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Azhaline (Smokefish)

Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The Dragoness quivers as she lays there, panting to catch her breath and recover, when her 'daughter' spanks her plump backside, causing her to raise her head and moan. "Y-Yes. I am awake, my dear daughter..." she says, looking down at her massively swollen and gently-glowing belly, reaching her hands down to rest on it as she sits up entirely and then plops on her backside on top of the coin pile. "That was...Very interesting...And not at all unpleasant." the once-dragon muses, rubbing her belly full of seed and groaning sensually at the feelings it's giving her.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline would groan quietly as she felt a little too urged to move out of the way as her big fat bitch-mother decided to sit up, slowly stepping aside on quiveringly weak legs. Hopefully she would be able to restrain herself a little in the future if only to not leave herself this vulnerable afterwards. The dragonbreed would slowly circle her away infront of the dragoness, and gently raise her clawed hands to gently rest against her breedingwhore's swollen and glowing belly, a satisfied grin forming on her lips as she wondered just how many eggs her pet would eventually give her. "Ssshah... Look at you, so full of my seed, nice and warm too I bet...", Azhaline's voice was half-delighted and half-teasing, "Your new look suits you... Round with my cum and all... And eventually round with my brood." A wicked gleam flashed over the dragonbreed's fiercely glowing eyes as she rose her head to stare up into the dragoness' eyes, a jagged and fanged grin now on her lips as the daughter regarded her beautiful mother's new role in life as her diligent cumdeposit and eggbearer.

"Tell me of your plan... What you would have if I had come to serve you." At the latter part the hermaphrodites voice grew a little menacing, and when she next continued without giving the dragoness even a chance to start explaining Azhaline's voice had turned wickedly dominant. "Because it is no longer your plan to carry out, bitch-mother, but mine should I find it to my liking." The dragonbreed lightly pushed her hands into the dragoness bloated stomach, threatening to force a portion of the cum that kept her from feeling that unbearable cold out of her. It would be a shame having to go that far after all the effort she had put into filling her mother with all that cum, but she was not going to leave things even the slightest ambiguous about whom was now in charge, and whom was to be a dutiful bitch... And Azhaline wasn't even going to try and make her demands sound nice, whether or not the dragoness had ever intended to let the once-Ifrit have even a measure of freedom in the serpents service. With a scathing tone, and a slightly firmer push upon her bitch-mothers belly, the Brood Queen would finish her little speech, while a dangerous gleam burnt in her glowing serpentine eyes. "Have I made myself clear, bitch-mother?"
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

"Yes! Understood!" the dragoness says, straining to hold in every drop, trying to pull away from the much smaller Brood Queen in front of her. "You...Would have gone to the surrounding villages, and capture as many mortals as possible...Then we would begin corrupting them into Obsidian dragonkin and drakes." the dragoness says, a look over submission on her face. "Then...We'd begin expanding out...And we'd take over the continent. Anyone who stood against us...Would face your wrath, as my Harbinger. You would have had any female or male you wished...To please you, and expand the brood. But that all changed...Because you had the blood of an elemental in your veins!" she says, beginning to sob as she starts to accept her role. "Now I'm nothing more than...A broodlayer..." she says, before flopping over backwards onto the coins and sobbing into her clawed hands.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline smirked slightly at the rapt confirmation she recieved from the dragoness, and the meek and defeated look on her bitch-mother expressed a little later made the hermaphrodite feel all warm and tingly in her fiery, corrupted, heart. She would listen patiently to what had once been the large serpents plan, now her potentially her own, and it certainly enticed her... Riches, minions, power... Oh yes, it was like music to her ears, if a little fuzzy and vague as far as execution was concerned. As her bitch-mother cried out the reason why everything had gone wrong for her, and began to tear up once realizing her new lot in life... Oh it was bittersweet for the Brood Queen, such wonderfully crushing despair... And yet, in whatever small measure, it was her mother crying her eyes out. The fiery dragonbreed might not accept anything short of absolute loyalty of the dragoness, but that did not mean she was completely uncaring in regards to her mother's happiness.

