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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

After crawling into a crate of her choice, Manni nailed it shut so that she couldn't escape using physical means. Not exactly a factor for her. Then, he made his wagon depart. It was a bumpy ride for a short time, until Iri realized she had come to a stop, and she was thusly inside of the complex. A muffled conversation went on, before someone approached the back of the wagon, and continued talking. "There was a shadow stalker that attempted to break in before. We have to check your cargo to see if she's trying to sneak in." he said, before moving in. He had a light with him, as Iri could see from the lights shining into the crate she hid inside. He illuminated the cargo, before jumping back out. "All the crates are sealed shut. Looks good, so take em and put em in the middle with the other supplies." he instructed.

"A shadow stalker you say! What a frightening creature it sounds like!" Manni declared.

"Reports say it's actually an anudorian woman with short hair and a lewd outfit." the man replied. "Did you see anyone like that?" he inquired.

"An anudorian, you say? Why, when you mentioned the lewd outfit part, I suddenly wish I could tell you I certainly did! Where did you see her? I shall look for this beauty myself~" he chuckled.

"She's extremely dangerous, sir. We've reason to believe she's involved with an illegal brothel in town that isn't paying their taxes. If you see her, report her to us, do not approach her." he instructed Manni.

"Bah, as you say." Manni dismissed the man, before Iri felt her crate lifted up and being carried out of the wagon. Lights were all over the courtyard, blocking her powers via torches and magic lights. A pair of demon men were carrying her out of Manni's wagon without being aware of the crate's contents. Though there was enough steel in the crate with her to disguise most of her weight. So if she vanished out of the crate while they were carrying it, they were likely not to notice.

She was carried away from the wagon. The men stepped slowly, so it took a moment until the men were passing through a more dimly lit hallway. Finally, Iri could feel an ability to leave the crate. However, she could only materialize back in the hallway, making sneaking difficult. If she did not wish to take the chance to escape now, she could wait and see instead, and see where the men took her.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri spent the ride trying not to get too bruised from all the bumps in the road. Honestly, this was rather annoying. Still, soon enough the shaking stopped, making her realize she was back in the complex. The girl went still, holding her breath as she heard a guard approach, talking to Manni no doubt. Thankfully, the fat man was right about the fact that they'd not attempt to pry open boxes that were nailed shut. She relaxed a little, listening in on the conversation between her ally and the guard with some interest. The way he spoke, he sounded like a city guard. But at the same time she highly doubted that was the case. Maybe it was just common among the soldier-like types?

Iri soon felt someone lift her crate up - a pair of demons, from the looks of it. More soldiers, or just laborers perhaps? Either way, with all the steel to pad the crate they were unlikely to notice her. Though all the lights around the place were making it difficult for her to move. She'd have to extinguish them with her powers first before teleporting, which was inadvisable at this point. After a moment she found herself being carried through a shaded corridor, but the girl opted not to leave yet. There was no place to hide there and if even one of the men turned his head at the wrong moment, her cover would be blown. She'd wait for now and see where they were carrying her first.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Enthralled

Waiting, Iri was carried out of the hallway and into a large thirty by thirty foot room with many other supplies inside. She couldn't tell what was in all the other crates, but it seemed this group had a lot of belongings. The area she was brought into had a large number of lights, seemingly recently placed. "So, you think that girl will come back?" one demon asked the other. "Nah, I got her right in the side with a numb dart. She's probably motionless in some rapist's house getting what she deserves." he stated. "But what if she does try to come back?" the first pressed the issue.

Iri's crate was set down. Lights were everywhere, providing no way to leave the crate. "She can't get in. We've got lights everywhere, she'd have to get in the good old fashion way, and I doubt she'd get away with it."

"What would she even want with this place?" the first demon asked.

"Who knows. Maybe some of our supplies? Maybe she's after that girl we captured snooping around. Highly doubt the latter. We had plenty of time to make her talk. We almost had her friend too, if the anudorian bitch didn't get in the fucking way." he cursed Iri's intervention.

"Speaking of, she probably woke up by now." the first demon reminded the other.

The second demon laughed. "Yeah, I've been needing to empty my ballsack for a while. Bitch better have learned her lesson by now. That tongue better be hanging out the moment I open the door." he said cruelly, before he and the other demon left the storage area.

