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Nurses Station



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((It did but it's also served as a distraction.))

To her surprise, Siphon didn't seem much to be listening by this point, in fact, he didn't even seem to be breathing at all. If the demoness had any supersense, it might be tingling now, but too late.

His body began to lift off of the chair, levitating as such, though he could not possibly be aware of that happening. Just as they would have gotten used to that, he began to glow a pure white color of light, strings of what seemed like light energy wings wrapped about him, and Mia would have her first look at what he had once been like.

Interestingly enough though, she would note, he seemed totally unaware of this, if he was even still alive. This problem however, led to the entire room being bathed in the light.

((Get her talking long enough to sit down, then prepare for his meditation, and test a theory out here. If this doesn't work though, that will be rather strange.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((If you're implying Mia should vanish, well... she probably wouldn't, although she'd be rather weakened by the fact her link with the realm was severed))

"Another being of light..."

Mia, despite the composition of her body, did not vanish like the rest of the shadows of the room largely thanks to the strength of the magical "bonds" holding her body together. That however, did not mean she wasn't weakened however, evident from the numerous "chains" of symbols that appeared on her body. She had two options left available to her, one was to undo her seals and forcibly overpower the light emitting from Siphon but that would mean calling the watchers to her. The other option, was to use another medium to maintain herself, and use the magical energy she already had to establish a minute link with the shadows to sustain herself. Choosing that latter, Mia clamped her mouth down on the side of Elissa's neck, biting deep into it so as to use the blood and life force within it to rejuvenate herself. Normally a sorcerer's blood would be better as magical energy was easier to extract than life force but... beggars can't be choosers.

((>_>, only option I could really think of. If this isn't fine with you squidie, I'll change it.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((Oh heck... I leave the room for a second and this is happenening? Poor old Ellisia is getting abused non stop so far. Ehh, I'll play along. o_o' ))

Grace now had a blinding alien before her, and a shady demon behind her. With no where to go, she ducked and shielded her eyes. Ellisia first looked quite concerned as the only thing in the room protecting her seemed to sit down for a nap, but much much more concerned with Mias sudden response.

Ellisia yelled out as Mias fangs sunk. Pain and rage. Her hand clenched at Mias throught, squeazing with all the strength she had, sadly not as much as it would be normaly. "No! That's not yours! Get... ARGH!" As much as she tried to resist she simply couldn't stop her.

Grace looked up to see what was occuring. She was utterly confused about what was happening, but didn't like the look of it. A moment of deja vu came over her, seeing Mia on top of Alazais again, in a not to unsimilar way to this. Knowing how futile her attempts would likely be she took her desperate shot anyway. Powerful vampric shadow bitch or whatever, she wasn't the type to stand idley by and watch her cripled room mate suffer this. Pulling out the ornate fountain pen from her pocket she lept forwards and forcefuly (for a human) sunk the pen as far as it would go into the back of the distracted Mias neck.

((I'm sure this mean absolutely nothing, but the ink just so happens to have real gold in it. You never know.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon's reaction was much more profound. At Elissia's cry, the state of meditation he was in was broken. However the light did not instantly fade from his body, because the emission of it simply just didn't shut off until his breathing reached a certain point, which he could not control as to how fast that happened. Knowing he only had scant seconds to act, and knowing at this point Elissia had only one chance, he drew his weapon, and with the light beginning to fade, aimed and shot at Mia several times with the energy blasts, this time at the highest stun setting possible.

A look at him would suggest he wasn't entirely sure why the creature had reacted the way she had, perhaps he wasn't aware he had been emitting the light this time. It was uncertain, what was certain was he obviously had taken exception to the attack.

As three energy blasts would come flying at Mia, a grumble of the symbiote announced his awakening. "How dare you attack unprovoked sholpaka."

If she looked at him at all, she would see that he truly believed her attack was unwarranted, and slightly confused.

By the time the first of the rounds would have reached her and struck, should they, the light would have faded completely, leaving the room once again normal.

((No my thought was the light would hurt her, though definitely didn't see her attacking and blood sucking. Of course, Siphon is aware his body has emitted the light before, but he does not realize it was doing so again. In actuality, he was trying to garner enough of an edge by "super-healing" his body to a more rested state by the meditation, though now that it's been interrupted he will be quite cranky, and unpredictable in his responses.))


