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Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 66/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine? AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

Resistance: 76 vs 91, failure.

As she reached out with her mind towards the coalescing swarm, Maya felt her psychic strike lash out only to hit a strange layered barrier, one that seemed to absorb her attempt to dominate the being. As her mind touched that strange barrier, however, Maya came to recognize that trick as well. It was the exact same one that she had used, in fact, except that the spirits were.... Different. Where she had used her powers to call up an animal spirit to protect her, Maya felt the souls of more intelligent beings swirling in a veil around the dark figure, screaming in agony that resonated through her attempt to dominate the monstrous person.

Dazed as those psychic shrieks might have made her normally, however, Maya's raised defenses and adrenaline high ensured that she shrugged off the rebound of her failed attack, leaving her able to defend herself as the dark figure finally took a recognizable form. A pale, lithe woman turned a toothed grin on Maya, sharp fangs visible over thin colorless lips. They were bald, their head completely hairless, and they seemed to have little on them besides skin and bones despite being nearly a foot taller than the young half daemon. A thin, dirty gray shawl was wrapped around them, and more dirty wraps were wrapped around their arms and legs, producing a look almost like stockings and a skirt save far less pleasant. They didn't say a word to Maya, instead raising a finger towards the half daemon as her crimson eyes began to glow softly.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

For all her confident words, Maya would discover that crossing the metaphorical "line in the sand" was more like penetrating an abrasive storm. The voice of her will being dispersed and drowned out by the chorus of howling souls, and breaking ineffectually over the grinning presence behind it.

Grimacing at the unexpected feedback, she manages to avoid letting it daze her, but the domination attempt had been definitively stopped in it's tracks. This was not good. Maya's commanding expression shattering with it, as she struggles to find the appropriate action to follow up this bad situation, using the split second she had. Gathering her energies, she knew she couldn't afford underestimate this thing in the slightest anymore. Dangerous indecision however hampering her, she went from preparing to manifest one thing to another. Her sickly looking foe raising a frighteningly threatening finger, that made Maya's skin on one side feel like it was burning. Promising something bad.

Too fixated on what might be coming she realises she had wasted too much time, and desperately snaps to defend herself before it was too late. Throwing up a snare in an attempt to catch whatever dreaded assault might come her way.

Casting Devour Magic at X = 5, for 9ep cost.
with AoS buff and spending additional 5ep to boost Potent Spirit bonus to +18, for effective resistance of 87. +4 from the X value. (=41+24+18+4)
Total EP cost = 14.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

Resistance: 2 + 86 = 89 vs 77 = 76 + 1, success

The effort to disrupt the magic being aimed her way thankfully succeeded, Maya's energies coiling out and tearing into the power that the strange being was preparing to unleash on her. Her power sprung back to her with some of the other being's energy as well, restoring some of what she'd spent, and the figure paused in surprise as it found its power suddenly ripped away. "Ahhhh.... Another practitioner? Surprising!" she said in a cold, rhaspy voice, "I thought you were some nitwit adventurer trying to be a hero.... What might I ask brings you to my neck of the woods?" they said in a completely conversational tone, now seemingly at ease despite their earlier hostility.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

The feeling of successfully connecting with and intercepting the incoming magic was highly relieving, safely ripping it from the undesirable form it was being shaped into. With some form of follow up counter attack being the theoretical next step in Maya's mind, she was perhaps just as surprised by the sudden conversational change, as the pale being might have been to have her wieldings thwarted.

A part of Maya told her that this was as good a chance for a free shot as she was going to get. Another warned her not to let her guard down. Although that one might have been the animal spirit projecting a bit. Either way Maya pauses her hostilities also and frowns with a hint of frustration. "What? Oh so now you-!? Urgh..." she grumbles. Still largely stuck in her readied stance, hands still internally humming with energy slightly. After having given this thing an overly long shadow of a doubt, she had finally just decided it wasn't something worth talking to, and was clearly just a mindless monster that she was locked in a fight to the death with, and now it had the gall to talk to her. Had Maya not knocked upon the door earlier? And what did it mean by, "another practitioner"? Maya hadn't exactly been subtle about her wielding up til now.

"The road brought me here. And the suspiciously abandoned building reeking of death."
She retorts a little dryly, in a not exactly conversational tone. "Why so friendly all of a sudden?"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Ahhh, well yes.... I'm afraid sometimes we do live a bit of an impact!" the strange figure rasped, still seemingly entirely relaxed. "I had thought you were another one of those crazed lunatic adventuring types who kills anyone that looks at them funny... Your magic choices indicated as much, I'd had no idea that you had more... Refined talents! But only a select few can use the little trick you just pulled. And... An animal spirit? Not usually my first choice, but definitely appropriate for entering the unknown. I am Axris, and you are?"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"... Maya." Comes the reply. The way this Axris fondly implied that they shared some element of kinship, over some manner of similar abilities, was a little disconcerting. Taking great note as to Maya's specific magic choices, apparently. Seemingly the interception of that attack, and the partnership with the animal spirit that had answered her call. "I don't think I've met such types yet. Sounds like a boring adventure to me. I kill when necessary. That's all." said still appraising the grim woman before her.

