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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Is there a way to tell what rapers a character is compatible with by looking at their files? Or any way, period? I'm trying to figure them out for the QoF Redux that was posted a few pages back.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Damoriva: Ripps' attacks are mostly lick based but I think he does have a few rape moves...you just don't really see the sex. Not exactly sure what the button combos are, but he has the anims and sprites for them.

@Ginger: Afaik, not really. You can get some sort of hint by checking on the files (sometimes there's a conspicuous file name that gives it away); I usually just open the .sff file (the sprites) in FF3 and browse for a minute, since there's a simple eye-test you can do to look for one. If you got some time, just dumping the characters in the game (if they aren't already) and playing Watch Mode, letting the characters fight, will show you whether they're H-compatible. In terms of specific rapers, no, I don't think so. Characters like Mino and Kuro are obviously the big ones and are more prone to perform the moves as AIs (since they've got a lot of anims/H-moves) and other characters like Zangura or Temjin have next to no anims/H-moves so it wouldn't matter even if the victim were compatible. If you know the H-moves the raper makes, you can perform the aforementioned step of looking at the characters' .sff file or .air file for the appropriate anim/sprites, but that does take a bit longer.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Anonygoose's? or different one?i will try to edit a few things.

Claudilla video --->
try these commands for those moves
name = "perra"
command = ~D, DB, B,c

name = "pene"
command = ~D, DF, F,c

name = "anal"
command = ~D, D,c

name = "masturbacion"
command = ~D, D,z

That explains it I was using watch mode. Thanks a lot.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hmm. Is licking all he does? I could have sworn he had rape moves.

Its pretty bad character with very little done. It does have rape moves but it looks more like humping to me xD. Dunno why I haven't deleted it years ago.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Ripps is just one of those characters that pale in comparison to others, in my humble opinion. I used to have him, but he's just so boring and disgusting, so i ended up deleting him not long after i obtained him.

I'd rather see some more good looking human rapers, if you know what i mean. Why does everything have to be so ugly and monstrous all the time, is all I'm getting at. I'd love to see some kind of raper with all the latest human based kuromaru and/or minotaur moves. I know Birdie pretty much has this, but he's not exactly what I'd categorize as good looking either. And Bao is a boy, so he doesn't exactly do the trick either.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I want a werewolf raper personally. I really don't like Minotaur's rape moves. For how he looks all big and scary, his moves are really softcore. I don't feel like they're animated very well either compared to Kuro. I did see a werewolf model for mugen, I think an edit from those fighting games with Felicia. Don't know if there was ever a version of him released.

Oh he might just be a gay victim, lame.

You can find a lot of interesting things on Paheal, search "M.U.G.E.N."
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I want a werewolf raper personally. I really don't like Minotaur's rape moves. For how he looks all big and scary, his moves are really softcore. I don't feel like they're animated very well either compared to Kuro. I did see a werewolf model for mugen, I think an edit from those fighting games with Felicia. Don't know if there was ever a version of him released.

Jon Talbain, Darkstalkers. It's a nice thought, but ideas are cheap and programming and animation both take forever. I think we get ugly characters because it's a power thing. Of course we want attractive victims, but immersion requires believing that the attacker really could pull it off.

Talbain definitely looks strong enough for the job, though, and his power isn't quite as brutish and chunky. I would have pasted code in for him a long time ago, but he didn't have enough sprites that looked like they could be strung together properly to look like rape. And I don't have art skills to make up the difference, either. With Honda, I did a hack job with one character's code and another character's sprites, and even that was really hard for me. *Maybe* I could try again sometime. Like, cutting and pasting parts and then fudging the seams to not look so conspicuous, or something. We're still talking about a day or more worth of work, though, and it wouldn't be any better than what I already have.

Some of Kuromaru's extended absorber finishes are pretty impressive, but I would really like to see more human(oid)s like you. It's that much easier to identify as the attacker that way.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Jon Talbain, Darkstalkers. It's a nice thought, but ideas are cheap and programming and animation both take forever. I think we get ugly characters because it's a power thing. Of course we want attractive victims, but immersion requires believing that the attacker really could pull it off.