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((Eh, well Mia really didn't have many options, seeing as Mia spent most of her "extra" energy the night before and that she can't release her seals without drawing the watchers to her. IT was either drain someone, or spend a week or so in a body roughly about that of a normal human's.))

Despite the attacks on her Mia continued her "leeching" until the light had stopped, warding off as much as the damage from the light and energy blasts as she could using the lifeforce she had absorbed. The damage soaking, while not complete, managed to reduce the blasts to about a fourth of what they should have been, preventing critical damage. For the first time since she had entered the school, she glared at Siphon with pure hatred, seeing as his earlier display had reminded her of an encounter with an "elder god of light" that had nearly done her in. Growling, a dangerous concentration of demonic aura emitted from her, the shadows in the room beginning to "shimmer".

"Unprovoked? What was your reenactment of those infernal deities of light then? An "accident"? Your hypocrisy is almost as disgusting as that of the watchers..."

Although Mia appeared to have remain immobile and unarmed, in actuality the "aura" surrounding her arms grew sharper by the minute. It was evident that should it come to a fight, she would aim to kill immediately as opposed to toying about as she had done before. She hadn't been her master's "personal assassin" without reason after all...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

She would notice instantly something struck a chord in him with her words. "Deity of light? Oh no, you can't POSSIBLY tell me my damn body was glowing again...."

To her surprise, his weapon trained off of her. "Now I am starting to worry. Do you remember I said I was a FORMER ascended being? Well I'm starting to think I may be heading towards the ranks of joining them again. Word of warning, kill me, and you only speed up the process to instantaneous. Truth be told, I have no idea what will happen if you do, only that the "light show" will be much more spectacular. At least, that's how I remember it. Apparently every time I attempt my meditative state this is happening now. I don't suppose YOU have any idea, or have anything to do with it?"

He truly was shaken by this, it was evident in his eyes. "This... this warrants further looking into I think. If something is happening that's drawing me back to what I was, I want to stop it."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

The demon did not look pacified, obviously still ticked off at being blasted not only with light, but being shot at with energy bursts as well.

"Here's an idea, stop existing. That or get yourself a body that can actually control your power."

It was obvious that Siphon wasn't getting a reasonable answer from Mia anytime soon, although her remark about the "new body" wasn't entirely incorrect...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"A bit hard to know what can contain power that can't even be comprehended by a "mere mortal" as you put it. Besides, think about it, if I were some 'god' of light, would I need the weaponry I carry? I think not."

He holstered the weapon, his eyes glowing once more, yet his voice had not changed the slightest. "Either way, how do I know your not the reason I suddenly am this way? Everything was fine until YOU arrived. Perhaps one of the Ori survived and is trying to possess me, I have no idea, though if that were the case, if that happened, your best bet would be to run. That goes for all of you."

He took a single step towards her, his demeanor having changed now, as well as his voice. "Yes, it would suit you to mess with a fellow interdimensional traveler wouldn't it? Tamper with their body to somewhat justify your own insane reasons for things. Too bad your not a solid, you'd make an interesting host."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Why of course... I would toy with the body of a complete stranger using a nonexistant power to make him become a flashlight!"

Sarcasm dripped from Mia's remarks, as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Despite this display however, she continued to carefully monitor Siphon's movements, slowly expanding the reach of her shadow discreetly as she watched him. While she wasn't fully sure of the complete extent of the "Ori", it was certain they at least possessed a degree of power like that of the more senior gods. There was only one place she could fight them evenly without revealing her location, and that was inside the realm of shadows itself...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

His head tilted at her remarks, as he seemed to be considering her words. "I just find it a bit strange that this didn't start happening until after the new arrivals came here, you included. So then you tell me why that is if you know so bloody much? Besides, your already screwing around with total strangers, maybe not in the way I just implied, but you are. Unless...."

He trailed off as another thought occurred to him, one that left a noticeable bad taste in his mouth.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

((Asume that Grace abbandoned the pen idea when she saw the energy pistol raised. Not much for me to say here.))

