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ACT [erobotan] Blitz Angel Spica (RJ168056)

Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

just finished coding the update/save system, the GUI is just a quickwork & reusing the other menu's GUI though. Ideally I want to make a better looking one but it's not a priority I guess lol. If you check my patreon news a few days ago I said that the loading menu is only available in-game but not anymore since i manage to make it accessible from the main menu too now!

Hopefully this make testing easier in the future

Good work and keep it up. Btw, does that mean that the save/loading system is available in the current demo?
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Good work and keep it up. Btw, does that mean that the save/loading system is available in the current demo?
not yet, i haven't upload it. I still want to do some more testing ^^.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

just finished coding the update/save system, the GUI is just a quickwork & reusing the other menu's GUI though. Ideally I want to make a better looking one but it's not a priority I guess lol. If you check my patreon news a few days ago I said that the loading menu is only available in-game but not anymore since i manage to make it accessible from the main menu too now!

Hopefully this make testing easier in the future

Keep up the good work! :D
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

A friend told me about this awesome game, and Im trying latest demo on the front page but I have no idea how to get past the screen lol all I keep seeing is stats. Alittle help?
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

I've updated the files, please give it a try

Keep up the good work! :D
Thanks! I'll do my best!
A friend told me about this awesome game, and Im trying latest demo on the front page but I have no idea how to get past the screen lol all I keep seeing is stats. Alittle help?
changing lane is done by pressing dash + up/down or tapping up/down ^^

I suggest you redownload the game since there is an update where in-game Help menu is included. Let me know what you think about the game :D
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

I've updated the files, please give it a try

Link on first page?


Didn't found any bug so far, so I'll just say good job! :D

Also, save/load feature! <3
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Peace can go negative. Not sure if intended.

Peace is removed even after a victory. This leaves the sensation that something is not working properly when Peace counter goes to, lets say 20, and it is a lower value immediately after. I suggest peace points rewarded for victory to be lowered and peace points not be detracted after victory to counter this.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

So here is an update, notable changes:
- Skill shop
- Calendar (not fully implemented yet)
- Dating system (not fully implemented yet)
- Peace system (not fully implemented yet)
- Mistrene the whip girl (not fully implemented yet)
- Add 1 more sex move for the nurse
- Suit durability is now depends on armor instead of vitality
- Enemies appears in waves instead of all at once

Enjoy ^^

Thank you for sharing your hard work!

  • Nurse: Fought her 2 times but haven`t been able to trigger new H. Can you give us a hint what move or how to trigger it.
  • Mistrene update - this gotten better as she can actually give Spica a spanking now! However, Spica`s panting noise sounds weird... and since it is monotonous, it`s like someone beating on a can in the background. Could do without.
  • Bug: Doki doki date`s description does not match the points awarded.
  • Esc key, pressing ESC shows the move list/main menu, but it is not intuitive that you cannot press ESC to get out (you need to manually go to Resume).
  • Save function: much needed and thank you. It does feels clunky, maybe you can close the save file lists and automatically resume game.
  • Skill shop: I do not see how making skills and stats more expensive would balance the game in its current setup.

It`s quite clear you like Escalayer. I`ve no problem with it. But at some point, the game needs to be fun and meaningful based on your current content and progress. That may cause it to deviate from your original vision. My main concerns lies in the doki doki points and how they are acquired:

  1. Ramping up skill costs does nothing to solve for how players need to farm for the doki doki points: either thru doki doki date (limited) or Battle H
  2. Directionally, it looks like it is going to be tied in with the calendar & Peace system to gate how much doki doki points you can get from dating... which leaves only in battle H to farm the points...
  3. What`s in it for players who wants to max their stats? Is there a better way to know when game over is coming?
  4. What`s in it for players who wants to do virgin runs?
  5. What`s in it for players who only care about the H? (This pervert only cares about the spanking :eek:)

What I am trying to say is, while this game has its charm... it`s lacking a soul to gel everything together to make it great. It is in need of something unique/special to make it stand out to realize its potential. For example:
  • The green-hair robot girl does nothing meaningful, a chair or a generic object can do the same function it does right now.
  • The grunts are not meaningful, kill 4 + 2 more at boss... and their dead bodies cover up H action
  • Is there a better way to reuse some of the boss resources than simply lumping them in a fight together? e.g. tie each of the early boss to a stat. In order to raise a stat past a certain threshold, you need to do H events with them after you beat them? Maybe Samurai -> Armor, Undine -> Agility, Enema -> QSP, Wrestler -> Strength, and of course Spanking to raise vitality/health :p
Try checking out the game in my signature. While the contents/graphics may not be for everyone, the presentation, story, and gameplay is certainly something else... especially compared to all the generic rpg maker games out there.

