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Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=51/83 ; Enthralled, Nude, Sealed

"Truth be told? He's just evading taxes. He needs to at the very least pay what he owes, like any honest horseman." Drada declared. "But he doesn't want to pay, so what are we bounty hunters to do? Obviously, we intend to collect, and that might involve hurting him and those who protect him. Like the person you were trying to save." she explained. "So, you're enthralled by him, which begs the question of whether you're a victim or not."

With that said, Drada grabbed Iri's head, and tilted her head back, staring directly into her eyes as Drada's eyes glowed with power. Iri felt her mind being assaulted in a similar manner, the demoness was trying to enthrall her. Though as she tried, Iri felt the influence of her master spring forth, and slam hard against the demon's attempt. This caused Drada to withdraw with a groan. "Ugh... He rooted himself deep into your mind, it seems." she said with a sigh. "Well, there are two ways to break that affliction. The first is for me to enthrall you. The second is to put you through so much misery and suffering that you'll break it yourself. Which do you think would be better, Iri?" she inquired. "It's fine if you can't decide right now. There are a lot of horny demons that want to sample you who can entertain you while you think about it."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri groaned, shaking her head to clear it after it was used as a battleground, noting her hair was still wet. Lovely. "So my choice boils down to either getting a new Master, or being tortured?" She replied, not looking very pleased about this. "With a possible side order of gang rape and impregnation like Liliruca." The girl looked at Drada. "And seriously? All this for tax evasion? I can understand going after him, but breaking and forcing a person to have an unwanted child? If that's supposed to be punishment, it doesn't seem to fit the crime if you ask me. No matter which side, you lot in this town are all the same, aren't you." Perhaps a belated realization, but better late than never.

Iri thought about her options. She could either tell Drada she'd wait, in which case she'd be dragged off to be raped. And while there might be a chance she could outfuck someone and escape, if the collar stayed on she'd have small chance of success. And why wouldn't it stay on, really? The cells did their job, but were not infallible. And prisoners had to be moved sometimes anyway. "I'll pass on being a fucktoy and on having my head meddled with more. Bring on the pain." As unpleasant as that'd be, it would probably be something like Manni's training. Probably. "And just in case it involves rape, all it will do is make me go in a frenzy. Even outside of heat."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Nude, Sealed, Helpless, Exhausted

Drada knocks the table and walks over to Iri. "Alright! I like your decisiveness!" she said with cheer, before taking Iri out of the office, lifting her by her arm and guiding her out into the room just outside, which was also the interrogation room it seemed, the only room outside her office. There, her other half was standing there, arms folded as the room was half full of men and women of all races being tortured. "Qui. Get your cock out. This one needs her enthrall broken willingly. Then maybe we can get her to spill the beans." she announced, and without much ceremony, Qui dropped his pants to the ground, revealing a huge cock. While not gigantic, it looked like the one cock that just might not stretch her body beyond it's natural limits.

"Careful though, Qui. She's already been impregnated by someone. Wouldn't want to hurt the baby now, would we?" she chuckled, before Qui went to sit down in a rather comfortable looking leather chair in the room, his cock pointing straight up. Iri was shoved forth, Drada putting the Anudorian on the male demon's lap before the blue demoness cracked a whip along Iri's back. "Start moving, buck your hips on his cock. If you slow down, I'll whip you again." she declared, and would continue to whip Iri for every moment of inaction she took, forcing her to move her body up and down to ride his cock. Obviously, this quickly became a painful task for her legs to perform alone, yet she could get no aid from her arms because they were tied up. The demoness didn't really seem to care, just whipping Iri and causing her pain for every moment she didn't continue riding him. Since he was so huge, it didn't take much to set Iri off. Both enraging her primal, inner self, and making her cum. Qui meanwhile leaned back, looking bored as if she just barely amused him while she rode his length.

One hour later...

