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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Our mission has gone from "rescue" to "escort." Currently, the only way we know* leads out of the dungeon is through the garden. Fighting may not work, but we might be able to run back through. Of course, we also have Melany with us. If she can't keep up, then we'll have to drag her along, which increases the risk. I still think it's worth it, so B. Also, save the potion at least until we make it through the room.

Side note: is trying to turn them again an option? If it is, do that, then run.

*unless Antipode did something really fucked up...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


1. Not yet
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Our mission has gone from "rescue" to "escort." Currently, the only way we know* leads out of the dungeon is through the garden. Fighting may not work, but we might be able to run back through. Of course, we also have Melany with us. If she can't keep up, then we'll have to drag her along, which increases the risk. I still think it's worth it, so B. Also, save the potion at least until we make it through the room.

Side note: is trying to turn them again an option? If it is, do that, then run.

*unless Antipode did something really fucked up...

Lemme check the rules... oh! In later editions, it's very limited, but it looks like in Basic, you can try as often as you want, instead of fighting.

So... yes! Yes you can try to turn them again!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Lemme check the rules... oh! In later editions, it's very limited, but it looks like in Basic, you can try as often as you want, instead of fighting.

So... yes! Yes you can try to turn them again!

OKAY! So, I vote to try and turn them again. If that fails, we run like hell.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Well knowing we can try to turn them again, I'd say B for sure.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B just B
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Try to turn the plants. If successful - B, else - D.

How does turning work, anyway? I know there's a roll involved, but that's all I know...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Try to turn the plants. If successful - B, else - D.

How does turning work, anyway? I know there's a roll involved, but that's all I know...

It's in the "statistics" spoiler: roll 2d6 with a result higher than X for success, where X is dependent on the creature type.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

It looks like the crowd has spoken! B has been chosen

The door burst open and Olivia sucked in a breath. It was time to roll, and there was no choice but through. The garden, after a whole night, had returned to a calmer, more sedate form, reminiscent of the way it looked when she first entered. She scowled at the various plants, all of them clearly in-between her and her destination. The goblin was still there, albeit in the form of a bulge in a large mantrap, its petals wrapped tightly around the being so that not a bit of skin was visible. He was still struggling within, though slowly. Olivia briefly wondered whether the girls who were brought here would die if caught by creatures like this. It was a dungeon of lust, not a dungeon of death, after all. But yet, sex was something as dangerous in the real world as anything else, she knew that first hand. Not merely jealousy, but the acts themselves sometimes, desires to get a thrill out of pain and lies, whips cracking and laughter at a mark's humiliation. Gold in hand at the price of pride, and death just around the corner. If anything, this place felt far too familiar, now that Olivia thought about it. It was the magical distillation of the life she had finally escaped with divine grace. And what she knew, she could fight.

"Stand aside, creatures of lust. Cower and shrink from mine presence."

Like before, the purple aura of Olivia's holy power burst forth, irradiating the entire garden in her glorious incandescence...

Turning roll... 10! SUCCESS! 11 hit dice turned!

...and this time, the pink energies of the dungeon were repelled, consumed in the purple light, overwhelmed and vanquished! All the plants here quivered and cowered, and began quickly moving, as best they could, as far away from Olivia as possible. This left a clear path to the door. Olivia laughed uproariously, her victory truly complete!

"Come, Melany. We must away."

"Yes!" Melany replied with the brightest of smiles, and grabbed Olivia's hand. And so they rushed, as quickly as possible, through the garden of lustful creatures, unharmed and unmolested by their myriad vines and petals. They reached the door, and it opened without issue, showing the way back into the dark corridor which Olivia found so familiar. There was still more beyond which she had not yet explored, but Olivia wasn't interested in going that way yet. No, she and her charge were home free. But since nothing stood in their way...

Olivia giggled as she showed Melany the bath which she had discovered previously. Melany's eyes widened.

"It's gorgeous."

"Yes, it is. But I'm afraid we can't waste time taking a bath... after all, it has effects similar to the potion that the goblins had given you." Olivia didn't notice the expression on Melany's face. It was not one of horror or disinterest.

"No, I think it's best if we simply shower, for there's one in the back. Once we're cleansed and purified, we can leave this place with no more hint of the magic within. Or at least we'll free much prettier than after days of strenuous sex and fighting." Olivia grinned and disrobed, but not before barring the door, of course. However, the moment she was nude, Melany attacked!

Well, not so much an attack as a playful pounce, pushing Olivia into the bath before she knew what was happening! Olivia splashed and sputtered, before looking up, shocked. Melany simply smiled, and let her clothing fall to the ground.

"This first," she said, her voice more seductive than ever. Olivia couldn't help but blush as Melany slipped into the water. Her eyes stared at Melany's form, smaller and more petite than her own, with slightly smaller breasts to match. But nonetheless...

"You... you... you are so... pretty..." It wasn't truly what she'd intended to say. But she was already captivated by the look of her, and didn't fight at all as Melany pushed her against the wall of the bath, water up to her shoulders. Melany's knee was already between Olivia's legs, and the touch of it against her sex was electric. The girl was grinding before Olivia knew what was happening, and it made her into a moaning, quivering mess. She tilted her head back and cried out, again... and again... and again...


After a very thorough washing, Olivia and Melany left the bath of lust refreshed, even their hair shampooed and cleansed. They walked back down the hallway, Olivia leading the way, smiling ever so slightly back at the other girl from time to time. Nothing could possibly go wrong, could it?

Wandering monster roll... 4! No monsters.

That's right. Nothing could, or at least did, go wrong. They marched right out into the entrance chamber, its gorgeous look still the same as before, and without further ado marched out into the sun.

