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Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The stallion before her listens to her tale, before turning around and motioning for her to climb onto his back. "You and the purple one, please climb on. I'm sure the black one can keep up with me on all fours." he says, Zix nodding in confirmation, as Sera moves to help Lilia climb up onto the centaur's back, slapping her ass teasingly as she does so. "Looks like we get to meet the whole tribe, yes?" Sera asks, before climbing on behind Lilia, and the centaur takes off at a gallop across the planes, Zix managing to keep up by running on all fours. "Our Chieftess is the only one who can make decisions like this. I hope for your sake your offer is good enough. The last traveler to pass through our lands left us with a dozen stallions more than we began with." he says as they travel across the plains.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing the centaur man reply to her and motion her and Sera up onto his back, Lilia bowed again and smiled. "Thank you sir, I do really hope that our peoples can become good friends," Lilia said softly as she accepted his invitation to climb up and doing so nimbly as her tail swished around behind her upon being spanked on the butt.

Once she was in her spot, she helped Sera climb up too and held on as the centaur man galloped off towards presumably his village. When he spoke again as they rode, Lilia couldn't help but squirm a bit in her seat. "Oh? Well I think the offer of trading food, cloth, and other essentials would be a good enough offer, in exchange for maybe protecting out people when they travel these lands, and... showing them a good time so long as they're willing. If you catch my drift," Lilia replied, winking at the man if he glanced back at her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Your offer of food will go a long way with our tribe. Much of the fruit we normally harvest has been lost to the death of the Warder that tended to the garden. In exchange for feeding her, she kept our stores filled with all the food we could possibly need. Now she has passed, and we are considering moving the tribe elsewhere." the Centaur says, his swift hooves bringing them towards a village of simple cloth huts, looking much like Mongolian Yurts, except made for horse-sized individuals, and inhabited by such. As they ride towards the center of the village, the members of the tribe look on curiously, before the Stallion stops before a massive longhouse, opening the massive double doors and gently clopping within, before stopping and lowering himself slightly for the two to dismount, which Sera and Zix quickly do, helping Lilia off as well. Within, they find a single centauress with brown fur and hair standing on a slightly raised section of the floor, her arms crossed under her large breasts. "And what manner of creatures have you brought before me, Sharq?" she asks, a curious look on her face as she studies the three women, and on closer inspection, Lilia will notice the Centaur is not entire female, judging by the black orbs hanging down between her hind legs.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Aw, that's sad. My people have plenty of food though of all kinds. We have meats, vegetables, fruits, you name it. And I'm sure that there would be plenty of men and women who wouldn't mind coming out this way that wouldn't mind some... relaxation," Lilia told the centaur stallion they were riding.

When they arrived in his village, Lilia smiled as she was helped down by Sera and Zix as soon as they had come to a halt. She looked around and saw the many faces staring their way. "Thank you kindly for lowering down for us," Lilia thanked the centaur after they got down, where she looked around and smiled at everyone.

Entering the longhouse, Lilia looks around curiously inside as they were led up to the leader of the village. Lilia eyed the centauress leader's breasts as she crossed her arms underneath them, the large orbs looking luscious. The kitsune's tail swished around behind her happily as she stepped forth when the centaur leader spoke, with Lilia noticing that she was a herm just like herself. "My name is Lilia Ashford. These are my friends Sera and Zix. I asked Zix to bring us to your lands so that we may introduce ourselves, and to hopefully open up peaceful trade with you and your people. We can trade food, among other things with you, and there are plenty of our people who I'm sure would love to come and... enjoy the fun this world has to offer," Lilia told the centaur herm leader, bowing politely and showing respect since she was pretty much a diplomat right now.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Leave us, Sharq." the Centauress says, motioning with her head for the Stallion to leave, which he swiftly does, closing the big doors behind him. "Tell me, Ashford...What makes you think your people are worthy of enjoying the offerings my tribe can give? Can your people sire strong, healthy foals within our mares? Can your women carry the same within them? Our need for food is dire, but our need to reproduce in time for the Long Cold is greater still." the Centauress says, her front right hoof idly clopping on the ground. Sera and Zix remain silent as the chieftess speaks, not wanting to ruin Lilia's chances.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well, I was hoping that I could show you that we're worth your time. And I also thought that the prospect of having more food, especially during winter time, would be more than enough of an offer to entice you. We can also help shelter you through the harsh winters, or at least trade cloths that will help keep you all very warm," Lilia said with a smirk as she stared back at the centauress herm. "My people are of various races. Some of us likely couldn't take the sheer size of a centaur's cock, that much I'm sure of, but there are some, like Sera here, who easily can, as they're quite stretchy. But you tell me if I'm capable of siring healthy young in a centaur mare," Sera went on to say as she pulled her clothing off and lowered her amp's power to reveal her now huge cock, which was already half hard.

