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Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Suddenly going from being ignored to right in the spotlight actually made Yunha almost eep in surprise, but that would have required her to be ruffled, and the easy going Yuki-Onna was not one to be ruffled easily. After a moments pause to collect her thoughts she said, "Of course mistress! As I think I mentioned earlier, I'm a Yuki Onna, my parents were both servants for most of their lives, and I can do magic!" The blue haired maid put a finger to her lower lip as if trying to remember something more and with a flash of notice she said, "Ohh right, also I'm blind! But don't worry I can work just fine."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Servants? You mean like maids or housekeepers, right? And not like... Slaves, I hope? And I hope you'll be okay when summer comes, it can become quite hot around here in the summer" Lynn said as she would munch on a cookie and sip her tea "Though I imagine having magic must be quite useful in a pinch. It must have been somewhat difficult growing up without your sight. But it is good it does not huber you so much anymore, and I'm sure if you did need any help the other ladies and gentleman would be more than happy to assist you if neccesary." She said smiling at the maids, "Miss Sigrid still hasn't came back from Tama's yet. So I'll wrap her plate up, stick it in refrigerator and leave her a note for when she comes back. I'm going to change into my pyjamas and be back with pillows and comforters for everyone. Then everyone can wash up before I go over the to do lists."She said heading off to change leaving the dishes to Lu and Yuhna.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

“Ah, thanks for the offer, miss Yunha, it’s greatly appreciated.” The dragon smiled at the offer, relief all over his face as the girl finally managed to speak some more after her rather aloof period. Tellingly, he’d almost completely missed her presence all this time because of her refraining from speaking. Of course, having help with the dishes was quite reassuring as well.

Just then, miss Amakura talked, quickly addressing the silent Yuki Ohna, as though she’d just noticed her… not that Sommar could blame her, and helped Yunha introduce herself, he was rather intrigued at the girl’s story, mostly because he had completely failed to notice the girl’s sight impairment. A protective feeling quickly welled up inside him, though he kept it to himself, he made a mental note to keep an eye on the girl, just in case.

“Ah, by the way, Amakura-san.” Sommar exclaimed just before she left to change herself, producing from one of his pockets a handkerchief, which he quickly presented towards Lynn, though he refrained from infringing as much as possible into her personal space. “There’s… a bit of blood coming from your nose.”

With that taken care of, Sommar looked at the table, nodding slowly as he stood up. “Miss Yunha, I believe we can take care of the dishes now, if Miss Rhys and Miss Jacqueline don’t mind.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Leaving their Mistress and Yunha talk, Jaqueline couldnt stop to feel bad for not find out the blindness of her fellow, however she respect than Youhna wanted to come to the human world and wrk even in her state, it was something than cautivate her and made her be ready to be closer to this girl and be more than a friend for her.

As you wish Mister Luv, then let me prepare the bathroom for all, if is fine for all, i will try to prepare a warm bath so we can relax and meet each other better. said this Jaqueline went to look for the bathroom, she would welcome anyone to take a bath with her.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Well, miss Jacqueline’s eagerness was appreciated, however… wasn’t there a problem with the idea itself?

“Well, I do believe miss Yunha said she was a yuki ohna… would you have troubles with a warm bath, miss Yuhna?”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The snake girl softly smile and nods as she prepare to answer to the butler. Actually, i had that in mind. If i prepare a warm bath, i could prepare a cold one later. In another way i would need Mister Luv to warm my body in a cold bath or my life could be in risk if i fall sleep in the bathtub.

Jaqueline sit again close Rhys and the butler as she nod blushing. Is that what you wish Mister Luv, a family bath with all of us taking it at the same time? Some tales of the human world said than it helps to know each other better. The echidna was amazed with that hidden through of the virile male, he wanted an harem, certainly Luv was in heat as her and as reptile creatures she understand his mind.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"No no not slaves! They are housekeepers, our whole family has been maids and butlers for generations! Yunha for some reason struck an action pose at the 'for generations!' part, before collecting herself as the mistress left, she also totally missed Luv's relieved smile due to the whole not seeing thing.

Then came the time to start doing the dishes, and she stood up from the table only to pause as Jaqueline spoke up about the bath, and Luv's question to her. Turning to the general direction of the butler she said, "Don't worry! I'm fine in warm water, I love the baths at the hot springs my mom works at!"

It looked like the blue haired Yuki-Onna was actually quite excited at the prospect and she kinda flailed a little bit before latching onto Luv's arm with one hand and pulling him toward the kitchen, her other hand already having a few plates in it as she tried to get the work done as fast as possible.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys flushes deeply, "I... I... I'd prefer to bathe alone... honestly..."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The last thing the valkyrie was expecting was for the land lady to have a door guard of sorts. Though she never remembers guards in her old home wearing such loose attire. The standards of these lands are very different indeed. "Yes, I do work for the model. I just seek permission from Lady Tama on a matter of personal importance." The bird once again nuzzles the cheek of the valkyire as this was brought up, the beast knowing it was her being talked about. Sigrid took the key and with a quick bow spoke to the door guard one last time. "I'll have it back soon. Shouldn't be too long with Lady Tama." Sigrid entered, anticipating the woman from before but was instead shown the rather lovely(and partially exposed) figure of a mature nine-tailed fox woman. Apparently she was in the process of changing or undressing or something as Sigrid caught her in a compromised state, the warrior woman quickly turning her back as the fox woman cried out in surprise.

