
  1. dev_vin

    Looking for NSFW Artists who want to learn programming

    Hey there, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm vin from Germany, 26 years old, and I've always been interested in nsfw game development. My studio's artist is currently very busy with work, which is why I've been tackling art myself for about the fifth time by now. Generally speaking, it's...
  2. FreedomorMaybe

    Arabian warrior girl drawing materials

    Hello guys.I need warrior/ Arabian girl references.Not for just belly dance dress.I need more cloth types like warrior arabian girl dresses or slave/npc arabian girl dress(or like nun,burqa type) references.I will try charcoal art first after that maybe I can try digital arts. Examples:
  3. K

    Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

    Monster Ambassador We recently released the third expansion of our new game, Monster Ambassador! Introducing the very first taste of the overarching plot in the monster world; Game Summary: What's your preference? Slime girls? Manly minotaurs...
  4. Antithetical Inquiry

    The implications of Patreon

    Today I was catching up on my web comics, the one's I haven't touched in well over a year. I noticed the artist had a Patreon account... and is making $3,000 USD a month. Then I noticed he supported another webcomic artist I'm familiar with... who's making over $8,000 USD a month! With how...
  5. wallpaper

    Wallpaper's wallpapers

    Well, not wallpapers, really. Just wanted to be facetious! Anyways, I'm working on an update for my avatar and thought I'd show off the progress: Whee, updates after a bajillion years! :D