"There are others who have large things between their legs like mine. Men and hermaphrodites of our carious races. I'd guess that most wouldn't be nearly as large as my own, but then again once they're here they could be just as if not larger," Lilia said as an afterthought.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Centauress' eyes go wide when Lilia reveals that she's a herm as well. "Oh my! You're...You're of twin genders like me!" she says excitedly, stepping down off her raised platform. "You have my utmost attention, Lilia Ashford...Who are your people, and why do you seek an alliance with mine? We can offer nothing more than our weapons and our tenacity for breeding." the centaur herm says, though Lilia will notice her cock is starting to poke out of the sheath, clearly aroused at the notion of there being another like her.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Lilia smiled as the centauress herm's eyes went wide upon the revelation that the young kitsune was a herm as well. Glancing back over her shoulder at Sera and Zix, Lilia winked at them before turning back to their hostess and nodding to her.

"Yes indeed I am. And we don't wish the alliance for anything more than to just be friends. My people find this world of yours to be very interesting. And if we can be friends with all of the races here, then all the better. None of the primary wildlife areas would be effected. My people wish to use this world as a sort of... resort type of place. Where people can come to and rest, relax, and just enjoy themselves. And the warder plant girls are very interesting too, as they can grow things to immense sizes. Ash, the one that's near the beach where my people are setting up a camp to explore this place, she grew vegetables from our worlds to at least ten times their normal sizes. And as for being twin gendered, there are many amongst my own race that are like that. Between fifteen to twenty percent of my race are hermaphrodites," Lilia told her, stepping forward a bit as the centauress leader stepped down from her platform, where she reached up and cupped her cheek with one hand. "Your peoples lands are the most wide open portions of land around also. Meaning it would be ideal locations for making a few small settlements near your own. If that would be acceptable with you that is. And my race in particular can be very gracious when it comes to showing our thanks, as can the Asari, like Sera there," Lilia said in a softer voice as she leaned up closer to the centauress herm, her lips mere inches away from the centauress'.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Centauress seems almost pleased with the forwardness of the Kitsune, a hand reaching out to hold the back of her head and press their lips together fiercely, a kiss more of strength and passion than actual love. When she finally pulls away, she smiles. "Your forwardness is commendable, Lilia Ashford. I would meet with the people who wish to establish a settlement nearby. Should you provide my tribe with adequate food and breeders both female and male, I see no reason not to allow our warriors and artisans to barter with your own people. However!" the Centauress says, a smirk crossing her face. "As Chieftess, a deal of this magnitude must be sealed by rite of breeding. One of you must bear one of my children, and you, Lilia Ashford, must sire a foal within me. With the size of your gifts, that will not be an issue, I take it?" the Centauress says, her own cock now fully erect at just over a foot and a half long, easily rivalling Lilia's own. Sera seems absolutely enthralled by the erect horsemeat, her mouth slightly agape.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Well thank you very much for that. The food and cloth will be simple enough to just bring here. The breeders... well there won't be as many at first I'll go ahead and warn you. But give it a month or two and I'm sure plenty of breeders will want to come and see this place for themselves," Lilia said with a giggle as she noticed their herm hostess's own length hardening up. "And I was hoping you'd say that about the breeding rites. That was one reason I asked Zix to bring us here after all, so I could... sample the wares you might say," she added, giving Zix a naughty wink before patting Sera on the head and gently pushing her forward towards the centauress' cock.

"Before I do anything though, I'll help Sera get you ready. Because I'd love to see your cock in all its glory before we do anything. It just looks so delicious after all. Come on Zix, let's all lavish her cock with attention and show her a good time," Lilia said, kissing the centauress on the lips before going down with Sera and kissing the centauress' dick from the opposite side from Sera before lathering it up with her tongue.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Centauress chuckles as the three get to work, Sera whimpering as she begins to lick up and down the length of the herm's horsemeat, looking like she's in a dream as she tastes it. Zix, however, moves around behind her, and begins to gently lick her testicles, her tongue occasionally running up her cunt, causing her to moan in pleasure. "Mmm...Don't work too hard, ladies...I need that load to pump into your purple friend." she says, her cock twitching and throbbing, hard as a rock by now from all their attentions and dripping pre, as her cunt begins to run wet with desire.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, those balls are plenty big enough to pump out a lot more than just one load. I mean these things are at least as large as mine if not larger," Lilia cooed softly as she reached over and gently squeezed one of their hostess's testicles and licked it some before suckling on it.

Lilia leaned in with Sera and together they kissed, licked, sucked, and stroked the centauress herm's cock until it was fully erect and trembling in their hands. Once she was ready, Lilia left Sera to handle it however she wished and kissed Zix on the lips before maneuvering around behind the centauress herm. "What may I call you love? You know our names, yet we don't know yours. And get ready, because I'm ready for you now, hmhm," Lilia asked curiously as she lined her cock up and pressed the crown of it against the centauress' pussy.

