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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

For the record, I lurk a lot but hardly ever post. I appreciate your hard work.

Regarding a potential revolution, I've had some thoughts about how to make R-morrigan fun to play, but I have no editing talent and I'm not sure where to start or who to talk to about doing any of it.

Thanks, but I haven't done anything yet. Send your gratitude to the guys who post the links and who actually create the sprites and characters. It's cool if you can't edit or anything...I started out that way and I can't REALLY edit, per se. But I'm fairly patient with tedious, time-consuming modifications in animation and moving sprites around, so as long as guys like RMDB send out sprites, I just add to existing characters. I haven't looked at your wall o text yet, but rest assured I'll give it some time when I get a chance. And if you're interested in trying your hand at editing/modding H-mugen (or just mugen in general), I'll be glad to help or answer questions to the best of my ability.

@Senoj8 (or Jones): Thanks for the vids; I frequent mugenero/mugen_rape's FC2 channel so I already saw his new Bao vid, but the new ones from mugen sprite lover were quite intriguing (only just started watching). As for the Bao, while I respect mugenero's talent for creating the doggy/missionary sprites of victims, I was more satisfied this time around with the internal cumshot anims...shows the evolution of Bao and future rapers. He did a pretty good job on his victims this time around too; I liked the sound of the first few characters (esp the second).

@Fruitsmoothie: lol, I'm the opposite. I've got so many victims, but not enough rapers (Birdie/Joker/Vega/Mino/Mizo/Kuro/Slime...those are probably the most 'able' ones); I'd love to see Chang/Chong, Jill, Zangief and Mugenero's Bao up someday. Totally get you on putting up links though, and I appreciate it anyway. That's one of the more annoying aspects of mugen being independently customizable; you have so many versions and authors/editors floating around that when you've got multiple iterations of a single character, it's difficult to see the newest changes to it, and which version of the character is better. That and when I customize a character for myself and the ryona uploader spits out an even better version of it, it's basically SMH...wasting time/effort. :p
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I like all those ideas of Imirael though thats pretty ambitious haha. I'd just be happy with the animations from that video earlier being added.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I like all those ideas of Imirael though thats pretty ambitious haha. I'd just be happy with the animations from that video earlier being added.

Maybe. implimenting it is mostly just using pre-existing code/forms that are already used, and changing the speed at which animations play. (also on demand, but that's a thing that later characters do too). Or just reducing some of what'

Has anyone considered asking him to help with sprites?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

well..some would be wondering about my chars Jessica and Claudia hentai stuff..well this is..with a link about tutorial to be compatible with them...:
there we are, with new stuff like Sexy Nude Ko and Cheap KO.They works with Winmugen and mugen 1.0 (non tested in 1.1 but guess it works as some said me...).
Jessica Smoke


Compatible with Slime,Kuromaru, Minotaur,Jessica, and Claudilla.


My gift for Mai,I am the queen of hentai, not her:



her new hentai moves:


her compatibility with Slime, Kuromaru,Minotaur, Jessica and herself.


her sexy winpose and* sexy cheap KO


Annie Polley
Sexy and Cheap KO, compatibility with Claudilla and Jessica.



enjoy them.

How do your char compatible with them read :
Enjoy it...
Annie Polley is here:

im not understanding this. I got the characters in the game but none of them have any sex moves. Then I checked the hotmugen link but im not understanding how or where do I put those codes????. IF anyone can do it for me that would be great.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hmm if I want to start playing - what should download first ?
Also is there anywhere movelist in english etc ?

For extra heroine charakters - Are there any form Fate series ?
Also some shota fuckers ?

