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42 (Keylo)

Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 91, Status = Fine

(Rolls are hidden. For science!)

As she stretched out her aura searchingly, Enigma found no signs of intelligent life. A few horses and hounds in an outbuilding she hadn't yet seen that was on the opposite side of the mansion, and a few other minor creatures which Enigma had no use for, such as cats and rats and other vermin, were located on the mansion grounds. What she did sense, very clearly, however, was that there had been quite a few less than pleasant acts commited on the mansion grounds, which had left spiritual stains that she was able to detect. They dotted the mansion and its surrounding grounds, and it seemed like no room or corner had been left without some sort of a residual stain. Had she been of the type to take stock in such things, Enigma might have thought the place haunted or cursed, or some other such nonesense. Regardless, something unnatural had clearly been going on here for some time, but Enigma couldn't find any hint as to what the source might have been. Either whatever had caused the 'evil' here was gone, or was able to hide from her supernatural senses.

Lanai nodded eagerly to Enigma at the odd elfs questions, and replied; "Yes.... I think I could go for a bath, and a snack. Might you care to watch, mistress? I know you'd like to figure out how exactly it is that my kind can feed on others without losing ourselves among all of that sotlen essence." There was no hint of any idea that Lanai thought that Enigma was unstable due to her habit of consuming others, at least not that Enigma herself could detect from her pet demons facial expression or tone of voice. She also seemed much more comfortable with the idea of staying within the mansion if she would be allowed to feed, given her previous trepidation at entering the massive building.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Equines and canines...not really that interesting. Felines and vermin? She had enough noises in her mind already, didn't need to add those to them...though she could probably convert them relatively fast to raw energy. That spiritual stain however~... Well then, now that was curious.

Something of great interest had taken place in this mansion at one point, now determined to be a place of great history...Something that Enigma, perhaps unfortunately, would not allow to slide away given her endless thirst for knowledge and boundless curiosity. While practical knowledge, and the means to obtain it were of the highest priority to her...the knowledge obtainable from tales of past was also of great interest to her. And such a thirst must be sated at one point, as per her path and ambition.

Though...it'd be perhaps better for Enigma if her pet had caught on to her ruse just a tiny bit better, and not let the exact details of their relationship be known on the spot. Better for others to assume her a servant of Lanai, than the other way around. Then again...if the being was still present here, and powerful enough to conceal its presence from her...it could probably detect the necromancer's mark, her seal, on Lanai anyway. Thus the elf opts to let such a mistake "slide" for now, not showing any sign of displeasure, but rather resuming the conversation without letting any sign of her caution and "paranoia" (to some) show...

"Oh but of course dear...I do remain curious still. With that said, as you didn't specify which you'd like first...Do you wish to have both at the same time then?~ Not really the best of habits to eat while bathing but...~"

Switching the hand in which she held her staff and seeming to adopt a strange..."swagger", a "twinkle" in her eye... Enigma, appeared to be in a good mood all of a sudden. Her voice...confident, and "playful".

"...It's fine once in a while I suppose. Shall we find a means to freshen up then dear?~"

And of course, should her pet not show any disapproval...the next step was to of course, find a chamber to bathe in. An action that might be foolish in a haunted residence for most...but given her knowledge of a demon's ability to absorb the spirit, her own means to devour, and her practice... This was more of bait than anything. One that even if failed to take, would harm her little in the slightest. So she thought anyway.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 91, Status = Fine

Perception (Enigma): Failure.
Perception (Lanai): Failure.
Resistance: Enigma loses.

Lanai smiles at Enigma, and offers her mistress a wink as she says; "I hunger so, mistress..... And these two are but tiny morsels, enough to sate my appetite if taken together, perhaps, but not alone." Lanai shared in her mistresses apparent good spirits, and continued; "Shall we search this place for a bath, then, my mistress?"

Enigma, from the souls she had consumed, had apparently acquired at least a mild ability to find her way around this mansion. One of those she had slain must have been a servant, or somesuch. As such, she led her pet to the entrance to the basement, and down the stairs. There, she passed through a wine cellar and into a room lit by lamps that glowed bright blue, and illuminated a large chamber that was largely filled with steam. The house had, apparently, been built atop a hot-spring, and the owner had obviously capitalized on that, as the stone was carved into a large pool of heated water. The water was, at most, four feet deep, and around the edges of the pool was a low bench, allowing those bathing to sit comfortably. The pool was about thirty feet by thirty feet, plenty of room for all of them. The water left the chamber in a narrow channel on the opposite wall, going through an underground pipes system to parts unknown.