Soon others came in, all bringing crates. Many were stacked on top of and around Iri's crate, until the entirety of Manni's wagon was emptied. The shadows from the extra cargo cast just enough of a light for her to barely slip and escape the crate, finally. Though it'd be right out in the open. She could hear a couple demons playing poker using the crates as chairs and a table. They shared idle chat together about boring and unrelated topics to her mission. There was no telling if they'd see her if she came out.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri digested the info she overheard as she was carried inside of the crate. So at least some of them did not expect her to come at all today, and they likely not expected she could do so by being smuggled in a sealed crate. This meant they were likely unaware of her ability to phase through objects. They did anticipate her ability to teleport, though. Not that she could rely much on that one during the escape. They weren't certain of what she was looking for either... At least the grunts weren't. The higher ups would probably realize that if she saved Cresent, she's likely to go after her friend too. Whether they've anticipated that and prepared a trap or no would remain to be seen.

The unfortunate thing was that apparently the alchemist's friend was turned into a sex slave for the men working here. For a moment, Iri contemplated doing something violent to the man when he declared his intention to rape the girl. Alas, she'd have to avoid harming people if she could help it. Soon they set her crate down and left, other demons bringing in the rest of the cargo. At least a few remained behind to play cards, though. Annoying, and potentially dangerous. Still, not much point in waiting, they'd likely be here for a long while.

(Dark Armor: X=4 + Tail(3) + Wings(3) + Phasing(3) + Tentacles(3) = 16, Upkeep: 4 - 2 + 1 - 3 = 0)

Iri prepared herself to leave the crate. Rather than warp out, however, she decided to use her phasing ability to do so. She invoked her dark armor, making sure to include a set of additions she chose for this mission. Tail for it's paralytic venom, wings for mobility when it came time to run - or to quickly change elevation. Phasing was a must, it was just too valuable to pass up. And finally a set of black tentacles growing out of her lower back - she had no specific purpose for them, but she suspected they might come in handy for swiping things or making distractions. The girl took a moment to catch her breath as she finished - that was the maximum amount of power she could channel at once, and it ate through a fair chunk of her reserves. Still, it was probably necessary.

Iri listened in on the conversation of the playing demons, mostly to figure out their exact position rather than try to learn anything. Most of that crap was of no use to her anyway. She wanted to make sure she wouldn't creep out of the crate only to run straight into one of them. Her plan was simple. Phase out of the crates, leave the room and try to track down the two demons who carried her crate. They'd lead her to her target, assuming they haven't reached her already. They've had a few minutes for that, after all. Still, most likely she was on the upper floor of the building. Once she confirmed she was in the clear, she could consider going straight up.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=67/83 ; Enthralled

Phasing out of the box and gathering her shadow form, Iri found herself in a perfect spot. A patch of shadow led to an area almost completely hidden from sight and light, thanks to the clumsy way the crew stacked the boxes unceremoniously. Their one lack of meticulous nature allowed her to take shape inside their fortification. Unfortunately, the two men playing poker would have a good view of the whole area. However, they weren't far away. Within leaping or tentacle reach, if Iri wished to attack them.

Either way, she wouldn't be leaving the room unnoticed with them in their current position.

"Hey man," one spoke up before Iri could make a decision. "I'm gonna go bleed the lizard. Don't look at my hand." he said strictly. His friend laughed. "Is it good?" his friend asked. "Don't fucking look." he said, before going down the hallway Iri knew she came in from, opposite where the other two men went. There were two more hallways, but no one traveled down those yet.

After he left, his friend leaned over, and began checking his cards. "He doesn't have shit, ha-ha-ha!" he laughed as he cheated, his back to Iri.
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Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri frowned as she considered her position. She got out, and had only two people to contend with. This was good. They could see the entire room from their position, which was bad. Still, if they were the ones who were supposed to guard the storeroom, then it was likely there were no sentries immediately beyond the doors. It was likely she'd have to knock out both in order to proceed. Doable, with her tentacles, but risky. If it were just a single man, she could apply her tail to paralyze him, but as it stood she'd have to be careful.

Then one of the men declared that he had to go and relieve himself. Iri watched him leave, then noticed his companion move to take a good look at his cards. She briefly considered her situation. He was open to attack, and his friend would be out for a while. Two routes were open, though she knew nothing about them aside of the fact that a pair of men went down one of them while another one took the second, and that second one led outside. The other two were complete enigmas. There was the option of going straight up, but gods only knew where she'd find herself.