Azhaline would be quiet for a little while, but would let no more than a minute pass after her bitch-mother had fallen back to bawl her eyes out, before beginning to once more circle the large and belly-swollen female... Gently dragging a hand over the dragoness' belly, to tenderly caress one of the serpents large breasts that would one day come to nurture Azhaline's brood, and as she closed to her mother's head she would tenderly rub her hand up the crying female's throat and cheek opposite of the side the Brood Queen came to crouch down on. Without saying a word Azhaline would lean in her head, her hand tenderly stroking her mother's cheek while her other arm gently reached around the dragoness' head to embrace her, as the hermaphrodite affectionately rubbed her head against her mothers other cheek. Should the draconic female try and speak Azhaline would cut her off with an assertive, but gentle, 'shh'. The Brood Queen would let several minutes pass like that before finally speaking. "You may be a broodlayer, mother dearest... But you are my broodlayer, never forget that... As you would have had me by your side, I will have you by mine, as I plunder and conquer to my wicked heart's content... I told you before; I will never let you go cold or lonely... I will not allow it, as you are my forever dutiful bitch-mother." Azhaline had used the term 'bitch-mother' in a degrading way up until this point, but now she spoke it with endearment and even praise. The dragoness would always be her favorite, dearest, lover and servant no matter how much her reign and harem might come to grow.

Azhaline was a harsh mistress, but she needed to ensure the dutiful and complete loyalty of her dragon-mother, or how else would she be able to keep her around, to care for her lovingly, if there was even a chance of her mother trying to rise up against her? The Brood Queen would let her words sink in, to fall quiet for a few more minutes, and again would 'shh' her mother if the dragoness tried to speak. The next time the hermaphrodite spoke it would be with a happier, even a little giddy, tone to her voice. "See in my mind, mother, if you are still able to; and find comfort in my words being true... That I am not only your Brood Queen, but also your daughter, Azhaline... And that I want to know my bitch-mother's name, even if I may rarely come to call her by it."
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The Dragoness sobs gently, though much of the sadness is abated by the caring embrace her daughter gave her. One of her massive hands comes up to rest lightly against Azhaline's back, a smile coming across her face when asked her name. "I have seen into your mind, my daughter...You are cruel and unforgiving to your enemies...But kind to your loved ones...And that is why I wanted you to be my daughter..." she says, sighing as she nuzzles into her smaller daughter. "My name is Ursala. Though it has been centuries since anyone else has known it." she says, her other hand reaching down to rub her bloated belly lovingly. "Great Wyrm...I only hope you...Do not hate me for forcing these changes on you...My Daughter." she says, looking away submissively, having accepted her new lot in life.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The dragonbreed would coo quietly in contentment as she felt her bitch-mother's hand across her back, wings folding as closely together as she could make them just to allow the large female's hand close in as much as possible. A coy, toothy, smile crossing her lips as she was called cruel to her enemies, and kind to her loved ones. With a happy hiss passing her lips she would return the nuzzling she recieved very affectionately, her forked tongue even flicking out to lap across the dragoness chek; leaving a trail of viscous, glowing, and hot saliva in the wake of it... When her bitch-mother voiced uncertain hopes of not being hated and tried to look away, the Brood Queen would have none of it. She would firmly, if as gently as possible, pull the dragoness' head back against her own. "What did I tell you, bitch-mother? The only great wyrm around here, is the one I will breed you with... again and again." Azhaline coo'd the words out with a teasing tone to her voice, but as she continued to speak her tone would become more sober, as she snugly embraced her mother's head and helt it close to herself. "I hated the situation you put me in... Denying me freedom, that you took away any choice from me, in becoming your daughter. I loathed the very thought of having to submit to anyone but myself, and I still do."