Keep up the good work :D
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Just asking, is it normal to get gameover notification at top left of the screen when you lose with negative numbers in the Peace and get sent to the main menu? Also, would like to know the mechanic of Peace.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Peace can go negative. Not sure if intended.

Peace is removed even after a victory. This leaves the sensation that something is not working properly when Peace counter goes to, lets say 20, and it is a lower value immediately after. I suggest peace points rewarded for victory to be lowered and peace points not be detracted after victory to counter this.

It looks like peace can be ignored until implemented. I just spam doki doki date and got it to almost -100... then lose on purpose and still no game over.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Peace can go negative. Not sure if intended.

Peace is removed even after a victory. This leaves the sensation that something is not working properly when Peace counter goes to, lets say 20, and it is a lower value immediately after. I suggest peace points rewarded for victory to be lowered and peace points not be detracted after victory to counter this.
That's not intended, thanks for pointing that out X3 !!

I get what you mean about the peace lol, I also thought that it's not working properly at first XD ! something like this "I'm sure it was raised to 65 but how come it's now 49??". Right now i'm working on a new screen to represent the peace decrease properly :D

  • Nurse: Fought her 2 times but haven`t been able to trigger new H. Can you give us a hint what move or how to trigger it.
  • Mistrene update - this gotten better as she can actually give Spica a spanking now! However, Spica`s panting noise sounds weird... and since it is monotonous, it`s like someone beating on a can in the background. Could do without.
  • Bug: Doki doki date`s description does not match the points awarded.
  • Esc key, pressing ESC shows the move list/main menu, but it is not intuitive that you cannot press ESC to get out (you need to manually go to Resume).
  • Save function: much needed and thank you. It does feels clunky, maybe you can close the save file lists and automatically resume game.
  • Skill shop: I do not see how making skills and stats more expensive would balance the game in its current setup.

It`s quite clear you like Escalayer. I`ve no problem with it. But at some point, the game needs to be fun and meaningful based on your current content and progress. That may cause it to deviate from your original vision. My main concerns lies in the doki doki points and how they are acquired:

  1. Ramping up skill costs does nothing to solve for how players need to farm for the doki doki points: either thru doki doki date (limited) or Battle H
  2. Directionally, it looks like it is going to be tied in with the calendar & Peace system to gate how much doki doki points you can get from dating... which leaves only in battle H to farm the points...
  3. What`s in it for players who wants to max their stats? Is there a better way to know when game over is coming?
  4. What`s in it for players who wants to do virgin runs?
  5. What`s in it for players who only care about the H? (This pervert only cares about the spanking :eek:)

What I am trying to say is, while this game has its charm... it`s lacking a soul to gel everything together to make it great. It is in need of something unique/special to make it stand out to realize its potential. For example:
  • The green-hair robot girl does nothing meaningful, a chair or a generic object can do the same function it does right now.
  • The grunts are not meaningful, kill 4 + 2 more at boss... and their dead bodies cover up H action
  • Is there a better way to reuse some of the boss resources than simply lumping them in a fight together? e.g. tie each of the early boss to a stat. In order to raise a stat past a certain threshold, you need to do H events with them after you beat them? Maybe Samurai -> Armor, Undine -> Agility, Enema -> QSP, Wrestler -> Strength, and of course Spanking to raise vitality/health :p
Try checking out the game in my signature. While the contents/graphics may not be for everyone, the presentation, story, and gameplay is certainly something else... especially compared to all the generic rpg maker games out there.

Keep up the good work :D
You're quoting an obsolete update list ^^;, if you've downloaded v0.116 then it's already has 2 H-moves for the nurse, one for each knockdown position

Dating is still not finished, there will be more of it (not just 3). Thanks for pointing out that the doki doki gained doesn't match with the description!

I kinda like her spanked voice & i think it will be boring if she stay quiet .. so I don't think i will remove the voice ^^;

It's a good idea to use ESC key to get out of the menu, and auto resume after saving. I'll try to implement it ^^.

mmm, I think the skill is a bit cheaper than the previous version? about expensive stat, someone says that you don't need to buy skill at all, just dump everything on stats (most likely hp & str) and you can destroy everything. I want to make people relied on skill more than stats & here is the result. If you think it's bad, a more detailed reason will help ^^.