Iri was made to ride Qui until her legs gave out, or face endless pain at the end of the whip. She'd find endless pain inevitable the moment she lost all energy in her legs. Whipped several times as Drada tried to spur her on. Iri could barely shuffle as she laid exhausted against Qui. "She has no more energy left for me to feed on, Drada. And for the record, she broke the enthrallment half an hour ago." he stated. Drada quirked a brow. "Then why did you claim she wasn't, instead of making her ride your cock further?" she asked. Indeed, Iri felt herself break free. However, despite her pleads and any indication that she was free, Qui betrayed her and simply said that he knew she was still enthralled, even when she wasn't anymore, and was willing to talk. "I felt like testing the limits of her physical body." he assessed. "And your deduction?" she inquired. "Pathetic. It was a crime to release this creature into the wild when we found her. She can't even defend herself. So, I've decided to take a liberty." he claimed.

Raising one hand, he grabbed Iri's head, and lifted it up to face his cold stare. "I am going to take temporary ownership of you. Don't misunderstand, I don't want a pet. Yet, you are a dog that cannot earn it's own meal. So, I shall teach you how to do more than hide and scavenge. I will make a warrior out of you." he declared, all while his cock was still buried deep in her, and his cum sloshing about inside of her pussy and womb.

Using some form of telekinesis, Qui's hand glowed, and Iri was lifted off of his crotch, all the cum inside of her spilling out and soaking the floor and filling the area with the thick scent of Qui's cum. The scent of which drew out remnants of lust Iri didn't even knew she had left. In her primal subconscious, she could feel that he was alpha male material, just like the horseman. Perhaps even more so. Just by his scent, she could tell his seed was valuable. "Take her. Put her in her cell and let her rest. I will have need of her again." he said. The demons did as they were asked, taking Iri away and bringing her to her cell, where her exhausted and still slightly drugged body could pass out yet again.


Iri would awake to the morning light hitting her face from the window in her cell. As if escape was right before her eyes, her cell door was wide open, but so was the door across from her. If she walked out, her legs still sore from before, she'd notice ALL the doors were open. Instead of a large scale break-out, all of the girls were slowly funneling out and going down the stairs to the cafeteria, and even past that, to the showers to clean themselves. Many were warped and mutated, in addition to pregnant if they were female. Iri would find that she was no exception. Any kind of birth control was too late at this point. She was carrying a child in her belly. It was a small lump so far, but it was there, and moving inside her.

There was a single demon guard at the end of the hallway, making sure no one made a run outside instead of the showers. At Liliruca's cell, Cresent's friend, Iri would notice that the bounty was removed. Rather than still present, it seemed like Liliruca escaped, while Iri was busy getting captured in her stead. "Keep it moving downstairs, cocksleeve!" the guard said, coming over to slap Iri hard on the ass, as if singling her out while grinning wide. "Or do you wanna see if you can suck my dick good enough to convince me to let you out?" he inquired.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Pulled along by Drada, Iri noted the woman said nothing in response to her remarks. Looks like she wasn't interested in explaining herself to the girl at all. Still, there wasn't much time for pondering that as the anudorian was brought into a different room. A torture room, from the looks of it, contrasting with the deceptively pleasant office right outside. In there was the other one, Qui, still looking as emotionless as ever. Was he mentally stunted in that regard or something? He certainly wasn't lacking anything physically, though, much to Iri's growing bemusement. Seemed like her condition was hardly considered a problem when it came to using sex to break the spell.

Pushed onto his lap, Iri was briefly disoriented by the announcement that she was pregnant. Damn it, again? She should have asked Manni for some contraceptives! Before she could do anything, though, Drada struck her with a whip, ordering her to ride the man. Grumbling, but realizing she had little choice, the anudorian raised her hips to bring her pussy over his erect member, then brought them down, wincing a little as she was spread. Taking him was difficult without any preparation, but the cracking whip made it quite clear she had no choice but to start moving or she'd suffer more.

