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Re: Anthophobia

if you look closely, the zombies that will attack on sight can be difereciated from the ones that stay still...

sex attack isn't random,its the dickjump for the zombie as an example and they tend to do it when the distance isn't too far or too close...

you are really picky about random behavior, it is not fun to predict what every enemy will do... look at terror games like outlast, you play scared for like 10 minutes and then you can basically run around the stage because you know that all enemies behave the same

If you attack a zombie that normally wouldn't attack you, it will attack you; stray bullets will make zombies that don't attack normally, attack you. so yes, some zombies will attack you that wouldn't normally, etc.

The sex attack is indeed random. i've sat there and they've never done it once, over and over, at different lengths. almost every other h-game on the planet will have them nonstop do h-attacks the minute the character is naked, because it *makes sense*.

It's not being picky, and it's not about predicting what the enemies will do, it's about consistent gameplay design; making an experience where the player feels *rewarded* for figuring out how the game works and exploiting it to succeed. it's not fun to play with completely randomized variables (not saying this game has that, it does have SOME consistency), because that nullifies skill, and if you're going to have complete randomization, you might as well go out and gamble rather than play a video game, lol.
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Re: Anthophobia

sex attack isn't random,its the dickjump for the zombie as an example and they tend to do it when the distance isn't too far or too close...
The sex attack is indeed random. i've sat there and they've never done it once, over and over, at different lengths.
I believe he intended to convey that the dickjump, while it does occur at random, is indeed telegraphed.
It's not being picky, and it's not about predicting what the enemies will do, it's about consistent gameplay design; making an experience where the player feels *rewarded* for figuring out how the game works and exploiting it to succeed. it's not fun to play with completely randomized variables (not saying this game has that, it does have SOME consistency), because that nullifies skill, and if you're going to have complete randomization, you might as well go out and gamble rather than play a video game, lol.
While I agree with your general sentiment, I have something I'd like to add.

So, I'm gonna try to be brief here, but "self-efficacy" is defined in psychology as a conscious being's certainty in its existence, as demonstrated by its capability to affect its environment. Low self-efficacy is most of what goes into having low self-confidence; you feel like you don't matter.

In gaming, we want to be challenged, and we want to feel like we're improving as time goes on. Nothing is more counterproductive to that end, than putting the player in situations where they feel like their decisions and actions don't have an effect on the outcome. If the zombies would touch you, and then RNG determined whether the player would take damage or activate a sex maneuver, that would be shitty. But they don't -- they rear back, engage the dicking apparatus, and then leap at you. Because we know which attacks are going to activate sex maneuvers, we can learn from it and witness ourselves exceeding our previously established limitations.

This idea comprises the majority of what goes into whether or not things get boring, in gaming and in real life. When you feel like you've stopped improving (ie. like you are taking the best possible course of action each time you make an attempt), you get bored.
Re: Anthophobia

Wow! This game looks amazing! I can't wait to see more of it!!

I am certainly willing to throw money at it to see it completed!
Re: Anthophobia

I believe he intended to convey that the dickjump, while it does occur at random, is indeed telegraphed.

Right, and it's definitely telegraphed, which wasn't my complaint, my complaint was that it's wholly random when or if they ever do it; it's the first and only time I've seen something like that done in an h-game of this kind, and it's for a good reason that it's not done more often, haha.

But they don't -- they rear back, engage the dicking apparatus, and then leap at you. Because we know which attacks are going to activate sex maneuvers, we can learn from it and witness ourselves exceeding our previously established limitations.

This idea comprises the majority of what goes into whether or not things get boring, in gaming and in real life. When you feel like you've stopped improving (ie. like you are taking the best possible course of action each time you make an attempt), you get bored.

Right, and my complaint wasn't that they telegraph (or don't telegraph), my complaint was that the design of the game is randomized as far as what is a threat and what is not.

Take for instance a similar situation in a similar game, Streets of Rage 2; there are enemies waiting by the wayside as you go through the levels, and those enemies are always presented in the same manner;

1) If the player attacks them while they're standing there, they will attack back, but if not, then
2) The enemies will walk towards the player and attack them, if the player doesn't attack them first.

There are no exceptions to this in the entire game. In this game though, there are zombies that will:

1) Zombies leaning against the wall that will wait in place and not attack indefinitely, until you shoot them
2) Zombies leaning against the wall that will attack if you're near them but only after a long duration of waiting
3) Zombies leaning against the wall that will instantly attack if they're near you
4) Zombies that are NOT on the wall that will actively pursue you from the get go

And they're all the same sprite color/design. This leads to unintuitive, randomized gameplay design, where the character is forced to take every single zombie as a threat, and in doing so, it nullifies the entire point of even having any zombies that AREN'T coming after you (the #4 type) because the player is treating all of them as potential #4's due to the way the game's designed if they want to minimize damage/risk.

This is why it's bad game design; you have a feature in the game that is completely pointless, because a decent player, after being screwed by zombie types 1 through 3, will just start shooting/hitting everything in an attempt to make absolutely sure the zombie is dealt with, nullifying any sort of gameplay strategy, tactics, or knowledge that you could use to deal with 1-3 in a unique way. You can have multiple possibilities for enemy behavior in a game and still have structure, as in the SoR2 example, it's just done badly here.

