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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

For those who can't access it, the girls do get new stand up art upon evolution. So far it all seems like it's by the original artists, so although the portrait may seem awkward, they all seem pretty good quality wise. They also pretty much all lose clothing and are in more provocative poses, I'm okay with this.

In short: If you liked their original art, you'll probably like their evolved art. I haven't seen any downgrades through my skimming.

I don't even know who to point out, there are quite a few good ones. Jasmine, Blue Lotus, Morning Glory and Red Flower Water Lily may be some of my favorites though that I own. A lot of the 2 stars are really adorable too after evolution, why must they do this to us?
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I don't even know who to point out, there's quite a few good ones. Jasmine, Blue Lotus, Morning Glory and Red Flower Water Lily may be some of my favorites though that I own. A lot of the 2 stars are really adorable too after evolution, why must they do this to us?

Another thing to point out : the gallery has some girls that are not in game yet.. guess they'll be coming later ?

EDIT: oh right I keep forgetting to ask.. are the +2 flower crystal /day login bonus a part of an event or a permanent stuff ?
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Another thing to point out : the gallery has some girls that are not in game yet.. guess they'll be coming later ?

EDIT: oh right I keep forgetting to ask.. are the +2 flower crystal /day login bonus a part of an event or a permanent stuff ?

it shows the date it ends on the page that pops up when u start game i think, but no its for getting an extra 10k users from the first 10k user event
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

guuuuuu, 2 lvls till i can evolve my ajisai :DDDD..... though im in need of even more gold now... went from 120k to 50k.... >.>....in only 2 feeding sessions....

Edit:....to earn 40k and upgrade or to use the gold left to feed.... sigh just 3 cards fed to my lvl 48 3 star ate up a good 12k... on a side note, now that i have a lvl 50 my assists are now stupidly strong >.> highest power being around 48k
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

guuuuuu, 2 lvls till i can evolve my ajisai :DDDD..... though im in need of even more gold now... went from 120k to 50k.... >.>....in only 2 feeding sessions....

Edit:....to earn 40k and upgrade or to use the gold left to feed.... sigh just 3 cards fed to my lvl 48 3 star ate up a good 12k... on a side note, now that i have a lvl 50 my assists are now stupidly strong >.> highest power being around 48k

Oh wow nice, I guess that's what I get for trying to keep all my teams even level wise. Maybe I should just focus on a few at a time.

My teams are all 22-33 atm, main team is 36k now. I weakened my team temporarily by replacing Dandelion with a much faster Purple Tulip, got my main team up to my 2nd fastest again. Lavender is awesome but she slowed my main team down to 3rd speed and they never got to fight again x.x Slow main team sucks... Can't wait to catch Purple Tulip up in levels now.

I lost a level 60+ on my list that had such an awesome team. He had like 30-40k over my power, sad day.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

awww, hopefully you get another powerhouse assist
i was ballsy enough to try the 80 map and finally finished ittttttt.... thats to my super assist >.> wouldnt be far off to say that their team can solo the map.... it took my whole crew just to do about 60% while their team was barely damaged by the boss and still dealt tons of dmg.....

Edit: oo and also got the 5 star exp faerie from the run, gives 7.2k exp to same type units... >.>.... god thats a lot of exp
Edit2:.... >.> i am now binbou desu.... ugh, 181 gold is a painful number to my eyes T^T
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Edit: oo and also got the 5 star exp faerie from the run, gives 7.2k exp to same type units... >.>.... god thats a lot of exp

Oh damn. That may make it worth it to rush units to 50 on its own.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Oh damn. That may make it worth it to rush units to 50 on its own.

just warning you though, ive ran the 80 stam map 4 times, 1 completed and only gotten 1 5star fairy card >.> i'll run another one by the end of the day and report if i got another one...if i have stam to spare in the future i'll give up after getting chests before boss multiple times to see if you can get the 5 star without completing it (i did get my two high grade chests before the boss so it seems plausible that it is possible to get it without needing to complete the map)
though 72k exp from 10 5 star faeries is really nice it may take some time, good for lvling 5-6star chars if you know how much exp u need to max them wihtout wasting exp (gotta find an exp table later) though i do know that upping to 50 from 48 required a max of 6k exp (~3k from 48 to 49, and another 3k from 49-50 i guess)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

It's going to be sad when the 2 crystals a day end. Then we mostly just have story mission and event missions to look for for those. I'm trying to remember that and not spend them on stamina restores now. Fairy dailies will always be there, just will take time.