Talbain definitely looks strong enough for the job, though, and his power isn't quite as brutish and chunky. I would have pasted code in for him a long time ago, but he didn't have enough sprites that looked like they could be strung together properly to look like rape. And I don't have art skills to make up the difference, either. With Honda, I did a hack job with one character's code and another character's sprites, and even that was really hard for me. *Maybe* I could try again sometime. Like, cutting and pasting parts and then fudging the seams to not look so conspicuous, or something. We're still talking about a day or more worth of work, though, and it wouldn't be any better than what I already have.

if you want to try,i can get you this Talbain,spriting is not my strong point.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Heh, I'm with you, Dawnstar. Birdie's great and all, but I'd love to see Mugen_raper's Chang/Cho or Zangief available some day. However, we do have a fair amount of human rapers (and that's not including the garbage ones like Temjin/Tung...sorry, no offense to their creators). We've got Vega, Mizoguchi, Joker, etc, in addition to Birdie and Bao. Of course, we probably won't get a human-based raper with the level of Kuro/Mino moves any time soon, but we still have a good selection of characters. Ripps is pretty awful; I dumped him into my 'garbage' folder long ago, but in his time, I'm sure he was decent enough.

@Fruitsmoothie/Anon: IIRC, I think Talbain IS a raper character; I'm pretty sure I have the one Mugenhti posted as a vid. However, I remember he was pretty darn awful, with only a single R move, which wasn't that great anyway. I may also have another werewolf raper character, but again, it's nowhere near as good as the rapers we currently have access to. I'd upload, but I doubt y'all want him...he's somewhere deep in my garbage folder. -__-

@Anon: I tried out your Honda. I really couldn't use him--he got stuck in R-animations half the time. My game never crashed, but he just wasn't playable. I'd try to help, but I'm very poor at coding. Good try though, and I hope it works out; appreciate your effort. :)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

if you want to try,i can get you this Talbain,spriting is not my strong point.

These aren't even custom sprites, so I'd probably be better off modding from what I already have. Thanks for the thought.

The other comment about getting stuck - this happens when it occasionally registers a "hit" but it's not a full hit in some way, like you hit a helper or a stun-proof enemy frame or something. Doesn't happen to me all the time, but sometimes, yeah - I just F4 out when it does. I don't know the proper escape clauses to avoid that. Jill Valentine won't get a mod, for example, unless I fiddle with it until that's fixed someday. (He's actually totally crashy against two simultaneous enemies, ha.)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hi everyone. I been here for over for 2 years now and this my first question

I've just downloaded this game today and install the starter packs most of the characters work only 4 missing . I have try the edit data and had little success I can upload them but they don't have a display picture on the play list.

my main problem seems to be with the starter stage packs I have install and unzip they do show on my play list but every time the game about to start and the game crashes with

Error message:
BG error reading stages/NBC_KurukuruD4.def

Library error message: Error reading sprite NBC_KurukuruD4/NBC_KurukuruD4.sff

if anyone can help me out and I'm really sorry asking newbie question and a big time fan of this forum site.

Also a big thanks for starter pack.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hey Lithium. Welcome (I'm fairly new here too)!

Though I've never downloaded the starter packs here, it looks like there's a problem with the sprite file (the .sff file) of that particular stage. I'm guessing the .def file (the one that provides the data of the stage) has the wrong location for the .sff file and can't find it, which crashes your game. If you don't mind missing the stage, the quick fix is to go into your select.def file and locate the stage (you can just CTRL+F NBC_KurukuruD4). Add a semicolon (';') in front of the stage name, which omits the stage, or just delete the line that contains the stage entirely.

If you'd like to keep the stage, feel free to PM me and I can walk you through the steps to fix the problem (or you can just send me the stage file and your select.def file and I'll try to fix it myself). Good luck!

EDIT: As for the missing character sprites, it's likely they're under the wrong portrait group or something. Usually, it's 9000,0 for the select screen portrait and 9000,1 for the larger one, but some mugen creators like RMDB have specialized ones that use 9000,100 or something like that instead. That's probably the case, and if it bugs you, you'll need to go into FF3 and change the portrait to the right group. More unlikely is that the portraits are off-aligned or don't even exist, but that's pretty rare.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hey Lithium. Welcome (I'm fairly new here too)!

Though I've never downloaded the starter packs here, it looks like there's a problem with the sprite file (the .sff file) of that particular stage. I'm guessing the .def file (the one that provides the data of the stage) has the wrong location for the .sff file and can't find it, which crashes your game. If you don't mind missing the stage, the quick fix is to go into your select.def file and locate the stage (you can just CTRL+F NBC_KurukuruD4). Add a semicolon (';') in front of the stage name, which omits the stage, or just delete the line that contains the stage entirely.

If you'd like to keep the stage, feel free to PM me and I can walk you through the steps to fix the problem (or you can just send me the stage file and your select.def file and I'll try to fix it myself). Good luck!