As soon as she told them her name, Lilia rammed her hips forward and slammed home, making sure it was hard enough to cause her balls to slap against the centauress' balls. "Mmm, take my cock. Don't you love how big it is love?" Lilia said, moaning aloud and not caring who heard her or who was watching, and imagining that several of the centaurs outside would be peeking in.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Centauress moans as she's tended to and prepared, before Sera moves to bend over and press her slit against the massive flared tip. "My name is Ta'sha, Lilia." she says with a quiver in her voice, before crying out in ecstasy at having the kitsune's big hermcock shoved into her cunt, and bucking her own hips forward to begin burying inside of the Asari, who groans in pleasure as she takes it like a champ. "Not many a Stallion can fill me as well as you, Lilia! I commend you for your prowess. Now show me you have the strength and will to use that stunning meatpole!" she says, beginning to rock back and forth, back onto Lilia's cock, and forward to bury herself deeper in Sera.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Ta'sha, that's a pretty name. I'm going to make sure you got a nice healthy baby in you when I'm through," Lilia said, reaching as far forward as she could to grasp Ta'sha's haunches to grip her better.

Lilia really got started at that point once Sera was in her desired position, where the horny kitsune herm plowed into Ta'sha as deep and hard as she could, making certain that her balls slapped heavily against Ta'sha's to increase their pleasure. "That's good to hear, hmhm. I guess this huge thing comes in handy after all. I was a bit worried about it being so large at first, but now not so much," Lilia cooed from behind Ta'sha, giving the centauress herm a spank on the rump before slamming in as deep as she could. "And don't you worry, I'll definitely use it to the fullest," she added before increasing her pace so the lewd sounds of their skin slapping resounded through the whole room.

Lilia moaned and reached down to grab Ta'sha's tail, gripping it and tugging the centauress herm back against her as Ta'sha's cock split Sera open. "Oh fuck yes. Come on Zix, I want to feel you too. Come on, my pussy needs filling, and you have a big tongue," Lilia panted as she knocked away with wild abandon at Ta'sha.

Lilia worked in perfect harmony with Sera to make Ta'sha squeal as loud as possible, to make anyone peeking in or listening look at them with respect. Licking her lips, Lilia felt her orgasm building closer and closer, to the point it was nearly boiling over, and her pre was leaking heavily from her cock inside of Ta'sha. "Oh f-fuck. T-Ta'sha, I'm about to... c-cum," Lilia moaned out, hoping that her centauress lover was on the verge as well.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The Centauress does indeed squeal with pleasure as she's assaulted on two front, her backside gushing with her need to breed, and her cock burying itself almost three fourths of the way inside of Sera, making her belly bulge as she spears in and out of her womb. "You are...Very skilled...Lilia...Gods! Don't stop!" she cries out as she continues to rock back and forth, her own hands up on her breasts and playing with them as she's tended to, Zix chuckling as she moves behind Lilia and shoves her tongue up inside of her snatch, digging in past her cervix and coiling it inside her womb to pleasure her. "Then...Fill me up! Give me a healthy, powerful foal to carry, Lilia! And I'll do the same to Sera here!" the Centauress shouts, as her cunt begins to spasm around Lilia's cock, and her own begins to pulse, as she starts to cum inside of the Asari beneath her, slowly but surely bloating her belly out as she wails her orgasm to the hall, and those watching curiously through the crack in the doors.
Re: Lilia Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It's nice to hear you say that, considering that I hadn't had sex before I came to this world," Lilia pants as she continues pounding Ta'sha.

When she felt Zix's tongue sliding up inside of her, Lilia squealed out and lurched forward to bury herself as deep inside of Ta'sha as possible. Her body tensed suddenly and her seed erupted out of her cock as she reached down and gave Ta'sha's large orbs a squeeze to coax her seed out more into Sera. "F-Fuck yes... take my seed Ta'sha. Have my baby. She'll be a hermaphrodite just like us, and the most beautiful centauress ever," Lilia cooed softly as she reached back and pulled Zix up and kissed her, smiling and giving her a wink.

As Lilia's orgasm trailed off and she began to calm down a bit, she began thrusting again, not caring that Ta'sha's orgasm was still going and that she was simply dragging it on. Lilia would keep pounding away until she came a second time, thrusting as hard and fast as she could the entire time she was cumming.

When she was finally finished cumming the second time, Lilia slumped over Ta'sha's back and ran her fingernails across the centauress' haunches. "Oh god that was amazing. I want more though. But I want my seed to take now. And Zix can't have any more babies right now. Are there any other centauress mares I can give babies to?" Lilia said, giving Ta'sha's rump a little spank as she pulled her cock from the well used pussy, where she watched her seed leaking from it and dripping from the tip of her shaft.