Lanai wasted no time in stripping her own garments off, the busty pink-haired demoness then offering Enigma another wink of one of her crimson eyes before she set upon her two captives with almost sadistic glee. The woman had stopped sobbing, finally, and hung limply as Lanai tore her simple dress off completely, not even bothering to preserve the garments. Once the young woman was nude, she turned to the young man, who actually snapped out of his stupor as Lanai yanked his pants down. He flailed in his stone bonds, and collapsed to the floor in a heap. "What... What are you doing?" Lanai giggled, and simply shredded the mans clothes, her inhuman strength showing as his garments were casually torn apart. "I'm going to eat you. But, I need to cook you a little first!" she started dragging the struggling man toward the bath, and all he could respond with was a quick, shouted; "What!?" Before Lanai threw him in, making sure that he was in a sitting position on the stone bench. His restraints kept him form moving with any agility, and he lay still in the hot water rather than risk stumbling sideways and drowning, clearly both confused and terrified. Her pet was, strangely, much more gentle with the woman, as she gently led the nude non-resistant girl into the water.

All throughout the trip down here and the ensuing antics, Enigma had detected no trace of anything interesting within the house, malevolent or otherwise. No spirits or apparitions struck out at them, and no corpses or stone forms rose from the ground to bar their way. Lanai seemingly hadn't sensed anything either, as the demoness was always quick to point out such things should she notice them, particularly when they seemed threatening. This room felt oddly safe to Enigma, as though no evil had ever set foot here, save perhaps for herself and her pet, if some would have their say in the discussion. It seemed like this place was safe, and the arm water was irresistibly inviting.... So much so, that the elven necromancer wanted few things more than to join her pet and her food in the water, so as to watch better as her pet took her meal, and clear the grime of the road from her body.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

It was a rather...strange peace, to say the least. At least in the mind of the elven necromancer, who had become plagued by nuisances of late. Yet, despite scanning the corridors as she walked, making sure to extend her "spiritual sense" to every nook and cranny...Enigma found...nothing, much to her surprise. Was what was hiding truly that powerful to avoid her senses? Or did fate decide to offer her a true reprieve for once?...

...Not that it really mattered.

So the elf begin to believe, after she entered what she deemed a "bathing chamber", and a sense of security...or rather...confidence, as she thought it to be anyway, filled her.

Let come what would come, as fate dictated anyway. Between her and her pet, both predators to be feared in their own right, there was few that couldn't be torn apart into a simple morsel of food between them. Useless paranoid thoughts, were better spent on analyzing the means a demon converted another's soul into energy for them to make use of...or of course, silencing another voice or two in her mind. Yes...relax, being overly stiff was poor for one's physical...and mental health after all.

Filled with this sense of security, and perhaps not even noticing her pet's differing treatments for her prey... Enigma would of course, so as not to be..."rude", opt to shed her garments. Letting her long, multi-colored hair out into fresh air for the first time in the longest while, seemingly uncaring of the fact she often chose to hide it out of a disdain for being recognized...and more notably, the demonic runes etched the center of her body, around her chest...and along the length of her arms. Strangely enough though, to any other observer, despite her security...and how she opts to easily slide into the water afterwards, a short distance from her pet, but at an angle where she can easily gaze upon her pet's feeding...Enigma opts to keep the blindfold on. Though...to those that actually knew her, that'd mostly be out of a desire to not turn plebians into stone.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 91, Status = Fine

Perception (Enigma): Failure.
Perception (Lanai): Failure.
Resistance: Enigma loses. (Just barely)

Lanai stared up at her mistress body as Enigma shed her robe, and kept her gaze centered on Enigma as the elven necromancer slipped into the water. The demoness was grinning widely, as she always did whenever she got the chance to see Enigma naked, something she had said often was common for her kind, to see their superiors undressed. The male captive started struggling weakly next to her, however, and Lanai was forced to turn her attention to her meal. The busty demoness immediately straddled the bound man, and began slowly grinding her womanhood against his manhood. With her spiritual vision, she could watch as the demons seductive magic began working its way into the mans soul as Lanai prepared to feed, as well as the ability to see his heart pumping his blood toward his lower regions, his member starting to harden. "Hnnnngggg..... What... What are you doing?" He said, blushing deeply as Lanai ground her hips about in his lap. The demoness kissed the man on the lips as he spoke, giggling softly, and his eyes widened and he somehow managed to blush and even darker red. Lanais hands brushed against his bare chest, rubbing along his muscles, but despite his obvious embarrassment, the man didn't seem to be trying to resist her advances.