Azhaline fell quiet for a few moments again, and closed her eyes as she ever-lovingly nuzzled her head against the dragoness' own. "But I have accepted this... Accepted what I have become. And as you have accepted to be mine, mother, I will never hate you... What anger might still remain within me over what you did to me, I will make you pay for as I breed you... As I turn my fury into lust with every thrust, as my rage boils my seed hot, as my fiery passion spill forth and fill you with my brood... And the warmth of the love I hold for you, mother dearest." As Azhaline finished her little speech, the Brood Queen would lean a little to the side, and tenderly kiss her much larger mother, lover and pet on the lips. The fiery dragonbreed's entire body was burning with emotion, the volcanic cracks in her obsidian carapace glowing brightly with passion of every sort as she made her feelings be known for her beloved bitch-mother... And then she would slowly lay herself down next to the dragoness, head resting against the beautiful dragon-woman's neck as the exhausted Brood Queen settled down for some proper rest atop the hoard of treasure, snuggled up against her mother, possibly even in a puddle of their mixed sexual fluids... Azhaline couldn't dream of a better place to settle down for sleep in this new life of hers.

It was with a weary, whispering, voice that the Brood Queen next spoke. "But for now... I want to rest, mother... Tomorrow will be a long day for me..." The dragonbreed wouldn't elaborate on her plans for tomorrow, but should the dragoness be daring enough to read her daughters mind again she would find pieces of a plan; scouting the surrounding landscape, surveying nearby resources whatever they might be... And trying to find an addition or a few to her breeding harem, primarily to ensure Ursula wouldn't have to be lonely when Azhaline was preparing for a future full of conquest, to make sure she remained true to her words.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The Dragoness remains silent as her daughter, and lover, speaks, and simply sighs as she nuzzles against the dragonbreed. When she lays down, the dragoness moves to make it more comfortable for her, and settles into her own rest, indeed reading her daughter's mind and humming in approval.

The next morning comes soon, with Azhaline awakening, and finding her mother gone, though she can hear the sound of coins scattering and being raked aside, several pieces of treasure clattering around. Were she to stand and look down at the base of the hoard, she'd find her mother digging through a different pile of gold determinedly, giving her a perfect view of her now-mutated and plump, scaled hindquarters, the lines of dull orange running along her scales showing how much she was mutated by her session with Azhaline, and her bloated belly still glowing gently from the load within her as she roots around in the treasure.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

It was a dreamless, peaceful, slumber that Azhaline had. A bit surprising given recent circumstances, but hardly unwelcome. The fiery dragonbreed would grumble quietly once she roused from her deep sleep, lazily and leisurely writhing amidst the gleaming treasure for several minutes before even deigning to open her eyes. It was then she realized her mother wasn't with her. At once she shot straight up into a sitting position, glowing eyes wide as she looked searchingly around herself. Then her ears, or earholes?, whatever caught the all too tantalizing sound of tumbling coins and other valuables clattering about. She didn't even bother to walk atop the biggest mound of the hoard, instead opting for leaping into the air. Her mother was still there, still marked by the same glowing veins the Brood Queen herself sported... And still as beautiful as always. With a sharp twist in the air the hermaphrodite went for a sharp dive, with another sharp twist she spun around to land with a heavy slam into a large pile of wonderful gold behind and to the left of her mother... And with a coy tone she spoke, "I don't recall giving you permission to leave bed without my say-so, bitch-mother.", her title of the dragoness said in a gentle if teasing voice, and she followed it up with stepping in close to give the much larger as big of an embrace as she could manage... Trying to rub some of her heat off on her mother while looking over whatever the serpentine broodlayer was up to. "Searching for something, hmm?"
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