The player does need to farm doki2 points either from dating or losing battle, it's my intention. Do you think it's a bad? As for now I think that the points gain from dating is too low & while i think it's enough to finish the game, it's impossible for most player to do virgin run so adjustment is definitely needed.

There is no incentive to max your stat except from making your battle easier. Though now that you mention it, I think it will be cool if it did give something to the player ... maybe like maxing one stat give some special skill, etc .. but i think my budget won't allow it lol

behind your lust bar, there is a red bar right? if you get defeated while it's full then you get a game over. Dating reduce it btw (need to add this in each dating description too XD).

For now only 3 endings are planned, I don't have the budget to add virgin runs ending, sorry ^^;

About the android girl, ideally I want to include some story during these dating segment (with choices too!) & make her appear during battle as an operator and battle support but my budget doesn't allow it lol.

Some people already complain about them grunts being dead & covering H, so I will definitely remove them in the future, i just don't have the time to do it in this version yet ^^.

What do you mean by meaningful grunts?

About H-ing bosses to get more stat: doing it with them will increase corruption meter so i think it's not recommended ^^;. And based on the previous feedback, having your stats at 100 already make you so OP (overpowered) that a simple kick will make the most badass boss crawl ^^;.

Just asking, is it normal to get gameover notification at top left of the screen when you lose with negative numbers in the Peace and get sent to the main menu? Also, would like to know the mechanic of Peace.
Just like Welkin said, it serves no effect at the moment, you get gameover by getting defeated with max red bar (red! not the pink one) in lust meter. Simply filling to the max won't give game over either, you need to get defeated.

In the future, 0 peace will give game over ^^
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

I kinda like her spanked voice & i think it will be boring if she stay quiet .. so I don't think i will remove the voice ^^;

Let me clarify: The getting spanked voice is great, its what in between, when she is just panting in the all four position that is causing some unsettling noise.

There is no incentive to max your stat except from making your battle easier. Though now that you mention it, I think it will be cool if it did give something to the player ... maybe like maxing one stat give some special skill, etc .. but i think my budget won't allow it lol

behind your lust bar, there is a red bar right? if you get defeated while it's full then you get a game over. Dating reduce it btw (need to add this in each dating description too XD).

There is incentive to max health :p So Spica can endure more H action ;)

Good to know that Dating actually reduces the lust meter... But it will be kind of boring to grind dating to drop the lust. We are playing an H Game and in it for the H :p My beef with the Dating right now is just a repetitive loop to generate more points... and no interactivity in it. It gets boring very quickly/after you click thru it a few times.

It still does not address that winning a stage gives no doki doki points, and dating gives too little. I am at 86 vitality, and it costs 5 pts to up 1 vit. Too high. You need a better way to gate it, if that is your intend.

Farming points via in-combat H = get Spica to bend over + AFK.
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Let me clarify: The getting spanked voice is great, its what in between, when she is just panting in the all four position that is causing some unsettling noise.
but other people like them ^^;

There is incentive to max health :p So Spica can endure more H action ;)

Good to know that Dating actually reduces the lust meter... But it will be kind of boring to grind dating to drop the lust. We are playing an H Game and in it for the H :p My beef with the Dating right now is just a repetitive loop to generate more points... and no interactivity in it. It gets boring very quickly/after you click thru it a few times.

It still does not address that winning a stage gives no doki doki points, and dating gives too little. I am at 86 vitality, and it costs 5 pts to up 1 vit. Too high. You need a better way to gate it, if that is your intend.

Farming points via in-combat H = get Spica to bend over + AFK.
But that's what I intend to do >.< . The high stat cost, peace points (game over if peace drops to 0, not implemented yet) , & the calendar (if you can't finish the game until certain date you'll get game over, not implemented yet) serves to limit your ability to torture yourself via excessive grinding.

I don't understand why I need a better way to gate the stat o.o; ... you said 5 points it's already too high and that means I'm successful in what I'm trying to do ^^;

Why people are so obsessed with maxing the stats? the majority of games out there won't allow you to do that, right?
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Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

but other people like them ^^;

But that's what I intend to do >.< . The high stat cost, peace points (game over if peace drops to 0, not implemented yet) , & the calendar (if you can't finish the game until certain date you'll get game over, not implemented yet) serves to limit your ability to torture yourself via excessive grinding.

I don't understand why I need a better way to gate the stat o.o; ... you said 5 points it's already too high and that means I'm successful in what I'm trying to do ^^;

Why people are so obsessed with maxing the stats? the majority of games out there won't allow you to do that, right?