In the end, her choice would decide two things - which route she'd end up taking and how quickly she'd potentially raise an alarm. She knew too little to make a fully informed choice about the former and regarding the latter, she was certain interrupting the card game increased the risk. So she opted to follow the two rapists, figuring that'd probably lead her to where her target was located. She'd likely end up having to deal with them somehow, but that wasn't set in stone yet. All she needed to do right now was reach the door quickly and quietly, and simply phase through it. Trying to open it would only alert the man.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=67/83 ; Enthralled

Whether it was a good or bad thing, there was no door. Iri was able to pick up her step, and walk out of the storage room. She went through a rather ominous dark hallway, as a chill ran up her spine. It soon passed though as Iri came to another room. It was brightly lit, disabling Iri's shadow stalk powers. It was a wide rectangular room with stone walls. It had various pillars to support the floor above. One of which, Iri was able to quickly hide behind lest she be stuck hiding in the hallway.

The room had many wanted posters about, as well as a small kitchen which was right by Iri's hiding location. The kitchen was on one end of the long room, and on the other end was a set of a dozen chairs, and a drawing board that had various plans drawn on it. On the board was a poster for the horse headed mutant that Iri was currently enthralled to. Just seeing his face made her heart swoon with desire uncontrollably. Though, she'd also notice the faces of Cresent, her friend, and just as Iri was looking, a poster for her was placed. It was a very inaccurate drawing, compared to the relative accuracy of the others. It seemed no body got a good profile on her face. However, they knew she was anudorian. "This woman appeared as early as today," said one demon.

One demon with red skin and a suit stood before three others dressed in leather armor and sitting in the chairs available. Each had red skin of their own, and their horns varied wildly. "One of the guards said they almost got her." one demon said. "She escaped with the alchemist we managed to capture." a second filled the first in. Meanwhile, the leading demon nodded. "We have reason to suspect she might try to invade again, to save the other woman we've captured." he declared. "The alchemist's friend has already been interrogated, and spilled out lots of information. However, no matter how much we tortured her, she swears she doesn't know the identity of this woman capable of using shadow magic. We have reason to believe that she is a new addition to the illegal brothel's arsenal. We only know she's capable of using shadows, hence why the place is a lot more lit up than you might remember."

"So, what? We need to capture her?" one of the observing demons asked. The lead shook his head. "No, so far she's displayed only behavior suggesting that she operates on the horseman's orders. She might have fallen under the same spell the rest of the women in the whore house fell under. She's just a thug for him, essentially. And if she is coming on the objective of saving the captive, it's not like we're losing much." he declared. "Instead, we need to make our move on the horseman. The bounty for his tax evasion is high. He practically lives in that building, so we'll need to be very precise with how we strike to avoid killing his victims. However, we also have another concern. Our spy, the shapeshifter, has apparently been captured before we could inform her that her cover was blown. No doubt she is being interrogated. Consider her expendable, as she's likely already been enthralled and made to tell him everything."

He said, before they began to observe and talk about the blueprints for the horseman's brothel, planning a surgical strike. Iri could try to sneak past when the lead demon turned around to draw on the board, and approach the stairs right across from the hallway she came in. The stairs were a spiral staircase enclosed in walls, allowing her to go upstairs without being seen from the outside or other rooms.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri was glad she was able to make progress. Granted, sneaking around in this place didn't exactly build her confidence. Hell, that last corridor was incredibly creepy despite the fact she was generally used to the dark, what with being able to see in it clearly or having shadow powers. Still, she quickly got past it and into another room, a large hall with a decent number of support pillars. One of them was able to provide her with some cover from which she could observe the room without being seen, which was quite a valuable boon as there was a lot of things to be seen her. Things which she probably shouldn't see... Or maybe things she needed to see.

From the looks of it, it was some sort of planning room. There was a board with diagrams and posters. She spied an image of her Master, which evoked feelings of enraptured devotion. Thankfully, Iri was able to contain herself enough to not betray her position and keep her head, allowing her to see more. A drawing of Cresent was there as well, plus one of her friend. Finally, a rough sketch of her own face. Thankfully, it seemed that all they managed to figure out about her was her race and clothing. She'd have to keep it that way, and buy something else to wear first chance she got. As nice as this stuff was, it'd be risky to walk around in something that made her recognizable.

