dresses ready!" The shout was definitely enough to carry to Erzsebet, though for the moment Marie had not been pushed over the edge quite yet. It came to her in a burst of inspiration, though so far Marie was not quite certain what she would do with the dresses later, but she had a few ideas that might suit both her and Erzsebet's tastes. She was only pushy enough to get Attila to do what she said, but hopefully not alarm the elder, but whether or not Marie hit that target was an open question. Before the stupid ghoul could escalate it further, Marie stomped off after Erzsebet, doing her best to put a pleasant demeanor on before she actually rounded the corner to the Ventrue and her tasty snack.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Attila nodded in his sarcastic manner but he did move to do as the young vampire had so emphatically ordered. Marie could feel the beast bristle as she fought the urge to let him out, all the while as she stalked away to watch how her new ally the countess went about hunting. It was a bit difficult to concentrate as she reached the corner of the inn where Erzsebet and the maiden had disappeared and she almost blundered into the pair as they slowly walked.

Thankfully she was still able to think on her feet and quickly dropped back out of sight before peeking around the corner. The girl looked somewhat embarrassed as the countess made a few flattering comments regarding the girl's figure. When the countess asked the girl if she would mind plucking a rose for her, Marie felt mystified as it was the dead of fall. Then she noticed the bush sitting off to the side in a bed of otherwise dead flowers. The girl seemed just as mystified as Marie but still she began to move towards the flowers oblivious to who she turned her back on.
Re: Risky Business (Marie)

Was this some sort of subterfuge that Erzsebet used? It seemed unneeded in Marie's mind. Perhaps there was some use in distracting a target, so no scream would be heard, but there were other ways, ways that were much more direct. Marie frowned, but continued to watch, knowing that such thoughts would definitely not be appreciated and best kept to herself. Interrupting was rude, too, of course. Marie would watch, for now, though in her now bitter mood she did not know exactly know much of this technique she would adopt, if this was indeed Erzsebet's point.