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Space Adventure

Re: Space Adventure

Also, for the last two updates you've had our main character's name as Jane instead of Susan for her stats

Oh God. My sincere apologies, to everyone here and especially to Cevrik777. I was specifically going to apologise for copying the stats template and then modifying it, but thinking back I think I decided against that in the end and just made one from scratch - but you can see it was still on my mind. And now there's so much egg on my face you could slap me with a frying pan and call me an omelette.

Update to follow soon-ish.
Re: Space Adventure

Option 2 is unanimous.


Susan and Amelia trudged along the river side, neither of them having the energy to make conversation. The loss of Faaldoon weighed heavily on her mind, but there was nothing that could be done for him now; the two of them would just have to struggle on alone. And hopefully escape this hell-hole as soon as possible.
The sun was setting in earnest now; it seemed night fell quickly over this planet. The thick canopy didn't help matters either, and as the shadows lengthened the forest started to come alive with sounds. Whistles, screeches, roars off in the distance, croaking, all mixed with the gentle splashing of the river they walked alongside - a riotous cacophony that didn't do anything to improve her mood. She'd briefly considered retreating back to the crashed ship and bedding in there for the night, but they were so far along going back would be pointless. Rather than press on, however (the sun really was going down alarmingly quickly) Susan decided it would be best to try and stop somewhere for the night by the river.

"Do you think we should stop somewhere soon?" she called to Amelia, who was walking only a few steps ahead.
"Sure," she muttered, swatting irritably at an insect-like creature buzzing around her head. "Whatever you think best."

It only took a further few minutes to find somewhere Susan deemed suitable. The ground rose up, providing a large, more gentle slope towards the river. In this bank was a hole, large enough for the pair of them to walk in without even having to stoop. It went back a fair distance as well, and the smattering of dried plants on the ground, coupled with a strong musky smell suggested it was a probably a burrow for some large alien creature. And even if that's the case, there's no-one here now...

Amelia went right to the back of the burrow, and lay down on the (mercifully dry) floor without another word. She did, however, open up her backpack and toss over a nutrient bar and bottle of water, both of which Susan gratefully consumed.
The sun set in earnest as she ate, and as the darkness rose a strange glow crept over the jungle - bioluminescent patches of fungus, glowing mushrooms, even purple seedpods gently drifting down through the air. It was almost rather pretty.
"I'll take first watch," Susan said, receiving only a grunt in response.

For hours she sat there, watching the dark. She wasn't brave enough to light a fire (it could attract attention) so the hours passed by relatively unmarked. To help with the boredom she drew out the data-pad again, flicking through the database of alien life on the planet, just trying to learn.
Eventually she began to doze, but she didn't have the heart to wake Amelia, to get her to take the watch instead. She began to yawn...

She was snapped out of her reverie by a yelp from Amelia. She had no idea what the time was - it was still dark outside - and she immediately drew her blaster. The darkness made it hard to see, but from the faint glow of the data-pad she could make out things dropping down from the ceiling towards the other woman. Tendrils, or maybe roots, brown, thick and rugged, coiling around around her arms like snakes. More and more of them were pushing out of the soil, starting to twine around her ankles and pull them wide. She thrashed and struggled, but it was of little use - they'd caught her off-guard.
Behind her Susan heard another noise; more of the tendrils, this time popping out along the burrow mouth, trying to cut off her escape. If I left now, there'd just be time to duck beneath them...

Option A) Leave Amelia to fend for herself.

Option B) Stay and help Amelia escape.


Health: 33/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving technology.

- Exosuit (100%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 5 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x4
- High energy nutrient bars x6
Re: Space Adventure

B. If she survives, she'll never forgive you for leaving her. If she doesn't, you're alone and completely fucked. She also has all the food.
Re: Space Adventure

A. Amelia might enjoy the fuck tree
Re: Space Adventure

It's always good to have an ally on an alien planet - even if we might get into some trouble, I'm thinking of the long-term here.
Re: Space Adventure

B - why should only Amelia get to enjoy the fuck tree?
Re: Space Adventure

B - for now Amelia is a valuable ally and has given us no reason to abandon her, so...
Re: Space Adventure

B - Start blasting and shooting.
Re: Space Adventure

Back after Christmas, time to carry on the story.

Option B is fairly unanimous, so that's what's happening.


In a split second Susan made her decision - Amelia might not be her closest friend in the world, but there was no way she was going to leave her here to die (or worse).
"Look out!" she called, more for her own benefit than Amelia's, and drew her laser blaster from her hip. Her hands were shaking, it was a dark, confined space and her accuracy wasn't brilliant at the best of times - but this felt like her best chance.

She squeezed the trigger, and a burst of red light burst from the end with surprising force, so strong it made her recoil a little. By some mercy of the Maker, her aim was straight and true - the red beam smashed a straight line through the tendrils that were entangling Amelia's arms.

With at least two of her limbs now available to her, Amelia began fighting back in earnest, pulling and tugging at the thick brown roots that were still winding their way up her legs. Susan watched as with a great deal of difficulty she managed to extract her left leg from their vice-like grip.
Amelia looked up. "Behind you!" she shouted.