Standing behind the pillar, Iri listened to the briefing that was apparently taking place. Interestingly enough, it seemed that she was the topic. It looked like that whoever those four demons were - likely the leaders of this operation - managed to piece together a quite accurate summary of her situation, status and objectives. They probably weren't expecting her to be infiltrating their holdings right now, though. And they weren't going to prioritize capturing her if she avoided causing trouble, from the looks of it. This would be relatively convenient for her, if she got out of here in one piece. Unfortunately, it seemed that this was because they were going to target her Master first and foremost.

As the talks winded down and the demons began to plan their attack, Iri briefly thought what to do. She could stick around and try to see what they would come up with, but that was very risky. Plus, her Master already had a source of information in the form of that captured spy. Granted, any attack plan she might have would be outdated and thus useless, but she'd likely provide the horseman with info on their numbers, armaments and capabilities. And their desire to avoid innocent victims, while noble, would limit their options. Come to think of it, Iri herself might end up being counted among them if she played nice and stayed low whenever possible. Either way, it was unlikely they'd make their move right now.

As the lead demon turned around, Iri decided to sneak onto the staircase. Hopefully the assembled demons would be too absorbed in their discussion to pay attention to her sneaking around. She'd go upstairs, locate the girl, grab her, get out and bring her back to Cresent. At least, that was the plan. Hopefully, with the group no longer considering their captive important and apparently using her as a sex toy the security measures wouldn't be too hard to overcome. Still, the Anudorian couldn't help but wonder a little about this group. While they resorted to and allowed some deplorable things to happen, it was possible they weren't as morally bankrupt as she assumed initially. She'd have to ask someone about them later... Maybe Cresent?
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=67/83 ; Enthralled

Making her way upstairs, Iri came across a long series of rooms with closed doors. Each door had bars about head level that allowed one to look inside the room, in addition to a magic seal on each one. Iri could feel that her armor would vanish the moment she stepped into one of these places. Each door also had another one of those contract papers on it. Half the rooms were empty, and the empty rooms had normal wanted papers. Meanwhile, the cells that Iri saw had prisoners inside had a "Collected" stamp on them. With a good few of them currently in use. It seemed even men were captured, and in use by some of the female guards in the complex.

The contacts on the outside made it far easier to search and find Cresent's friend through the empty hallway. Though funnily enough, Iri passed by one cell that had her own bounty on it. Where she would have been if she was captured.

Before she could find the cell holding Cresent's friend, one of the cell doors opened, and out came a pair of demons. One seven feet tall and so widely muscular that he had to squeeze past every door, and the other five feet tall and skinny. "Dude, you almost killed her with that dick of yours." the skinny one declared. "I gave her the honor of being mounted by a real man." the giant demon declared.

They were about to come out and turn right around to spot Iri. If she pried at the doors to the cells that were empty, she'd find them to open right up. However, the ones holding contracts were locked by a padlock with a keyhole.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Looking around, Iri would quickly realize she was in the prison section of the building. Looks like she managed to find where she needed to go after all. The organization of this place was a little odd - in a way, it felt as if the whole location was one giant checklist, or perhaps a collector's book. It appeared that the people around here went after those with bounties on their heads, then put them here and used them as sex slaves. Iri frowned at this, not really liking the idea. Was this how things were done in Acheron? As she crept forward, passing a cell meant for her, she also couldn't help but wonder whether those were even official bounties, or merely people wanted by this specific group. Hard to tell without knowing more about them.

As she passed one door after another, taking note of each poster in her effort to find Cresent's friend, she was suprised by one of the doors opening suddenly. A pair of demons was leaving the room - were those the ones that carried her crate earlier? She had no idea. What she knew was that she had to hide and fast. A fight would attract attention from the demons below. Iri quickly considered her options. Going through the ceiling would likely leave her in plain view of the sentries outside of the building. Going through the floor would deposit her in a potentially horrible location. The cells would cancel her magic, but hopefully there were no other enchantments placed on them. Moving quickly before either demon could spot them, Iri decided to get into the nearest empty cell, closing the door to avoid suspicion. She did make sure not to dive into the one with her face on the nearby poster, not liking the thought of hiding in that one.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=67/83 ; Enthralled

