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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Oh sweet thanks so it's -> + w for me.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Sorry man, I know you're new, but that's the way H-mugen is. Most of the creators/editors are either Japanese or Spanish. Hell, you're pretty damn lucky we talk as much as we do about H-mugen here, since ULMF is one of the last remaining English H-mugen forums still active. As most have been saying, H-mugen is pretty much dead. Ya gotta work a bit if you want your mugen to grow. ;)

oh? so the site I mentioned some time ago is now down permanently?
hm that explains why I can no longer find it (that or they restricted it to users now)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

If you're referring to the Spanish website, yeah, it's pretty much dead. Used to be hugely popular, with quite a few uploads, characters, sprites, everything. It was a true H-mugen forum, with people collaborating. Then less and less people posted new stuff and the updates dried up. It was still good for a monthly checkup, but it wasn't exactly a mecca of H-gaming anymore. The mods/site owner decided to do something stupid and close the site down; when it was re-established, the site was restricted to members only. Pretty dumb since it was in Spanish and not everyone spoke it, so that would whittle down visitors and views even more. And after a bunch of revisions to the site in which all the great content was removed, it's now a ghost town. I think there's a SINGLE post there (or two) from Jessica Smoke, to upload her character. Pity.

If you're referring to another website, well, I've never seen any other forum in which H-mugen is discussed currently, unless it's a Japanese one (I'm sure there are more other than the Hinanjo website, which is still fairly active).
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

BTW anyone knows who this is?

Looks like Nude Mai. If she's not on the H-Mugen Database, there should be an old website that still has a DL of her available.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

well still left my mugen hentai forum known as hot Mugen..I had it years ago but by hack and other issues dissapeared...and back this year..but needs more stuff...and participation..
and seems mugen hentai english would back..feel free to express yourself..is xxx mugen, is hardcore-explicit-uncensored...that is hotmugen for adult stuff and +18...
and mugenhti is trying to back his forum...
I remember years ago when in spanish communities like Planet Mugen or the Old Mugen Hispania hentai was allowed and free...and some on other english sites..like Mugen & Hentai by Andre Lopes...
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

^ lol that Google Translate translates "Si" as "If" instead of "yes". Is this caused by an accent mark typo? IIRC "Si" with the accented i is "yes"...
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

yeah that was the site I was talking about haven't visited in awhile then when I finally decided to comeback the link changed into something else.
thanks for the heads up emerald there were many cool guys/gals there.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Hentai vid in HD

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

New Mugen_Hentai vid in HD

That was fast. Thanks a lot for doing these. Seems i can't download it, though.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

It will not let me download the new vid :0
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Ditto, can't download the vid. I usually just go to the video itself
( ) and download it with some program like jdownloader. Thanks for the heads up though...that was fast. Damn, we need that Jill.

On another note, lots of stuff coming from the ryona uploader over the past few days. Mostly just revisions of old characters, which is great if you don't already have them, as well as some stages. I'm happy with the update to Layla, which made her much more H-compat, and there's a non-3D, H-compat JuriHan up (not impressed with the anims really, but it's still something for a new character). And the Bao everyone was clamoring for has been out, though he's not as good as the one that mugenero has been posting vids on. :(
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I love this fucking Jill. The Shermie at the end was decent too.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

No real new info, but I've noticed a common problem that the H-mugen community seems to have. Since it's so small and barely surviving (at least in English), even when "new" uploads come out, everything is disorganized.

For example, recently there's been a relatively large amount of uploads from the ryona uploader--one of the few places new H-Mugen content can be expected nowadays. But the problem is that it's a universal uploading spot, so anyone can upload there (I'm assuming), and the content that has been uploaded is from someone who either doesn't normally upload or doesn't know what they're doing, given the lack of the usual description on the uploads (either no description or it's in Spanish). The reason why I'm a little peeved is that nearly all of the content that has been uploaded is mere reposts or copies of what I already have. While that may be well and good for newbies who don't have some of the content, it's really annoying for me because H-mugen editors and content modifiers don't really coordinate together nor do they consistently bother to put version numbers on their characters. As a result, I've found myself needing to go through every uploaded character file, check both the file size and the number of sprites (usually a larger file or sprite output means newer or added content, though sometimes larger files have even less sprites or are less updated for some reason), and then compare it to what I already have. And it's particularly irritating because I'm not just wasting time on what should be an efficient system (if only those who upload could simply coordinate with each other or organize their files better), but because it's disappointing seeing that everything uploaded is just a duplicate of what I already have (or it's an older version).

Obviously, it's my choice to delve into which copy is newer, and nobody is forcing me to download this free stuff. I'm just saying this could be a simple fix and whoever is reposting old material without labels or descriptions is discrediting the modders who are working hard to create new content.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Rolandsburk updated his Koneko character awhile ago. Not sure it this was said already.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Nevermind, I guess I was there, haha. I'm going back through the topic now, basically answering my own questions.
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Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Here's a simplified version of the newest Kuromaru_Plus.

I renamed the moves so its easy to change to the commands to whatever you want.

Move List
One Key Moves

A - F*ck Me Chair
B - Fellatio
C - Chained Bukkake
X - Rape Grab (Arrows- Change Position, X/B/A/Y- Auto/Fast/Slow/Normal, C- Cum, Z- Release)
Y - Anal Grab (A-Suck, B-Drill)
Z - Dog Attack
Start - Time Stop

~ - Press DOWN + Key

~D, a - Tentacle Chair
~D, b - Tentacle Grab (X-Lick Pussy, Y-Rape, Z-Squeeze)
~D, c - Sperm Trap
~D, x - Upside Down Grab (A-Drill, B-Dildo, C&Z-Enema, X-Spank, Y-2 Hand Spank)
~D, y - Tentacle Ball
~D, z - Cosplay Grab

/ - HOLD DOWN + Key

/D, a - Tentacle Rape
/D, b - 421b (Jump Rape grab) *Changing the name breaks the character*
/D, c - Finisher
/D, x - Horse
/D, y - Milking Attack (Becomes F*ck Me Chair if victim is not Compatible)
/D, z - Dog Attack (Futa)

Is anyone else not able to download this file? Because I can't seem to. It takes me to the download, but otherwise won't let me actually download it, can anyone help?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@TheCardWielder: Ummm, not sure which file this is since there's no link to the file or the OP, and I'm not really in the mood to search through the entire thread for it. If you can help with the link, or if senoj is nice enough to reply, someone may be able to provide an answer to you.

On another note, new Mai in the ryona uploader. I've got quite a few Mai's but I like this one. Fully compat, with Mino/Kuro finishers. It's nice to see that whoever was/is uploading the majority of the content on the ryona uploader is back and pushing out content. :) For anyone curious, the password is not ryona2 like usual, but Mai's last name in Kanji. Just google it.