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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Personally, I've found the encounter enjoyable, and not just because I got to write a smut scene or got a spell out of it. Both Alia and I are in it for the loot, yes, but to satisfy our curiosity too. And ultimately, I don't think this bargain is anywhere as bad as you two seem to believe.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Cool, man. Glad you had fun.

Lemme tell you what I got out of the scene: Thrown.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I got the impression you weren't really interested in it that much from the beginning.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I've always considered Silent Image a pretty useful spell, it was intended to be the reward for successfully navigating the encounter. I thought it was at least as nice as a magic item. Sorry if it's a disappointment. I'll strike this kind of thing off my list for non-combat encounters.

I've never seen it doing anything of merit that couldn't be done with a bit of flourid description and a skill check in regular DnD. The classic examples, hiding caltrops or other traps and disguising people as boulders or other appropriate scenery are easily done with pine needles and a bit of cloth respectively, and those don't allow a really low will save to ignore them. I am unsure if the same weaknesses are present in this version since there are no will saves in this, but what RJ said earlier is technically also correct if you look at the spell as written: It is incredibly limited. In the SRD version, it can only create ONE object, so... Not terribly useful. As played it tends to be significantly more powerful than it actually should be, and since it's ultimately up to a DM whether or not a given illusion lies within the perview of the spell being cast it's mostly a moot argument on my part.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I got the impression you weren't really interested in it that much from the beginning.

It slowly got that way as the situation slowly became one that I obviously should never have been apart of in the first place. Ironically I'd have been way more chill about this if Arivia just came out and said, "Hey guys, this scene is devoted ENTIRELY to Cross Grave. So everyone's asleep while this happens."

I'd still say that it was kinda bullshit, but then I'd stop caring and just wait until someone told me Karaz was awake again.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Again, sorry. It guess it's not a good idea to do single character focused stuff in a text game, since it tends to take a while to play out. I won't do it again.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

It's fine. Like, even though Karaz is obviously trying to get an situation going on, I have no plans whatsoever to betray, distract, or fuck anyone else over in the session. I'm even trying to make the minions useful for helping everyone out so that it's basically only a good thing for them.

I thought you had something going with everyone seeing a different illusion, that you were going to at least give everyone something, but it fell apart when I got finger flicked.

Zilrax is always fine with whatever you do though, don't worry about fucking with him. Source: I have experience GM'ing for him.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Don't forget to tell me where you want to go next guys.

Also, reminding you that me posting less over the next week is because of thanksgiving stuff, not because I'm upset or pouting or something.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Not everything, but most things :p.

Also I disagree on the silent image issue since again, all consensus for most effects is interaction requires you to touch the thing or study it carefully. Basically interact with it. So until they go over and touch the rock or the ground or whatever. That said, you can't actually make yourself into a rock, that's my bad. Spell specifically disallows you using [Figments] to make one thing seem to be something else. But you can make one to hide behind. Which you can't do with a skill check unless you've got a lot of time and a shovel.

Also, when I said caltrops I meant to make it look like you made caltrops there. Yes, obviously you could just have real caltrops but if you don't, etc.

Plus not everyone maxes disguise and stealth. Most people do however max perception. There ARE limits to the spell, some it shares with skills, some it has uniquely to itself (True Sight). But it's limits are generally stated outright, and other that those, your limit is mostly imagination. And your sole investment is a spell slot. Compared to several levels worth of skill points.

Though by the time those matter, invisibility is there to win stealth 80% of the time.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

(Just got off a really, really long airplane trip. I'll update once I come around tomorrow)
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

(Wasn't search thoroughly an autosuccess on our stuff? Anyway, I vote for that too.)

(Since you guys haven't done it yet, and it's been a while, Search Thoroughly lets you autosucceed at all room tasks, at the cost of time.)

Ahhh, I must have missed that somehow. Dese rolls tho.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Also, for time, just for a general understanding: 5 rests/searches is my threshold for 'bad things really start happening'. Depending on how the dungeon is going, I may increase or decrease this a bit. Every search/rest will have mild consequences, but they generally won't actually be a big problem till you hit that threshold.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Sorry Tass, I'm doing my best to absorb all the bad rolls but some just leak through.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

How many chances to disable the trap do we have?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Well, that didn't work :p
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Um, is it me or is there no Athletics skill in this game?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Um, is it me or is there no Athletics skill in this game?

Sorry, I keep doing that subconsciously as a holdover form other RPGs. I always mean Physical when I say that.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

So, unfortunately, I am going to be out of touch starting tomorrow morning due to holiday stuff. I probably won't have internet access, but hope to be home sooner this time.