Coming into the cell, Iri's armor dispelled itself. The two men were walking past, as the skinny one pointed to the cell Iri was in. "That's gonna be the anudorian's cell, when we..." he came to a halt when he passed in front of the door, coming back to look and double check the cell.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri did not stand in the middle, where she'd be visible through the bars. She stuck to the wall a couple paces away from the door, staying on the side it'd swing towards when opening. She held her breath, doing her best not to move at all. To make no sound at all. Hoping fervently that the demon would dismiss whatever made him stop as just his imagination or something like that and simply leave this place. Her mind was racing. Had she made a mistake somehow? Was there something she overlooked? If she got caught here... She'd be in deep shit.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=67/83 ; Enthralled

The demon didn't say a thing as he simply moved on. Both him and his large companion moving down the stairs and leaving the area. Though before Iri could leave, yet again the hallway was occupied. "So, you guys got this operation here, huh?" announced a familiar voice. As none other than Hank marched down the hallway with a busty demoness. "Yes, we function as a sort of Jail for the wanted of Acheron." she declared. Hank laughed. "A sort of jail? That's funny." he said, coming down the hallway. "Woah, you guys got somethin' out fer my pumpkin?" he inquired. "She just got in this city, god damn girl, ya make me proud." he declared with zeal. "She's wanted for her affiliation with a certain brothel run by a horse man, if you could bring her in..." Hank cut her off immediately. "No shit. Already banging the town and a wanted criminal! I think I been to that brothel too. I'll check up on my chocolate girl there later." he said. "Well, lemme know if you catch her. I'll happily pay and pick her up. Wouldn't want my little babe bouncing on every dick but mine." He said, and the girl just offered an awkward. "Yes..." in response.

Hank apparently went around checking the other cells until choosing one among them he liked. Out came a youthful boy with cat ears. "Hey-hey! Never fucked a guy before! I'll take him!" he said, before offering a large sack and leaving the complex with his new pet.

"Weirds me the fuck out..." the woman said with a huff as she too left in the opposite direction. Now, Iri was free to leave her cell, and find Iri's friend in a cell at the far end of the hall, currently with two men inside, actively spit roasting her from both ends while she cried weakly. Her body like a lifeless doll in their hands. "This bitch's pussy is so sloppy and filled with left over cum." one demon said, while Iri could spot that the girl had a slightly distorted belly, carrying some random demon's child.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri slowly let out the breath she had been holding in, trying not to sigh loudly in relief as the demon walked away. Damn, that was close. However, before she could leave the cell she heard another pair of voices approaching. And one of them was quite familiar. The girl had to admit, Hank was probably the last person she expected to see here. Still, the conversation he had with that busty demon helped shed some light on what was going on here. A jail of sorts? The Hell was that even supposed to mean? She cringed a little as the man inquired about her, not too happy about him learning all that, but he didn't seem to care. And promising to get her out of here if she got caught was... Kinda touching, she supposed. Maybe?

Still, watching Hank leave the building with his new acquisition - a guy, suprisingly enough - Iri quietly shook his head. She could sympathize with the demon woman in a way. Still, now the coast was clear and it was time to continue her mission. Finding Cresent's friend (she'd briefly check the poster to see if her name was on it, kinda embarrassing not knowing how the person you're supposed to save is named) she found her in a worse state than she expected. Broken from rape and pregnant, to boot, a sight that made Iri feel angry. The girl was currently in the middle of being raped by two men, forcing the Anudorian to deal with them somehow.

Confronting them inside would be a poor idea - with the sealing effects of the cell, she'd be at a disadvantage. She'd have to wait until they were done or draw them out somehow. Preferably the former, to avoid putting them on guard, but if they took too long she'd have to make a little noise. Knock on the door, maybe? Better question was, should she hide and let them go or ambush them? Iri wasn't sure whether her powers would break the padlocks, and doing so would probably make a lot of noise. Those two had to have a key, and even if for some reason they didn't she could still jump them while they were leaving. This, of course, required a bit of preparation to work.

(Dark Armor: X=5 + Tail(3) + Tentacles(3) + Spider(3) = 11, Upkeep: 5 - 2 - 3 = 0)

Iri took on what she'd call a non-lethal combat form. The armor was made as strong as she could without starting to leak power. She decided to forego phasing and wings for now, they wouldn't do her much good. She did pick up tentacles, knowing their ability to grasp things would be useful in restraining the men. Perhaps more importantly, she formed the armor around her lower body into a spider-like shape, to let her climb onto the ceiling and hide above the door to strike from above. A spiked tail was coming out of the back of her abdomen, making her look like scorpion. It's ability to paralyze would keep them down if she failed to knock them out in the initial assault.

