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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Picture is lifted from the JP wiki, blame them if it's inaccurate

Yeah i wanted to blame them...
Its so hard to aim the enemy during her event.
for the skill this what it translate: cross slash /ignore def / 2.7x atk + 1.5x atk on flyer. ex: if ground unit got hit 2000 dmg / flyer unit got hit 3000 dmg.

Edit: if her atk hit box that big i wouldn't be having problem 3 star-ing her last map -.- / well still 3 star in the end though on 4th try
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Gold Rush coming up? Hopefully as I sideline or weekend event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Gold Rush coming up? Hopefully as I sideline or weekend event.

I wouldn't hold your breath...until they find a work around for all the cut gold units that are loli who are usually gold rush participants I would basically never expect gold rush. Until they can actually show that we're getting back-to-back weeks of content I'd rather they just keep progressing with actual events, not out of any desire to "rush ahead" but rather because if our content is going to be gated by a week/week and a half worth of time I want it to be spent on actual events.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Gold Rush coming up? Hopefully as I sideline or weekend event.

Don't think so. That is a Nutaku Milestone not Aigis Milestone. We won't be getting anything special that say a LoV player wouldn't also get.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

On one hand I sort've want Odette to be the next event because I really, really need a female Mage (Especially because we are probably never getting that free collaboration Plat Mage...) but at the same time I kinda don't want it to be Odette because seeing as Shiho is borderline Loli and might be skipped means if Odette were to be the next event we might go Odette -> Karma and if that happens RIP all my saved up SC.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There's only one way for Nutaku to properly celebrate this milestone:

Free Conrad for everyone!

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

After trying out JP revival Gold rush 1.... I don't even felt wanting this event anymore -.-
Long story short the drop rate is 5% / 10% / 15%, in JP aigis i already give up doing the map completion
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

After trying out JP revival Gold rush 1.... I don't even felt wanting this event anymore -.-
Long story short the drop rate is 5% / 10% / 15%, in JP aigis i already give up doing the map completion

Not gonna lie the only reason I'd want Gold Rush is to get Bella and Claire without paying for them, but since they've been cut out of our game anyways sort've a moot point :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

well 11 map = 11 free SC.
I think thats the good part / and until nutaku sort out their NO LOLI policy dunno about the unit given.
Personaly i want claire thats all she is 1 of unit i always use in all map @ jp aigis and my life saver as well
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm still trying to figure out what makes Bella and Claire no-go but somehow Sybilla was OK
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm still trying to figure out what makes Bella and Claire no-go but somehow Sybilla was OK

Breast... we have already figured that out. Due to those breast I guess she is considered a petite young woman instead of a growing girl *shrug*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

it felt pointless to complain and finding reason now.
The only thing we can show them that majority of us interest in those unit (like misha even already been said she still not appearing).

On Claire before i think i posted that she the number 1 most used unit in JP survey.
This is totaly true as her skill atk power up able to hit almost 800 now for me (lvl 60 CC 3/5 skill) and reason why she saved me in alot situation on peeling down those 600 def mob.

Breast... we have already figured that out. Due to those breast I guess she is considered a petite young woman instead of a growing girl *shrug*

breast problem for westerner = LOL
It sound like woman with small breast gonna be crying all day being told a kid :p
*no offense intended*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Not gonna lie the only reason I'd want Gold Rush is to get Bella and Claire without paying for them, but since they've been cut out of our game anyways sort've a moot point :rolleyes:

Well, not cut out per se. Nutaku has stated that they want to eventually implement all the characters from the JP vers, it's just that some of the girls need some "modifications" to meet Western standards. Bella and Claire are in the same boat as our just-as-dearly-missed Mischa. They're on their way, just not anytime in the foreseeable future. As has been the case with our version time and again, we are getting our girls out of order a bit compared to the original version of the game.

As to the thoughts on Odette, and then Karma's events being next down the pipe, I think that's the most likely course for us to take as well. People may not be happy about it, considering we will get saturated with farm events, but if we continue to have week-long breaks in between, I personally don't have any problems with it (my wallet is aimed and ready). I'm a little biased though.

Maribelle wasn't on my Advanced Team blueprint, but Spica is so I've dropped some SC on the Thurs daily (and will continue to do so until I max-CR her). However, both Odette and Karma have reserved spots on my Advanced Team, and the sooner I can get them, the happier I'll be. Already planned to spend the money to perfect them both anyways, might as well roll them out next!

EDIT: On breasts - I'm sure Nutaku is just playing it safe by requesting alternate art for the girls we don't have yet. They are already pioneering dangerous waters, considering our Bible-thumping Western culture (no offense intended to you religious folks). There's no good reason for them to invite disaster by featuring loli girls that may incur legal attacks, which a young company simply cannot hope to afford.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So far we're missing (And probably will be missing) all Sapphire Units, Female Plat Mage Collab Unit, all present and future "loli" units until they can find a workaround (If ever, wouldn't doubt that they're just going to censor it or somehow just delete their H-Scenes which would be awful).

Last time I asked nutakudev about loli content this was their response "Certain units that have been evaluated as NOT loli will be re-added to the game, but not this update. They're thinking of a new way to integrate them."

When I asked them if that meant censorship they mysteriously went silent...hmmmm. Either that or they're thinking of how to actually implement them into the game again, probably because we already skipped so much content in the form of replaced clear bonuses and skipped events that they're trying to figure out what to change. Should just deposit the units into our accounts as an apology as far as I'm concerned lmao
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

missing Noel probably what gonna hit the hardest
She what we called *Loli granny*
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

missing Noel probably what gonna hit the hardest
She what we called *Loli granny*

Worst part of that... Kaguya is on my list... they are event sisters...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

People may not be happy about it, considering we will get saturated with farm events, but if we continue to have week-long breaks in between, I personally don't have any problems with it (my wallet is aimed and ready). I'm a little biased though.

EDIT: On breasts - I'm sure Nutaku is just playing it safe by requesting alternate art for the girls we don't have yet. They are already pioneering dangerous waters, considering our Bible-thumping Western culture (no offense intended to you religious folks). There's no good reason for them to invite disaster by featuring loli girls that may incur legal attacks, which a young company simply cannot hope to afford.

Given previous answers on twitter, I hope like hell the stupid week long breaks are stopped sooner rather than later. We simply don't need them anymore. It's inconvenient and quickly becoming annoying. We got the game released early so it was expected we'd get some early delays between content, however almost 4 months into release, the delays no longer seem to fit with the initial reason for seeing them. It's becoming an excuse to delay content which will hurt the game overall.

As to loli content being redone, we'll see em when we see em. At this point we have no real order for anything based on DMM, so i don't expect these girls or any events to be released in any relevant order either. Hell, if we are guessing next event, I'll go with Sandra's event for next, cause it just seems to be the way we get stuff here. Probably be our next gatcha unit :p

Oh well, what we gonna do, we're just along for the ride at this point. Let's just see what they throw at us next. Though if i was able to request myself, i'd say add all missing mission maps along with the auto complete feature, that would be my choice. Keep us busy for awhile, and remove some of the tedious grind mechanics.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Its in JP they started working regarding problem on the constant freezing and need to tab on their aigis.
Main reason: google chrome update