It took Lanai less than two minutes to get the young man fully erect, his size highly impressive even to Enigmas admittedly inexperienced eyes. Her pet glanced back toward Enigma, smiling broadly, as she raised herself slightly, one of her hands going down to grasp and direct the young mans member into position. Still looking at Enigma, Lanai sunk herself down onto her unwilling partners rod, the voluptuous, pink haired demoness taking in all nine inches in a few seconds, both moaning all the while. Through her spiritual senses, Enigma could see her pet pull the first pieces of the young mans essence into herself. The demoness was gentle at first, her round ass bouncing lightly beneath the water, causing ripples among the hot spring. As she observed, Enigma watched as the core of the demons soul seemed to open, and tendrils of it stretched out, to touch the soul of the young man she was riding and begin draining his energies. Pulses of his spiritual energies were slowly pulled into Lanais core, and absorbed fully into her soul, rather than being partially absorbed like what happened to those Enigma herself drained. She also left a slight residue on the surface of his soul, a stain that began permeating his entire being as it slowly spread.

It meant that she was free of any risk of harm to her mind that Enigma risked, but all she gained from the exchange was pure energy, rather than full, intact souls. What's more, the exchange left the demons own soul vulnerable to similar draining, and Enigma wondered what two who possessed the ability to drain energy might look like if they attempted to feed off one another. Her pet stopped her bucking to grind against his pelvis, both of them moaning lewdly in the throes of passion. It was then that Enigma realized that, she didn't know why, perhaps the warm water, the erotic scene she was watching, or perhaps the strangely relaxing feeling that was slowly spreading through her mind, but she had started becoming slightly aroused herself. Lanai turned her head to look at Enigma as she bucked on top of her preys member, and had she not been blindfolded, the elven necromancer might have noticed a predatory look on the demons face.

The demoness spoke suddenly, her voice a harsh, throaty whisper, as she sunk herself all the way down and laid still for a moment; "Mistress...... So much chaos, inside of you...... I wonder....." Lanai started her bucking once more, the draining of the young mans soul increasing as he panted and moaned aloud, his hips bucking up slightly in time with those of the woman on top of him. The scene played out in front of Enigma for another minute before her pet orgasmed, her body and soul tensing as one. The young man, she'd thought that she'd heard one of the villagers call him Roland, threw his head back and groaned, and Enigma watched as his soul suddenly pulsated, opening, and feeding the mans essence to Lanai as her spiritual tendrils pressed into the core of his being and drew out his energies. It was only when his energies had been mostly drained, and his soul was dark and empty, that Lanai pulled off, and Enigma remembered that the man reaching climax had also caused him to spray his seed up into her pets fertile womb. White cum leaked out into the warm water from out of Lanais womanhood as she pulled off of her partners member.

The boy seemed to have passed out, exhaustion from his energy being drained having apparently knocked him out. Memory of the one time she'd allowed her pet to feed off of her own soul flitted through Enigmas mind, but it lasted only a moment, as Lanai began speaking, her voice low and sultry and seductive as only a demons could be; "Mistress...... You're so wound up, and your spirit is in such disarray..... I could help you tame your burning soul, if you let me......." She rose up and turned toward Enigma, her massive breasts heaving and swaying, and her whetted pink hair clinging to her skin; "Let me help you, mistress...... Please...... Let me help you take control of yourself..... All you have to do is..... Agree..... Agree to let me do as I must, and that you will not punish me should I become.... Overzealous."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Ah that wide grin, and the incessant stares...Things that the elven necromancer had observed multiple times through the course of the past two years, while journeying with her pet in tow (at least, when bathing). An observation that was often disconcerting and unsettling of course, one that made the high elf raise her defenses, both mentally and spiritually, in spite of her usual faith in her pet, while they were persistent...specific orders often following to ensure unsettling concerns stayed mere concerns. That was the normal flow of events.

Yet here...in this perfect sanctuary, and the soothing peace...the concerns and precautions seemed so silly, so unnecessary. As a researcher of demonkind, was there really a need to question one of their..."customs" that much? Surely those looks were merely out of habit, nothing more. Besides, here...she had more interesting things to focus on...such as a more in depth analysis of how exactly demon "feeding" converted precious souls into energy. Or more precisely, how they could consume numerous souls without dealing with the madness that followed namely. If Enigma could master that, ascending in power...and worrying a bit less of that annoying chorus, would be that much easier.

Thus observe she did, expanding her "aura" in a nonlethal manner so she could perhaps..."touch" and feel for herself how pulses of spiritual energy were slowly drawn directly into her pet's core...how a stain had begun to spread across the "food" 's soul...how her pet's netherlips were closing in so tightly around Ronald's large and throbbing...

Huh? That was odd...maybe she was delving a bit too much in it.

