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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well for starter we should wait until they introduce alot more class with their silver unit.
And even you said we skipping alot on content..... using JP event time line revival of dragon princess is only 2 month after server open. There at least need a yr for awakening.

I understand if you worried not having the silver unit for awaken, but lets looks this the other way, you also need 100 demon crystal for the awaken fairy. You need the awaken orb drop from daily. Also you need the money to awaken (200k gold + 50k / rarity up). And the most anoying part is you need max lvl CC of ur unit, adding need 100% affection
These will take alot of time even you have the silver fodder.

This is from my experience, that we usually farm these silver usually from farming or collection event. Just think of belinda event when you farm soma, but this time since there a higher stam cost map the drop rate of these silver also higher. Of course in most cases you will have tons of 1 type silver unit.
Same with collection event, since you keep farming 1 same map all the time you will likely got tons of 1 same silver unit. ex: during liana event someone posted 25+ christopher / during nagi event I got 11 silver ninja.

Personaly, nutaku seem to love to juggle all these event from those available 1, so instead of keepng using jp timeline event. We just wait in some group range what next event will be
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I understand if you worried not having the silver unit for awaken, but lets looks this the other way, you also need 100 demon crystal for the awaken fairy. You need the awaken orb drop from daily. Also you need the money to awaken (200k gold + 50k / rarity up). And the most anoying part is you need max lvl CC of ur unit, adding need 100% affection
These will take alot of time even you have the silver fodder.

Unless AW happens with in the next couple of months, I'll likely have close to 999 demon crystals. So a non issue there, same for the orb, as I'll use crystals if need be.

With in a few hours of AW going live, at least 3-5 of my units will be awakened. Levels are a trivial matter, as an example both dragons we get Tues will be level 65 or higher with in an hour of me logging in. 17 rows of lvl 18 Bronze Roy's saved up already. Not to mention multiple tin cans with black fairies, which I might add more tomorrow. I'm actually having to use some of the Roys so I can do tomorrows daily. Keep in mind this is with max unit capacity (232 units), and I still wish I had more. Barracks will likely also be added before then hopefully.

As to affection? I've had all my used units maxed for some time, even the 5 rogues that are only planned to be used for Dwarfs and Giants 2 have that done.

And finally as to gold, I never drop below 1 million anymore as I don't use enough gold leveling my units as is. This will only become cumulative as time goes on. For the silvers themselves, they are already done for most of my desired units.

I've been preparing for quite some time already, I don't think I have any worries there. I've simply recommended others do the same where and when possible, so they too can bear the fruits of their labor quickly and easily when the time comes. Besides, with the down time we have, there isn't much else to plan for currently that will use that scale and diversity of units.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well if thats what you want to do i guess feel free to do it.
Although i still felt we still dont have many variation of class out yet for this aw system implement, for example archer aw need 2 archer + 1 pirate, mage need 2 mage 1 samurai etc etc.
Hence the reason why i don't think aw will be coming any time soon.

Aigis has been pretty slow game, just careful of not rushing it too much and get burnout.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well if thats what you want to do i guess feel free to do it.
Although i still felt we still dont have many variation of class out yet for this aw system implement, for example archer aw need 2 archer + 1 pirate, mage need 2 mage 1 samurai etc etc.
Hence the reason why i don't think aw will be coming any time soon.

Aigis has been pretty slow game, just careful of not rushing it too much and get burnout.

I thought as much too but after hearing they changed the CC requirements for the Samurai released for this event, it made me consider the possibility they may do the same for AW. While I'm not really expecting this, lets just say I don't want to be caught off guard when it does get announced. Besides CC'ing the silvers I'm not using helps save space, and is the other main reason to do so. It's actually been surprising how many silvers I get from 2k gatcha, and generally I'm only even rolling that when I'm in process of cc'ing a unit so that I don't waste higher level units.

As to pacing, I concur, it has been going slow. However I do not expect it to stay that way for much longer. Reason? Nutaku does lurk this forum in between their occasional posts. I doubt it has gone unnoticed that players, even those who play for free, are "getting bored". Business wise, Nutaku can not afford to let this occur for much longer, as it will impact the game overall, and cause a loss of sales as well as a potential loss of the player base. No game company will stand for that for very long.

One of the reasons I stated before, I'm actually expecting the desert maps quite soon. As it gives the most content for an update with less overall work for implementing. Whether I'm right or wrong on this remains to be seen of course.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Aigis has been pretty slow game, just careful of not rushing it too much and get burnout.


