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3D porn game

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Re: 3D porn game

More tutorial videos:
2017.01.24 Pose Space Deform Character Rigging Tutorial Part 7 -2

"Rig Sculpting. Torso and legs."
2017.01.25 Pose Space Deform Character Rigging Tutorial Part 8-1

"Blendshapes backup and restore.
Blendshapes mirroring.
Export blendshapes avoid unity bugs."

2017.01.25 Pose Space Deform Character Rigging Tutorial Part 8-2

"Unity Rigging Part 1"
2017.01.25 Pose Space Deform Character Rigging Tutorial Part 8-3

"Unity3d rigging part2"
2017.01.25 Pose Space Deform Character Rigging Tutorial Part 8-4

2017.01.25 simple Faceworks shader making in unity3d

"faceworks 자체는 별로 어렵지 않습니다.
하지만 faceworks 가 제대로 보이기 위해서는
먼저 quad 형태의 tessellation ( phong or PN-patch ) 가 필요하며

역광 상태에서 어느 정도 음영을 확보하기 위해서 normal 에 기초한 AO 기법이 필요고 그외에 translucent 를 위해서 shadow map 에서 thickness 를 추출할 수 있어야 하며
ambient scatter 를 위해서는 Image base lighting 도 지원해야 합니다."

And a new video on his korean blog:
2017.01.26 Unity3d and neurons in real time on a PC

"Unity3d 와 뉴론으로 PC 에서 실시간 으로 모캡 돌리기
[출처] Unity3d 와 뉴론으로 PC 에서 실시간 으로 모캡 돌리기|작성자 kite3h
And in the Build Demo, did someone find the harbor zone? Just run ahead:

I like the concept of his planned game "Witch Trial (RJ143339)" with the late medival world. Hope he may like continue on it soon.
Re: 3D porn game

Three more tutorial videos:
2017.01.27 simple Faceworks shader making in unity3d 2

"Ambient scatter"
2017.01.27 simple Faceworks shader making in unity3d 3

"Blurring Normal"
2017.01.27 Displacement map apply with PN-patch Tessellation

"If you used Skinning , You cannot use Displacement map .
But there is a tricky tip."

He puts much time in his tutorials and blog. If he only would visit us here on "ulmf" more often and read his PN. He write he is character designer, no game designer, but i see no big problem for him to build a small town´s, city, castle, beach, cave´s, beach cave, bridge´s, wood´s, river´s, mountain ridge, waterfall etc. If he can handle complex stuff like characters it can not be very hard to place some ready assets on a map.
Re: 3D porn game

Hello, strange things happen.
Today all his tutorial videos on youtube are "removed by owner", even the "tutorial anounce" on his first channel. Yesterday they were still there. So much work for nothing? In the past there were some of his demo video´s that are also removed, but just a few and not all of them and at once.
Re: 3D porn game

This is very impressive. I am satisfied with the hair alone.

I hope kite expands technique to grabbing, struggling, dynamic sex animation.

and I hope he figures out fluid simulation.

A demo or video showing all of these would be very successful on patreon.
Re: 3D porn game

Yes, he should, at least do a minimum action on patreon. He invested many hour´s in his tutorial videos, i even do not have the time to watch and learn them all -sad now all are gone, but he seems to have less interest into update or write something here or on his patreon. But he does much on his character and a little bit on the world too for now. We wait and see.

Today new video:
2017.01.30 New Face New Shader

"SSS for SH light"
Re: 3D porn game

I also found the harbor. Look in the background and you can see I have the opposite problem you do, where the background textures are wrong but the character is right.

I also found the edge of the world and jumped off! There's an animation for falling from really high up!