A faint flush which triggers a surge of heat in her body later...probably from the bath, Enigma opts to try to clear her head free of such thoughts and return focus back onto her pet's feeding, closing her eyes even to regain her concentration (and of course, missing her pet's...strange gaze). Noting perhaps accidentally, after accidentally leeching from her pet's soul just a tiny bit while observing, how vulnerable her pet's soul was while feeding. Most likely of course, a side effect from this "safer" method of soul devouring, an interesting one really... though not one Enigma would care for herself of course. While feeding, she preferred to have the roles of devourer and devoured defined clearly, to some extent anyway. Wouldn't really do for a predator to suddenly be turned into prey mid meal after all. Yet...such a strange detail couldn't help but warrant more investigation. What happened when both predator and prey exposed their soul in this manner? Those tendrils that drained the other's core...would they clash? Meld? Merge?... An answer must be found...for the sake of knowledge of course. And what of her method of draining? Was it compatible with this method?... So many questions...

She should experiment, yes...that was for the greater good. But a test subject was needed...Why not use herself? After all, what could possibly overcome her at this time, in this sanctuary? But no wait, it was risky still... a demon's taint was a hard thing to purge herself of after all. It took months last time. Yet...when did risk stop her? Of course, when did she take foolish risks whimsically though?...Given her usual precautions of course. Actually, why was she so relaxed at the moment?...

Her mind conflicted, no doubt due to influence of the "others" within her, Enigma found herself in deep contemplation, in spite of the strange feeling of calm that continued to soothe her. Indecision that was overwhelmingly powerful, and strange even to her whimsical nature. Yet unbending at this time...at least, until her pet, as if predicting her dilemma...spoke out. With an offer that matched oh so well with what she wanted... enough perhaps, to sway her mind. Her pet was becoming ever so good at predicting what she wanted, or needed even, after all.

A gaze upon her pet's food to bring back a scattered memory, one that had become dim in the myriad of fragments in her mind...Of that brief euphoric moment...and of course, how well her pet had taken care of her following, without exploiting it in such a way. Surely she could offer her Lanai that degree of trust, of allowance right? She had been so obedient recently...and she did promise rewards for good behavior. After all, what could possibly go wrong?...Even barring that soul of some silly Ackbar man...someone she devoured at some time, not really a powerful soul, but one that refused to be quietly converted, ranting away about traps and such. Yes, a bit of trust could be afforded...after all, everything was still in the palm of her hand regardless.

"Hmmm?...Tame my soul you say?...I do suppose it's been a bit...convoulted of late, I must admit. A bit of exhaustion here and there didn't really help it that much. Nothing that I can't handle really but...hmmm...I don't suppose it would hurt to let you try your hand at it. After all, I am admittedly curious as to how well you'd do, would perhaps allow me to learn a few more things. Mmmm...do as you must is it?... Hm...."

A bit of rambling to hide her trust, a pet was better off not taking trust for granted after all, yet... after such a moment of mock delay, Enigma would...smile. A confident and firm one of course, much like her usual self...save for perhaps that slight softness due to how peaceful it currently was of course.

"...Very well dear. As we're resting at the moment anyway, you have my permission to do as you must, or wish even, while we're here. No punishment, regardless of what you do at this time. I give my word."
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 91, Status = Fine

Perception (Enigma): Failure.
Perception (Lanai): Failure.
Resistance: Enigma loses. (Just barely, again)

Lanai smiled in victory as she slowly floated toward Enigma, saying; "I will, of course, do my best mistress...... And I will, as always, endeavor to protect you from harm, so long as it is within my power." She'd reached the blindfolded elf by then, where she sat on the edge of the bathing pool, and pressed her massive bust up against Enigmas practically flat chest. Her pet practically knelt on the floor of the pool, though her feet were on the ground so that she kept her head out of the water. Even though she'd been given leave to do as she pleased, Lanai kept her head at a level lower than Enigmas, even as she slowly pried her mistresses legs apart. She slowly pressed herself against Enigmas body, until the elven necromancer felt something pressed against her belly, and looking down between her pets titanic bust, she spotted Lanais conjured member beneath the water, barely visible in the dim light and steam. She still hadn't the slightest idea of how Lanai did that, thought it seemed to cost some of Lanais energy, as her spirit darkened slightly as it grew to its full length.

Her pet seemed to prefer the idea of savoring her meal, in Enigmas case, as instead of simply getting to it, as it were, she pulled her mistress into a gentle kiss, her tongue touching against Enigmas lips lightly before darting in to explore her mouth. Delicate, agile fingers danced against her tattooed skin, along her arms, down her sides, against her nipples, and down her thighs, setting her skin alight with an unfamiliar, but not unpleasant sensation. The demoness explored Enigmas lithe body for several long moments as the two kissed, Lanai fully controlling the tongue play, despite her lower position on the floor, but then, she pulled back, and looked into Enigmas eyes as she said; "Mistress...... I'll be gentle..... Just, relax, and let me...."