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Hamger: I think Jessica is already compatible with most rapers, and Claudilla as a raper already has her movesets, and both are compatible with each other (i.e. Claudilla can rape Jessica). If you'd like to make a victim compatible with Claudilla, you'd need to follow Jessica Smoke's tutorial on post #217 on this thread; it has a link near the bottom, and you'd need to get into FF3 and create animations for that character. Of course, if the character is H-compatible with common rapers (e.g. Kuro/Mino), most of the animations Claudilla uses are identical, so they should be okay anyway. Her movesets and how to perform them are on that same link. I'd post a link but I don't think I've got enough posts; just follow that tutorial. :p

@Angmir: Well, if you want to start off easy, you could use a preset mugen. RMDB's ryona QoF mugen is the most flashy and quite comprehensive for characters, but he took it down. There should be a link somewhere in this thread. There's also Betmark's mugen, which you can just google and download, and Tetchi's QoF 2015 too. Sorry I can't link to them, but google is your friend.
EDIT: Sorry, Betmark's is up in the OP, and a few of the friendly users (thanks Fruitsmoothie) have uploaded their collections as well on the OP. Sooooo yeah, just check the OP, as with most threads, and you'll be fine.

Personally, I'd tell you to go ALL the way from the beginning and learn the hard way. You'd download Mugen first. I'd recommend 1.0, but I currently use 1.1b. There should be a link on the OP. Then you need characters, and again, you can google the H-characters you want or use a preset database like the ones I mentioned. Lastly, you'd edit the select.def to add them characters yourself. That takes much more work, but you'd learn mugen in depth.

Movelists? You can find them in most of the characters command files (a Windows command file you can open with Notepad), while most of the popular raper characters have movelists in the OP. Fate? I'm not really familiar with that series (or many anime series for that matter), but I did a bit of google-fu and I remember having Rin Tohsaka as a H-character in my collection. Gilgamesh is a H-character, but a fairly poor one with low compatibility. Saber was edited by mugenero/mugen_rape to be H-compatible but obviously, he's not sharing. I thought I knew most of the Japanese H-terminology, but had to look shota up. While that's not my cup of tea, and I'm not sure whether it'll be classified as 'loli' per the forum guidelines, I think the raper character 'Bao' fits the description well.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm one of those that started out with just mugen, and added characters as i found them. I actually really like that way of using mugen, adds to the adventure i guess. I still remember using Winmugen back in the day, haha. The next step for my mugen adventures would probably be editing characters more to my liking, but that's a pipe dream for now. The only thing I've tried doing so far, is editing/making palettes, and they're pretty average at best.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm tempted to post something, but I'm always tweaking it. The trouble is that sometimes changing one thing about one rapist character leads to changing all of the victims. For example, you might need to separate sprites into more layers so it looks right when they get all tangled up...

I basically took PotS E.Honda and modded in some code from an obscure Kuromaru variant and picked E.Honda sprites for them accordingly. (This particular Kuromaru summoned a couple of Minotaur attacks, which is what I used.) Unfortunately, it's a really non-standard attack that doesn't automatically work with any of the established victims (without custom modding case-by-case).

My modded code is sort of a mess. Badly commented, and with extra garbage comments that mostly don't mean anything and were thrown in on the fly because I had no idea what I was doing and it was mostly trial-and-error. I'm not sure whether that's the sort of thing I want to clean up. There's also an alternate H-attack that was being buggy and I didn't like it as much anyway, and it's not possible to activate the state anyway in the current setup.

I generally prefer victims who are 30ish. I also find it more satisfying when the enemy AI is challenging but not super spammy and cheap. You know, like they would be in an actual game. Getting pushed around and denied a lot but then going to town when you finally find an opening, so to speak. There's more urgency when there's a real chance of losing.

Anyway, I keep not wanting to bundle it up as is because it keeps evolving and it's all over the place. There are also tons of relics lurking around, like image files and backups that are no longer relevant at all. I also screwed up some of the palettes for the portraits, and I'd have to go back and re-assign them or whatever.

Is everyone just collecting, or has anyone else modded - or even built - characters?

Post linked for commentary and overall approach here.

Ok, still not perfect, but it's unclear whether I'm going to really fix anything up any more than this anytime soon. Also, it's based on an obscure mod from a while ago and doesn't really interact with anything else out there as is. I forgot to mention that the victim sounds are 4218 21-23, and I think sometimes 19 and 20, but those last two are not as important.

