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Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Being Busy

Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

No, i will be the one than take all of you three down!!! : p

Just joking, i just love to read at the fights, too much rules to read for me to make a character sheet
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

I can figure it out, so can you.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Okay. It took me about five minutes. I didn't really stress about the card distribution. I copied Nyx's deck and made only minor tweaks without overthinking it.

Don't expect it to work miracles, I've kinda pushed myself into a very specific fighting style with it. You'll be shit at grapples, at least offensively.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Oh right, I could just make a second character I guess. I would be using Irina for competitive matches and the others. Time for me to go to work for an hour or so and I will have another character ready when I get back home in a few hours.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Keeping the Character Sheet Thread Tidy

If you're going to have multiple characters for whatever reason (I'm not going to allow you to participate in more than one match at a time), then keep them all together in one post. I find your character sheets by your user name in there and it makes it more tedious to have to sort through your multiple posts than if there were all in one neat spot.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Keeping the Character Sheet Thread Tidy

Alright, I'll move her over to my previous thread MAF. Sorry.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of My Next Victim

Don't expect it to work miracles, I've kinda pushed myself into a very specific fighting style with it. You'll be shit at grapples, at least offensively.

No worries, we can tweak it between matches, right? Should be fine.

This motley group needs a good 'heel' and I intend to play things up.

EDIT: Damn... I need to get Tanya a manager too. And some corporate bodyguards in ripped sleeve men-in-black suits.
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Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of oh my god you seriously just did that

BAH! For whatever I thought I had to state what card I use. I must have been thinking of NPC battles or something. ><
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of oh my god you seriously just did that

Probably to MAF, not in the thread lol!
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

Maybe Rule wasn't around when I said this, but I'm going to fuck the next person wanting to fight another NPC with my boar.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

So who IS still available? I'm pretty sure every player is in a match right now.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

Because everyone in the world ever wants to do NPC fights, I'm adding incentive to prefer pvp matches.

Although currently, there's lots of matches going. So ask blue to fight you, or wait for Gaun to finish their match.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

I guess I'll wait a bit then.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

I'm not apparently in a match, and I want to be.

I'd take on Rule 34.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Reminding you of My Next Victim

Hey MAF, I know you said one fight at a time, but if we get new people would it be okay for them to take on one of my extras? So they don't have to wait. If not that's cool, I don't mind, just thought I'd try to help out a lil
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Allowing backup GM's

One person, one fight. Similar to Tass, I'd allow backup GM's, but I'd need to test them to make sure they're semi-competent and haven't had glaring problems in the past. Such as being allowed to be a GM in the past and abandoning their thread for no reason.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Apologies for Cheating

A small announcement and apology to make.

When you fight against me while I play an NPC. I can totally see your entire hand. This may or may not have influenced some of the card choices I picked while playing as the NPC.

So, it is my opinion that you have a much higher chance to lose against an NPC than another player. Food for thought.

I do try to be fair, though I can't say it's impossible that the knowledge didn't affect my choices.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Apologies for Cheating

Hence why I doubt you'll see me fighting many NPCs unless the GM allows willing players to play the hands for the NPC. If you can't strike away that advantage, it doesn't seem half as fun.
Re: Space Erotica Wrestling OOC Zone of Apologies for Cheating

I got a thought for that actually RJ, if you don't feel like you're being entirely fair since you can see the player's hands and stuff. You can always roll a d10, d8, etc... to determine which cards you play as said NPC's. On another note, since the posting seems to not be going overly fast and demanding, I would put forth the effort to do the hands for a few NPC's in some of those matches if you don't feel you can be overly fair, or if you just feel overwhelmed with having to do too many.