Grace returned to the corner of the room. Even if she wanted to help, she simply didn't know what to do here. Ellisia could do nothing still. Her eyes drifted between Mia and Siphon, seeing triple of everything in the room. Never had she been so helpless in her life. She had always been the saviour, the strength to hide behind. The indignity hurt more than the poison.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"When one has existed for an eternity, they come to know of many things..."

Despite her best to retain her sanity, the lunacy induced from her bloodscent was slowly begin to resurface, her eyes slowly beginning to cloud.

"I.. am beginning to feel a bit... excited... do hurry up... otherwise I may break a toy that has yet to mend...that would be dreadfully boring..."

Her attempts to restrain herself could be seen from her tightened grip on Elissia, her body shaking slightly. A hesitation to kill reserved only for those she found "interesting" outside of actual combat being the only thing that truly prevented her from attacking.

((Thought it would be odd for Mia to remain sane for that long after having leeched that much blood off of Elissia, here's my way to "cover it up" :p))


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Dude, just what happened anyway?"

"Aghh, my asshole of a roommate decided to booby trap the door. I'm going to recover, and then I'm going to stab him."

Vulkoran and Vengo stumble into the room, Vengo's arm across Vulkoran's shoulder. Seeing the others in there, Vulkoran glances around and sees three things.

1. Two girls he hasn't seen before are present, one injured on a bed, as well as a guy juggling canisters.

2. A creepy looking woman is standing over the injured girl.

3. Siphon is facing off against the creepy looking woman.

"Well now, looks like someone threw one hell of a party."
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon hasn't noticed the newcomers just yet, and continues to look at Mia, his eyes unblinking.

"Well you said those watchers aren't above interference. So maybe one is fucking with me now that I know of you, trying to gauge what your willing to do and not right now. Perhaps it's not confident it can take you solo. Though if I do find out one is fucking with me, he'll have more than one enemy to handle."

He stares at her again, eyes glowing aflame again. "Hurry up? Oh so now your losing it huh? Leave, now.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Kyle, who's more or less gone unnoticed throughout all of this, carefully catches the glass containers that he's been idly juggling, and quietly signals to the newcomers to move over to the opposite side of the room from the argument. Whether or not they even pay attention, he doesn't know.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Perhaps... I'll look into it... after a more satisfying drink, venom ruins the taste..."

Sanity at the verge of snapping, Mia chose to take her leave from the room, attempting to contain her desire for slaughter as best she could. Should the watchers come, it would be better for her to have "pieces" that she can manipulate at will to stay off her journey to the next world. Swaying as she walked, the newcomers would be able to see an insane, twisted smile on her face, the shadows of the room stretching forth until they "split" from their original mediums as they "followed" after her. The next unfortunate person she saw would become her prey, and perhaps many others as well depending on the quality of her next target...

(Whee, NPC murder time? That is, unless someone wants to try stopping her.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Siphon watched her go, and when Mia was far enough away to pose no threat, staggered against the wall, his breathing a bit ragged.

"Shit... That didn't go quite the way I had planned. Ow."

He sat down in a chair, making no attempt to soften the fall as he did, truthfully he was unable to, the quickness of which he had been snapped out of the meditative state still causing after effects to him.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

Ellisia watches as the a several blurry Mias stroll out the door, and a realisation hits her. "She can't! I have to... *aiegh*..." She suddenly says trying to get up. She only just gets her back off the bed and shifts a leg before her muscles fail her and she drops down again. Perhaps it was the poison in her head making her forget once more that she was going nowhere. "I can't let her do this!"

"Your not fighting anyone right now tough girl. Hold still, your bleeding!" Grace interrupts leaning over with some bandages and doing her best to figure out how to apply them. "Where the hell am I."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

After several minutes passed, Siphon shakily stood. When he spoke, his voice wasn't quite as strong as it should be, but was stronger than his previous words had been. "Grace. Make sure she'll be ok for me. If this turns.... sour... someone needs to play back up..."

His eyes slightly glazed, he looked at her one last time and added something. "And if this does go sour.... someone's gotta keep an eye on my girl while I'm gone. Got it? Tell Sho..."

Steadying his still slightly shaky legs, he started walking for the door, steps becoming slightly more sure with each passing moment, but obviously still not at peak strength.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nurses Station

"Oo-kay. Would someone tell me what just happened?"
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