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The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

I vote to take the sword and GTFO.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Yeah, we've pushed our luck quite far enough.

ACTIVATE: Code Golf Tango Foxtrot Oscar.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Suki took stock of her situation, she had three gems to get to the boss of this floor but honestly she had little faith she could beat him. Although the sword would do wonders towards helping herself get there. Suki took hold of the blade and as she felt the magic bond to her instantly regretted her choice, the blade was cursed. The hilt shifted and wrapped itself around her hand vanishing as she felt the tendrils of it's being meld with her hand. Slowly her hand shifted and she watched the corrupted power spread over her skin turning it a dark black as three blood red eyes emerged on her fore arm.

She felt it's power and while it felt strong it's negative aspects were even more pressing, she felt the tendrils work to her mind and she saw the eyes. the blade gave her great power but her will, her strength was tapped breaking her will down to almost nothing, she could be dominated with ease now. She cursed under her breath, it was short and barely a formed work, as she drew the orcs gem from her pocket and crushed it, with a shatter of the seemingly glass gem she felt herself be pulled from the room she was in and from the dungeon.

She awoke behind the Inn at a rather large summoning circle, she remembered it when they came inside. A quick glance around saw her surrounded by nine women, all laying upon the ground naked but not chained she had saved nine women enslaved by the dungeon and escaped with a cursed sword not inserted into her arm and magical armor. A good run, but she was tired very very tired. She barely heard her friends collect her as she passed out, she didn't realize exactly how far she had pushed herself, or maybe the sword was draining her, either way blissful sleep greeted her.

The party returned Suki to her room and sat at their table deciding who would go next. Suki had a cursed sword in her arm that needed to be removed and dealt with and only one of them had the expertise.

Who would enter the dungeon next?

A - Tami Whittens – Arcanist Extrodinare
Note: Should she enter the dungeon Suki will not be able to remove the cursed blade from her arm.

Appearance: The most homely of the team, her appearance will not turn heads and her smaller breasts do not draw cat calls. But she prefers it that way, she’s never been fond of the humans or elves, or any one in any kingdom. She is not a virgin and finds her preferences disturbing as most would.

Weapon: She has no focus but her weapons are the elementals she summons to fight with her, and for her most times. But her lack of confidence and forceful personality tends to make them a unreliable ally.

Stats: Fight 2, Sneak 3, Trick 4.

B - Rialakia Wogen – The Shaman of Axes

Appearance: A fierce and athletic woman she has the body of an adventurer, but even by her villages standards she was quite beautiful. Her body was toned and honed a pale while skin covers her body, and her eyes are a piercing deep blue. Her hips and chest are of equal size and her C cup breasts match her form well. She is a virgin due to never finding a man strong enough to tame her, even for one night.

Weapons: Consists of just the bell she wears at her hip to summon her axes, she can cast without the focus but it concentrates her power and she is sentimentally attached to it.

Stats: Fight 3, Sneak 2, Trick 4

Or C - Alicia Von Grinzuld – Markswoman Extraordinaire

Appearance: The most beautiful of the five adventurers her curvaceous hips and ample bust have made her the target of many a horrible man’s lust. Her light skin, mildly colored by the time spent in the outside world giving her a lovely traveled look to her. Her hair is a light blonde kept cut small so none can use it against her, barely shoulder length her clothing is conservative and shows little to no skin aside from her neck and above.

Weapons: Two handed crossbow for sniping and a hand crossbow for close quarters combat.

Stats: Force 2, Sneak 4, Trick 3
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Guess I should have expected it to be cursed, but at least she made it out and the sword can apparently be removed, so that's good. On that note, since Tami is necessary for removing the sword from Suki's arm, that rules her out for entering the dungeon since she needs to stay with Suki to remove the sword.

I suppose I'll vote to send Rialakia in next. Maybe she'll happen upon something that can finally 'tame' her. :p
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

B as well
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

C At least Suki also got some coins from the goblin room
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Ill vote for c but only if its needed as a tiebreaker so. I dont want to force a tie right now.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

It would currently cause a tie so it looks like shawoman of the axes is gonna go next into the dungeon.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Finally caught up with the story.

Not going to vote since it seems the voting is already over.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Hey sorry for the delay on post, work is calming down after two months of crazy so I should be able to return to once a day or every other day for updates. So I should have one up tomorrow morning by noon, sorry for the delay on this.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Rialakia stood in the tome room and approached it writing her name upon the books empty page, just below her friends. Suki currently rested in her room, the cursed sword removed from her arm and the curse removed, her armor removed and resting by her bed. She was weak, very weak, the dungeon had taken its toll upon her body, and more importantly her mind. All the girls could tell she was the most strong and easy to read, and she was shaken, deeply shaken. But she refused to talk of it, so straws were drawn and it was Ria’s turn into the dungeon. Amelia would stay and help make sure there were no lingering effects of Suki taking hold of the cursed sword.

