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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera stared at the door, humming as she looked at the keyhole, before glancing over as Sonja spoke up.

"Hm? Sure, go ahead. Say, doesn't it chafe something fierce to be wearing nothing but metal? Not to mention getting all that rust all over you. Anywhoooo."

Turning back to the keyhole and door, she did the first logical thing, and tested to see if it was actually locked first off. Assuming it was, she put a fist beneath her chin and looked at the door, pondering to herself. How strange that this door withstood so long. Was it magic? Better craftsmanship? Secretly a shapeshifted demon?

Well, she would wait and see if Sonja could find a key before trying to melt the wall around the door off.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

... melt the wall aorund the door... *GM eye twitch*

Indeed the door was locked and while Fiera examined it she decided that it was superior craftmanship rather than anything magical or demonic in origin. This of course moved her attention to the wall and door hinges. Stone would take forever and far to much energy to melt. However the brass hinges would give way far sooner but the fire demon would have to spend a good deal of power and time to do as such. No doubt it would be faster just to burn the door down.

Meanwhile Sonja busied herself serach the girl. Thankfully she did as she soon pulled out a similar canister from before as well as a series of hidden blades ment for throwing. No other weapons where apparent though she did find a sheath. As far as keys however no such luck but the girl did have a healthy amount of money on her. Heftying the bag Sonja roughly guessed about 50 denari. Looking down at the woman once more Sonja could see that her shirt was of little use and owuld make excelent hand bindings if she wanted to use as such, though such sights would be a bit distracting.

Throwing daggers posioned x5
Flash bomb 1
1 bag of coins (50)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Oh well look what I found. Naughty girl has poison daggers on her. I would know those from a mile away."

Sonja would take what she could. Noting the "sunshine in a can" as Fiera would call it, and bring that to her attention. Though actually giving such a thing to Fiera would be cut off by noting the money that was found on the woman. Any attempt by Fiera to acquire the flash bomb at least for the time being would be rebuffed by the bag of coins that were found. Fiera would hopefully be more interested in the coins than the flash bomb for the time being.

Once everything was said and done, Sonja would do what she could to try to make the shirt the girl was wearing into a make shift tie. It would be no good if she could simply run and get help, so it was just as important to tie up the legs as it was the arms of this mystery girl. Worse case scenario, Fiera could interrogate her if the door were not to give in by the time the girl had awoke.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera was musing over the door and the wall, before looking back as Sonja evidently found something, her hopping over and dropping into a crouch to look at the girl.

"What kind of chef would poison their cooking utensils? Seems real silly to me. Well, gather her whatevers and stick em in the bag with the rest. I'd say stick her in too, but it might cut her, and that'd be bad. Anyways, you make sure she doesn't run, I'm gonna frag that door."

Fiera got up and then simply pressed her torch against the door, and letting it do the job. She'd switch to something more potent if the need arose afterwards.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

It didn't take long for Sonja to remove what was left of the shirt and use it to bound the girls hands and feet. This of course left her generous DD's exposed for the succubus and warrior to see. How in the world she had remained that fleet of foot with those knockers remained a question for later. Meanwhile Fiera placed the torch against the wood causing it smoke as the paint of the door began to burn before the door itself. Acrid smokestarting to waft. This of course would fill the cramped hallways of this place soon if she kept it up.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Well it looked like the door was caving to Fiera's demands. But then it began spitting smoke at her! The gall of it all! Still, it didn't seem likely to stop either.

She removed the torch from the door and glared at it, before turning to Sonja.

"Sonja, this door is sassing me! Kick it's ass!," said Fiera angrily, stomping her foot and clencing her fists
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"This should be fun..." Sonja had a smirk on her face as she already decided that she was just going to lower her shoulder and hopefully ramrod her way through the door with brute force alone.

Sonja would be able to get some kind of a running start from where she was compared to the door that she was going to hopefully crash through.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44/52, Status = fine

Sonja: HP = 66/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status fine

Somja attempts to break down the door 40 vs 45 fail! Sonja takes 5 damage but damages the door in return.

Gathering what speed she could muster in the cramped confines Sonja bashed into the door causing a loud crack to echo threw the hall. Staggering back Sonja could feel a dull ache in her shoulder and knew she would have a nice bruise there. The door however seemed the worse of the two. A large crack rand vertically from the impact point. One more hit should do the door in.

Meanwhile Fiera's cook was starting to stir. Looking down at the generoulsy endowed tan skinned woman caused Fiera to wonder about her cooks skill. She of course was found in a ktichen so she needed worry right. Watching her closely as the woman moved her head to see her mistress in her glorious firey beauty she noticed the girl get short of breath again and her eyes widen. Looks like she was about to pass out again.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Well, we can see if she has something to say this time, or we can see what is behind door number 1, Fiera?"

Sonja would start rubbing her arm around the shoulder she had just rammed into the door while she waited to see what Fiera had in mind. Hopefully the search of the girl was thorough enough that nothing else was hidden on her body that would allow her to easily escape her makeshift bonding.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera hums and looks at the cook as she stirs once more. The cook in turn stared at her, and looked like she was about to faint right away again. Fiera rolls her eyes a bit.