Gritting her teeth, Iri began to buck her hips, going up and down the massive cock and trying to hold back her cries. She did her best to keep the pace up, knowing Drada would just strike her again if she didn't. Soon enough, she could feel herself growing aroused, the sex-crazed part of her coming to the fore and making her fuck the man eagerly and without hesitation. Unable to control herself anymore, the girl moaned as she rode the male demon, though soon enough she noticed a complication. Her legs were starting to get sore from the strain put on them and her arms were bound, preventing her from seeking support. But whenever she tried to slow down and recover a little, another lash forced her to keep it up, making her bounce up and down again.

Iri had no idea how long she kept that up. Her legs were slowly but surely starting to grow sore, the pain unbearable. But Drada's whip and her own damn instincts made stopping impossible. However, the treatment was starting to take effect - while her mind initially opposed it, her feelings enslaved so thoroughly by the horseman, her desire for self-preservation eventually outweighted that. As she began to wish for the whole thing to end with greater desperation, the anudorian started to throw her will against the charm magic used on her. Eventually, her entire being was put into it, even as Qui drained energy from her. Thankfully, this willpower born of desperation was enough, and after cumming a few times - and having the male dump several loads in her too, damn him - the girl felt the enchantment break, leaving her free again.

Feeling relief wash over her, Iri immediately called out to Drada, telling her to stop... Only to be contradicted by the male. She tried to protest, but the demon woman took his words over hers, forcing the girl to keep fucking him. It wasn't until she could literally move no more that the torture stopped, allowing her to finally rest. Her whole body hurt, either from exertion or the strikes she took, and her mind was completely exhausted too. She could only listen to the demons converse, panting, and glare tiredly back at Qui as he stared her down. And while the smell of his cum made her primal instincts desire him, deep down she felt a different feeling form towards the man as well. Deep, unrelenting hatred of a grudge being born. This was her final reflection as she was dragged to her cell, passing out immediately after being put down.

Next morning, Iri woke up groggy and sore, still feeling the pain of numerous whip marks. Slowly standing up on shaky legs, she noticed that for some reason the door was open, making her heart skip a beat. Glancing out, she was suprised to see all of the cells empty, briefly making her feel hope... Only to realize, to her despair, that this was not a mass breakout. The prisoners were merely being brought out for shower and likely breakfast. Seeing nothing better to do and needing a bath herself, she followed suit, noting how all of them were mutated and pregnant because of the demons raping them regularly.

Though looking at the other prisoners and cells, the anudorian at least learned Liliruca managed to run away - a small consolation, knowing not everything went wrong. Still, that kid in her was going to be a problem for the girl. Iri herself was pregnant too, and it was too late to do anything about it. She could already see the lump forming and feel the child inside of her. If anything, it just made her mood worse, though deep down she had to admit that she'd rather have Manni's kid than that of any of the demon guards. Speaking of those, the one keeping an eye on all the women had apparently decided to torment her a bit, pissing her off to the point where her temper snapped.

"Yeah, like you've got anything to suck down there. Though if you need help finding it in your pants this badly, you can just ask. Someone else." Snarking back at the guard in an angry tone, Iri turned away and just went down like everybody else, ignoring him. Her situation made her feel angry enough on it's own, but thinking about Qui's treatment of her made her blood boil and it showed. Like fucking Hell he was helping her, bastard made it quite obvious he intended to make her his attack dog. Well fuck that shit! She'd recover, maybe learn from him a bit if he had anything useful to teach, but she would get the Hell out of here first chance she got and get back to working on her own objectives.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Nude, Sealed, Helpless, Exhausted

The demon Iri spoke out against retaliated, grabbing her and taking her into her cell again. Onto the bed she was thrown, before he removed his pants. "I'm so glad you're as feisty as I hoped you would be!" he declared, before he was on top of her and pinning her down, with Iri too weary and beaten from her torture before to resist. "So, let me know when you find my dick~" he cooed, before mounting her and promptly sliding his cock into her pussy. Doggystyle, he raped her on the bed, before cumming inside of her and letting her go. Once again, Iri was laid out from the intense nature of it all. "Oh no, you missed shower time!" he cooed, rolling Iri over onto her side, before straddling her and releasing the last few spurts he had in him on her face. "See, if you had kept your mouth shut, you'd have been all squeaky clean and not soaked in my cum. But I bet you like that." he laughed, before leaving the cell and leaving Iri to either rest and wait it out or go downstairs and eat.

