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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

GJ leaving the nun at 1 HP guys ;). I guess I have to have her suicide bomb herself now!
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Grave could have dropped her if he'd used metamagic.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

That's some bull. We needed her to smack her around for infos.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Wasn't sure if we still wanted her alive. Or if you'd get that bonus to damage.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Wasn't sure if we still wanted her alive. Or if you'd get that bonus to damage.

It probably wouldn't have killed her outright if you had used empower for extra damage, but ultimately that's up to the DM. By mechanics though, she'd have a few more hit points before death, we'd need to beat her down to her -strength before she croaked.

That's some bull. We needed her to smack her around for infos.

He might not be being literal, but who knows. Either way, not much we can do about it now.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

The djinn died before that. I had the feeling that going into negatives would kill her.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

The djinn was a demon though. I don't know if it's explicit in this version, but generally in DnD undead and outsiders crumble or poof back to their home dimension respectively when they drop to 0 HP, unlike living things which need to do annoying things like bleed to death.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I'll keep that in mind. This is the first time I play any kind of DnD.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

It's fine, not like little lore-mechanics crossbits like that are necessarily intuitive or obvious. I know Zilrax has played a bunch, but RJ hasn't played much ye olde DnD stuff either.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Speaking of which, I'm glad movement isn't a thing in DnD, since holy shit the mechanics for movement made my brain bleed. Last DnD game I saw, there were movement mechanics for just walking around town and opening doors. Saying shit like: "If you walk past the shady dude on an adjacent square, remember that he'll have an Attack of Opportunity on you".

And I'm like, hahaha. Fuck that shit.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Demons don't usually crumple on 0, but not sure negatives exist in this version. Doesn't make much diffrence in the grand scheme mind cus once someone hits 0 unless they have a healing function around, they're out of the fight.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

She's a cleric, she's got healing spells. Not sure if she can use them while in negatives, though.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

She cannot. If anything else, because she has no hp to spend on her spells then.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Nah, I was mostly saying that because it's not really worthwhile to have another round of combat, since you guys kinda trashed them. I'm going to have to buff the other boss fight for you! Updating briefly. She isn't actually going to die, just pass out from exhaustion.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

As long as the next boss fight will surrender to Karaz and become her minion.

Need more minions.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

You already have a novice nun who will love you forever if you let her out of her cell!
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Healbots rarely a good idea but given healing others costs me health, it's not a bad idea to be able to spread it out.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Unless we spring for potions or scrolls, we got no access to mid-combat healing.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Unless healing outstrips damage being dealt, it's better most of the time to focus on eliminating the enemy unless the healing is enough to prevent you from reaching 0. This is because you're spending turns trying to negate the enemies turn.

Breaking even is a problem because every time you break even you spend resources, and unless they are spending equal or greater resources, you are basically wasting time.

Healing's place in combat when the above is not true is to keep someone above 0. As someones not out until they are incapacitated, it's only worth using it if it can prevent the next hit from taking someone out of the fight.Or putting them back into it if they did hit 0.

Meanwhile, damaging or incapacitating the opponent is generally preferable as dead enemies do 0 damage and thus causes you to burn less resources generally.