"I'll get you a new shirt after we get paid, your old one broke. Can you not faint this time? It's not healthy.," sighs the succubus, looking her over. Nice body for a cook. Definitely have to broaden her role later. Needed a heir one day after all. But that was long ways away. Especially since the door wasn't broken yet.

"She's just going to faint again probably, and it's not like I speak dreamer garble. Just get that door open, I want to know what's inside."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"No don't its trapped!"

The woman tore her eyes from Fiera yelling out just as Sonja was about to take the door down for good. Whether or not the warrior wanted to stop was up to her however. Meanwhile Fiera was privy to watching the girl try to struggle to free herself her tanned flesh jiggling in the torch light. "You need the key to disarm the trap. My... my former partners have it in the lower level."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would stop herself when she heard this mystery woman say that the door was trapped.

"I think we need a tour guide. What better way to navigate this place than to have someone who already knows it to show us around?" Sonja would say to Fiera.

"Unless of course you just want to call her bluff? I can have this door down immediately."

What they would end up doing was completely up to Fiera to decide.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Trapped? Why would you trap a door like that. What's in it? also, who are you, little cook?," asked Fiera confusedly, standing up to her very not impressive height.

She looked over the girl, then shrugged. "I don't know why she would lie. And if it is, we just come back afterwards. No big deal. Anyways, what's your name, little chef? And why are you in a dump like this?"

Fiera stretched a little, looking around. "Anyways, stop squirming, I'll just catch you again. Seriously, who runs from a conversation like that?"

Fiera has done that several times, but she declined to realize her hypocrisy.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Im not a chef Im a trasure hunter and my names is Amber." Looking at Sonja and only sparing a glimpse at Feira she spoke again. "And its trapped because it has treasure duh!" The girl didn't stop squirming but Sonja's bonds held well. After a moment the girl stopped and sighed. "I was looking for a gold plated teliscopey thingy for my client. Except her hired thugs as well and they wanted to sell it and me to increase their profits.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Amber! And I am Lady Fiera, and that is Sonja. She likes your breasts. Anyhow, if you're not a chef, then why were you in a kitchen, huh?," asked Fiera with an amused smile.

Fiera listened to Amber's explanation with a nod. "A thingy? I also like thingies. Hired thugs huh? But if you didn't like them, why were you running back to them? And away from me? You hurt my feelings Amber. And then you fainted. And then your shirt exploded."

Fiera stood up and raised an arm straight up with one finger raised. "It is decided! Amber shall come with us, we shall recover the keys from the people she is double crossing, open the door, and take stuff, and then we'll go to this Lady and swap notes! There will also be cake."

Fiera then clenched and shook a fist with a growl at nothing. "Cake, or else!"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja did not really know what to make of all this. It was not going to be easy to seemingly just ally herself with someone that just blinded her and tried to run away. At least for her, it did not add up. Though Fiera made up her mind and that was how it was to be.

Sonja as of yet had no plans of untying Amber from her makeshift bonds, but would help her up and walk her around as if she were someone that was captured still.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Amber seemed to stare a Fiera a moment trying to figure out if she was insane or just playing insane. "I was in the kitchen stealing the silverware to make up my losses. I was about to write this whole mess off when you all came bounding down the stairs and into the room. I was scared especially when a demon walked threw the door.With you guys blocking the exit I ran for the only one I knew was clear. Im sorry if I hurt your feelings but can you just let me go?" Listening as Fiera made her degree the girl paled noticably. "Look I don't want go back there those thugs are a mean bunch. You guys can have the treasure Ill even show you where they are but I don't want to see them again."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera pulled a face at Amber. "That's Fire Demon thank you very much."

Fiera began pacing a bit, musing, before stopping and looking at Amber. "And while I could let you run off shirtless, you could be lying to me. Plus, I still need a chef. I accept your apology, but it'd be in poor taste of me to let you abandon your noble quest to steal stuff from an empty building! Plus, having a chef who knows how to find good treasure is a good idea, I kinda need funds right now."

Sonja helped get Amber to her feet, and Fiera went over and began dusting her off with a grin. "So come on, what do you have to worry about? I'm not saying fight them face to face, you'll have the might of a fire demon on your side, and Sonja makes a good cushion. You can huck daggers at em or something. Then we can get the treasure, you can get this telescopy thing, and then you can make me lunch. Do you really want to go out in the wilds shirtless without protection or any prospects?"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"She does this sometimes.." was about all Sonja could mutter while Fiera was going on. Clearly Sonja was still not real inclined to release her makeshift bonds, nor was returning any of the items she previously found on Amber a promising prospect. To Sonja at least, she was either with us, or the enemy.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Being hauled up to her feet Amber tried not to look Fiera. Touching her the fire demoness could feel the girl tremble. Clearly she was still afraid of her for whatever reason. "B-But Im not a chef." Ignoring Amber Fiera continued her little decsion. Looking to Sonja the woman mouthed the words. 'Is she crazy?'

Rant done Fiera found her would be chef still bound and weaponless. Sonja it seemed had yet to trust this woman they just met and had attacked them only moments before. Of course with Sonja being her retainier and guardian she was just doing her duty to protect her mistress.
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