Either way, Iri could attempt to stage a breakout using a method of her choosing, knowing that she had little to no tools and only the other equally weak bounties in the jails with her to assist her. If she didn't choose to try and escape, and instead chose to wait until Qui summoned her again, she'd be taken from her cell at dusk. Brought into the office again, and sat down with arms behind her back. "Now, Iri. Tell us everything we want to know. If it's good enough, we won't allow our returning troop to satisfy their desire for a gang bang on you." Drada declared.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri tried to struggle as she was grabbed, but she was too weak to resist. Best she could do was grit her teeth as the demon pinned her down, forcing his dick into her pussy. She could only lie down and take it, her body eventually giving in as her hips weakly bucked back once her animalistic side was inevitably pushed into action. Filled up with more corruptive seed and with her face covered in it, she was eventually left as the guard finished violating her, though it was obvious she'd not get a chance to have a shower now. Still, after a moment she got up, cleaned up her face to the best of her ability and went downstairs. At the very least, she had to eat something. If she starved, she'd never recover.

While she could attempt to break out, she knew this was most likely foolish. She barely had the strenght to move and couldn't use any powers. She had no equipment or allies, the other captives likely also too weak to do anything. Trying to convince them would take some serious doing and a cocky newbie that no one knew wouldn't be able to pull it off. Plus, they wouldn't take someone who looked like she was about to keel over seriously. Like it or not, Iri's best bet was to recover first before she tried anything. Even if it meant being at the mercy of Drada and Qui, along with whatever they had planned for her.

Eventually, she'd learn that the first part of that plan involved an interrogation. Brought in at dusk, she once more found herself in a chair with her arms tied, the female demon asking her to talk. A request that drew a sigh from the girl. "And just what do you want to know? You're just as aware as I am that I've been here for a few days. I haven't had the time to learn much. I'll tell you what you want, but I really don't think this is going to be a long conversation." The girl answered wearily. "Ask away. I doubt I know anything that you don't, but what the Hell." Couldn't hurt to try and earn a chance to not get gangbanged tonight.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Nude, Sealed, Exhausted

"You say that, but I've more than enough reason to believe that you have invested interest in the situation." Drada declared. "Willing to just throw it all away? Clearly there's something you still want from them that you didn't get, if you're breaking into here in the first place. Right?" she inquired with a grin. "We'll start by talking about you. Why'd you ride his dick? Did you like his personality? Or was it really that you wanted his fat equine dick stretching your tight little cunt out? Qui attests to how much you love cock after all, he said he was going to let you go the moment you gave up. But you didn't need the whip so much, did you? Despite being unable to possibly keep up with him, you kept trying to milk his long cock dry." she laughed.

She adjusted herself, walking up to sit on her desk. "If you think this isn't going to last long, then you'd better rethink yourself. I want you to keep talking. Telling me about that place you went to and your relation to it. What about his associates? The alchemist we almost caught? How about his supplier? I want everything." she stated. "If you don't feel like answering any one thing, don't worry about it, Iri... You're more than welcome to stay here and pleasure that guard you pissed off for as long as you'd like. He tells me you'd enjoy it in the ass next time."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Ha ha, very funny!" Iri snapped angrily. "You know as well as I do I have little control over myself when someone gets me going! That asshat should have noticed it too." She spoke, referring to Qui. "I never asked for it, I don't really like it, but it keeps happening anyway." The girl leaned back on the chair, taking a deep breath as she visibly calmed herself down. "Fine. If you're that interested in me, I suppose I might as well tell you. I'm gonna start at the beginning, that is the reason why I'm in this insane town in the first place, so I don't have to come back to it later. It'll make more sense that way."

