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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If it was gold rush and they decided not to put Bella and Claire in it after teasing lolis.... they would more then likely be replaced by stray.

Please don't even joke about that possibility ;_;
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If it was gold rush and they decided not to put Bella and Claire in it after teasing lolis.... they would more then likely be replaced by stray.

please....dont joke like that....
i really hope my bella comes soon T.T
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Personally I'm still hoping we go straight to Dragon Revival, but I'm probably the only one still. No love for my poor Anya .../cry sniff sniff.

Like I said earlier if a gold event comes up, it's just more AW fodder for me most likely. However, I'm also sure it will also be used to "introduce" some new units to the mix. Just bare in mind given the recent shenanigans with Fox girl for DMM, we are very likely to see certain units put into Gatcha rather than any gold rush event we may have. If our version has remained consistent in one thing, it's that we do tend to get a few changed units for certain maps on events. Some seem to have no rhyme or reason for being changed, others obviously fall into the Loli category for their change. My point? Don't expect us to see the more "wanted" units in the event, we'll more then likely see them in Gatcha, as disappointing as that is for all of us. (I don't roll premium anymore, so I'm in the same boat as everyone else for new units).

On a final note, I now have my primary team as all female. So I'm pretty happy about that (sig updated). Was never able to do so due to lack of Female soldiers with Call Reinforcements 3. So glad the event came and we got our beauty for our teams. My free account was very happy with her too. Now it's just a matter of getting Anya and whatever else we end up getting and trying to keep the team flexible and useful for the events they through our way.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Even if we weren't doing Gold Rush, Warriors of the East and Challenge of Mujahideen would come before Revival of Ryuhime following the JP schedule
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Even if we weren't doing Gold Rush, Warriors of the East and Challenge of Mujahideen would come before Revival of Ryuhime following the JP schedule
Nutaku has already affirmed it wont be Warriors of the East.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well unless the Gold Rush units are new classes, everything else is just fodder for you, Xovian. :p

So far, the only two unit drops that have been (in Events), were Dorca from Belinda's Event (they had to introduce a somewhat easy way to obtain Christopher at least, granted, the drop rate was poor, but at least he was there) and Mischa for the recent Ryujin Invasion (loli, shame we still don't have her but I guess they haven't retouched her art yet).

Iris is obviously loli, so they dumped Liana in as a "replacement" Black healer (granted, I think that decision was stupid, but at least it somewhat makes sense). I'm trying to stay optimistic and think that was a one-time thing and they won't add other Event units into the Shrine, because that'd suck. :mad:
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nutaku has already affirmed it wont be Warriors of the East.

Yeah I'm just saying that you're basically asking them to skip three events to go straight to Ryuhime Revival
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah I'm just saying that you're basically asking them to skip three events to go straight to Ryuhime Revival

which I really hope they don't do.

1. I want Bella and Claire from gold rush at least
2. I want Saki from Warriors of the East, and to a much lesser extent Akane
3. I need Silver Mages, Rogues, and Soldier(and Archers if we get the tother events first)... so ya hope they don't Skipped Challenge of Mijuhiden since that event drops all of those things.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yeah I'm just saying that you're basically asking them to skip three events to go straight to Ryuhime Revival
Something to consider. They want to catch us up to JP, they can not do that if we follow DMM's release schedule. Next event may very well not be Dragon Princess Revival, but I do not expect them to follow DMM at this point either.

A pure guess here, but I'd wager the further we get into the game, the more events will be skipped until we are caught up. We may skip a few events here, but later on I would not be surprised if we skip a months worth events the closer we get to JP. Not trying to be the "Negative Nancy" here, just saying people should keep an open mind as to what we might see next, as it's been stated the "goal" for Nutaku is to be a 1 for 1 release schedule with DMM. It's easier to skip early content, rather than later as the units in later events may be more "needed", for on going events as they are released.

