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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So wait was it ever confirmed we wouldn't be getting Liana's event? I mean maybe she was just placed in Gatcha to have a black healer there since Black Iris and Aisha are a different can of loli worms. However is we still get her event... I imagine anyone who rolled her would be pissed.

it would destroy nutaku's reputation if they ever did that.
they did however confirm that we wouldnt get all the events from DMM.
lets hope they dont take out all the blacks...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

it would destroy nutaku's reputation if they ever did that.
they did however confirm that we wouldnt get all the events from DMM.
lets hope they dont take out all the blacks...

*we suddenly don't get Revival of Ryuhime*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

it would destroy nutaku's reputation if they ever did that.
they did however confirm that we wouldnt get all the events from DMM.
lets hope they dont take out all the blacks...

Regardless of what they take out, everything that goes into gatcha is bullshit. At the very least if we're not getting events they should go into the trading post at min-cost, we shouldn't be paying for lottery tickets to get shit that was available for free on the DMM version.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's going to be a sneak peek for the next aigis event tomorrow according to the nutaku facebook
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Regardless of what they take out, everything that goes into gatcha is bullshit. At the very least if we're not getting events they should go into the trading post at min-cost, we shouldn't be paying for lottery tickets to get shit that was available for free on the DMM version.

We can complain all we want, I wouldn't count on it making a whole lot of difference. Unless you feel like brushing up on your Japanese language skills that is. Nutaku has already put it out that both LoV and MWA are not under their control development wise. They can pass stuff on, but they may also feel its like they are being ignored as well. The Dev staff is going to do what they want regardless.

If Nutaku gives them some good reasons for something, one way or the other, they may make changes. Thus far we have seen a change that was suggested (cost of crystals per cost, thus the increased amount of crystals for higher purchases). Considering they did make such a change, which is a big one IMO, they may listen to others, but it would be foolhardy to think they will listen to everything, or even a majority of "suggestions".

As one of the primary forums NutakuDev does occasionally visit, we should choose are battles very wisely indeed.

*we suddenly don't get Revival of Ryuhime*
Now you're just being mean.

Just finished running another 5 H maps. Got 2 more Plats.
Now I KNOW you did something Lafate, did you drug the Goddess or Demoness as you prefer...you did something, come on spill the beans...what'd you do?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's going to be a sneak peek for the next aigis event tomorrow according to the nutaku facebook

Mhmm and the second it is up.... I'll be doing something... I'm sure Clavat will do the same.


I did nothing other then reject her corruption. Like I said she is trying to make me jealous so I give it.. since giving Clissa didn't work.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Mhmm and the second it is up.... I'll be doing something... I'm sure Clavat will do the same.


I did nothing other then reject her corruption. Like I said she is trying to make me jealous so I give it.. since giving Clissa didn't work.

sadly tomorrow i have a job interview and wont be all morning xD

*we suddenly don't get Revival of Ryuhime*

its actually been confirmed already tough xD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

As one of the primary forums NutakuDev does occasionally visit, we should choose are battles very wisely indeed.

I mean I guess the issue is that I don't see what other battle could be more worth fighting. The crystal pricing is one thing (And even that is barely a change), but I'm aiming at bigger things. We're talking about the bulk of the game's content offerings being instead turned into gatcha fodder (Or just becoming totally unavailable), less sacred crystals available, less free units, people's "goal" units becoming incredibly hard to obtain without spending money (And even then who knows if you'll get anything). And in the case of the events that are going to be skipped what makes Event X more worthy of being skipped than Event Y? How are those choices going to be made? How are they going to be made without upsetting people? How will the playerbase react when they find out content is being cut from the game so that they can try to make some extra money?