It seemed that she couldn't finish whatever it was she was going to say, as instead of speaking further, Lanai leaned forward and kissed Enigma again, as she lined her member up. Without breaking the kiss, Lanai pressed inwards at an almost painfully slow pace, parting Enigmas almost untouched nether lips and intruding upon her inner depths. Mind numbing pleasure rushed through Enigmas senses, the penetration surprisingly painless despite the size of her partner and her own inexperience. The sensations were redoubled as Enigma felt Lanai tap into her essence, the tendrils of her pets spirit dipping into the surface of Enigmas own massive, but wild soul, and draining some of her power. The chorus of voices were somehow easier to ignore now, as she fulfilled one of her basest desires, something she also recognized when she was very tired, or eating her favorite foods after a time when she'd been fasting.

Centimeter by centimeter, Lanai pushed her member into Enigma, the tendrils of her pets soul slipping slowly toward the core of Enigmas being even as her cock approached the core of the elfs body, until, with a sudden rush of euphoric pleasure, she felt Lanai press against her cervix, and the demons tendrils of energy brush against the center of her soul, and begin drinking of her essence. Her pet paused there, evidently in ecstasy if the look on her face was to be believed, for several long moments, through which Enigmas body demanded insistently for more. It had been so long since she'd seen to fulfilling this particular biological imperative, that she could barely contain her desire.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Confident and as seeming assured as she had been earlier, once Lanai had actually approached...and pressed against her in such a manner. Enigma found herself almost recoiling slightly from her pet's "gentle" touches, if only by reflex, out of years and years of...habit. Normally, save it be to her will, few would even been allowed to be so close to her. And in the situations where undesired physical contact usually occurred...she would usually find her mind, her conscious being, besieged by more pressing concerns that being "touched" against such will. Yet...here...in this unprecedented tranquility, and with her word to bind her, the elf found herself a bit...frightened perhaps, her body stiffening unnaturally and doubt beginning to fill her...doubt that of course, was not helped by her pet's new..."instrument", as she began to seemingly babble a bit incoherently (even for her of course).

"...On second thought dear, perhaps this...maybe...I might be..."

Yet...a kiss to silence the idle chatter, as eyes go wide behind enchanted cloth and an instinctual burst of life draining aura is barely suppressed... the elf finds the same strange peace washing over her once again, as her fears are dimmed...and attempts to reciprocate her pet's gesture from, as few as they may be, memory alone...if perhaps by instinct. Although her body still trembled slightly from the strange touches though unpleasant they weren't... as Lanai continued her "guiding"...Enigma could not help but allow herself to be...led off in a sense, to the "world of another". One that her pet was so often indulged in...


...A world so difficult to adopt to, as her body tenses up from the intrusion at first, attempting to reflexively reject what was invading into her...if not of course for the flood of numbing pleasure that follows such, which manage to help quell her volatile...defenses. That which helped to fend off that which was thought to be undesirable to her, to help her maintain a sense of self... A sense of self, that seemed to be almost melting away as she barely manages to perceive the tendrils tap at her soul as her mind's perception asides from the passion overtaking her being began to wane...And along with them, the unending symphony of agonizing voices. For it was perhaps the first time in a long while that her truest self, that of her most primal nature, was allowed to take hold...the core essence of her very being allowed to reign in control....

It was...an addicting feeling a sense, as the sense of fulfillment usually was. Not just for Enigma so it seemed, but for her pet as well...if such expressions could be trusted. Yet...at the point she found herself utterly filled, the elf seemed to find herself...lacking something still as well...for a longing had yet to be fulfilled. Words...she was barely able to form any at this time...in such a state, yet...before the spell could wear off...she found herself uttering but a single one...


...For after having abstained for so long, a powerful desire burned within her...
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 91, Status = Fine

Lanai ignored all of her words as she slowly slid her conjured member into Enigmas nearly virginal walls, until she quietly whispered, practically a whimper; "...Hah...Continue..." At that, her pet issued a slight giggle into the kiss she still held with her mistress, and slowly rubbed the tip of her member against Enigmas innermost depths. The elven necromancer swiftly felt her sense of self slip away as Lanai drunk of her essence, and she could barely sense anything other than the incredible pleasure that burned through her body. "....Your wish.... Is my..... Hah.... Command....... Mistress!"

With that, she slowly pulled out of Enigma, until only the tip of her cock remained inside of her, lightly brushing against her nether lips, before she thrust forward, the tip of her member pressed up against Enigmas womb. Waves of pleasure raced through her mind, her soul practically racing out of her body as the incredible sensations allowed Lanais spiritual tendrils to slip into her core. Lust poured into her mind along with the undeniable sensations brought on by the penetration, and by the time Lanai pressed into her for the third time, she couldn't have called upon her powers even if she wanted to. Her pet moaned into the kiss as Enigmas inner walls squeezed around her cock, and she set up a steady motion of thrusting into her flower, the water around them splashing and rippling slightly from their motions against one another.