Perhaps it is just personal taste, I prefer cap by story progress rather than by statistics :p

When it comes to #`s, players like myself would find a way to break them. For example, right now I can use the spanking to grind doki doki points to 110ish, suicide, and then date spam to reset lust to 0 to max the stats. :p
Other max stats people simply use cheat engine to max the stats. :eek:
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Perhaps it is just personal taste, I prefer cap by story progress rather than by statistics :p

When it comes to #`s, players like myself would find a way to break them. For example, right now I can use the spanking to grind doki doki points to 110ish, suicide, and then date spam to reset lust to 0 to max the stats. :p
Other max stats people simply use cheat engine to max the stats. :eek:
What do you mean cap by story? and please explain why my grunts is meaningless, otherwise I can't fix them lol.

My gaming habit is very casual so I don't know anything about this kind of stuff XD
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

What do you mean cap by story? and please explain why my grunts is meaningless, otherwise I can't fix them lol.

My gaming habit is very casual so I don't know anything about this kind of stuff XD

Probably something like
U start in chapter 1 by having 10 str 10 vit 10 agi (another stat also 10)
Then in chapter 2 , Your level / stat increase to something like str vit agi all 15

I say , that's already too late
It will ruin all the game mechanic build by so far

Just make the cosf of upgrade Expensive
Like when Your Str reach 50 , You need 5 DokiDoki point to upgrade each str
Then in 60's , You need 6 Doki2 point to upgrade each str
This way , it would probably make it more challenging(?)

Not like the first demo , where You only need 1 Doki2 point to upgrade 1 point
In an instant You can have all of them to 100

As for them who would like to cheat
Just ignore them , it's their choice

IMO The game already good as it is
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Why people are so obsessed with maxing the stats? the majority of games out there won't allow you to do that, right?
Well, I'm a hardcore RPG player. Some part of me will never rest, until I get maxed :) I doubt I'm the only one.

Don't know whether it's a bug, or it's intended:
How to reproduce - finish a battle, in the main hall with the missions and doki-doki center, want to save the game, but accidentally hit "load game", go to "exit" and hop - I'm in the main menu, losing unsaved progress.
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

I don't understand why I need a better way to gate the stat o.o; ... you said 5 points it's already too high and that means I'm successful in what I'm trying to do ^^;

Why people are so obsessed with maxing the stats? the majority of games out there won't allow you to do that, right?

5 too high?
Obviously they never play Ragnarok Online
The Higher Your stat is , the Higher point needed
IIRC in 90's stat it need 11 point to upgrade

Dunno with other
But If it's a game I like
I'd be willing to play it all day just to Max the stat / getting Platinum
Currently I'm farming for Lv 999 and 100 Million Credits
1/3 of the way.... kinda bored actually... since actually I already beat the game technically
And I have to hurry before Danganronpa AE UDG release

So yeah... , I'll probably Max the stat somehow or another
Unless You set the game to make it impossible from the start

Well , all up to erobotan anyway , he is the Dev. And it his game
Re: Blitz Angel Spica (Mahou Shoujo Beatemup/Fighting)

Probably something like
U start in chapter 1 by having 10 str 10 vit 10 agi (another stat also 10)
Then in chapter 2 , Your level / stat increase to something like str vit agi all 15

I say , that's already too late
It will ruin all the game mechanic build by so far
yeah, can't do stuff like that, I love customizing stats ^^

Just make the cosf of upgrade Expensive
Like when Your Str reach 50 , You need 5 DokiDoki point to upgrade each str
Then in 60's , You need 6 Doki2 point to upgrade each str
This way , it would probably make it more challenging(?)

IMO The game already good as it is
That's too hardcore I think ^^; .. in the previous patreon exclusive demo it's cost 3 after 30, 5 after 60, and 7 after 80. I can't even beat the game lol (stuck against izolda & Saka -the monk, can't reach Mistrene at all), menzstudio (gamedev of virgin invader) also complaining XD.

Have you tried Hard Mode? Though keep in mind that difficulty setting is not saved currently so you have to set it to hard again every time you start the game. I'll fix this in the future!

Well, I'm a hardcore RPG player. Some part of me will never rest, until I get maxed :) I doubt I'm the only one.

Don't know whether it's a bug, or it's intended:
How to reproduce - finish a battle, in the main hall with the missions and doki-doki center, want to save the game, but accidentally hit "load game", go to "exit" and hop - I'm in the main menu, losing unsaved progress.
Thanks for the bug report, I'll check it !

Seems everyone want to max stat lol! I'll think about it ^^