I also forgot to mention that the custom code crashes the game in 1 vs 2, so don't bother unless you're going to never hit two enemies at once with strong flying headbutt. "Notes" might be a useful read if you try it out, but you'll probably want to keep a totally separate select.def for this finicky and self-contained group, if not a subfolder (I think there might be a way to make select.def sort through subfolders, but I'm not sure...).


EDIT: I think I accidentally copied in an older version of Honda by mistake. I didn't check my select.def, and my numbering system is messed up on this end. X-P
If that one is indeed better/newer, then I'll have to update the original folder with the replacement.
EDIT 2: Updated big archive. May or may not be exactly the same, but there's a decent chance the original's Honda is outdated: mega.co.nz/#!kd9xCSJA!VkmtJ1YJbqNtPYB66B4dU1IP3qTSyRDFxCNqB9rdzls
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Hamger: I think Jessica is already compatible with most rapers, and Claudilla as a raper already has her movesets, and both are compatible with each other (i.e. Claudilla can rape Jessica). If you'd like to make a victim compatible with Claudilla, you'd need to follow Jessica Smoke's tutorial on post #217 on this thread; it has a link near the bottom, and you'd need to get into FF3 and create animations for that character. Of course, if the character is H-compatible with common rapers (e.g. Kuro/Mino), most of the animations Claudilla uses are identical, so they should be okay anyway. Her movesets and how to perform them are on that same link. I'd post a link but I don't think I've got enough posts; just follow that tutorial. :p

@Angmir: Well, if you want to start off easy, you could use a preset mugen. RMDB's ryona QoF mugen is the most flashy and quite comprehensive for characters, but he took it down. There should be a link somewhere in this thread. There's also Betmark's mugen, which you can just google and download, and Tetchi's QoF 2015 too. Sorry I can't link to them, but google is your friend.
EDIT: Sorry, Betmark's is up in the OP, and a few of the friendly users (thanks Fruitsmoothie) have uploaded their collections as well on the OP. Sooooo yeah, just check the OP, as with most threads, and you'll be fine.

Personally, I'd tell you to go ALL the way from the beginning and learn the hard way. You'd download Mugen first. I'd recommend 1.0, but I currently use 1.1b. There should be a link on the OP. Then you need characters, and again, you can google the H-characters you want or use a preset database like the ones I mentioned. Lastly, you'd edit the select.def to add them characters yourself. That takes much more work, but you'd learn mugen in depth.

Movelists? You can find them in most of the characters command files (a Windows command file you can open with Notepad), while most of the popular raper characters have movelists in the OP. Fate? I'm not really familiar with that series (or many anime series for that matter), but I did a bit of google-fu and I remember having Rin Tohsaka as a H-character in my collection. Gilgamesh is a H-character, but a fairly poor one with low compatibility. Saber was edited by mugenero/mugen_rape to be H-compatible but obviously, he's not sharing. I thought I knew most of the Japanese H-terminology, but had to look shota up. While that's not my cup of tea, and I'm not sure whether it'll be classified as 'loli' per the forum guidelines, I think the raper character 'Bao' fits the description well.

No they don't have none of their moveset. I downloaded cluadia and jessica smoke and made them vs each other. All they did was attack each other and doing attack specials and no sex moves. If you can download them and test them for yourself to see what im doing wrong that would be helpful.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Post linked for commentary and overall approach here.

Ok, still not perfect, but it's unclear whether I'm going to really fix anything up any more than this anytime soon. Also, it's based on an obscure mod from a while ago and doesn't really interact with anything else out there as is. I forgot to mention that the victim sounds are 4218 21-23, and I think sometimes 19 and 20, but those last two are not as important.

I also forgot to mention that the custom code crashes the game in 1 vs 2, so don't bother unless you're going to never hit two enemies at once with strong flying headbutt. "Notes" might be a useful read if you try it out, but you'll probably want to keep a totally separate select.def for this finicky and self-contained group, if not a subfolder (I think there might be a way to make select.def sort through subfolders, but I'm not sure...).

i was unable to load Honda on Training Mode,Mugen crashed as there is something wrong with statedef 28001,i will try to find out what is it....