Ria felt the room spin and her vision blur as she felt herself shift into the artificial plane of the tome. The trip felt short but she knew better, Suki said the same and she was gone for three days. Ria felt the room return and stood in a simple summoning chamber, it looked mostly like what Suki had said it would. A simple path into a rather simple looking dungeon, but the challenges here would be anything but simple. She proceeded into the first room expecting some sort of tentacle monster, she assumed Suki’s trip would give her some ability to expect what to see. She was wrong.

In the center of the room stood a man, he wore little to nothing and he turned to her staring as a wide grin crossed his face.

“Finally a bitch to fuck.” He said loudly, he was energetic as she watched him undress her with his eyes. She hunkered down into a combat stance, the leather armor she wore clung tight to her body. Her cleavage lightly showing. With a flick of her wrist she drew her ax, the bell ringing lightly as the ethereal weapon came to her hand. The man laughed as he stared at her slowly stalking forward.

“That won’t help you bitch, you’ll be on your knee’s thrusting back into me before you know it.” He said with a grin as his teeth sharpened and his skin began to cover with fur. It was not long before she knew what this was, a lycanthrope. He laughed as he howled as his transformation finished, and his fang filled grin remained as he rushed towards the adventurer.

“The beast is never beaten.” He screamed as he moved upon her.

-Fight the beast, Trick the beast into doing something stupid or simple sneak and out maneuver the beast and fall back from the room.-
(For these three stats this time around it is less like stealth or trapping the opponent, it is more fighting him by reading him and beating him with trick, or distracting him and hitting him where he is weakest with sneak.)

Fight 3, Sneak 2, Trick 4.
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Trick I'm excited to see this keep going!
Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Re: The Tome of Infinite Dungeon

Well with 3-1 trick is the victor. And luckily it came up well for her.
Trick 4, roll 4 modifier +0 Pass with minor hit.

Ria stood in front of him, he would be a powerful foe easily capable of over powering her but unlikely it could out think her. A plan was already forming in her mind she needed to get him to over extend himself and then she could destroy him. She summoned an ax and flung it at her opponent as he rushed towards her, a second ax being summoned as she did she swung it at him, intentionally wide. He reached in and raked his claws over her stomach, luckily her leather armor protected her. But now it was shredded to bits, barely recognizable as armor, or even clothing.

She felt his hands reach out again grabbing her arms and pushing her down onto the ground one hand kept her pinned against the ground, the other slipped under her top his furry hand brushing against her breasts. As he ripped her clothing from her body, tossing the remains to the side. He rose and took hold of her by the neck, holding her up as he leaned forward licking her cheek dominantly.

“I’m going to fuck you, break you, and then forget you and when I do I’ll sell your used and fucked body to another slaver here. He will use you and spit you out. Nobody will save you, you’ll just be the fucked stupid little bitch you were born to be.” He said with a smirk as he pulled away from her.

As he pulled away it was only an instant but her hands closed and an ethereal spear shot from her closed fist. Piercing his skull, the beast stunned by suddenly being hit by such a powerful attack released his prey and stumbled backwards.

As the warrior woman hit the ground she surged up her foot catching the surprised werewolf squarely in the balls. As she stepped forward. Ria summoned up her ax again and rushed towards him swinging her ethereal weapon own upon him. Severing his head from his body in a single swing. The spear vanished as did her ax and Ria fell to the ground shuddered lightly. He had moved faster then she expected, and his fur against her skin felt amazing. She moved to her discarded armor, and collected her bell. It was the only important piece of gear she had, for the first time she was jealous of Suki, she honestly wanted the skin tight flexing armor she had gained in here. At least then she wouldn’t be naked.

Taking a strap of leather from her ruined armor she fashioned a necklace to hold her bell in place, the strap was short so it held her bell right over her cleavage, she looked like a cow. Tit’s hanging out, a bell around her neck, she sighed and began from the room. Only to hear behind her the gargling sound of a severed head and a moving body. She turned and saw the beast rising to his feet his head in his hand, which he reattached to his head. He turned after fitting his head and stared at her.

“That is the first time someone has beaten me so badly. You are free to go, if you wish to stay I would like to talk with you further, you stir my passions. I want you, not as a bitch to fuck and forget, but as a mate.” He said with a large toothy grin she would notice his member still hard throbbing between his legs.

Ria stared at him, there was only one exit to the room she could progress forward and ignore the lycan, or remain and fuck him. She was quite certain that any talking would be stopped by him jumping her again, it was odd no man had ever made her want them. This one she wanted, but not just to have him fuck her, to have him bow at her feet licking them and acting solely for her pleasure.

-Stay and fuck then dominate him at least try to, or Leave moving further into the dungeon.-