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Re: Renfield

The overall workload doesn't bother me.
What I hate is getting stuck on some aspect of development that I don't know anything about.
Sometimes an entire day is wasted fixing something simple that a veteran who specialized in that area would spot right away.


For example, I had to learn how to create my own shaders because Unity didn't have one that would natively support the hairstyles of the models I was using.
There's a sinking feeling when you're stuck on something like this. Knowing that the project can't move forward at all unless you figure it out.
Re: Renfield

That's the second time that image hosting site has replaced my image without warning.
Re: Renfield

is that a droid? what are you not telling us? are you making a H-Starwars game? I don't know if I could handle such a thing.

The Renbots are there just for testing purposes.
I plan to make games with science fiction themes in the future.
But Renfield 1 will only have occasional steampunk/clockwork stuff.
Re: Renfield

The county you'll be adventuring in will be sparsely populated.
But the NPCs will be more useful than in certain other games I could name.


I used to think that the ridiculous NPC texts in Castlevania 2 were just poor translations.
But on the Japanese wiki over half of them are labeled as lying. (嘘)
Why the hell would you put virtual griefers in your game?
Did the denizens of Transylvania want to see Belmont fail?
Re: Renfield

This might be really mean, but sometimes when I'm worried about how Renfield will be received
I look at games by other small studios or indie devs.


So many of them are lackluster, unfinished, unpolished or just disappointing.
Plus you don't get to impregnate your enemies.
Re: Renfield

The release of the male character maker for the new Sexy Beach game got me thinking.
Since so many of the H-games on the market are targeted to hetero males, the focus is often on female beauty.
This leads to 3 common male character types:

1) Generic scrawny brunette student guy
2) Some sort of monster or tentacles
3) Old, fat, ugly, troglodydic men (often seen in prostitution scenarios)


Why is there such a lack of decent-looking men?
Part of the reason I don't like much live action porn is the guys are so nasty, scabby and fugly.
You'd think male players would want to roleplay the most attractive male fucking the most attractive females.

Renfield will focus on making male characters who aren't complete eyesores.
There's no good reason not to.
Plus in the long term I want the game to appeal to all genders and orientations.
Re: Renfield

The release of the male character maker for the new Sexy Beach game got me thinking.
Since so many of the H-games on the market are targeted to hetero males, the focus is often on female beauty.
This leads to 3 common male character types:

1) Generic scrawny brunette student guy
2) Some sort of monster or tentacles
3) Old, fat, ugly, troglodydic men (often seen in prostitution scenarios)

Why is there such a lack of decent-looking men?
Part of the reason I don't like much live action porn is the guys are so nasty, scabby and fugly.
You'd think male players would want to roleplay the most attractive male fucking the most attractive females.

Renfield will focus on making male characters who aren't complete eyesores.
There's no good reason not to.
Plus in the long term I want the game to appeal to all genders and orientations.

I would think most h-game devs try to make the male characters look like what they assume their player base looks like (or what they themselves look like?). For immersion appeal I guess, so they will identify with the character in some way, so they are "believable". Of course, they take it a bit too far usually. And a lot of us don't really fit that stereotype anyway.

But personally, I couldn't care less what the males look like. I pretty much just ignore them in mainstream porn and whatnot anyway. (Do wish they would shut up, though lol) I'm sure I am not alone in this, so yeah, no reason not to have them be attractive to appeal to those who do want that kind of thing. Not like it would "bother" the rest of us.
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Re: Renfield

Here's version 0.04 of the test map.
Not much has changed since 0.03.

Re: Renfield

Here's version 0.04 of the test map.
Not much has changed since 0.03.

I just realized you've been posting playable demos. For some reason I thought they were something else (like pics or videos).

Not a whole lot to give feedback on at this point, but what is there seems to work properly.

I tested in windowed mode @1024x768 with the Unity graphics preset at "beautiful". There were definite lag spikes as I walked around and scenery loaded, but that could have been due to being in windowed mode or my current older motherboard (my other one died a while back).

Only things I noticed were that the grass density and draw distance could be lowered for performance (does the graphics preset affect this?), and this is just subjective of course but mouse sensitivity seemed too high to me.

Now that I know you are posting demos, I will try to test them and give feedback when you do.
Re: Renfield

The release of the male character maker for the new Sexy Beach game got me thinking.
Since so many of the H-games on the market are targeted to hetero males, the focus is often on female beauty.
This leads to 3 common male character types:

1) Generic scrawny brunette student guy
2) Some sort of monster or tentacles
3) Old, fat, ugly, troglodydic men (often seen in prostitution scenarios)


Why is there such a lack of decent-looking men?
Part of the reason I don't like much live action porn is the guys are so nasty, scabby and fugly.
You'd think male players would want to roleplay the most attractive male fucking the most attractive females.

Renfield will focus on making male characters who aren't complete eyesores.
There's no good reason not to.
Plus in the long term I want the game to appeal to all genders and orientations.

There is a slight reason for that. Some people seem to enjoy Gonk, especially ugly repulsive guys, if not outright hideous thinks like giant insects.

It's kind of like those people who like rape, the more repulsed a woman is by the thing touching her, the more attractive the situation. I can't really describe for compare it any better.

I'm completely disgusted by giant bigger than head/torso breasts. They are unnatural and yet, so many people love them despite normal or even petite breasts looking nice and perky.

So I guess what I'm saying is think of it from what a weird fetishist perspective and why it might work. Might actually be a good idea to have 10% gonk in some places for those people. Maybe even from ugly female character models.
Re: Renfield

Ok folks, after a long pause from burnout I'm ready to start again.
We'll finish this damn game someday.
Re: Renfield

Ok folks, after a long pause from burnout I'm ready to start again.
We'll finish this damn game someday.

good to have you back, it's very common to stress out over a project so we understand your trouble, just keep going :D
Re: Renfield


Remind me to send her a signed disc copy of Renfield when it's finally released.
Re: Renfield

don't know the context of the image, mind telling me?

She's an infamous real-life troll who complains about how video games oppress women.
Behind her is a post about the cancellation of any Western release for DOAX3.
Re: Renfield

Alright I'm going to focus on adding enemies.
Most of them aren't going to be lore-friendly.
I'll just throw in a selection of mobs for testing purposes.
Re: Renfield

Will the sooner version of test build get female playable chars?BTW: the current build's stat window don't display stat in the right completely, words are blocked by window.
Re: Renfield

Why can not I see anything ? And if I see something only if you move the mouse but only as long as darkness again afterwards . :confused:
Re: Renfield

Why can not I see anything ? And if I see something only if you move the mouse but only as long as darkness again afterwards . :confused:

That's weird.
Nobody else has had a problem like that.

EDIT: What's your system? Desktop or laptop? What graphics card?
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