No they don't have none of their moveset. I downloaded cluadia and jessica smoke and made them vs each other. All they did was attack each other and doing attack specials and no sex moves. If you can download them and test them for yourself to see what im doing wrong that would be helpful.
did you manage them or it was just Watch Mode? some rape moves can be done only by human input.


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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i was unable to load Honda on Training Mode,Mugen crashed as there is something wrong with statedef 28001,i will try to find out what is it....

did you manage them or it was just Watch Mode? some rape moves can be done only by human input.

Minotaur has some weird programming I don't understand. If you select with the kick buttons, then he does the AI with the new moves.

Not sure what the thing with Honda is for you. I was trimming unnecessary garbage and might have clipped something important maybe. :-/
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I think I have MUGEN 1.0, which is newer than Winmugen and possibly the latest version. I'll try uploading just that folder. If it still doesn't work, then I have no idea, because it's totally functional for me.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Minotaur has some weird programming I don't understand. If you select with the kick buttons, then he does the AI with the new moves.

Not sure what the thing with Honda is for you. I was trimming unnecessary garbage and might have clipped something important maybe. :-/

Thanks for the upload Anon. I think mugenero had a Honda raper and though I haven't checked yours out yet, I have a suspicion yours will be like his (that's a compliment). I'm not a very good coder, so I'm not sure I can help you, but if I see anything, I'll provide feedback.

@Hamger: Hmmm, I haven't yet downloaded Claudilla (I'm not a fan of futa), but I'm positive Jessica works correctly; even without a few of my edits to her, her anims were working properly. Try her out with another raper (Mino or Kuro). Honestly, I don't really want to test Claudilla, but I will say that sometimes rapers don't go into their rape anims very often. Sometimes the AIs just don't perform their moves due to the button combinations or because there are simply better moves available. For example, when Mizoguchi was early in his development, he almost never utilized his rape moves. Ditto for most current male rapers out there (the minor ones), and some rapers will not rape in watch mode. Echoing Mugenhti, I'd suggest using Claudilla yourself instead of Watch Mode and test her rape anims, just because you'll be there forever if you want to wait for the AI's to randomly use one of the rape anims. From Jessica Smoke's post (#217), one of her links contains the button combinations for Claudilla's animations.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I think I have MUGEN 1.0, which is newer than Winmugen and possibly the latest version. I'll try uploading just that folder. If it still doesn't work, then I have no idea, because it's totally functional for me.

i went to 1.1 and loaded fine,weird,i already saw the moves for Honda
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

i went to 1.1 and loaded fine,weird,i already saw the moves for Honda

The notes file says a little about the history. Code cut and paste of "Kuromaru Strike" that doesn't seem to exist anymore, modified with trial-and-error until I could figure out how to get the triggers to work with a different character and sprites. I uploaded a version years ago once and that's it, and as far as I know it never went around or anything. I only recently fiddled with it some more. It would be pretty funny if it did make rounds after all.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

The notes file says a little about the history. Code cut and paste of "Kuromaru Strike" that doesn't seem to exist anymore, modified with trial-and-error until I could figure out how to get the triggers to work with a different character and sprites. I uploaded a version years ago once and that's it, and as far as I know it never went around or anything. I only recently fiddled with it some more. It would be pretty funny if it did make rounds after all.
Anonygoose's? or different one?i will try to edit a few things.

Claudilla video --->
try these commands for those moves
name = "perra"
command = ~D, DB, B,c

name = "pene"
command = ~D, DF, F,c

name = "anal"
command = ~D, D,c

name = "masturbacion"
command = ~D, D,z
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Anonygoose's? or different one?i will try to edit a few things.

Yeah, that one. X years later and people have heard of it?

I hope I sent the most updated one. Mods of mods and betas of betas tend to end up in a messy pile of file folders.
EDIT: This might be newer than the one I posted. Not sure. I just know that this is what's in my select.def, and I don't know for sure which one I renamed and then posted the other day.
The oldest one has some palette glitches for special effects (I had no idea how palettes worked in Fighter Factory.) The newest one has custom splashes for Blair and Samus variants.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Anyone know where to get that slug raper? I think it's called Ripps.