The subject of why the inhabitants of this building had been slaughtered thus, would be one logical continuation of the discussion. But for the time being at least, Maya decided to focus more on the thing that apparently sparked Axris' interest in conversation, than pointing fingers. "Is it that noteworthy a magic though? If a ball is thrown and out of the owners grip, it can be caught. Seems like common sense to me." Maya asks standing straighter now and crossing her arms, although only loosely. She had no reason to trust this creature, and the unexpected moment of civility hadn't made her forget or dismiss the situation here.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Don't we all?" Axris replied bemusedly when Maya proclaimed that she only killed when necessary. Her tone suggested agreeability rather than skepticism, however. "Of course it's noteworthy!" the balding woman replied vehemently, though not without retaining a smile. "Not many have the sense to realize they can catch with something other than their face! It's entirely more impressive!"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Well in fairness, most aren't able to even reach out with more than their arms or legs, either." Maya comments. Axris' almost cheerful enthusiasm regarding the branch of magic in question, continued to feel something of a strange contrast to their dark oppressive surroundings.

Techniques hinging on a certain comprehension of spirits, and how to interact with and motivate them. It admittedly certainly was plenty distinct to purely wielding your own soul. Though she'd never really considered it in any special regard or more highly than her other powers, spare perhaps having trodden a bit more gently around it than normal, for whatever reason. Maya would pause in visible thought for a just a second whilst pondering this.

"I suppose I have to admit that there is more nuance to it than I implied. If... even once released, the "ball" is still tethered and loyal to the soul that formed it." She adds. "Influencing the foreign spirit. That's the key." Although Axris might get the impression that the cat eared one was confirming this theory talk to herself, as much as anything. As if it had been merely performed more than actually thought about in the past. "I can't say I've paid it more mind than any of my other magic though. What makes you find this kind of magic so special?" Maya concludes enquiring. A sliver of genuine curiosity surfacing, regardless of the aversion she felt towards Axris.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Yes, well... Who need be concerned with the work of such sheep?" she responded dryly in response to Maya's logic. "Exactly! Admittedly few can wield the power gifted to them, even few know how to take what others have and make it obey them! That's why we are different~" she continued enthusiastically, the tone somewhat off kilter from her raspy, unpleasant voice. Maya's continued insistence on treating Axris' seemingly favored abilities as no more special than the rest of her wide swath of powers seemed to frustrate her for a moment, and it was with a hint if impatience that the dark figure replied; "Why, its range of utility of course! It's much more than blowing a hole in the wall with a burst of hellfire or turning into a flock of bats. It lets one stop another mage from using their powers, canceling out another abilities. It lets one call upon something that is at once more intelligent than a simple golem but more reliable than a demon or a faerie! It lets one call upon fallen foes as shields, whether in spirit or physical form! It lets one control a body without worry about the mind or spirit! So many useful functions, more than any other discipline of spirit sorcery certainly!" Her tirade seemed over, and she eyed Maya questioningly as if awaiting her approval.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"hmmn..." Maya voices with some small nods at various points, still pondering some things herself whilst listening. Maintaining eye contact with the pale wraith of a woman. Maya had herself used this... branch, of magic three times just since arriving here, yes? Some of the described utilities were unknown to her, and others she felt she comprehended, although had perhaps not practised in the past. "I may need to explore this more. You're right, it can be used for a lot. I think I've always focused on my own spirit the most, but being able to influence the spirit of others... that is a special power isn't it." she answers.

"But... it's such a cold power too. I don't think I would want to use it to surround myself with hateful screaming souls and awful shambling corpses. Didn't they suffer enough when living?"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Of course it is!" Axris said in mixed impatience and delight, her gladness that Maya saw things her way palpable. It quickly turned to a scowl, however, as she simply waved a spider-like hand as if brushing cobwebs out of her way and replied; "Bah! Who cares for the suffering of dead sheep? All things die... Well, most things die eventually! Mortal life is so fleeting, who cares for what meager squeaks the vermin make before they end? And once they're gone it is quite easy to quiet their wailing until it is time to unleash it upon those who cannot withstand it. You seem like one who hasn't had to worry about mortality, though I can't tell exactly what you are. For ones like us, with an eternity in front of us, what are they? The corpse smell is a point I might concede, though I assure you that one grows accustomed to it after a time." The strange, wraith-like woman seemed intent on continuing the academic discussion, and though she grew agitated at points where their opinions differed she seemed to grow more relaxed more quickly with every passing moment.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Despite the other woman's unexpectedly relaxed manner, talking to Axris remained an overall uncomfortable experience for Maya. Somehow finding points to irritate her on over differences was perhaps a slight relief of sorts. Maya found herself giving a subdued frown in response to the pale one's cold perspective. Whilst far from anything resembling a look of agreement, it would also be visible that something about what was said troubled her. "Eternity? You see that by looking? Well, I would be rather early to be worrying about mortality even if I had reason to. Though, that's not to say my sisters share the same gift that I received." Maya says partially turning her head as her subtle frown becomes a dull sideways glare.

