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RPG [ Bismuth] [ びすます ] Shining Amulet シャイニングアミュレット RE163356 RJ163356


Demon Girl
Apr 9, 2013
Reputation score

This was released like 2 weeks ago, game doesn't have loli tag but you can see the obvious lolis in their preview pictures.

Game is your typical Fire Emblem game featuring girls from other series even fire emblem itself, demo have sprite animations in the form of "enemies" that are raping a girl which you kill for a whole level, also from preview pics it look like there is some special enemies with "rape weapons" that can actually rape your girls.

Unfortunally there is no links for game yet.
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Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Small breasts doesn't always equal loli.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

There is no rule against sharing games with small breasted girls. Don't be ridiculous.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

The game is not tagged for loli - so that usually means sharing is ok unless the mods call us out on it?

I would love a link - it looks like a great game!
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Loli is completely subjective without obvious loli tag or in-game identification of age range. It usually requires a Certified Loli Inspector such as myself to identify whether or not loli is present. Seeing as the mamkute on the primary image is usually presented as loli, even though I think she's actually quite old in the game (seeing as she's a mamkute, and they live for a fucking long time), I'm going to say it's probably loli.

Let me play it and I can say for sure.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Tiki is not in the demo but she is the typical milenium old dragon girl.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Well I'm Certified as well and I say it is not loli. Bring on the links!
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Is this made with that SLG maker that was posted here a little while back? That'd be interesting to see in action.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

An SLG maker? Do tell.

Also I think I am interested in this game as well. These old SLG games have always had a place in my heart. Damn shame they dont make them like they used to. Would love to make something of a Shining Force themed game.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Not getting my hopes up due to a just release game with the same theme, not to sure the game name but that game has only 4 girls and 1 loli dragon same as this.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

An SLG maker? Do tell.

Also I think I am interested in this game as well. These old SLG games have always had a place in my heart. Damn shame they dont make them like they used to. Would love to make something of a Shining Force themed game.

I wish to play game like Shining Force III too.

Hope some day will have game like that. OK with both H or non-H game :D
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Not getting my hopes up due to a just release game with the same theme, not to sure the game name but that game has only 4 girls and 1 loli dragon same as this.

This came out two weeks ago, it wasn't just released, but I suppose this is one of those things that, if it isn't uploaded right away it's usually pretty much forgotten until someone goes out of the way to bother to do so, which then, links for it will be all over the damn place.

I'll admit I wasn't surprised with young Tiki being around since she's pretty popular, but I'm pretty sure there's much more than 4 girls in this one. I'll give this one credit for actually toying around with stuff to include sprite animations though and for not exclusively having only girls from Fire Emblem.

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing more games made with this SRPG Studio.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Given ages don't matter. Apparent age means everything. This is loli; PM links only. Sorry.

Edit - This does not mean I have the link. Ask somebody else, people.
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Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)


This one. It's in japanese though, don't know if there's a translation.

And looking at the screens, it's definitely that same engine being used here.

Heh damnit. Guess I can track it down and see what manner of mess i can make with it. I suck the most at spriting though. This is gonna be rough to say the least.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Given ages don't matter. Apparent age means everything. This is loli; PM links only. Sorry.

Edit - This does not mean I have the link. Ask somebody else, people.

and just because i remind them of it, they bombard me with negrep. how polite of them.

and i have no shareable links folks. ask someone else
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

I think I finally found a copy of the game. Off to go take care of business for the day, but when I get back, I'll make sure it's legit. It is the right file size and from a reputable source.
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

Just played the demo to the end. It's actually a pretty entertaining game (even if it's esay to grind).

I just have one question: In Stage 5 there is a male enemy with an "heart" item.
What does that thing do?
Re: シャイニングアミュレット (Shining Amulet)

The usual torrent site have the game...
The uploader is trustable