I also don't think we're gonna get awakening any soon, at least in half a year imo, but even if we were to get it tommorow, what would be the point of doing preparations? Out teams are already heavily overleveled, I don't think pushing it even further makes any sense. But well, I guess most of us can't store units even if we wanted to due to very limited box space.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I also don't think we're gonna get awakening any soon, at least in half a year imo, but even if we were to get it tommorow, what would be the point of doing preparations? Out teams are already heavily overleveled, I don't think pushing it even further makes any sense. But well, I guess most of us can't store units even if we wanted to due to very limited box space.

This is another problem that comes with the slow rate of content, if the events came faster teams wouldn't be so overleveled because you wouldn't have empty weeks of exp farm
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yep, Burnout is one of the reasons i play freemium game. since it gives you more desirable targets, otherwise you just spend a lot of money, get everything game have to offer and left with nothing to do. Even though right now probably first time since my 40ish lvls i am not spending my Charisma effectively - since i want to save 120 lvl up till tomorrow daily - other than that i am still perfectly fine with game (playing since 18 feb) And yes i am still bored a bit, but i believe that we pick up pace. even if next few events will be 1 week event 1 week break - it still will be better than those 2 weeks events... since i am usually done with those events in 1 hour.

Btw guys remind me how much exp we getting for Monday daily H
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


I also do not expect it right away, I just choose to be ready for when it does, as stated, main reason to CC non used silvers is a space saving measure. It just accomplishes multiple tasks by doing so.

As to the comment of preparations? Consider this last event, they added a mechanic that was not in DMM's version. Not sure how much impact it had as I never saw the effect (paralysis) apparently due to a glitch in the code which was corrected. It's been stated before that the Devs will adjust our events and content based on the average player with in our version. This event shows they are doing just that.

Now I can't say with any certainty of course that it means we have a higher then average level for the active players, but it does point to such. Or it could be the product of us already having access to information for all previous events and they just want to shake things up too. So it's hard to say.

As to our units being over leveled. I've concluded one thing having done/tried some of the challenge maps (both Dwarfs and Giants maps specifically), our units are not nearly as powerful as we think they are, and just a small mechanics change to a map can instantly reduce their effectiveness to almost zero. As Altrius pointed out with the desert maps, things like avenging and weather effects are coming. If you think we are just going to walk into these new challenges with guns a blazing and come out on top easily, I think you might be in for a bit of a shock, I could be wrong though.

The challenge rating can very easily be manipulated for this game, thankfully it is not based on top player levels but the overall mean of the player base. My philosophy isn't shared by everyone and that's perfectly okay. But we've gotten a little complacent with the current challenges thrown our way. I expect us to get something soon that shakes this complacency up a bit.

As far as burnout, I think a few here are reaching that simply cause there isn't anything to do other then "level unit", rinse and repeat. Even I see how tedious that is, and am getting bored of it myself. I just have more units to work on is probably the only difference.

Guess we'll have to wait and see. :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yep, Burnout is one of the reasons i play freemium game. since it gives you more desirable targets, otherwise you just spend a lot of money, get everything game have to offer and left with nothing to do. Even though right now probably first time since my 40ish lvls i am not spending my Charisma effectively - since i want to save 120 lvl up till tomorrow daily - other than that i am still perfectly fine with game (playing since 18 feb) And yes i am still bored a bit, but i believe that we pick up pace. even if next few events will be 1 week event 1 week break - it still will be better than those 2 weeks events... since i am usually done with those events in 1 hour.

Btw guys remind me how much exp we getting for Monday daily H

100 per H run IIRC
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah dessert map still not considered as hard :p
If you did immortal beast i'm pretty sure you not gonna have problem. just careful on enemy mechanic specialy pharaoh this 1 u need to watch
After all i did farmed in dessert map just with 3weeks account when i just started JP aigis, although the base overtake2 took me longer (about 3 month) since i started doing event (i skiped all event in 1st 3 weeks to lvl char *still have liana lvl 1 / 1, 21 cost sitting there )
That map is just good example that most of ur unit will need a lot ranged to counter avenger type.

If you asked me my EN acc aigis which start later... is stronger than my JP acc.
The reason is pretty straight, english i have plenty time lving unit, while jp all of chr stm always goes for event. (i do have awaken units in jp pretty painful to get it -.- )

Don't need to overestimate map, i'm pretty sure if we just keep doing event from begining the future content will always be possible to clear, at same time dont underestimate it too much like the 1st time in sorano event they brought extreme map I heard alot ppl wasnt able to get full 3 star (they still got a full powered sorano though since u don't need to get all full star)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I warned them! I warned them all not to focus on Victoria!.... Now there are problems in their harems!