Her preparations done, Iri climbed the wall to get onto the ceiling and position herself above the door to the girl's cell, flattening against the surface as much as she could to reduce the chances the men would see her. The plan was simple - wait until they come out (or make a little noise to get their attention if they took too long), then jump down on them and clobber them with a pair of tentacles to knock them out. The rest would be used to grapple and, perhaps more importantly, gag them (even if she had to shove the damn things down their throats). If the initial attack failed to put them down but let her grasp the men, she'd keep stinging them until they were fully paralyzed. After that, she'd get the girl out, chuck the men in, shut the door to keep them out of her way and move on to escaping.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=56/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor

The men would take perhaps a bit too long. Even so far as having a demon from downstairs walk right past Iri from underneath, and luckily not spot her as he went into one of the cells holding another apparent criminal. (Stealth Success). So, Iri had to lure them out with her current plan. Knocking on the cell door. One demon inquired. "What do you fucking want? We're enjoying ourselves here." came the reply of the demon making the girl suck his cock. Her name, upon investigation of the bounty, was Liliruca. Last name unknown.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri knew she was taking a massive risk here. If she fucked this up, she'd likely have an alarm going off and would be forced to fight her way out. Not ideal. She'd have to come up with a lie that sounded believable enough for those two to buy it, and fast. "Too bad, because you'll have to cut your fun short. Captain wants to have her interrogated again." She replied in a 'got a job to do and no time for your shit' kind of tone. Basically, slightly annoyed guard/messenger.

"We've found out that the Anudorian from earlier has some extra friends in town, likely limped her way to them after she ran. This bitch knows nothing about the shadowstalker, but she might know something about them. We find where their place is, we might be able to capture her." Hopefully they wouldn't question her about unfamiliar voice. Not like they could know every woman who worked here, right? "The interrogation's supposed to start in five minutes. I'd finish quickly if I were you. Or go pick a different slut." Iri really hoped the lie was believable enough. All she really wanted was for both of them to just come out nicely and let themselves be incapacitated. Was it too much to ask for?
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=56/83 ; Enthralled, Dark Armor, Paralyzedx1, Grappledx2

The two men went silent. Iri couldn't hear what was going on inside anymore. Then suddenly and without warning, the two demons bust out of their cell, holding their rifles.

(Stealth: Failed)

They quickly found Iri, as Iri would see two demons with their pants gone, and fully erect cocks on display jump out and immediately open fire on her. Both darts hit her, as she wasn't fast enough to evade them and her armor did nothing for dodging things. A pair of very familiar darts got her in the torso.

(Resistance#1: Passed, Resistance#2: Failed.)

As both darts hit her, Iri found that some of the cure from Manni was still flowing through her veins. It helped her not be totally crippled. However, she did now just get double the dose. Her body went numb, and she could feel her body become extremely heavy.

(Paralyze DC30: Failed)

Iri came falling from the ceiling above, and landed right into the grasp of the two demons. "Who the fuck did you think you were fooling, Anudorian?" one demon inquired, hand reaching down into her pants and cupping his hand over her pussy. "It's that easy, boys~!" the other one laughed. "Get her in the room quick! Before she uses her shadow powers!" one demanded. And given her state, Iri couldn't outwrestle the two demons even if she wasn't paralyzed.

(Dodge: Failed. Iri is grappled by both demons)

The demons grab hold of her, and start to drag her into the girl's cell. (Paralyze DC: Success!)

However, Iri manages to shake off the effects just long enough to perhaps do something before she is thrown into the cell and have her dark armor dispelled.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri swore as she fell into the arms of the demons, the paralyzing drug affecting her again. Damn it, she thought this was a pretty good lie! Why couldn't those fuckers be dumb mooks? She couldn't stop them from grabbing her and copping a feel, much to her anger. However, some traces of the medicine from before remained. She had strenght enough to maybe attempt to escape. Unfortunately, she was also being dragged into the magic-nullifying cell. She'd have to fight them off long enough to use her powers and run. She likely wouldn't be able to fight effectively and the bastards would raise the alarm. She made it all the way to the finish, only to trip. How humiliating.