Not like there's a rush to get stronger now anyways with no current limited event that needs it. Time to super save crystals~ Going to try to always save for 11 rolls at a time now.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Holy crap, so I ran into a crystal mantis raid boss. It dropped 700 equipment seeds on defeat.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Holy crap, so I ran into a crystal mantis raid boss. It dropped 700 equipment seeds on defeat.

I need to find me a couple of those. Congrats, hope you found some good items.

Finished the 7-5 map, man that was a cakewalk after all the limited event missions. Will probably be smashing through those for a while, they don't seem to increase in difficulty too quickly.

The raid event will end at the maintenance tonight that starts at 14:00 Japan time (Or tomorrow I guess). They also mention fixing a bug where the back button disappears in the dungeon selection screen. No word on if there will be another event immediately afterwards, but they didn't mention this raid boss event ahead of time either. I'll try to have full stamina when the game comes back up anywho.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Is there any way to upgrade the dragons to the next level? Right now it seems like I have to grind 300+ stamina in order to get 3-4 level 2 dragons. Also, does anyone else constantly get their session dropped in the middle of missions and lose the rewards? First point I guess I can deal with if it's just grind to oblivion, but the second one is really a game killer for me.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Is there any way to upgrade the dragons to the next level? Right now it seems like I have to grind 300+ stamina in order to get 3-4 level 2 dragons. Also, does anyone else constantly get their session dropped in the middle of missions and lose the rewards? First point I guess I can deal with if it's just grind to oblivion, but the second one is really a game killer for me.

At around 4am Japan time there's usually a warning that the game may be unstable, they recommend you log out for a while I think. If you're getting messages every time you try to start matches now, that's what that is. I think it's a daily maintenance, but I don't know why they don't just bring the game down for it like usual. It's when the free gacha spin and daily log in quests refresh, so it probably has something to do with that.

Don't think you can evolve dragons. Those drop rates seem a bit low, but not entirely bad. I haven't tried farming it yet though. You'll get around 3-6 level 2 exp fairies or so for 3 runs I think. I guess in comparison to that it seems bad.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

by god the story mode is so easy now >.>.... also i have reaffirmed how op 6 stars are... assist with 3 6 stars destroying whole minion waves in one go >.>....

Edit:your kidding.... a perfect complete on last stage 9 map storymode and the maintenance screen pops up....
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well the maintenance is to remove that higher chance to encounter boss. Just notice it only last 3 days. (specialy those 3 days are gold rush and fairy exp -.-)
btw How they measure power ? for some reason my main team 34k power now (still have 1 3 star *always dying 1st*), still focus main team cuz i hate if 1 of the member died during fight = wanting everyone have similar survival.
After that can start building 2nd-4th team
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Team Power is a combination of HP, Attack and Defense stats. They don't include items (As of now anyways). It's why your main team may be far ahead of your other teams because higher rarities get a lot more HP, even if their attack or defense is only a bit higher. I keep most my levels even between my teams and my main team is 36ksh while my other teams are like 10k or more below.

Whoop! New emergency/limited mission for a 5 star girl. She looks like she might be a red (Collision/Charge) or yellow (Cut/Chop) class.

They also added a new 4 star, new 5 star and new 6 star girl. They mention specifically that the 4 star girl was also added to base gacha. Here's the google translation:

We always play the "Flower Night Girl", Thank you very much.

With regard to maintenance that was previously conducted from February 16 14:00
We exit the maintenance on February 16 16:50.

The contents of maintenance will be following.

▼ end of Reidobosu incidence twice campaign
Is Reidobosu incidence in all normal stage has returned to normal.

▼ event - the start of the "emergency mission ... for precious memories"
Held period: until February 16 (Monday) after maintenance ~ March 2 (month) maintenance start before 14:00
Collect the Medal of dedicated dungeon Let obtain ★ 5 character "Edelweiss"!
Events first half it is possible to get up to 12 Medal in,
To get all of the Medal, you need to capture the stage second half to be added from February 23.
Although Medal will be able to win three maximum each stage,
To earn the Medal 3, it must achieve three conditions at the same time.
※ ★ 5 character "Edelweiss" will be sequentially distributed after the event.
Please check from under the game screen "event" icon for more information.

▼ The new character appeared in Gacha
You're welcome and new characters in premium Gacha,
★ 4 character "Lilac", ★ 5 character "camellia", has been added to ★ 6 character "cattleya".
It should be noted, ★ 4 character "Lilac" also will emerge from the normal Gacha.

▼ bug fixes
Modification of the bug that the back button in the dungeon selection screen disappears
Be carried out and fix bug that clear mark disappears reload after special dungeon clear
Other bug fixes

Thank you to "Flower Night Girl" in the future.

Flower Girl Night management team

There's a couple new map traps. Spider webs slow your teams, tornado speeds them up. It doesn't seem like a problem until you realize it's designed/used so one of your parties gets to the finish line before you're done clearing all the mobs x.x So cruel. Again, speed is very important. Even from the first event map, it's crucial you set your team speeds appropriately or you'll finish the map before you clear the bottom mob, ruining your 3 star attempt. Thankfully I kind of guessed something like that would happen and sent my fastest team into the spider webs.

The difficulty of the monsters themselves aren't bad if you mostly cleared the last event. Just gotta watch your team speeds/move order carefully. So it seems there's actually a reason to have very slow girls on your teams now. I'm glad I kept/leveled some to keep my main team the fastest or this would be a nightmare. It's kind of obnoxious how this game chooses to add difficulty to maps, it seems underhanded rather than challenging, but oh well.

3rd map is the worst about it, you have a ton of spider webs blocking the top mob, I'm having trouble getting to it before my others finish. What a lame way to fail 3 star x.x I actually prefer the pests to this. You'll need a team with at least 100 or higher speed than the rest of your teams to reach it before your other parties complete the map.

That or intentionally make most your teams weak so they suicide on the boss and can't complete the map early.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

4 map's roulette of annoyance is... annoying >.> That one boss sitting in the middle... my weakest team had to get it.

Other then that, the webs and tornado aren't too bad for now.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Map ?-3 also anoying... it felt like the bottom team need speed 600+ while the middle team speed around 350.

Other than that this event felt alot easier than the previous 1 :confused:
Or it just cuz we already got new char and already lving up alot more...

?-4: i got about 900 seed + 5k in this map but still havent manage to kill the boss in middle :mad:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Once you're okay with weakening your main team temporarily, it's not that bad. I just set my 3rd roster team for this event. I set my main team up to nearly 600 speed, rest are around 376-408 and I bring along a 500 or more assist just in case. I set my main team and assist to bottom left most tent and the rest to the middle tent. That's enough to catch the top mob hiding behind the spider webs on ?-3. Of course that last run I missed the middle mob on bad luck rotating tile, buh.

I can confirm that 1 star exp fairies drop from base gacha now. Well that's pretty helpful.

Emergency Maintenance till 21:00 (30 minutes from this update)

We always play the "Flower Night Girl", and Masu truly thank you for the throne.

The following time I will carry out emergency maintenance.

[Implementation period]
February 16, 2015 (Mon) 20:00 to 9:00 p.m.

In before maintenance time
Thank you you will be asked to exit the game play.
Also, please note that can not be in the maintenance game play.
Maintenance of the start time and end time you might be around by the work situation.

With regard to the maintenance end time
As soon as it is known, will be the announcement on the official community.
In advance for your understanding as you please.

We're sorry to apologize for the inconvenience to everyone,
Humbly thank you enough for your understanding.

Flower Girl Night management team

Also, anybody know what the 1000 and 50000 rewards are in the star clears for this event? I'd think it was gold or something, but they pretty much all have unique text.

They gave us 5 crystals for some errors with the 1st and 2nd event map. I didn't even notice anything when I ran them, I'm okay with this.
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