"Yes, my daughter..." the dragoness says, digging out a silver bracelet with several onyx gems on it, and looking it over. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone atop the hoard...But I wanted to find you a gift, to celebrate your rebirth, and...To help you with your plans." the dragoness says, leaning into the embrace from her daughter and showing her the bracelet. "This...Is tied directly to my heart, daughter. When you wear it, I can feel you no matter how far you are, and you can feel me. With this, I can use my magic to help you with your own goals, whatever they may be." she says, holding the bracelet out towards her. "It will also allow you a small semblance of my own ability to read minds. Not as powerful as mine, obviously...But maybe it will help."
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline would curiously eye the gleaming trinket, and while the silver might clash with her red and orange looks, the onyx gem looked like a good match with her obsidian-like carapace. The Brood Queen would not slightly at the explanation about the bracelet, and hearing that it would further connect her with her mother brought a small smile on the dragonbreed's lips. Once finally presented with it she would greedily snatch it up, turning it around a few times before her for a closer look, and then without hesitating she would put it onto her left arm/wrist. She trusted her mother not to decieve her, and she knew damn well the dragoness knew damn well what it would cost her if she did try and decieve the temperamental hermaphrodite. Should nothing of note happen beyond what her mother had told of it Azhaline would go back to hugging her mother. "Mmm... Sounds like it will be very useful, mother. Thank you for finding it for me~", she would nuzzle up against one of the dragoness' large orbs, hissing contently as she simply basked for a while longer.

But she had a long day ahead of her. She hadn't forgotten that. With an almost annoyed sigh the dragonbreed would reluctantly pull away from the dragoness, and gaze up into her mother's eyes. I assume you can hear my thoughts, mother? If you can, tell me about the fire mountain. Any others living within it? Or near it? Creatures or people that could serve me, and tend to you while I am elsewhere? Azhaline would wait a few moments to acertain wether the dragoness had heard her thoughts or not, and if she hadn't the Brood Queen would simply repeat most of it in the usual vocal manner.
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Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

When Azhaline puts the bracelet on, she can feel a little bit of a twinge in her mind, and then she can feel a sense of love, and warmth, coming from her mother. She can also sense that her mother, while slightly angry as being deposed, and having her plot foiled, is still incredibly proud that she made such a powerful and beautiful daughter, and that she will not lack for love in her life, something she's been missing for centuries. The dragoness pulls her daughter into a loving embrace, and her daughter can feel a dribble of milk running from both of her mother's bloated breasts, orange, molten fluid that smells absolutely delicious. If she were to taste it, it would taste like liquid warmth, spicy and fulfilling, and she can sense even her own mother's heartbeat as they embrace each other.

When Azhaline thinks to her, she can hear her own mother's thoughts in her head as well. "Yes, my daughter. I can hear your thoughts. As you can hear mine. As for the mountain, no other creature lives within it, besides the Magma Worms who live within the lava flows. Outside, there is a large encampment of Kobolds who live hidden away in the side of the mountain and try to keep to themselves, and out of notice of the three nearby villages. Those three villages are farming and fishing villages, so their people are of no threat or value to my old plan...However...If you could change a being as powerful as I was with your contact...You may very well be able to make use of them all..." he thoughts trail off as she loses herself in thought, thoughts of her daughter raising an army of dragonkin and hybrids, all with the same black and molten scales the two now share.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline couldn't help but grin a little as she felt her mother grump over having her plans foiled and being toppled from the throne, no doubt the Brood Queen's more selfish side that felt that way. The very notion within the dragoness' thoughts, of having gone loveless for -centuries-, made the dragonbreed shudder and hug onto her mother all the more tightly. She would never be lacking in love, that much was assured... And as the hermaphrodite noticed a dribble of richly scented liquid fire leak from her bitch-mother's teats, her tongue would hungrily wetten her lips as she felt that breakfast was definitely something she wanted before heading out. She would stand up in the dragoness' lap and firmly latch onto her, with her snout burying down against her mother's right breast, her lips hungrily closing around and beginning to suck hard on that brightly glowing teat as she helped herself to the wonderfully spicy and filling milk.