How large will the next skip be? Your guess is as good as mine, but I do not not expect us to be seeing events released as JP did now. Many people have a sufficient team, not perfect, not even fully leveled, but enough to clear content, and that is likely the only thing they have been waiting on.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Skipping events to "catch up" is a shit excuse to force the NA playerbase to spend more money than the JP one to obtain the same content. I don't care about being caught up, I care about getting my fair chance at units that we'd otherwise have access to. Maybe for someone who's already spent $1k or whatever you don't bat an eye at anything lower than black rarity value but for the rest of us stuff like this (Even Gold Rush) has value and it'd be a dick move by Nutaku if shit continues to be removed from the game just so they can sell it back to us while pretending that they're doing us some favor by "catching us up". Bad enough that we were forced into just taking a gimped Cloris from the start.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Something to consider. They want to catch us up to JP, they can not do that if we follow DMM's release schedule. Next event may very well not be Dragon Princess Revival, but I do not expect them to follow DMM at this point either.

A pure guess here, but I'd wager the further we get into the game, the more events will be skipped until we are caught up. We may skip a few events here, but later on I would not be surprised if we skip a months worth events the closer we get to JP. Not trying to be the "Negative Nancy" here, just saying people should keep an open mind as to what we might see next, as it's been stated the "goal" for Nutaku is to be a 1 for 1 release schedule with DMM. It's easier to skip early content, rather than later as the units in later events may be more "needed", for on going events as they are released.

How large will the next skip be? Your guess is as good as mine, but I do not not expect us to be seeing events released as JP did now. Many people have a sufficient team, not perfect, not even fully leveled, but enough to clear content, and that is likely the only thing they have been waiting on.

Even being open minding and wishing to catch up to DMM. It wouldn't be good to skip events that give event only units. While Liana I can concede is a logical choice to move to gatcha due to Iris being far to loli to be easily 'fixed' like the others. Most other events simply cannot be taking out without causing some anger in the player base. Which in turn cause then to stop playing or just go to DMM where they don't have to deal with events being skipped over.

Of all the events the ones I can see us skipping with no actual problem are.

Gold Rush, Warriors of the East(Saki and Akane can just be put into the Trading post without need for the event), Gold Rush 2, Gold Rush 3, Gold Rush 4, Gold Rush 5, and Gold Rush 6

Granted they could also do something like skip the farm events and give us the free unit from the event like we would have gotten by simply being able to beat all the maps. Granted it wouldn't be perfect, but at least we would have gotten the unit. If one really wanted to use them they could simply focus Rainbow fairies in them until we eventual got the revival of the event.

However it has to be said that skipping to many events will cause a disproportionate increase in difficulty simply because we didn't get the same access to things DMM players did. I mean War of Magic is a prime example of this. Since we didn't have Cloris' event we couldn't CR her, and we missed out on another witch because of the 'loli issues'. Now it is ludicrously hard to beat. The fact that you of all people cannot beat it without 5 extra unit points is proof of that.

Skipping events to catch up simply is not the answer, and there are far easier and more elegant solutions. Simply saying 'You don't get access to the same things they got because we have to catch up' is not a good thing. The majority of the player base won't care that we aren't 1:1 with DMM. They will care that they are losing out on content, SC, and units.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Skipping events to "catch up" is a shit excuse to force the NA playerbase to spend more money than the JP one to obtain the same content. I don't care about being caught up, I care about getting my fair chance at units that we'd otherwise have access to. Maybe for someone who's already spent $1k or whatever you don't bat an eye at anything lower than black rarity value but for the rest of us stuff like this (Even Gold Rush) has value and it'd be a dick move by Nutaku if shit continues to be removed from the game just so they can sell it back to us while pretending that they're doing us some favor by "catching us up". Bad enough that we were forced into just taking a gimped Cloris from the start.

Considering this was stated from the start, before release even, I'd disagree.
I'm sure there are a number of people who share your opinion, but how much I spent does not enter the equation.