I think it was Lafate who said before that we shouldn't spend money for a specific unit, but rather to support Nutaku. Well if they really have no say about these things and are just going to roll over on decisions that impact the NA playerbase in this way then why would I want to support them? Either they refuse to change things or they're unable to change things in which case them getting my money doesn't do a damn thing for my interests as part of the NA playerbase.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I mean I guess the issue is that I don't see what other battle could be more worth fighting. The crystal pricing is one thing (And even that is barely a change), but I'm aiming at bigger things. We're talking about the bulk of the game's content offerings being instead turned into gatcha fodder (Or just becoming totally unavailable), less sacred crystals available, less free units, people's "goal" units becoming incredibly hard to obtain without spending money (And even then who knows if you'll get anything). And in the case of the events that are going to be skipped what makes Event X more worthy of being skipped than Event Y? How are those choices going to be made? How are they going to be made without upsetting people? How will the playerbase react when they find out content is being cut from the game so that they can try to make some extra money?

I think it was Lafate who said before that we shouldn't spend money for a specific unit, but rather to support Nutaku. Well if they really have no say about these things and are just going to roll over on decisions that impact the NA playerbase in this way then why would I want to support them? Either they refuse to change things or they're unable to change things in which case them getting my money doesn't do a damn thing for my interests as part of the NA playerbase.

some events in the japanesse version were meant to introduce new mechanics.
there were "rest" events where dailies had an increased drop rate.
Warriors of the east was an overpriced event meant to introduce the Trading post.
Gold Rushes can be skiped.....(sad but true...)
Liana's event will be skiped....
the new vampire will most likely be skiped since the whole point of said event is the fact that she is a loli (i mean she is the daugther of Vincent?)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

sadly tomorrow i have a job interview and wont be all morning xD

Well guess I'll shall post the event guide here as well then.

I think it was Lafate who said before that we shouldn't spend money for a specific unit, but rather to support Nutaku. Well if they really have no say about these things and are just going to roll over on decisions that impact the NA playerbase in this way then why would I want to support them? Either they refuse to change things or they're unable to change things in which case them getting my money doesn't do a damn thing for my interests as part of the NA playerbase.

Actually it does... It keeps the game running. No one pays and the game goes away. Then there is no NA player base.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well guess I'll shall post the event guide here as well then.

Actually it does... It keeps the game running. No one pays and the game goes away. Then there is no NA player base.

Indeed. we should keep paying for new releases.
however! due to the fact that during the last few days nutaku's facebook page has gotten more and more likes.
we should keep promoting the game.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And in the case of the events that are going to be skipped what makes Event X more worthy of being skipped than Event Y? How are those choices going to be made? How are they going to be made without upsetting people? How will the playerbase react when they find out content is being cut from the game so that they can try to make some extra money?

We don't know, and likely never will. From what was stated before by NutakuDev, even they aren't informed of all decisions until they are already made. This is atypical for a "licensed product". It's been seen many times, and it's just the way it is for international business.

I think it was Lafate who said before that we shouldn't spend money for a specific unit, but rather to support Nutaku. Well if they really have no say about these things and are just going to roll over on decisions that impact the NA playerbase in this way then why would I want to support them? Either they refuse to change things or they're unable to change things in which case them getting my money doesn't do a damn thing for my interests as part of the NA playerbase.

Frankly put, I think some of us are being short sighted here. There's too much "I want it now" happening, and its a bit childish. Nutaku and the Dev's are not worried about short term too much, they are showing interest in more of long term gains. Sure they make some short term money grabs, but that's nothing new in a free to play game, it's a fairly standard practice.

How are "we" being short sighted you ask? Consider this scenario:

We get caught up to JP, events and revivals happen as JP gets them. Many of the events people are currently clamoring for have already been done as a revival and are expected to be done so again. Where's our big complaints then? Just because we don't have it "now" doesn't mean we wont get it. We just may not get it the way DMM got it, or at least not in the order they got it. If in two months we miraculously get Cloris's event, where does the complaint go? What grounds do we have to complain about how they are releasing content?

Don't get me wrong, I want free units and free crystals just as much as everyone else, I'm not making excuses for a company, especially one I don't work for. However, I'm also well versed in the back ground of gaming companies and businesses in general to know what they likely will and what they wont do.