For several minutes, Lanai fucked Enigma, gradually gaining speed and power with each thrust, the pleasure growing stronger and stronger with every motion. The physical sensation was amplified tenfold by the feeling of her soul, the precious conglomeration of her gathered power, being swiftly pulled out of her and consumed by her pet, and perhaps also amplified by her current utter helplessness, a feeling she'd rarely experienced. Her mind remained utterly blank save for the sensations going through her, and she felt a knot of pleasure growing inside of her, the power of it growing until she felt that if it weren't relived soon, it would drive her mad. (OOC: Heh.) "Mistress...... I can't..... Any longer......" She felt her pets member throbbing inside of her, and her body quivered with desire, such that she could barely control herself, and only through a colossal effort of will could Enigma hope to take control of herself.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

The first movement had driven her to a sense of desperation, of desire that she had not felt in many moons. The second whittled away at her very mind with overwhelming pleasure as her essence was drained, leaving little of her conscious self remaining. The third, filling her with naught but uncontrollable lust, stole even that sense of being, the very last inhibition used to retain control, as the elf began to seek naught but fulfillment of her most primal instincts...and responded accordingly.

Utterly dominated by lust, no doubt thanks to her pet's ministrations, Enigma was naught but putty for Lanai to do as she pleased. A doll that, at this moment, existed to be used according with the demon's wishes. A frightening experience no doubt, should a part of the necromancer remain within the overbearing fog of desire. For rare was it that she was ever made helpless, unable to do anything to affect a flow of events, powerless to even retreat from a situation... Yet perhaps it was also...exciting, for although frightening this twinge of doubt was, it was also...exotic, new in a sense...perhaps refreshing even.

Yet as she was now, mindless and only able to respond to the pleasure she felt with moans and the contraction of muscles, such thoughts would perhaps not come to fruit until a far later time. A time when she was able to make conscious judgments of mind...to avoid potentially disastrous results. A single burning desire having replaced the cacophony of tormented voices in her mind...when she, or rather, her body felt the member throb inside her...all she could do was embrace that sensation further as she found herself taking the natural response to such stimuli...wrapping her legs tightly around Lanai, despite what her mind would have said otherwise. For as she was now, it could say nothing.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 1/91, Status = Low on Energy, Dominated

Gain 70 corruption.
Resistance: Enemy wins.
Enigma has been Dominated

Lanais eager bucks into Enigma swiftly became stronger and faster as the elven necromancer wrapped her legs around her demonic pet. Her soul pulsated out of her as the tendrils of Lanais power drank of Enigmas dark essence, the flows of her power tied directly to the glorious, mind numbing pleasure that coursed through her body and dominated every one of Enigmas senses. She felt every groove and vein of Lanais conjured member as the busty, pink-haired demoness hammered into her sex. Her stone hard member became somehow harder and bigger, becoming hard as solid iron as it throbbed and reached up into her womb. The rod inside of her throbbed powerfully, and Lanai moaned loudly, before her pet pushed her member fully into Enigmas body, and a sudden heat began filling her body. It spread throughout her lower body, starting with her tiny womb which swiftly began to expand as Lanais cum filled it, before it descended down along her pets length and sprayed out of her body, streams of white mixing within the water.

As her demonic pets conjured cock throbbed inside of her, and jets of burning seed flowed up into Enigmas womb for the first time, the knot that had formed in her belly suddenly burst, and Enigmas body spasmed wildly as heights of pleasure she'd never considered possible poured into her senses. It seemed to last for an eternity, unbelievably powerful sensations leaving Enigmas mind blank, and her core opening to her pets reaching tendrils. Lanai gorged herself on Enigmas soul, eroding her magic, her desires and her sense of self until almost nothing was left, and Enigma felt empty save for a sense of deep satisfaction that originated form her stomach and swiftly spread outwards.

After recovering for several moments, panting and pressing her body against her masters, Lanai pulled away from her and slid back into the water. She waded there for a moment, slowly moving away from Enigma, as she muttered; "Mistress..... So.... Tired...." As she hit the back wall of the pool, Lanais crimson eyes closed, and her pet seemed to slump, passing out against the wall. For several moments, Enigma was content to lay there in the hot water, her pets cum slowly leaking out of her womb as a sense of peace and contentment slowly drew her toward sleep herself. However, another strange sensation suddenly washed over her, demanding that she stand up, and move over to enter the dark room she'd passed by on the way here. Something in there called to her, and as drained as she was, she could barely think to try and resist her strange desire.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

Rapture...fulfillment...relief even, were perhaps the only appropriate manners to describe what the necromancer felt as her otherwise barren womb was filled for perhaps the first time, and her amassed power from the numerous souls she had consumed over the decades left her. Her mind emptied save of a certain satisfaction, her soul purged of the impurities from her power, her body filled with demon seed... it was perhaps at this time that Enigma, briefly, could return to a truer variant of what could perhaps be considered..."her original self". Something that had been disappearing over time, as the cacophony of voices had begin to consume it bit by bit, but now reemerged to fill what would otherwise be an empty void... Or rather, serve merely as a means of faint awareness before she could join her pet in slumber, in the blissfully soothing water.