I play multiple accounts (though I still cant get my DMM to work right most of the time) due to the time constraints that are part of the game (cha/sta). I am just as able to feel how much of a strain as anyone else due to skipped content. I only completed 7 (1 star for 2 maps, no stars last for last) maps of this most recent event on it. I didn't prepare on that account as much as I should have and it bit me in the ass, but that's no one else's fault but my own.

When I started playing I not only expected that there will be units I wont get, I also understood we would not see some content and that other avenues for those various units would be introduced. This includes gatcha, demon crystals and other venues currently in the game and some that may be added that DMM does not use.

Bottom line, it is no secret and never has been that content will be skipped, getting agitated or upset about it doesn't change the fact "you knew". It's been talked about repeatedly in this forum, from before Belinda's event and on.

Granted they could also do something like skip the farm events and give us the free unit from the event like we would have gotten by simply being able to beat all the maps. Granted it wouldn't be perfect, but at least we would have gotten the unit. If one really wanted to use them they could simply focus Rainbow fairies in them until we eventual got the revival of the event.

However it has to be said that skipping to many events will cause a disproportionate increase in difficulty simply because we didn't get the same access to things DMM players did. I mean War of Magic is a prime example of this. Since we didn't have Cloris' event we couldn't CR her, and we missed out on another witch because of the 'loli issues'. Now it is ludicrously hard to beat. The fact that you of all people cannot beat it without 5 extra unit points is proof of that.

Skipping events to catch up simply is not the answer, and there are far easier and more elegant solutions. Simply saying you don't get access to the same things they got because we have to catch up. The majority of the player base won't care that we aren't 1:1 with DMM. They will care that they are losing out on content, SC, and units.
For your first statement, I've wondered if they would just be releasing codes for those units, it honestly wouldn't surprise me.

As to the rest, I really got to ask, why are you playing EN version if you want all units? Seriously? I'm not trying to be an ass here, but if you want all units the way they were released you are playing the wrong game, DMM is just as easy to play as this one. Now I would say don't use the same name for your account as I think that's why mine became blocked. But simply put, the info has been out there from before the start, people getting mad at what was stated upfront, no hiding it, no sneaking it in, but from the start have NO REASON to be upset. It's like buying a car you know has issues then getting mad at the seller because the car had issues. Logically speaking that is absurd.

The only thing we know that is isn't out in the open, and that's what is going to be released "when", and it's already been shown by posts from NutakuDev here on the forum, even Nutaku doesn't always know what's coming until right before release.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Bottom line, it is no secret and never has been that content will be skipped, getting agitated or upset about it doesn't change the fact "you knew". It's been talked about repeatedly in this forum, from before Belinda's event and on.

This forum is a vocal minority. Most people won't know because most people won't frequent forums to know. Hell most people won't even pay attention to Nutaku outside of contest if they are interested in that.

Simply because we know content would be skipped to be sold to us later under the guise of 'catching up' does not make it okay. It never has and never will make it okay to do something like that in any game free or otherwise.

The actual best avenue if they truly wished to catch up to be 1:1 with DMM is to half the time of the events, and half the requirement for reward for collection events, and increasing the drop rate for farm events; while completion events would just remain the same. This would cause use to go through events twice as fast as DMM did and catch us up eventually; while at the same time still giving everyone access to everything DMM players got.

As to the rest, I really got to ask, why are you playing EN version if you want all units? Seriously? I'm not trying to be an ass here, but if you want all units the way they were released you are playing the wrong game, DMM is just as easy to play as this one. Now I would say don't use the same name for your account as I think that's why mine became blocked. But simply put, the info has been out there from before the start, people getting mad at what was stated upfront, no hiding it, no sneaking it in, but from the start have NO REASON to be upset. It's like buying a car you know has issues then getting mad at the seller because the car had issues. Logically speaking that is absurd.