Right now the game is still young, we are able to voice our opinions, and that's a great thing as it gives Nutaku the ammo they need to hopefully get some things changed. Some of those changes will go through others wont. I'm simply saying our complaints at this point may be completely unwarranted, as we simply do not know what the intentions are at this time.

Could they be a little more out spoken, have a little more visibility into the plan? You bet, and many of us would like to see it but here's the caveat of that. If they "promise" something, and then for whatever reason can't follow through, there will be WAY more complaints about this than anything we've talked about in the 5k+ posts on this forum. Anyone who has played any reputable MMO, knows this TRUTH, with out a doubt. Most companies are not going to take the "risk" associated as all it does is give them a bad rep, and poor feedback from customers. For non-well funded games, that's a death sentence. So I ask, can we really blame them for keeping us in the dark a bit? The old saying goes, best to ere on the side of caution, and any company in the gaming industry knows the truth of those words.

Here's hoping we do see what we currently miss, but for now I personally am going to with hold judgment until the game has more than a couple months under its belt.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually it does... It keeps the game running. No one pays and the game goes away. Then there is no NA player base.

If I'm just getting a gimped product then I'm fine with letting it die, everyone here seems to be in agreement that we'll never get Liana's event now that she's in our gatcha. If the rest of the event units that end up being our "Skipped event pool" follow suit then don't expect to see another cent from me. Additionally don't expect to see a cent from me until I get a grasp of what their plan actually is, "Spend money now and maybe things will work out later while we're as vague as possible about the future" is an unacceptable strategy.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Calling MWA a "licensed product" is stretching it, anyway, if I understand DMM-like model correctly. Nutaku is playing host and localizes, but it's not their game and they don't have much of a leverage on devs when it comes to content. Sure, they cooperate and talk it over, and Nutaku can probably veto loli and such, but things like events and progression is on jap devs - it's their game in the end.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Calling MWA a "licensed product" is stretching it, anyway, if I understand DMM-like model correctly. Nutaku is playing host and localizes, but it's not their game ...
Whether hosted or as licensed, both come with restrictions that the "provider", in this case Devs/DMM, has to abide by as well as those by the licenser or hosting provider. There's a lot of legal matters for either, and way too much head ache to try and figure out with our limited knowledge on how exactly the two companies are working together to speculate. If you have info pointing that one or the other is being done, than at least that can clear the air for some things.

We do network, phone, email and web hosting at my work, and I'm glad I don't have to deal with the legal aspects, it's a nightmare just from what I have had to deal with. So many contracts...gives me tired head.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

...... not sure if Aigis is still pissed and toying with me.... or is still trying to tempt me....

Just got another Mehlis... and a Valerie to go along with her.

Was trying to get Garania before the spotlight ended so I could have what I needed to beat Immortal beast without relying on Cyrus...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you have info pointing that one or the other is being done, than at least that can clear the air for some things.

Nah, it's as much speculation as any other predictions and such in this thread. I just had a friend working hardware in a company with kind of similar (at least as seen on the surface) model. They worked as part of a social network, hosting and providing support for browser games inside of it. He told me a little bit about when-how's of their inner kitchen.

Come to think of it, that was probably one major clusterfuck. Not only dealing with devs, but with social network, too. In the middle of shitstorm.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

To be honest, most of these units seems like hybrids which provide options. None of them are really necessary from a progression viewpoint.

I think it will be a shame if we never get black Iris or Aisha just because of their loli look. They are ridiculously powerful units worth building an entire team around.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

To be honest, most of these units seems like hybrids which provide options. None of them are really necessary from a progression viewpoint.

I think it will be a shame if we never get black Iris or Aisha just because of their loli look. They are ridiculously powerful units worth building an entire team around.

Even if we do, by the time we get them you won't have much of a chance to actually pull them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Even if we do, by the time we get them you won't have much of a chance to actually pull them.

Hey, it's nice to have something to strive for right? I guess they could do a spotlight and watch people throw money at them.