Struggling, Iri tried to buy herself that critical second necessary to activate her Shadowstalker power and go briefly incorporeal to escape their grip. She'd have to retreat downstairs then and find a nearest window to escape through. Privately, however, she swore she'd find a way to make those assholes pay, someday. She wasn't sure how, but she would. First, however, she'd have to escape. And hope the paralyzing medicine wouldn't stop her from getting out of here. And next time... Next time, she'd take a different approach. Much different. She learned enough today to find a different way of doing this.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=51/83 ; Enthralled, Nude, Sealed

Phasing out of their grip, Iri made a run for it, using the nearby stairs she didn't traverse yet. Going in blind, she felt the paralyzing poison try to take her. (Paralyze DC30: Failed)

Unfortunately, she would fall flat on her side as she ran down the stairs and reached the bottom. Her legs giving out, Iri was helpless as the demons caught up. Before she could get up, they fired twice more. Overflowing with paralyzing poison, Iri went still. Helpless. She'd find that she was inside of some kind of empty cafeteria, with a large series of tables and whatnot about the area before her captors would be upon her. It was hard to tell what would happen next, as the poison in her system numbed her so much that she could hardly tell what was happening around her.


When Iri next awoke, she was naked, and with her arms tied behind her back and sitting in a chair. She was inside of a room, not a cell, and there was a sealing collar around her neck preventing the use of her powers. Oddly enough, it looked like an office. And she was sitting in the visiting side, while sat across from her. Still groggy, Iri was awoken when a splash of cold water hit her, soaking her and snapping her mind out of the influence of the paralyzing poison.

"I had a feeling it was you when I heard that an Anudorian girl with shadow powers was snooping around." Drada declared. The male, Qui, was nowhere to be seen at the moment. "So, allow me to introduce you to our very own interrogation room. How familiar you'll become with this room will depend on how willing you are to cooperate and answer my questions. Then I can deliver you back into Hank's hands... Though I'm liable to believe that his house is not where you would want to go. Right?" she inquired, before standing up from her desk, walking around it to close in on Iri. "You'd want to return to the horseman right? The one who enthralled you?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri swore as she felt her legs give out. Damn it, she was so bloody close to escaping! As she heard the demons pursue, she managed to notice she was in some kind of cafeteria before she felt more darts impact her, the overflowing poison making her vision swim. Her entire body went still, all of her senses numbed to the point where she lost contact with reality. It was getting too hard to think, too. She couldn't focus at all and forming coherent sentences in her head was rapidly becoming too much of a challenge. She barely noticed they've managed to catch up to her, the girl losing consciousness as the drug paralyzed her completely.

She awoke some time later, roused by a splash of water to the face. As she gasped and cursed, shaking her head in irritation over being woken up so rudely, Iri began to notice the changes in her position. She was sitting on a chair, naked and without any equipment. Her hands were tied and she had another one of those damnable sealing collars around her neck. She wished she could find whoever came up with them and snap their neck. Curiously enough, she was sitting in an office rather than a prison cell, which she found odd. Then she noticed whom she was sharing the room with and groaned, an incredulous expression on her face. Why was she constantly running into the same people over and over again?

As Drada monologued, Iri sat quietly, listening and mulling over her position. She wouldn't be able to fight her way out or run away now. If she tried to resist, the woman would make things unpleasant for her in a heartbeat. On the other hand, she seemed oddly willing to make things easier for the Anudorian if she played nice. As the demon approached her, asking her questions, the girl's eyes narrowed a little. She could tell this would be nowhere near as easy as Drada made it out to be. After all, letting an enemy asset go? Only a complete idiot would do that. Still, what choice did she have? She'd have to play along and hope for an opportunity, either an opening or a genuine offer of help.

"... Yeah." Iri admitted after a moment, deciding to go with a bit of honesty this time. Truth be told, she wanted to get back to Cresent with Liliruca in tow to get her answers, but the horseman was still her Master, controlling her heart and mind. If he called, she'd return in a heartbeat unless his spell was broken. "You're trying to take him out though, aren't you? You're not going to simply let me return to him. That wouldn't make much sense." She responded, hoping Drada would be feeling a bit talkative. Or at the very least cut the obvious bullshit. Iri wasn't the smartest person around, perhaps, but she could notice the obvious problems.
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