"First thing you might be wondering about is what's an anudorian doing so far away from the desert alone. Well the thing is, those shadow powers and that sex craze?" Iri stared Drada in the eye. "I wasn't born with that. Or at the very least, it didn't show up until much later. Specifically, until I've found and picked up a strange black stone that imbued me with some weird magic. It also gave me a vision, made me hear a woman's voice that claimed she'd be watching my progress. The powers and everything else came soon after. My tribe... They didn't want to associate with me much. Saw me as a bad omen. I had to leave and exile myself to avoid any incidents."

The girl sighed, pausing for a moment as she glanced down on the floor, expression bitter for a moment. "You ever had to leave your entire life behind because of something you couldn't control? In one day, I basically found myself with nothing but my body, clothes and the things I could carry. Now, I had nowhere to go so I could go wherever, but remembering those words from the vision made me think. Whoever did that to me wouldn't just simply leave me be, I felt. So I decided to try and seek them out instead. And since I figured the source was probably demonic, I came here, running into you lot on the way." And a bunch of goblins. Not the most pleasant of encounters.

"Now, you might be wondering how I got involved with the horseman. Basically, Hank was running late one evening so I got a little worried and decided to look for him. While flying over the part of city he was supposedly in, I saw the brothel - I didn't know what it was back then, mind you - and figured that maybe he's there. So I went in and, well. Mistakes were made." That was a spectacular error in judgement on her part, Iri had to admit. Not that she wanted to do so out loud. "The horseman got me, did his thing and told me to visit him next night. Oh, and Hank was ok. Shooting up some place not far from there."

"Anyway, next day? I was in heat again. And after I wore Hank out, I went back there as the horseman told me to." Iri stopped there for a moment, mulling over how to continue. Should she tell Drada about this? Still, the demon wouldn't leave her alone without having some kind of reason. "Now, I wasn't in much of a position to resist him at all, you probably remember how I get, but the thing is that he promised to get me in touch with someone who can help me find a trail leading to my objective." The girl stared at the blue-skinned woman again. "The alchemist. I don't particularly care about the guy now, but I do need her. She promised me clues in exchange for saving her friend. And that's how we got here, more or less."

"So that's my story. All in all, I mostly want to just find the person who turned my entire life upside-down and learn why they've done it. The alchemist is the only person I've met so far who can actually help me make a first step towards that. The bounties, the brothel... That happened only because I got careless." Iri shrugged. "Truth be told, I have little interest in what you guys are trying to do to him now beyond how it might affect my chances of getting that info. When fate seemingly threw me at someone who claimed he could help, I rolled with it to see if it worked because I have literally nothing else to aim for. And not that much to lose that you can't take away, too. Anyway, that good enough or you want me to keep talking more?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=1/41, PP=50/50, EP=1/83 ; Nude, Sealed, Exhausted

Drada laughed, leaning back in her chair. "I'd be inclined to have you talk more, but it's already clear you're lying the moment you try to sell to me the idea that you hated being fucked by Qui. You don't like it, you say? I honestly wonder about that. I can't really trust someone who isn't honest with themselves, you know." she giggled. "You obviously have nothing to prove to a demon like me. So I wonder why you'd lie. Because of some expectation of pride you had before this story apparently happened to you? The common expectation that girls can't enjoy sex otherwise they're whores and awful people?" she shrugged. "I'm not sure, in your case, Iri. It's clear you enjoy sex. You're as easy to read as a book in that regard. But you're still going to try and lie to me anyway, won't you?" she said with a sigh.

Then, she leaned over the table, putting her knees on the desk to take Iri's chin into her hand. "You could have very well kept your mouth shut this morning. Yet, you chose to get that guard worked up. Which do you want to call yourself, Iri? A liar, or an idiot?" she inquired, staring into Iri's eyes and not letting go of her chin to force the girl to look at her. "Because my guess is, you WANTED him to fuck you like the horny little devil you are." she cooed almost affectionately.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"Ah fuck you!" Iri snapped again. The way Drada kept pushing her buttons made the girl's short temper act up for a second time. "You want to know why I said that? Because he was a fucking asshole and I was pissed!" The girl ranted. "Same with Qui! I can have fun having sex, yes! And I can enjoy it, too! But what I don't enjoy is dealing with those assholes!" And that was the root of the problem, really. "Even if I like screwing men, I don't like Qui. And I don't like that other fuckwad either. Were I able, I'd have tossed both of them out the fucking window! Sure, it was probably stupid to say that stuff. But after that emotionally retarded dipshit decided to treat me worse than an animal, I was not in the mood to listen to another piece of shit."