And due to the newfound telepathic link, she wouldn't even have to break away from her nursing to talk! Currently that had to be the very best benefit of the bracelet she had recieved. The mention of Kobolds living relatively close by certainly piqued the Brood Queen's curiosity, and as she nursed more on that delicious hot milk she couldn't help but grin a little. Mmm... Kobolds, you say? Those little assholes and their fucking traps have cost me dearly in the past... I think I'll deal with them first. They're a little bit dragon, right? Not just rats in the guise of tiny lizards? Doesn't matter... Her grin was so wide she had trouble keeping all of the milk inside her maw, with a fair few thick droplets running down her cheeks to splatter on her breasts and against her mother's chest. I'm gonna stretch a bunch of them real wiiiide around my cock, and pump them almost as full as you with my hot cum, those little fucks have it coming!

It was at this point that Azhaline felt far too excited about raping those fucking Kobolds to continue lingering around, and leaned back slightly, tugging her mother's teat along for as long as possible before finally letting go of it with a loud and satisfying pop as the glowing nub slipped from her lips. "Got any magic tricks that'd help me roll some cum-bloated Kobolds back down here, bitch-mother? Or would I have to drag them here before I fuck them?" Oh yes, Azhaline was practicly oozing with fervor and enthusiasm now, she was going to have the second best day of her goddamn life fucking over those little asshats that had fucked her over in the past... The very best day naturally having been yesterday, when she had fucked her mother oh so obscenely full with her liquid fire, naturally. The dragoness would have to come with a good answer, very quick, if she were to offer alternative methods of travel before the dragonbreed darted off in gleeful pursuit of her chosen prey.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The dragoness moans and embraces her daughter as she suckles, feeding her milk to her gladly, a sense of motherly affection coming from her mind as she holds her smaller daughter close to her. "They are indeed part dragon. They would be prime candidates to...Transform, and to breed." the dragoness says, smiling satisfactorily at her daughter's plans. "As for moving them, now that you have that bracelet, I can open a portal near wherever you are that brings them right back to the lair. I can also use my magic to scry places you wish to go, and open a portal there to ease your travels. Being a millennia-old dragon has its benefits, my daughter." she says, as Azhaline breaks away from her and she moans audibly and lewdly at her breast being teased in such a way.

"Would you like me to open a portal to the entrance to their camp, my daughter?" she asks, and if Azhaline answers in the affirmative, she'll focus her magic, and a purple, round portal big enough for the dragonbreed to walk through will open up, her mother giving her all the best wishes.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Mmm, so the Kobolds were in fact distantly related to dragons... Hard to tell given their usual cowardly ways, but as Azhaline was the Brood Queen, she might as well help herself to a bunch of diligent minions. Hearing another benefit of the bracelet, and just what her wonderful bitch-mother was capable of, made the dragonbreed stare up at the dragoness with starry, dreamy, eyes. JACKPOT echoed repeatedly throughout the hermaphrodites mind upon hearing about portals being available for travelling. The dragoness wouldn't have to offer such a luxorious and comfortable path straight to the kobold camp twice! "Oh you spoil me so, mother! I LOVE it! About damn time my adventuring days paid off, and here I have a loving, obscenely rich, mother to fuck, breed and love, AND a big damn wizard all in one big, sexy, package! You don't even look older than a few hundred years compared to those old wrinkly fucks I've travelled with in the past!" At the end of her little speech Azhaline was grinning ear to ear, and as soon as the portal was opened she would leap for it with boundless excitement! You are truly THE BEST mother I could ever have! Her thoughts echoed as she crossed through the space/time violet highway straight into the Kobold camp...