...Or at least, that was the original intention, before mysterious puppet strings in the form of compulsion began to guide what was a largely hollow puppet to move as it will. To have the magically "scarred", with its abnormal eyes, hair, and inscribed runes, elven frame rise from the water...white fluid oozing out of it still, and to return to a previous room. One that a more conscious Enigma would be no doubt against entering in such a drained state, but one that her present self could not help but be lured into...
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 1/91, Status = Low on Energy

Enigma, her pets seed running out of her and down her leg, proceeded out of the bathing room, the traumatized girl that her pet had ignored staring at her thin, tattoo-covered frame blankly until she passed out of sight. The next room was some sort of laundry room, a dark cloth ahead covering a pair of twin, twinkling lights. The compulsion caused Enigma to step forward and push the cloth aside slightly, passing underneath before letting it fall back down, concealing the two tiny hidden lights from the bathing room once more. Within, a small wooden table sat between two simple chairs, and one that table sat a tea pot over one of a pair of candles. Across from where Enigma stood, a very pale woman sat in one of the chairs, her legs crossed and her hands folded in front of her.

Her skin was almost ghostly white, but her lips were pouted and a deep crimson. Her silky black hair was arranged in a bun that sat on top of her head, while a pair of long braids traveled down past her shoulders. She wore a black cloak that billowed out around her, barely distinguishable from the surrounding darkness, the majority of it allowed to billow out behind her. Other than the cloak, the woman wore nothing else, her nudity readily apparent as her modest bosom was on display as though such things were natural. She was of lithe built, though she did appear to have more in the way of curves than Enigma herself possessed. She had a pair of blood red, softly glowing eyes, of a far more sinister bent than those in possession of her demonic pet, and as Enigma entered, she tsked several times, shaking her head. The opening of her mouth allowed the elven necromancer to spot a pair of pointed fangs in her mouth where her canines should have been. By all appearances, this woman was no more than twenty years old.

"Come now, do sit down dearie, the kettle's almost boiled." her words were spoken harshly, and in a voice that seemed to come from one much older. Indeed, had Enigma heard her before seeing her, she would have expected the speaker to be a bent, wrinkled crone. The compulsions that had been affecting Enigma suddenly disappeared, and in their absence, her own personality, free of the voices that had for so long plagued her, once more took control of her body. She was still extremely weak, her pet having drained her spirit of its power almost completely, but her will was once more her own, for good or ill. The woman stared at her, an impatient expression just barely hinting at a scowl stamped upon her elegant features as she waited for Enigma to sit in the chair opposite her.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)


The sensation of a band of elastic returning to its original position, after being held at its full length for years on end, might be the best description of what Enigma felt as her true consciousness regained full reign of herself. In fact, so great was the rebound that the elf even found herself physically disorientated for a brief moment, stumbling just a tad, before becoming more aware of her host's presence and her...it's, invitation. For great was her confusion at her freedom...

"...My my, a host that has the courtesy to serve tea to their guests?...Lovely."

...Yet brief said confusion was, as the tattooed elf returns the other's scowl with her trademark smile, opting to take a seat gingerly as the fanged creature desired, showing no signs of wavering save for her exhaustion...a strange composure despite the circumstances. At least, as far as one could tell with the elf's eyes still bound, based on her mannerisms and actions of course.

"...I do believe it's been ages since I've seen one like you however...What is it that drove one such as yourself to lull me here?"
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 1/91, Status = Low on Energy

The pale womans scowl turns into a slight smile, her fangs just barley poking out of her mouth, as Enigma sits down. Seemingly on cue, the pot began to whistle, and the woman grabbed it and set it upon an elegantly crafted ceramic plate. The plate had a groove for the pot, as well as a pair of teacups in smaller places, once at each of end of it, in front of Enigma and in front of her host. A small cup that was half filled perfectly white sugar, as well as a tiny bowl of cream, also sat in the center of the large plate. Finally, a small section of the plate dipped, and a handful of biscuits were neatly piled into it, looking perfectly fresh. The entire arrangement was clearly a set, as they all had the same pattern engraved upon them, each piece seemingly flowing into the next seamlessly. The woman waited a moment after setting the pot down to simply stare at Enigma, gazing at her with those dead, cold, blood-red eyes as her smile slowly widened.