That is a terrible analogy. If you knew something was wrong with the car you wouldn't buy the thing. Also it does not matter if you are up front with something. It still does not make it right or okay. Especially when it simply appears to be an excuse to cut out content, and make you pay for it later(not saying they are doing this as it has yet to be seen). If something isn't right you speak up about it. People not doing so are why there is a chance a second video game crash is upon us. Also you don't need to be mad to be against something.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This forum is a vocal minority. Most people won't know because most people won't frequent forums to know. Hell most people won't even pay attention to Nutaku outside of contest if they are interested in that.
As to the forum, yea it's known here, but the other aspect is there are plenty of people who do not even know of DMM's version. All they see is this new game at face value. It's hard to miss what you don't know exists. Not saying it's right wrong or indifferent, I'm just saying we should expect some events to be skipped.

Simply put, I'm reminding yall of what's already been said.

If you're getting mad at me or voicing your discontent at me, you're doing it wrong. I am not a Dev, and make no decisions for the game. Unlike me, many of yall have facebook/twitter accounts, you want your voice heard, places like that are where you voice any discontent. I'm not the person you need to argue with, or have a beef with, I'm simply reminding, nothing more. Take it at face value, my responses to this particular topic stops here.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As to the forum, yea it's known here, but the other aspect is there are plenty of people who do not even know of DMM's version. All they see is this new game at face value. It's hard to miss what you don't know exists. Not saying it's right wrong or indifferent, I'm just saying we should expect some events to be skipped.

Simply put, I'm reminding yall of what's already been said.

If you're getting mad at me or voicing your discontent at me, you're doing it wrong. I am not a Dev, and make no decisions for the game. Unlike me, many of yall have facebook/twitter accounts, you want your voice heard, places like that are where you voice any discontent. I'm not the person you need to argue with, or have a beef with, I'm simply reminding, nothing more. Take it at face value, my responses to this particular topic stops here.

Trust me I've already raised the concern and issue with Nutaku multiple times already. It isn't something new to them, and I hope they are seriously conversing with the Devs on this. It has to be noted that the people who don't know about DMM version will know eventually. Nutaku post things from the Japanese version and it is mentioned. It will just continue to be mentioned the more events that they do skip, and more then likely with any event unit they put behind the Aigis stomach known as gatcha.

EDIT: Also Nutaku lurks here. So they see all this anytime a discussion or a debate breaks out. Which is good so honestly you always 'playing the devil' is a very good thing.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Why I got to be "the devil" now? The debil is pure evil...I'm not evil.... I swear... :D Just don't ask my harem...cool?

At any rate, it will be interesting to see what comes next, we get a week to prepare for whatever it is they throw at us. I've got lots of units that still need work, especially on my free account given that I was so far behind the curve.

So hope everyone is able to make use of the time we got.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The actual best avenue if they truly wished to catch up to be 1:1 with DMM is to half the time of the events, and half the requirement for reward for collection events, and increasing the drop rate for farm events; while completion events would just remain the same. This would cause use to go through events twice as fast as DMM did and catch us up eventually; while at the same time still giving everyone access to everything DMM players got.

This is the ideal solution but will never happen. My understanding is Nutaku gets whatever JP event is to be released in a nice little package and they are unable to change it.

Personally I don't mind skipping certain events as long as the crucial units aren't skipped. We already can't have Black Iris so we are already at a huge disadvantage compared to the DMM version.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This is the ideal solution but will never happen. My understanding is Nutaku gets whatever JP event is to be released in a nice little package and they are unable to change it.

True, but they are in communication with the Devs of the game. I'm sure they are reporting back the most valid feedback from the player base. As it is in their best interest that the lot of us don't jump ship to DMM or just stop playing all together.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Very important. My screen is stuck again. Is there any way to resolve this, or am I doomed to lose my stamina on H hard AGAIN?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Very important. My screen is stuck again. Is there any way to resolve this, or am I doomed to lose my stamina on H hard AGAIN?

What do you mean your screen it stuck? Like you can't place units while the mobs go to take your life or...