Once more Iri fell silent, this time for longer as she visibly fumed until she calmed down. "I don't give a damn how good it feels." She finally continued, in a much more bitter tone than before. "I don't want to have anything to do with either of them because I hate them both. Perhaps you're right and I'm past the point where I can keep claiming it doesn't feel good. But I sure as Hell am not past the point where I can't complain about you as people." She glared at the demon. "And in case you forgot, that whole frenzy thing came with my powers. Can you really tell me it was a part of me in the first place? If there are things out there that can mess with someone's mind, how am I supposed to know feeling good isn't being forced onto me, somehow?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

Drada laughed. "Well, I suppose I over estimated you. I was here assuming he was just playing into your desires, when it turns out you were indeed just running your mouth for no good reason!" she chuckled. "This is why you end up in these kind of situations, Iri. Poor decisions. Honestly, I thought you were doing it on purpose. Hehehe!" she giggled. Slightly overwhelmed with amusement.

"To be honest though, Iri, you're only causing yourself misery." she said, adopting a serious expression. "Whether you were like that initially or not, it sounds like you're just whining about your new situation. You're driven to sex, you can't help but to enjoy said sex. And here you are sounding off like you want a hot cup of pity to sip on." she sighed. "As someone who needs to have sex with people to sustain my soul, whether I like them or not, a whiny little bitch like you really pisses me off. That's all you're good for though, isn't it? You break into my head quarters, let loose one of my bounties, then sit here and lecture ME about how hard you have it!? Qui and I helped you when almost no one else would in this city. We helped you find a home, gave you direction. Now, here you are. As if you could have done without it." She stood, glaring at Iri.

"After fucking with me, what did you plan to do, Iri? Just leave?" she gripped Iri's hair roughly with her blue hand. Her finger tails dug into Iri's scalp. "Is my brother truly an asshole, when the only asshole I see is sitting in front of me, acting like she had every right to fuck me over?" she questioned. "A slave like the one you let loose is worth two-hundred denarii." She claimed, before Iri's collar snapped off.

"You have one week to pay me. Otherwise, I'm putting that two-hundred denarii bounty on you, and everyone in this town will be hunting you down. Do you understand me?" she questioned. "If you want to make money, feel free to suck cock around here, or at your brothel. I'm sure you can manage that no matter how much you hate it, right?" she chuckled. "Or, you can take care of another problem for me. I need hellhounds to help spot trespassers like you, and I have none. Every hellhound you bring me 'alive', will net you 50 denarii towards your debt. Capture them however you want." she said. "Now fuck off, before I change my mind about giving your stupid ass a second chance."

Allowing Iri to leave, no longer collar bound, Iri would be able to go and find her belongings. Minus her denarii she had on hand. Off to the side, Iri would spot the two rapist demon men who caught her gambling with a large number of coin that she didn't remember them having before. When Iri was getting her things, they were casting glances at her, seemingly protective of their gambling money.

(Iri got her belongings back, minus her denarii)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri fumed as Drada laughed at her, scowling. She knew she was making poor decisions, damn it! She wouldn't be here if she was making good ones! Of course, the demon had to find it amusing. Still, when she sobered up and began to speak normally, the anudorian began to listen more carefully. As as the succubus critized her, she tried to retort. Yet for some reason, even when she opened her mouth she just couldn't find the right words to do so. There was something in what Drada said that cut her off, but she just wasn't sure what it was. Something that hurt. Genuinely hurt, but not in the way her insults did.