And not one second after she had stepped through it she would take a deep breath, and roar out a great gout of flame into the air to make her pressence known, and then cry out at the top of her lungs: "YOU FUCKS WILL LEARN WHO'S BOSS TODAY, YOU LITTLE SCALY SHITS! NO TRAPS WILL SAVE YOU BASTARDS TODAY!", and then she finally brought her gaze down upon whatever laid before her, first now managing to rein in her excitement to have a damn look around this shithole of a place.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline's new mother radiates even more love back at her daughter, holding the portal open until she had passed through, the shutting it safely.

Once the dragonbreed is through, she'll find herself surrounded by numerous small burrows, and huts, crudely constructed and barely even habitable, as several small, black-scaled kobolds scamper away from her, several having fallen over and now shaking visibly on the dirt. All three of the ones in front of her are female, and as she watches them flee, she'll notice the majority are female, for some strange reason. One of the kobolds on the ground shrieks in terror on looking at her molten form. "The Ember Destroyer! The prophecies are true!" she cries out, scrambling to try and get up and flee from Azhaline, though giving her more than enough time to grab the little creature, her hand being big enough to wrap around the creature's torso should she decide to capture it.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Oh the chaos, the terror! Azhaline couldn't possibly have asked for a better welcoming! But... Prophecies? That got her curious, and so too did the fact most of these scaly little shits appeared to be mostly females. Maybe most Kobolds usually were, and she just couldn't tell before she was reborn? Bah, it didn't matter! She would lean down and take a firm, but not too rough, hold of the shrieking female right before her, the one that had cried out about prophecy... And then she would tuck the little lizard-slut right under her arm, safely stowed away as she next shouted out. "YOU CAN EITHER RUN, AND DIE TIRED WITH YOUR SHITTY ASS VILLAGE BURNT TO ASH, OR YOU CAN CRAWL RIGHT BACK HERE AND START WORSHIPPING ME AND GET TO LIVE AFTER TODAY!", it was worth a shot trying to be 'diplomatic', but should the damn things refuse to cower and submit themselves, she would simply have to start grabbing as many of them as she could. Mother, I want you to set up a portal again, can you make a pen or cage or something right behind or beneath the portal for me to just hurl as many of these little shits into as possible before calling it a day?

Simple enough, should the kobolds not choose to cower and submit, and her mother provide ample imprisonment for a bunch of the little fuckers, Azhaline would have a hayday grabbing as many of them as possible only to hurl them through the portal like it was the best damn sport ever! Though if no convenient portal-cage was possible the Brood Queen would settle for a large armful of the little shits to bring back home... Best case scenario would naturally be them surrendering, but if they didn't she would just leave their village without further damage... It just meant she would have to come back again to terrorize them! And it wasn't like they could flee this place to escape her either, she thought while remembering her mother mentioning being able to scry. No matter what the dragonbreed would be victorious, oh it really felt like her birthday! Twice over, even!
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

As Azhaline picks up the squirming kobold, some of the others come rushing out of their huts, practically skidding on the ground on their knees, and promptly planting their muzzles in the dirt, their arms out in front of them in worship. "The prophecies! The prophecies spoke of your coming, Destroyer! They spoke of you coming to lead our village to a better future!" the captured Kobold says, as more begin to rush out of their homes, and spread the word.

More and more kobolds begin to filter out of their homes, eventually forming a sizable crowd of kobolds, all on their knees with their faces in the dirt obediently, most of them Female, and all of the males standing on the edge, their heads lowered in reverence to Azhaline. "Is...Is it true?! Do you come to...Fulfill our prophecy?!" the little creature asks excitedly, squirming under her arm.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Mmm, this was far better than the alternative. The cowardly lil shits sure didn't need much convincing before they had a change of heart. As they began to mass around her, and the squirming female she held asked further about this damn prophecy, Azhaline would shift her hold of the little female until she helt her by her waist up in the air, face to face with the Brood Queen herself. "That remains to be seen, should I find your kind worthy!" She spoke aloud to the crowd around her, while her fiery eyes fixed themselves upon the little female she held up infront of herself. "One of you will recite the prophecy for me, while others dig a pit before me and beneath the female I hold in my hands... Dig so deep it goes up to your little waists, were you to stand in it once you are finished..." Azhaline licked her lips hungrily, her eyes narrowing as her gaze slowly descended until settling on the held female's snatch... And then she began to will forth her glowing maleness, making sure to keep it fairly small so it could fit into this little scaly slut's tiny cunt. "And while one speaks and the rest dig, this one female will recieve my... blessings." Already a plan had begun to form within Azhaline's wicked mind, oh this would be so much fun...
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