EDIT: As for the missing character sprites, it's likely they're under the wrong portrait group or something. Usually, it's 9000,0 for the select screen portrait and 9000,1 for the larger one, but some mugen creators like RMDB have specialized ones that use 9000,100 or something like that instead. That's probably the case, and if it bugs you, you'll need to go into FF3 and change the portrait to the right group. More unlikely is that the portraits are off-aligned or don't even exist, but that's pretty rare.

Thank you . seems like the .sff file missing on most of them for me .
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Rape vid in HD

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Senoj8: Appreciate it, keep it up!

Also, seems he has some form of NTR thing going on in there, interesting how he gets Birdie to attack characters that looks passive.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Sorry I thought i fixed the stages but just the same thing has happen wont load up and crash . now i'm writing a list which one work and delete the one that don't
I've made myself look like a bonehead on here :(

By looking at stater pack I have notice a few hentai stars from famous hentais movies I have been watching lately .

Just wonder if there a character called cloe from Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

and another one is shinobi girl from one of my all time favourite games

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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Sorry I thought i fixed the stages but just the same thing has happen wont load up and crash . now i'm writing a list which one work and delete the one that don't
I've made myself look like a bonehead on here :(

By looking at stater pack I have notice a few hentai stars from famous hentais movies I have been watching lately .

Just wonder if there a character called cloe from Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

and another one is shinobi girl from one of my all time favourite games


I don't think there's any characters from Kuroinu, unless it's buried in the vaults of some Japanese image board. Would be awesome, though. It's one of the best hentai series out there.

And there is no Shinobi Girl, sadly. There is one of Angel Girl, though. I think.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Thanks Senoj. Usually I'm pretty consistent on browsing Mugenero's FC2 account, but ya beat me to it. It's sort of sad really; I love watching his vids but I always get depressed knowing he'll never share his characters. Guess that's more inspiration to starting learning and practicing editing characters, hah.

@Lithium: lol, I had to google kuroinu, and afterwards I was like, man, I definitely remember watching this series. Pretty darn good. Agreed with Dawnstar, I don't think we have any of those characters currently. We don't have Shinobi girl, but as Dawnstar said, we do have Angel Girl, though she isn't exactly the best girl I've seen.

Naw, it ain't your fault. Sometimes mugen creators or collectors don't package or organize their mugen packs/stages/characters well and this happens. Or maybe it is your fault and you accidentally moved some stuff around (I know I did). All the same, don't beat yourself up and always feel free to ask for help here. You don't need to delete your stages, btw. I suggested that as a quick and easy fix. If you can compile a list of unusable stages, I'll be glad to work with you to fix them (if we can) or fix them myself. As I said, it's likely just a misplaced file or something.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Thanks Senoj. Usually I'm pretty consistent on browsing Mugenero's FC2 account, but ya beat me to it. It's sort of sad really; I love watching his vids but I always get depressed knowing he'll never share his characters. Guess that's more inspiration to starting learning and practicing editing characters, hah.

@Lithium: lol, I had to google kuroinu, and afterwards I was like, man, I definitely remember watching this series. Pretty darn good. Agreed with Dawnstar, I don't think we have any of those characters currently. We don't have Shinobi girl, but as Dawnstar said, we do have Angel Girl, though she isn't exactly the best girl I've seen.

Naw, it ain't your fault. Sometimes mugen creators or collectors don't package or organize their mugen packs/stages/characters well and this happens. Or maybe it is your fault and you accidentally moved some stuff around (I know I did). All the same, don't beat yourself up and always feel free to ask for help here. You don't need to delete your stages, btw. I suggested that as a quick and easy fix. If you can compile a list of unusable stages, I'll be glad to work with you to fix them (if we can) or fix them myself. As I said, it's likely just a misplaced file or something.

Cheers I reinstall everything and fixed a few where only 3 characters missing now but I only have one empty slot on my playlist so might have somthing to do with that . two was from same patch where they just two folders instead of display icon like the rest

I not download the stages pack again yet but will pm soon about this .
I got 5 stages working at the moment

Shame as I saw a few heroes in the packs and brought back memories of some great hentai movies . would also be cool if they had few demons, orc's from another couples of movies .

thanks for the info :)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Sounds good. Hope everything works out. Yeah, we're sort of limited on which hentai anime characters are out right now...we're at the mercy of the spriters and creators for those. Most of the popular ones are out though, and heavily worked upon (like Asagi). We DO have an orc raper, but that's only if you're okay with enemas, guro, and scat.