On topic of burning out. Well it is obvious that it would be fairly easy since we are still 'ramping up' for events. I saw if you even have an interesting in possibly playing in the future, you'll want to keep logging in to use your charisma and stamina until you are sure you'll quit. even if you are doing it in a not optimal way. Simply to make sure it is used.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Talking about hard event making me want to show this 1 day event video

*dam its harder to find 1 that failed than the 1 that success*
This event map only out for 1 day during 1 april in JP. (map cost 10/0 / no drop / well SC for 3 star clear)
I wanna show how fun the event is i tried to find the failed 1 with high lvl unit:p
since this video so slow just skip to 4:00

Of coz those who know this event SHhhhhhh......
PS: we already had a good laugh + headache in jp thread :D
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Since everybody's been posting about their burnout experiences, I'll just chip in my own two cents and say that personally I've not gotten burned out, nor do I feel bored with the pace of the game currently. I still have a lot of things that I'm looking forward to, both in the short-term and long-term. I've found this game so much more engaging than Lord of Valkyrie, and I really like the pace of it far more than LoV's.

Especially now with Pero Pero on the verge of launch at the end of May, I can look forward to filling in my free time with that game and see if it catches my interest in a similar manner. Just... yeah, not bored and still having tons of fun with this game. Looking forward to the announcement of what our next event will be and when it'll launch!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Talking about hard event making me want to show this 1 day event video

*dam its harder to find 1 that failed than the 1 that success*
This event map only out for 1 day during 1 april in JP. (map cost 10/0 / no drop / well SC for 3 star clear)
I wanna show how fun the event is i tried to find the failed 1 with high lvl unit:p
since this video so slow just skip to 4:00

Of coz those who know this event SHhhhhhh......
PS: we already had a good laugh + headache in jp thread :D

You know that....

Oh wait you don't want me to say what you are suppose to do fine...

EDIT: You know what would be a fun event? A timed one that was based completely off your units. Everyone having to us a different strategy to beat it as it changed based on the units you had and the level you and they were. Every day you didn't rescue the event unit she would get weaker and weaker... and if you didn't at all... she would well die.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

EDIT: You know what would be a fun event? A timed one that was based completely off your units. Everyone having to us a different strategy to beat it as it changed based on the units you had and the level you and they were. Every day you didn't rescue the event unit she would get weaker and weaker... and if you didn't at all... she would well die.

Totaly doubt it there a map that can match with your unit.

The only event i know that need work together as player probably maurette event, as her rarity increase depend on how many kill player did.
So she start as bronze (ur 1st bronze female unit :p)
once the number of subjugation event hit 1 mil kill, she become silver and earned a skill / 3 mil kill = gold ad earn awaken / 6 mil kill = platinum.
In JP she only stayed gold
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh man, I was pretty bored when all those AW units were just beasting the little monsters and the girl enemies until that WTF moment. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm thinking that the player could've actually defeated that girl in hindsight by not overextending earlier and possibly adding healers or putting stopgap duelists in the main boss's way. Then again, I have no idea what that was. -__-
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh man, I was pretty bored when all those AW units were just beasting the little monsters and the girl enemies until that WTF moment. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm thinking that the player could've actually defeated that girl in hindsight by not overextending earlier and possibly adding healers or putting stopgap duelists in the main boss's way. Then again, I have no idea what that was. -__-

hint: 1 april = april fool day..... this event is only for 1 day / duelist not gonna stop that :D her atk 1300
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh man, I was pretty bored when all those AW units were just beasting the little monsters and the girl enemies until that WTF moment. I'm not looking forward to that. I'm thinking that the player could've actually defeated that girl in hindsight by not overextending earlier and possibly adding healers or putting stopgap duelists in the main boss's way. Then again, I have no idea what that was. -__-

The strategy I would use for that map is to deploy the minimum units to kill the other mobs and pull them before she gets in range. As what ever she is never actually goes to the exit only the portals. It's only the other units that you need to kill to get a 3 star.

Of course they may have it where she does go to the exit if units aren't deployed or something, but just basing it off that video.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The strategy I would use for that map is to deploy the minimum units to kill the other mobs and pull them before she gets in range. As what ever she is never actually goes to the exit only the portals. It's only the other units that you need to kill to get a 3 star.

Of course they may have it where she does go to the exit if units aren't deployed or something, but just basing it off that video.

Pffttt... don't spoilt the fun :mad:
Go try kill her ;) she is totaly killable and don't need tons of awaken to do it (just 1 key unit)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That was Navi from Lord of Walkure/Valkyrie wasn't it? It looked likes her with the owl and all that. Wouldn't Anya or Karma be able to tank her long enough to kill her? Or if you are lucky Dodge her with thieves?