Susan twisted around, just in time to see the same brown, twisting tentacles emerge from the ceiling behind her. She tried to dodge, but was too slow, and several latched onto her arms. However, they found next to no grip on her sleek, black exosuit, and slid off at the first tug from Susan. Relieved, she leveled her blaster once more and fired off another shot. Once again her aim was true, and the burst from the laser incinerated one of the biggest, gnarliest roots. A fine, black ash drifted down from what had mere seconds ago been an aggressive tentacle, some of it landing in her hair.

The remaining roots - or whatever they were - apparently decided they had picked a loosing battle, vanishing immediately back into the soil from whence they came. In less time than it took to blink there was no sign they'd even been present.
Susan extended a hand to Amelia, pulling her gently to her feet.

"Thank you," the other woman said. It was almost too dark to tell... but was that a red flush creeping up her cheek? Embarrassment? "I realise I've not been the best company so far, and you're only doing your best... but that was pretty brave of you, fighting that thing off."

Susan wasn't sure what to say, although her mouth opened and words seemed to tumble out regardless.
"Oh, don't worry about it. I could never leave you behind... you're the one carrying all the food."
For a brief moment Amelia froze. Then, slowly, a smile broke out on her face and she started to laugh.


At midmorning the next day, the pair found themselves outside the town they'd come all this way in search of. Despite their ordeal the night before, both were in surprisingly high spirits - helped, no doubt, by their newly forged friendship.
From the outside, the town wasn't much to look at; it was in a clearing so large they could barely make out the trees at the far end, but the actual settlement didn't seem to take up most of it. The whole thing was also surrounded by high, ramshackle wooden walls, dotted in various places by some of the rustiest-looking sentry boxes Susan thought she'd ever seen. The river also ran into the town, although a metal grate prevented anything larger than a fist entering by the route.
There was a gate, also made of wood, and it hung ajar. There were no guards in sight, at least initially - as they walked through the gap into the town proper, a giant bipedal lizard looked up from its seat behind a desk. It ran its eyes over the pair of them and nodded, before looking back down at a data pad of its own.
OK, so security isn't the tightest.

"Hey," Amelia called out to the guard, after briefly scanning the surrounding, empty cobbled streets. Apparently the guard was at least a species she recognised. "I have an itemised agenda right here. Where can a couple of girls go to get a drink, buy some equipment, and scope out some gossip?"
The lizard-man hissed and gargled, but apparently Amelia understood; she nodded along with him, at any rate.

"Cool," she said, turning back around to face Susan. "Where do you want to go first?"


Option 1) Go to a tavern, find something to drink and find out more information about the local ruin and mountain.

Option 2) Go to the Official Data Bank to find more trustworthy information about the mountain or ruin, but pass up the chance of a drink.

Option 3) Go to the local bazaar to buy weapons, booster packs for the pistols already present, and possibly some armour for Amelia.
Option 3B) As you don't have any money and only limited resources, go to the market to try and steal any of the above.

Option 4) Other.

I don't own any dice, so I just used a random number generator. For, say, a d12, the min and max possibilities are set to 1 and 12 respectively.

Laser blast 1. 5 base + 11 from d12 = 16 damage.

Breeder Tendrils Collective HP = 30 - 16 = 14.

Amelia struggles hand-to-hand (d5). Rolled a 5.
Breeder Tendrils Collective = 9 HP.

Tendrils attack Susan -> 13 from a d50 (I swear blind I am not fixing this).
Exosuit at 87%.

Laser blast 2. 5 + 8 (d12) = 13 damage.

Breeder Tendrils collective = 1 HP
Breeder Tendrils Retreat

Health: 34/40

Base stats:
STR: 4
DEX: 5
INT: 10
CHM: 6
SXC: 1

For character/role-play reasons, Susan gets +1 to any roll involving (non-weapon based) technology.

- Exosuit (87%). Provides thermal insulation and moderate resistance to physical attack.
- Laser Blaster (DEX-based). 3 shots.
- Stun baton (STR-based). Unknown charge remaining.
- Data-Pad
- First aid kit (bandages, sterilising liquid, water, bottle of medicine containing nanobots to combat any poisoning).

- One large rucksack
- Standard-issue Communications uniform, purple and blue.
- 1 litre bottles of purified water x4
- High energy nutrient bars x6
Re: Space Adventure

Databank. Definitely the databank. Maybe find out if there's anything you can do to make some money so you can buy some equipment before you head out again.
Re: Space Adventure

Option 2

We could really use the information.
Re: Space Adventure

Re: Space Adventure

1.) Beer indeed. We need to drown the sorrows we just experienced in beer and then perk up the next day ready for anything.
Re: Space Adventure

Databank. Definitely the databank. Maybe find out if there's anything you can do to make some money so you can buy some equipment before you head out again.
This. We need reliable information about where we are and the surrounding area. A way to earn some money will be a nice bonus. We can get beer when we can actually pay for it.

On the way ask Amelia what species the guard is and how she speaks the language.