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The pics thread.

Re: The pics thread.

Some do, some don't I don't like to generalize people to much. Of course having a little confidence still wouldn't hurt you either.
Re: The pics thread.

I remeber confidence I think. Oh yeah last time I saw Confidence I was young and naive in high school...
Re: The pics thread.

generally girls dig two things, confidence (try pretending that you always know what your doing)
and someone who isn't boring (doing to much or to little is bad)
Re: The pics thread.

My friend Kenny managed to bag a hot girl who is into anime, gaming and probably hentai too. If only more girl were like her, Chibi, and Gatorbait...

I dunno if you knew her, but I'm adding AI to the list.

I think I speak for all when I say WE MISS HER :(

Also, since Nunu is gender-neutral, Nunu's a possible canidate as well...
Re: The pics thread.

Either Nunu is an evil genius that plans out every post or I think I pretty much know the gender.
At least according to the flimsy standard definitions of gender that society has come to hand out and abuse which really isn't fair to a large handful of people, especially if you want to get into the subject of gender identity. But I digress..

Anyway, yeah. Very low on the confidence here. ..pity fucks aren't a myth though, are they? I mean that happens from time to time, right?
Re: The pics thread.

Pitty sex happened in a room next to me once.

Also confidence is easier to do when you only have to pretend that you know what your doing.

and yes i plan out every post.
Re: The pics thread.

Nunu was assassinated and reborn in Argentina. 38 years later, he died in infancy of cholera. But I digress.. enough about our moderator who walks the streets as a bizarre, half shadow - half man named "Tankra" whose only fear is the light and only joy is the dark. But again, I digress.. for as we all know, to speak Tankra's name is to summon her unholy presence.
Re: The pics thread.

Pfft, I deal with rejection all the time. I keep forgetting the rule about not discussing video games unless they're on Wii :l

Someday I'll find a lass who games and isn't a lesbian, though.

They're out there guy's you just have to keep your eyes open, and eventually you'll find the right girl. Trust me.

We're like Entwives. Existing, but very hard to locate. Especially because of situtations like these:

Random guy in store (talking to friend), lamenting about lack of female gamers. I pop around the shelf, making a comment similar to the above. After confirming that I am, in fact, a gamer, he poses this one: "Yeah, but would you give me your number?" "Ah, no." Guy, to friend, "See. That's the point I've been trying to make."

So, to affirm Nunu's statement: Confidence is good, but too much makes you damn creepy, especially if it's only been three minutes.
Re: The pics thread.

he didn't really sound like he knew what he was doing, more like he had already assumed he'd failed. besides, after making the comment that there are no female gamers... blah blah blah... its pretty much hard to pick up said women.

example, copper would you easily date someone you met when they where saying there are no female gamers?
Re: The pics thread.

Wait.... Copper's female?

And by the way I KNOW there are female gamers out there. I simply lack the ability to make idle conversation. Or introduce myself.

Okay, it's the total lack of romantic confidence that screws me over ;l
Re: The pics thread.

another trick is to engage them on your own territory. put into practice this means its hard to talk to someone at a party if you don't like parties, but its easy to talk to people at a lan because there your thing.

now its been entierly to long since we had a picture so remember, while at lans watch out for:
Re: The pics thread.

I dunno if you knew her, but I'm adding AI to the list.

I think I speak for all when I say WE MISS HER :(

Also, since Nunu is gender-neutral, Nunu's a possible canidate as well...

Nunu's not gender-neutral, I already decided Nunu's gender on the LM board.

And to add to the 'topic' at hand, I've pretty much given up on finding anyone, not because its hard but because I've seen some of the shit that my friends have gone through. Screw that I'll not go through the same thing. Granted I lack confidence too but I know a few girls who're into gaming, hentai etc... unfortunately the only one that appeals to me physically as well as personality-wise is already engaged xD
Re: The pics thread.

really? i didn't think people were into arranged marriages any more.
Re: The pics thread.

Nah it wasnt an arranged marriage, the girl is even disowned by her folks. Not sure why though I never asked and Im not sure why they decided to get engaged, never asked that either. She's 20 and he's 28 if I remember correctly.
Re: The pics thread.

i thought that was a little obtuse... arranged marriage... because who gets engaged at 12 years old?
Re: The pics thread.

i thought that was a little obtuse... arranged marriage... because who gets engaged at 12 years old?

o_O you implying something there Nunu? xD
Re: The pics thread.

Is my profile pic that cute?
Re: The pics thread.

*has a secret adoration of chibis (the drawings and the person)*