"S...Sorry! P...please forgive my intrusion, Lady Tama. I...I didn't mean to barge in during a private moment." Seems both had the same idea as Sigrid would wait for the fox woman to make herself decent before turning around, taking a seat in a small chair. The woman still had a stunning figure, the valkyrie a tiny bit jealous. "Again, forgive me for barging in, but I was directed here by my lady due to a personal question I needed to address." With her free hand she points to the bird on her shoulder. "This bird is my companion and loyal pet. I've had her for as long as I can remember and she's helped a great deal with my shyness. As such, I was wondering if your building had any rules in regards to pets. Would I be able to keep her in the building or will she have to live outside?"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Tama would smile softly before standing up and walking over to lovingly scratch the birds head "Just as long you, Lynn or the other flat mates keep up with it, clean up after it and take care of it. Also make sure it doesn't disturb any of the other guests. I don't believe anyone here has any allergies, but as long as it's not trouble it shouldn't be a problem. As you may have deduced by now, this building houses a fair number of demon animals and other monster types. So pets are not really a big issue~ Also if you or the others have any other matters you need addressed don't be afraid to bring them to my attention. It's what I'm here for after all~ ❤️" she before affectionately rubbing Sigrids head and sending her on her way.


After the dishes were done, and the maids had settled their bathing arrangements, Lynn would approach the group now in a full set of soft, fluffy, down pyjamas. "Okay everyone, it's time to discuss things that I will need help with around here and what your duties will be. First off, obviously, I need someone to fix breakfast and dinner. I'll be out about and about with my job a good deal of the time, so I'll be able to grab lunch out. I need someone to be in charge of housekeeping and helping me make sure I don't let it get in the state you saw it in when you arrived again. I need someone to help me with book keeping. Keeping bills and accounts sorted. I might need someone to act as a personal assistant and accompany me on jobs and outings, so I don't miss any jobs or important appointments. And finally, I'll need someone to act as security, I don't want any stalkers, and I need someone to see to eager fans when I'm out and about or doing meet and greets."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sommar’s ears perked up at the mention of assistant or security detail roles. He’d worked in both positions before, even if he was only pretending, infiltrating required that anything fake needed to pass off completely for the real deal. So in a sense, he was an accredited assistant after all.

Then again, there was this issue with security, he’d not really met the girls for long yet. But he had gotten the impression that the only other servant who had any combat experience or capabilities was the valkyria.

With a barely noticeable frown, stemming from all the thoughts in his head, he rose up first. “May I request to make a reservation for both positions of assistant and security detail?” He asked, with a touch of hesitation in his voice as his mind continued to go back and forth between both roles. “I believe I could work in any of them proficiently, but I do believe Miss Sigrid could also work on security proficiently.”

He stroke his chin, evidently still conflicted with his thoughts, but very much eager to volunteer for either position or both if needed be.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Then the best would be a soft warm bath. Jaqueline said after know than the warm temperature woul not be a problem toYuhna before turn to the ram girl. Its fine Miss Rhys, sometimes we need time to trust in someone the enough to expose each other, just hope than soon we can bath together as family~ Said this small innuendo, the serpent girl focused on their mistress who has come with theirs works and she believe completely than she could do any of them, but thee was one than take most of her attention.

Hmhm, then i will take the work of be the one in charge of the apartment, in that way when i end to place all in order i could help the others and guide them~ Jaqueline said as she giggle thinking on all the fun than she could share with the others in this role.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"I can cook! Or do anything really. My parents trained me for anything I could expect," Yunha said eagerly again, hoping to an extent to get this sorted quickly so she could have a relaxing bath.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Um, miss Yuhna, would it be alright if I could be in charge of cooking? I'm quite good at it."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Lady Lynn was fine with it. She actually asked me to come down here and ask you personally." The bird honestly loved the attention and leaned into the scratch. "And having seen your doorman and your...form...I can say I'm not surprised about the other residents of the building. It just means we'll fit right in, from the sounds of it. And you won't have to worry about care and the like. I take care of the bird myself and haves since I got her. But yes, if I have any concerns in the future, I'll come straight to you." The valkyrie blushed slightly as her head was rubbed, before standing up and bowing once again, leaving the room in haste with a smile on her face. She returned the key to the door woman before making a beeline back to her new home. Hopefully she hadn't been too long.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Umm well, I can't really see so filling out paperwork might be a bit hard unless its in braille" Yunha added as she realized she might get sniped out of the cooking position.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Well, if it's at all possible, could we both do the cooking?"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Looking the conflict between the two cute little maids, Jqueline slid and wave softly to call the attention to her. If sound good for you, Miss Yuhna... i could let you the work of clean the residence and after i take care of the paperwork i could check both of your works~
Said this new choice, the snake maid girl let both decide theirs fate
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Both of those are fine! Rhys and I can change up on the cooking and cleaning occasionally," Yunha said with a decisive nod.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Im glad than that problem has been solved. Jqueline said as she softly nods and suddenly shiver. Uhm, well now lets all take a warm and confortable bath~ Said this she went to look for the bathroom where she will prepare the water and then with the right temperature she will slowly undress herself, sure to place her delicate clothes in a safe place. Once in her birthday suit, she will slide and get confortable in the bathtub, giving soft cooes as she slowly caress her soft breasts.

oh, its so relaxing, i wonder if someone wll come... they were pretty shy... the echidna mumble softly for herself, it was so strange than they dont hug each other and kiss theirs mouths as their people do when you meet someone, but fortunately she has studied the strange human rituals in books.