"Beautiful day, don't you think?" Olivia said with a smile. Melany grinned, and squeezed Olivia's hand.

Chapter 2 End

And so Olivia wins! Her faith (and ability to turn undead and lust spirits) pulled her through, and she even saved a fellow adventurer who had long been lost to the dungeon! This act has consequences both in and out of the story... for you see, you have the choice of a new character thanks to it! (At least, you will. As of yet she needs a long rest, but that won't stop anyone else from entering the Dungeon of Lust!)

Oh, and Olivia levels up. Don't you feel special? You'll see her leveled up ass next time. But for now it's time to choose the next adventurer... for chapter 3!

A.) Louise de la Valliere, human noblewoman - Louise is the young fifth daughter of a noble house. Prideful and athletic, she has always valued competition and combat. Her energy and rigor is popular with those around her, and she set off on this quest in order to gain the resources to start her own homestead, her own family. After all, as fifth daughter, not even a son, she isn't going to inherit much, certainly not land!

Veteran (Fighter 1)
HP: 6
Armor Class: 4
THAC0: 18
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 9 (+0)
Wisdom: 7 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+0)
Constitution: 16 (+2)
Charisma: 16 (+2)

Longsword, d8+1 damage
Chain Mail
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Red (dyed, naturally brunette)
Breasts: A cups
Height: 5'0
Body type: slender
Virgin: yes

B.) Eleanor d'Salve, human scholar - Eleanor, or Ellie as she allows those close to her to call her, is a scholar who has spent two years here at the dungeon, trying to catalog all the information within. During this time she has mastered the basics of magic, and the bespectacled lass has finally decided that in order to learn more, she must make the delve herself. In the back of her mind, she fears a compulsion, but she doesn't allow that fear to stop her.

Medium (Magic User 1)
HP: 3
Armor Class: 8
THAC0: 20
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 250/2500

Strength: 7 (-1)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 9 (+0)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 9 (+0)
Charisma: 8 (-1)

Sleep - capable of taking down an entire group of enemies, or even just one very large one. Once per day.

Read Magic the ability to read scrolls, other wizards' tomes or ancient, magical writing. Once per day, but lasts all day. She generally casts it in the morning.

Dagger: 1d4-1 damage
Comfortable Clothes
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 23
Hair: Green (dyed, naturally blonde)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'5
Body type: Average
Virgin: yes, and frustrated about it.

C.) Inkyrius "Kyrie" Planetes, elfen youth - Elves have known of the dungeon of lust for a very long time, and Kyrie has heard of it from childhood. She's a prodigy, even by elfen standards, young and skilled and full of potential. As such, she's arrogant... again, even by elfen standards. She fully believes she can defeat this dungeon, and has taken great pains to do so. Could she be right?

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her.

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 1d8+1d6+4 damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day.

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.
Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

X.) Allison "Curfew" Murphy, total bitch - Curfew is a tough chica, if you know what I mean. A human, and a burglar by trade, she's been around the block and dealt with all sorts of shit. She's out for numero uno... with one exception, her best friend from childhood, lady Agnes Castellan, who some weeks ago entered the dungeon, only to never return. Curfew will be damned to hell before she allows Agnes to die alone. And she suspects that may well be her fate, before all is said and done. LOST TO THE DUNGEON...

X.) Sister Olivia Marie Alistair, human priestess - Sister Olivia was once a very bad girl. So said her parents, so said her community. So she ran away. But one day, when things looked their worst, she prayed upon a roadside idol and found that the gods of Law answered her. She dedicated herself to her gods, and sought out clerical teachers. And so here she is, living as a sister of the faith at the End of the Road temple. Victorious in battle, Olivia returns triumphant, having succeeded in her goal and gained great experience. But for now she rests, communing to her gods for atonement for her newest sins, and desperately trying to convince a certain young woman that she can't start a relationship... RESTING AFTER VICTORY...

X.) Melany of the Still Waters, human idol singer - Melany was known as the quickest wit and sharpest songstress in three lands. (They were small lands! City states, really...) But she is now washed up after an embarrassing affair with a minor noble, and had to flee the area, if you catch my drift. Now she acts as an adventurer, and delved the Dungeon of Lust with reckless enthusiasm... and was quickly trapped within. Now rescued, she recuperates from her adventure, and though she intends to delve again once she's healed and rested, most of her time now is spent pursuing her new lady love. RECUPERATING FROM THE DUNGEON'S EFFECTS...

G.) Misaka Einheart, human pugilist - Misaka is a warrior from a foreign land, but her exotic features are not the strangest thing about her. No, she fights with her fists, with a skill as mighty as any sword-wielding knight. She is quiet and mysterious, and the only thing anyone has been able to find out about her mission is that there is an artifact within the dungeon that she's been ordered by her masters to seize. But was it only a ruse to get rid of a troublesome servant? Time will tell.

Novice (Mystic 1)
HP: 7
Armor Class: 7
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+0)

Thief Skills: Like thieves, Mystics have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%

Mystics wear no armor, and though they can use weapons, Mikasa doesn't feel the need. She fights with her fists! 1d4+2

Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Black and very long
Breasts: A cups
Height: 5'1
Body type: athletic
Virgin: yes
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Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Yay \o/

And C :-3
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I want to vote G, just to see the new girl in action. BUT, there's something to be said about seniority, so I won't. A bitch though she may be, Kyrie looks pretty tough. So she doesn't get my vote, either. Also, Ellie seems nice. And woefully unprepared.

I'm voting A, for ah hope dis works!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust