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Re: 3D porn game

Not bad, your findings. I also miss the Water (Sea if there is any) on my System. He wrote that the world he use for testing is from a Golf Map that
they developed for a korean customer (maybe this landscape real exists?).
He has more videos showing the harbor with more hangars and boxes but 3 of them were deleated. Here they are.
I saved some of his vid´s:
2016.03.18 Maybe shooting game like helldiver

"I should make shooting game like helldiver or magika syle."
Now here:

2016.03.24 Aim Mode Test

Now here:

2016.03.26 pyromancer

"I am making shooting action game maybe...."
Now here:

I would like if he do a medival setting for final game like he planned it in the demo, real late medival. The harbor needs than a change to a medival looking of course. The Isle would look good as a penisula with rivers, small lakes, bridges and a connection to mainland with mid mountains, caves. Like the topography of mid europe, a little downscaled. With spaceships intercourse and some more. Not those pseudo medival games that are around. You can still add some gnomes, zombies as genetic alien experiment that escaped from crashed ships cargo. I have PM him about some ideas, but no response as he is not often here.
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Re: 3D porn game

I'm happy this game has a follow up.. i really liked the short demo a few years ago, despite being so short. I will keep a close eye on this one.
Re: 3D porn game

Hello, good news,
he has a new name, vid-platform, vid-channel, new video:
(name for this channel is now "kite359")

2017.02.05 Adult Game Making 22574

He also uptated his patreon after nearly 2 years:

Download his new example (64-bit system only) here (377 MB):

"Just Example."
Someone can post pictures what this is about please? It obviously do not work on my 32-bit system, i think it is the model for viewing or even a small gameplay demo?
Now will be a good time to support him again if there are some "patreon able" people reading. Donate please, he works hard on it.
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Re: 3D porn game

Man, if this guy was as good at rigging and animating vaginas as he was at everything else then he'd be legendary. I hope he has plans for that later.
Re: 3D porn game

Someone can post pictures what this is about please? It obviously do not work on my 32-bit system, i think it is the model for viewing or even a small gameplay demo?

It's only the unity .exe used in the example video, with added goblin creature watching.

Notice the huge hole between her legs? I think that area is under construction.


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Re: 3D porn game

Today a VR Version of his Build Demo:
2017.02.08 VR Build

"VR Build
I don't know it correctly worked , because I don't have VR device.
But I build for VR option on."

I again write him about my script ideas for game design, if he later want to make one. This time through his new channel on:

So when he uploades another vid there he might notice it, and maybe even answers if he has some time.
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Re: 3D porn game

Two identical links?

This vr build adds a walk cycle and movement for the goblin.

You don't need a vr headset to see this is bad vr:


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Re: 3D porn game

Hello, he is now working to make better eye´s for his character (translate.google):

(Direct link if picture is not showing up in the quote text):

Create a realistic eye
2017.02.11. 14:08
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I think I need to put the decal on the normal buffer,
It's annoying.
It is a magnified shot that is not visible anyway. The bad white line is the hair guideline.
The hair is heavy when you render it to the editor.
I do not know what to do, but I do not know how to do it.
Do not be crazy like Unreal.
Just make a person's actual eye shape and put it in. I can not see the iris part or the pupil part.
Once you've done this, you can use a shader with a specular that does not have diffuse.
But the reason why companies like domestic nerds do not do this easy is just simple.
I do not have the ability to make very easy shaders.
The points people see are surprisingly insignificant.
Just white highlights in your eyes.
In other words, if you put two white highlights (two are important) in a cartoon texture in a snow texture, it becomes plausible.
Why do you have two eyes, as you can see in the photograph,
The refraction of the highlights of the light ...
You need to make it so hard that it does not matter if that highlight is not available.
However, if the person's eye is structured,
That highlight is going to happen.
If you are backing the light, it means that the object in front of you is directly reflecting the light.
That is, a highlight is generated by the object in front of the eyes.
If you are facing the light, you will also get a highlight by the light.
That is to say, if you do not make lighting impossible in reality, you will get a plausible result.
Reflectivity is either too low, either metallic or specular,
If you raise the gloss too high, you will not see it.
Do not write too much polygons in your eyes. (Unreal is also stupid .. ..) Anyway, you should write a lot of things happen, just hang on the Tessel .. Based on the length of the edge or walking on the street based on how easy it is to eat LOD ..
Of course Tessel shaders are tough.
[출처] 리얼한 눈동자 만들기|작성자 kite3h
Look´s like he is working nonstop on his project. The now deleted tutorials on YouTube he recorded must alone have about 8 hours playtime.
But not a waste of time because he use the Goblin he was riging in the vid´s in his build demos now, and recorded it simply while he was on it.
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Re: 3D porn game

New video today on his second YT channel:
2017.02.17 Bone Skinning Problem in Real time 3d Engine

"We use Pose Space Deform for charager rigging.
This is first reason why not to use bone skinning rigging."

The software in the video is "autodesk maya 2017". Reading his blog, look´s like he is working now on hair mesh and land textures.
Re: 3D porn game

New video today:
2017.02.24 New Girl and Goblin

"Goblin skin shader is a little different to human skin.
And Elf girl."

So he works on steady, created second woman (elf) character.
he also is active on his blog explaining how the software wrks and more.
But again, after two months, he lost his only "Patreon" with 4 $/Month.
(I have updated the first page with all links i know and got about his project so you have an overview about it). Still no response from him.
Re: 3D porn game

Good Evening, today he uploaded a new file (64-Bit, 400 MB):
2017.02.27 vtest.zip

+ - : camera dolly in out
use gamepad."

Again, it will not run on my 32-Bit System. I think it is a better VR glases test. He is working on and on alone and making progress.
He should do more PR on "YouTube" and write more on his "Patreon" by himself too, he write so much on his blog but is too lazy put a link under his YT vid´s.
Can someone please post again some pictures of the content of this demo?
Edit 2017.03.05: Today a Patreon user write:
"It's good to see an interactive demo after all this time. What's next?"

So this time there is more to try out, please "kite358" a 32-bit version too next time, or now.
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Re: 3D porn game

Sorry, I've been really distracted the past couple of weeks.

Here's a video of the new build

When I click the "F" key, the goblin gets an erection.
Re: 3D porn game

New vid today:
2017.04.05 Unity3d new PostEffect Eye Adaptation

"Very Good UI. I like it"
And on his Blog he write about it (google-translated):

Cassidy graphics and good graphics and not graphics
June 07, 2017. 11:40
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It's a little bit in the middle, but do not worry about it.

Even if you look at it, you can see that the picture above shows that there is Chanty.

If you just hang on to AO, HDR and AA,
The game looks luxurious.

AO and AA. Anyone knows, and now ChaDing, who lives in a game room, knows what AA is.

In other words, the graphic is a graphic that does not give enough post-processing effects for some reasons. As post-processing is the most important in video, post-processing is also the most important in games.

The problem is HDR.

I thought AO and AA were so important. If HDR does not work, white medicine is invalid.
Unreal and Unity are the only ones that do not support HDR (most of them are written by engine users who are not made by our headquarters in Unreal).

This is not as easy as it sounds.
HDR is not what you see.

The HDR sound just makes the camera buffer float.

How to interpret the accumulated light information there
Eventually it relies on tone mapping.

In the end, how good a tone mapping is is the difference between good and bad graphics.
This is almost a clear difference between sky and land.

Most of the people who came to the office and played the game or played the actual game played mostly Unity.

Most of the people who watched the play video on Youtube responded that the graphic is Wooggeta.
If you do, you should edit your promotional video originally, but we do not have it. So I just sent it out.

In the end, the tone mapping is adjusted according to the situation of the self monitor .. It is hard to judge with only the image.

Tone mapping and eye adeption are actually tied together.
This is more difficult to set up than the technology itself is difficult.
It's not something engineers can do, it's a black value for a designer, a Height value for a designer, and a Philm algorithm.

I made a simple video.
Do not worry about it, though.

Now there is no room for new characters in proto.

Anyway, the effect of unity treatment is really good.

I have never seen this intuitive eye apatation UI.
It is also possible to adjust the exposure to look for a tone mapping before that.

This is the process of tying together the various graphic elements of the game

It is the role that harmonizes those things that are not well harmonized with each element.

So the importance of HDR-related post-processing is the best in the game."
So live is strange, he write´s ton´s of stuff on his blog, but not much on his patreon. And wonders about nearly no support, and his recent 1-2 patreon donator´s jumped off.
Hello kite, you already have 3 characters ready. Now put some village on this isle map for some interaction. Work on. Step by step. I sent you a game design PDF. Please look in your PN.
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