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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Multiplayer gaming stuff: I've recently started playing dungeons and dragons online.

It's free, with option to pay for things, but when playing for free you can get points that let you buy unlockable things.(And some things are questrewards as well as offered in their shop)

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I've been thinking about getting into that, is it like the Neverwinter Nights games, or more of a straight up MMO like WoW?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Why haven't I mentioned that I'm obsessed with playing Borderlands yet?

But yeah, dying to play Borderlands over here. You can bet your ass I'll play the motherloving shit out of that game when it released. Going Siren.

@XSI: Inactive atm, won't be getting back into it for a while either, thanks to Borderlands and L4D2.

@Burrito: There's a demo, but you can only play it if you preorder. I've already preloaded the demo (lawl). I can play on the 27th.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Correction, demo goes public on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Also, attention people who haven't pre-ordered L4D2:

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

That is... not really appealing.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Yo' momma's not appealing.

And before anyone starts off with 'wtf? that post isn't ontopic! why you post?', let me tell you this; Toxic's momma is a very good multiplayer game. Just ask Mo, Obe and Dark *awesome faic*
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

All I'm saying is.. it's a hat, who cares? I personally always hated the hat system, seemed like a lot of hoopla over nothing.

And my mom might be a good game, but I'm the one with the highest score on her, mo'fucka
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well played, my good sir.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Why is it that whenever I go around the forums I get this intense urge to rep toxic?

Also, started playing homeworld 2 for a little tiny bit...
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I've just finished a game of evil genius, and found out xfire allows me to directly stream what I'm playing to the internet, so if anyone wants to watch stuff, let me know, I've got plenty of games that probably work.

Sadly, Dwarf fort doesn't work since it's not on xfire.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

All I'm saying is.. it's a hat, who cares? I personally always hated the hat system, seemed like a lot of hoopla over nothing.

It's a rather pointless feature and it appeals to only certain people. Said people aren't boring.

hahaha I just called you boring, what's up now motherfucker?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

No you didn't. You just said a certain group of people who aren't like me aren't boring.
not not =/= is

Yeah, went English class on that ass
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, I'm calling you boring now, so go fuck yourself with a chicken, fckin n00b.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

.... The soldiers pot?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Double Post!!!

Played the demo of Torchlight and L4D2 today. L4D2 lagged sadly, but the sound of frying pan to flesh was awesome ^^

As for torchlight, wish I could do more then level 7 on it... it's purdy awesome too
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

About 23 hours in the L4D2 demo myself, whoo! That's because of playing with friends and playing the infected mod though.

Tried Torchlight too. It's alright. Kind of reminds me of Diablo 2 with WoW-esque graphics. Nothing I'd spend 20 bucks on. I've got enough to hold me over (Borderlands and L4D2 = all I need for a loooong time).
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

About 23 hours in the L4D2 demo myself, whoo! That's because of playing with friends and playing the infected mod though.

Tried Torchlight too. It's alright. Kind of reminds me of Diablo 2 with WoW-esque graphics. Nothing I'd spend 20 bucks on. I've got enough to hold me over (Borderlands and L4D2 = all I need for a loooong time).

Yeah, and the only wandering witch I saw was a bitch. "Ok, we're past her enough to hit the infected now!" *ka-shotgun!* SUNOVA-! *ripped at*

Still, the new infected are interesting ^^ shame my laptop lags a bit at a full screen, dunno why it's higher then L4D in graphics