Iri winced as the demoness grabbed her head, glaring back. Then her expression turned into one of suprise as the collar was removed, the girl feeling her power return. Still, she was hardly off the hook. Nodding silently as she was given the ultimatum and retreating out of the room after being rudely dismissed, the girl left to gather her belongings as she tried to think of a way out of the ultimatum. Two hundred denarii... She could gather that much, actually. It'd probably take her a little while, but she could do it. Hell, she had several options on how to do so now that she thought about it, though few seemed appealing.

Grabbing something like a replacement slave was out of the question. Iri simply did not approve of it, especially the way demons did it. Hellhounds... Meh. Drada could get them herself. Whoring was an option, she supposed, but right now she was really loathe to take it. She wasn't sure what exactly, but something the demoness said really killed the girl's inclinations towards that, at least for now. Maybe if she had trouble with the deadline. She could try asking Manni or maybe Hank, but she was loathe to owe anyone. And speaking of Hank... He could still set her up with a job, maybe? Would it worth it, though?

Still trying to figure out a way out of her predicament, Iri soon found where her things were stored. With just one exception. The money went missing. Though looking around, she saw the two demons from before playing with a rather large sum, looking rather shifty. Normally she'd perhaps be willing to drop the matter more easily and just leave, but the 100 denarii she had would cover half her debt. Feeling angry and in need of something - or someone - to vent on, the girl approached the two as she finished dressing herself. "My money went missing. All 100 denarii of it. Where is it?"
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

The two men chuckled. "That's a lot of money. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. Who's asking?" one demon inquired, one hand on his belt where a pistol lie. Apparently prepared for the event of Iri wanting to tie the money back by force.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

"An anudorian shadowstalker." Iri replied, not quite feeling like giving the two assholes her name. Glancing at the man, she noted that he was reaching for his gun. Sighing, the girl gave the two of them a glare. "You know, we could end up just trying to murder each other here, you shooting me and me impaling you on magic spikes, but I think we both agree this isn't gonna work out well for anybody if it comes down to that. Though unlike you, I don't have to draw a weapon first, so I'm actually at an advantage here. So how about we act like reasonable adults here? All I want is my money back. I've had a fairly shitty day and you're not improving it at all."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

"You think all money you see is yours? To anyone else, you're just trying to extort us." he explained. "So how about you earn this money back, eh? After all, we might wanna enjoy your cunt and asshole while you're conscious this time~" he declared with a chuckle that he and his friend raped Iri after knocking her out with the drugs.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri clenched her fist at the admission. She probably should have expected that, really. Seriously, what was with demons and sex? It was really starting to piss her off right now. Still... Much as she hated to admit, 100 was a lot. And it'd be good to have a safety buffer of sorts as she went out looking for jobs. Sure, she could probably take those two on and win, but not without causing a scene. "At least half of it upfront." The girl stated, setting her conditions. "The rest right after. And I better not catch you assholes trying to cheat me out of it, because then it'll be me taking my promised payment instead. Also, don't think it's going to become a regular thing."
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=50/50, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

"For a troublemaker, you sure can be an obedient bitch when it comes to money." the first said, sliding the cards and money off of the table, leaving half of it still on the table. "Especially when you don't even know if that's our baby growing in your womb there. Or maybe that turns you on?" he asked. Meanwhile, the other demon snuck around, and promptly disrobed Iri before stroking his length along her folds. "Onto the table." he said, before one demon was already laying on his back on the table, cock angled upwards. Iri was brought forth, made to climb onto the table with him and take his tip into her pussy while the other demon stood behind her, tapping her ass with his hands before she felt his tip touch her anus. Soon, she felt both of them sheathed inside of her. The demon below propped his feet up on the table, before thrusting wildly into her pussy. All while Iri was thrown about by the demon behind her plowing into her ass.