"I couldn't name what you are either, or guess how many years you've seen. Though, dead sheep... Would that make you the wolf? In this case?" She comments facing Axris properly again and loosening her expression. "I didn't know these people, but the one I did talk to moments ago spoke of, "a monster that bit and ate". You don't have the ears or tail though, so can't be a wolf." The last line said in a slightly more playful tone for perhaps the first time in the conversation. Lifting one crossed arm to rest the elbow on her other hand, palms faced up.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Not just with my eyes," Axris replied cryptically with a shifty grin, though she seemed intent on simply ignoring her comment about her sisters. "My kind are... Rare. As far as I know, most choose to be what we are, and none are born this way. As for me being a wolf... Well, it's not my usual comparator, but appearances can be deceiving! Not everyone goes for the cute fluffy bits when they... Are changed by something. Regardless, I am most certainly a predator, even if I don't look it!"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Choose to be...? Did... you?" Maya asks quizzically. The concept of choosing to become "something else", was a curious thing. "What were you before? The kind you prey on now?" The consistantly lingering question on Maya's mind of course, being why prey on people in the first place. And why the surely excessive slaughter committed here.

Slightly less importantly, what kind of right minded person wouldn't go for the cute fluffy bits if given a genuine choice? An ever increasingly dubious character.
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Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Well, yes... At least at one point. I was never comfortable being so... Feeble, however, so I sought to be something... Better," the now contemplative Axris mused, "I suppose it all comes with a cost though, doesn't it? I have never had a problem paying it though!"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Hmm." Maya murmurs idly whilst listening. Internally debating the choice of the word "better" for a second. "And the cost is... feeding on people, right? This many though? I've heard the phrase 'hungry enough to eat a horse', but never this. Most wolves will take a lost lamb or stray wanderers, but tend not to slay the entire flock." She queries, raising an eyebrow. Playing into the sheep analogy again felt a little dark, but then so was her conversation partner.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Yes, well... Wolves get full... A great deal more easily than I do~ Normal ones anyway," Axris replied, grinning. "What about you?" she asked suddenly, tilting her head, "what appetite brought you into my little vacation lair? Simple curiosity? The call of fresh souls to consume? Do tell!"
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Ahh, fresh souls? I... didn't come looking for leftovers, no." Maya responds quirking one eye at the thought. That certain gift she'd received from Lanai and Phyrra might be one thing, but consuming a full soul would be a different matter. Regardless, she decided to spare Axris the thrilling details of the defenceless fruit Maya had slaughtered for her own breakfast this morning. "I was merely passing, and wanted to know what had managed to quiet even the forest creatures. For something that stalks so well in the dark, your presence was hardly 'subtle'."

Whilst mere investigative curiosity was certainly part of it, Maya couldn't tell the far more significant answer. Axris was simply too dangerous and disruptive a creature to ignore this close to home. Her demonstrated nature made her a threat to the ones Maya cared about.

"But, vacation lair you say? Without the roof I suppose this place won't survive the rains for long anyway."
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

Maya: HP = 62, PP = 65, EP = 61/113, Status = Fine, Aspect of Spirit X = 6 (+24 Dodge, +24 Resistance, and +18 Perception), Psychic Shield X = 3 (+9 AV, +9 Grapple) Upkeep = 0

???: Fine, AoS X = 9 +Res+Dodge+Armor

"Psh, perhaps, when the first roots are being put down... But ultimately, the wild creatures would acclimate as my presence settled in. You only stumbled across it by happenstance," Axris replied, unconcerned with Maya's points on her lack of subtlety. "Oh I know, but I didn't intend on being here forever... A few weeks, perhaps, until the summer is mostly taken care of. Then it's further West for me!" she continued, which was more or less the direction she had come from... Back towards her home.
Re: Journeys (Unknown Squid)

"Hmm, I suppose it's a hiding place from the summer heat at least. But, heading West? Got friends out there?" Maya replies. A few weeks was far too long. And length of stay aside, having westward plans was no good either. One way or the other, the chance of Axris not happening across her family's homestead at some point seemed very unlikely. Maya gazes off into the night like darkness of the ceiling for a moment, just in thought, before looking back to Axris. Those sharp red eyes being one of the few easier things to see in this basement. "Actually, I guess this is kinda a strange question, but, do you have anyone that cares for you, Axris?"