The Female in her grasp stops wiggling, and the other kobolds begin to almost immediately get to work digging a hole as per her orders. One of the men approach and bows respectfully, before standing, looking a bit older than the other kobolds. "The prophecy she speaks of, Destroyer...Is one given to us by the gods many centuries ago. A seer foretold that a dragonkin with scales of living magma would arrive in our village one day, and grant her blessing to all our females. Our village would be strong. We would be granted the gifts our ancient dragon predecessors possessed, and we would share in your glory and wealth." the elderly Kobold says, as the kobold in Azhaline's hand begins to shiver in anticipation, the other kobolds seeming completely undisturbed by her revealing of her glowing, dripping member, and she can feel that she has complete control over its size, unlike her night of debauchery.

Soon, the pit is dug, and many of the females begin to climb in, filling it, as the Elder approaches. "We have bred and nurtured as many females as we can, since that prophecy was granted to us, Destroyer...Or should we call you...Queen? Our village has existed for no other purpose than to prepare for this day. To serve the ember Destroyer." he says, before dropping to one knee shakily, lowering his head.
Re: Azhaline (Smokefish)

Azhaline would smirk as she watched over the whole ordeal before her, although she would listen quite intently as the elderly male began to bring clarity about this whole prophecy deal. At the end of his little speech, Azhaline couldn't help but speak through the telepathic link to her mother. What a convenient prophecy they have, don't you think, mother? Sounds like you should start making room down in my lair for some new inhabitants... No more than five to eight, though. Can't have them filling up the place too fast. Even as the Kobolds still worked on the pit the Brood Queen would waste no time getting to work, pushing the female in her hold down to her potruding, glowing, shaft. She would start out nice and easy, if only to make sure she didn't break the poor little thing, but all the same wouldn't slouch on getting started with bouncing the Kobold on her luminescent prick... Slowly spearing the tiny lizardgirl on her fiery hot shaft while the rest of her kin worked so hard on making a pit in the dirt.

Unfortunately Azhaline wouldn't get much further than a few long-drawn thrusts before the Kobolds managed to disappoint her. The Brood Queen would lean forward, snarling out while slamming the female she held down hard on her cock, while making her shaft twitch and grow an inch or two rapidly. "You are not to enter the pit! Only those I deem worthy will have that honor!" She hissed furiously, her throat glowing threateningly with budding fire as smoke rose from her nostrils... her displeasure with the tiny wretches put on display very clearly. She would turn her gaze upon the elderly male, eyes narrowing dangerously as she did so. "You may call me Brood Queen, Kobold." Her words were scathing, seething with barely restrained mock-fury as she put on a display for the scaly bastards... And made another harsh thrust into the female she firmly held in her hands, letting out a hissing grunt before speaking again. "By the time I am done here, I will have bred a few of the females, and I will take them and some others with me to my lair... Most of you will not recieve my blessings today... or ever should you displease me further." She snorted out a puff of black smoke of her nostrils now, and then made a third harsh thrust into her first fucktoy... Oh she was going to vent a little, she was going to make this one squeal, and wether it was in pain or pleasure the Brood Queen didn't give a damn about!

She would set a steady, rough, pace from there on and out. Every thrust impaling the poor Koboldess to a hilt, as the Brood Queen slowly but surely worked her perverse lust, her corrupting fire, into her first minion's body and soul.