The two of them fucked Iri until she went into her usual sex craze. They responded in kind, fucking the wild bucking Iri until they both came inside of her ass and pussy. "Looks like she's not satisfied~" the demon pulling out of her filled asshole commented. The demons pulled away, revealing other demons who took interest to the scene. "Enjoy her. She really wants to earn her money, after all~" they said, before, with Iri bent over the table, one of the many demons in waiting stepped forward, and filled her cum soaked pussy as another demon came and took her mouth, making her suck him off. Iri didn't have the luxury to count how many other men were waiting for their turn. It was clear however, that they each wanted their turn...

Several hours later, the demons had collected a bucket to gather the cum that leaked from Iri's pussy after they spunked inside of her. When the last of the demons finished, Iri was left a sweaty mess as a dozen satisfied demons rested around her. The one she originally made the deal with came forth, and whistled at the contents of the bucket. "Damn, you filled an entire bucket with our cum. I'd say you earned your money back~" he cooed, before dropping the second bag of money on Iri's stomach, and casually making to leave.

(Iri's experiences enduring the sexual libido of all the demons has boosted her endurance. She gains 1 instance of Just a Little Longer: +20 PP. As much as the idea might bother her, she can perhaps boost her endurance here further.)

(Iri gains 240 Corruption)
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri growled at the mention of the pregnancy. Oh, she was pretty damn sure she knew who the father was. And thankfully, it was none of those assholes, most likely. Still, now that she got herself into this, she had little choice but to follow through. Stripped out of her clothes and pushed to the table, she got on top of it and mounted the demon laying down on it, feeling the other one line his dick up with her ass. Soon enough both of them pushed inside, quickly starting to pound her, forcing her to brace herself with both arms against the table to keep steady. Soon enough she was fucking them back as much as she could in her position, moaning loudly as she was shaking her hips.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the show had attracted some attention. By the time the two demons were done with her, more had gathered and she was too addled to resist when they've started passing her around. She could only bend over and take it in whatever hole they wanted to use, be it her pussy, mouth or ass. Soon a line formed, and one after another demons used Iri as their cumdump, filling her up so many times she lost count. She serviced them like a slut regardless of her better judgement, not that she was capable of making one. And in the end, after climaxing many, many times, and being filled up so much a literal bucket of cum poured out of her holes, they were finally done with her.

Groaning, Iri glared tiredly at the demon walking away. Slowly picking herself up, she gathered the money to make sure she had all of it with her, put her clothes back on, then moved on to leave the complex. She was done with this place for the nearest future as far as she was concerned. Now she really needed a bath, though. After wondering for a while where to go first, she decided to go see Hank. She'd rather not have to use her body like that to earn the rest of the money needed to pay her debt off. As unappealing as being a hired killer was, it was unlikely she'd be able to get a "moral" job that paid really well anytime soon. And Drada could go hunt her own hellhounds.
Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

Iri: HP=41/41, PP=70/70, EP=83/83 ; Pregnant

Leaving the complex, Iri eventually found her way to Hank's house. At the current moment, Hank wasn't in. So, Iri was left to get herself cleaned. Later, the she-goblins of the house indicated that he decided to go off on his own and exterminate some bandit population while waiting for Iri to come home. Not long after Iri left the bath, there came a knock on Hank's door. The lamia and fellow bedmistress of Hank answered it, speaking to some odd girl with a hood and large round glasses. Their conversation finished, and the lamia approached Iri.

"So, some girl came by and wanted to know if Hank could either capture an odd rare sighting of a giant hornet, or gather some egg samples using a girl's womb... Figure you're bored, so, want to go looking for some bug? I didn't ask what the pay was, sorry."
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Re: Shadow Gaiden (Grave) GM'd by Maf

(You need to adjust Iri's max PP, it increased.)

Finding that Hank was out didn't suprise Iri much. Learning that he was out to kill bandits didn't catch her off guard either. He did a lot of that, after all. Which actually gave her some time to clean herself up in peace. And mere moments after she was done, an odd request came. "So, a bug hunt?" The anudorian mused. Hank must have had a reputation if people came with requests to him specifically. "Might as well. Can't say I particularly like bugs, but I can probably handle it. That girl still around here? I'd like to ask for details. Also, is anybody else thinking of trying to take the job?"