But, I'm just a stickler for this kind of stuff because I make/work on/QA games myself, so this is basically my job, to make sure that games are designed efficiently/work intuitively, so I realize most people don't give a shit about this kind of stuff, lol.
Re: Anthophobia

I agree and have nothing interesting to say. Haha.
Re: Anthophobia

Oh no, what you said was interesting and they were all good points, I'm not trying to say what you said was wrong/not interesting!

I wasn't either? I was just saying "I agree, but have nothing to add to what you said."
Re: Anthophobia

I just feel I'm terribly bad at this game. How do you guys deal with hordes?

Edit: apparently, from it seems they were adding a checkpoint in the boss room, but then the project got corrupted.
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Re: Anthophobia

I just feel I'm terribly bad at this game. How do you guys deal with hordes?

Edit: apparently, from it seems they were adding a checkpoint in the boss room, but then the project got corrupted.

how i deal with thats horde u say?
i rely on Cheat engine :3
its super effective :D
Re: Anthophobia

yeah cheating is generally pretty effective
Re: Anthophobia

I'm just going to go ahead and say cheat engine is a must to enjoy the demo.

The game difficulty is pretty high. There are checkpoints but... eh... its better to use the checkpoints for easy access to the fun monsters.

Infinite ammo can really speed up the reply parts since continue is broken.

Do note though, that there is no creampie with the grabby flower, it only squirts when you run out of health. Some creative working of frozen health values and then releasing them should provide a pretty lengthy er... 'struggle' with the flower before succumbing.

Eventually I hope he puts in an option for enabling/disabling the cut-in scenes since I know not everyone likes them, but for those that do cut-ins for all rapes and creampies would be nice.

Speaking of "would be nice", would be nice if the grabby plant kept raping her without a full animation reset. Creampies ontop of creampies after she's too worn to do anything other than just sit there and take it.

As for the lighting, once again a reason for cheat engine but beautiful on the ambience. It's not a game for dashing through unless you already know the area, and the element of surprise is well appreciated if it doesn't get too crazy. You can control the lighting to a degree, it's not impossible.

Really hoping this goes far and has a lot of content rather than just half a dozen monsters with unique rapes. Love the theme.
Re: Anthophobia

This game is pretty much Lab Still Alive: Dark Souls Difficulty edition.

Very tough game, but enjoyable if you get to know the tricks and find the h scenes.
Re: Anthophobia

I'm just going to go ahead and say cheat engine is a must to enjoy the demo.

As for the lighting, once again a reason for cheat engine but beautiful on the ambience. It's not a game for dashing through unless you already know the area, and the element of surprise is well appreciated if it doesn't get too crazy. You can control the lighting to a degree, it's not impossible.

How, may I ask, did you do this? I am a complete CE scrub.
Re: Anthophobia

As for the lighting, once again a reason for cheat engine but beautiful on the ambience. It's not a game for dashing through unless you already know the area, and the element of surprise is well appreciated if it doesn't get too crazy. You can control the lighting to a degree, it's not impossible.

Indeed, I'm also curious as to how you can lighten up the lighting. I've tried mining for the values in CE but I can't figure out the proper values and addresses that are associated with them.

If you could give me tips on how to narrow it down, I would muchly appreciate it.
Re: Anthophobia

Amongst the various game design and difficulty thing that have already been discussed, I just wanna rant/ask...

Why the falling rocks!? Seriously, why would you add that kind of thing to an H-game? Just a needless bit of additional difficulty that's almost bound to hit you unless you can see the future or have suffered it previously. There's neither any gameplay value nor h-element to be gained from randomly killing the player without any warning. If I wanted to play Unfair Mario I would be.

At least give them a tell of some kind, such as a subtle falling dust visual and sound effect. Little environmental dangers could be a nice element to an H-game if actually done right for once. Such as having the rocks momentarily knock you prone and vulnerable instead, rather than just dealing plain old HP damage. One option creates a sudden unexpected moment of danger, with a bit of more immersive H potentially involved, whilst the other just sends you back to the last checkpoint feeling cheated.

That aside, there is some good stuff in this game too. But at present its flaws are spoiling it.

Well buggerit. Curse you, anonymous grammar person! You just broke a 30 month spree of no reds. xD

It's fixed now. So feel free to scurry back to your lair and feast on the stolen tears.
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Re: Anthophobia

Ok so...
even with all the comments here i made my mind and went to the website to try the demo.
Can't launch the damn game !
I mean, i launch it, i'm on the main screen, i do start, the game appear and... "do not respond".

Just to let you know, i'm already in japanese location, i even tried launching it with applocale, as an admin, with windows XP SP3 compatibility mode...

First i was thinking that maybe it had something to do with the fact that i don't have a graphic card anymore (i'm on the crappy chipset right now urgh....) but other games work totally fine.

Any ideas ?
it's not a big deal since it seems to be a too hard for nothing game but i don't really like to give up just like this.
Re: Anthophobia

First i was thinking that maybe it had something to do with the fact that i don't have a graphic card anymore (i'm on the crappy chipset right now urgh....) but other games work totally fine.
it depends on videocard
Same problem on my laptop
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Re: Anthophobia

it depends on videocard
Same problem on my laptop

Awww :c well, i'll just have to wait my new GC then. tried Vita Great Escape and it works totally fine so i hoped it wasn't that.

Thx for the answer ^^
Re: Anthophobia

Okay, to clarify, I didn't change the lighting itself with cheat engine.

I usually just freeze health so getting snagged by something in the darkness isn't as bad a thing. When the darkness is less of a frustrating hindrance it becomes much more appreciable as part of the ambience.
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