"My apologies for the lack of proper pastries for our little meeting. You murdered my cook earlier, you see. And your visit was so sudden that I simply didn't have time to have anything prepared beforehand. Still, you seem to be a woman of more refined taste, so I believe that you will find the lack of sugared treats to be an acceptable sacrifice. Do try the scones, by the way. They were baked freshly this morning, in preparation for my other planned guests who are unfashionably late." The woman paused, and then poured herself some tea, the water still steaming. She ladled a spoonful of cream, and half of a teaspoon of sugar into her cup, and then stirred it for a moment as she looked at Enigma with an elegantly apologetic look and said; "Come now, we are both familiar enough with caring for ourselves that we don't need servants to prepare our tea for us. Mine are currently in a mass grave in the center of town, or traumatized into madness, and yours is incapacitated by necessity. You wouldn't happen to prefer milk would you?"

Her question had, for the moment, been ignored, but Enigma knew that such dances with words were rarely direct and to the point. Whoever her host was, she clearly believed that she had the upper hand, and could take her time going about whatever it was that she planned.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

"Of course, servants are a luxury after all...They come and go with the passing of time~...Not exactly wise to become too reliant. As for cream or milk, cream will do for now. I alternate between the two regularly anyway."

Left with little but the clarity of her mind, a dance of words it would have to be between this seemingly "magnanimous" host, given how any option would notoriously inadvisable at this moment in time...not that she'd have it any other way regardless. After all, it had been simply ages since a "benefactor" had the courtesy to offer her tea and pastries (biscuits actually), rather than declaring some silly ultimatum off the bat. Alas, a lesson that this vampiric being's servants really could have taken to heart, but were now far too late to learn of course.

Nevertheless, once the fanged master of the estate had finished pouring a cup of the beverage for herself, Enigma would opt to do likewise, if only out of proper etiquette and the absence of the servant who would normally be there of course. During which time, the elf would begin the exchange of words once again with idle chatter, an apology of sorts even...then with her mask of impassivity through "good humor", one could hardly tell if she was truly sincere or not.

"My apologies and condolonces for the loss of your servants however. Wandering around for so long puts a bit of a strain on the mind you see. One that causes one to become...less tolerant, shall we say. As petty as such an emotion is of course."

Although the elf opts to finish preparing her drink, a half teaspoon of sugar and one of cream much like her host, she does not raise it to her lips yet...at least, preferring to allow the other to take the first sip....making small talk in the meanwhile to continue the battle of wits. After all, it was highly improper to take the first drink when there was a "mourner" present, no?...
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 1/91, Status = Low on Energy

The woman waited until Enigma had finished her cup of tea, watching her face rather than her hands as she poured her cream and sugar, before she took a delicate sip of her own steaming cup. After two more sips, the vampire eyes ever on the elven necromancers face, her host gently set her tea cup down, the china producing a pleasant ting as it touched down, and said; "Think nothing of it. Servants are ever replaceable, and I'm sure I can make do until some more arrive. I'm sure that we can come to terms of some sort in regards to recompense."

She waited for some sort of response from Enigma, a slightly malicious grin on her face as her crimson eyes shone in the dark. She took another sip of her tea, and then spoke once more; "I'm afraid that I must now get to why I have allowed this meeting, my guest. You see, while the members of this village meant very little to me as people, my servants were also my source of food. As I believe you can understand, given your choice of a traveling companion, finding sustenance when it is not of the commonly accepted sort can be often quite difficult. So, as you have deprived me of food, you might be able to see that I face something of a problem, and that you are directly responsible for that problem."

Her face set into a scowl, and her hag-like voice suddenly became harsher as her eyes darkened, turning from black to red as she said; "Believe me when I say, that when I first began courting your mind, I intended to lure you in here and kill you." She sighed then, and her voice returned to its normal pitch, and her eyes reverted to their familiar red as she continued; "However, as you say, such reacts are quite petty, and after a few moments to.... Cool down, as one might say, I devised a new plan. As your pet fed, I would bring you here, and take my fill of your blood and your spirit, as the two together would likely keep me sated for a while. You would have been..... Compelled.... To stay here, and your pet would naturally follow your whims. You and your pet would likely have been enough for me to survive indefinitely, were I careful.

"However, your pet got to you first, and I do so dislike to taste food that has already been partially eaten by another. Particularly when the marks of it are still so.... Fresh." She wrinkled her nose and glanced slightly downwards, though she couldn't see where Lanais seed still leaked out of Enigmas body through the table. Or could she? Regardless, her host continued; "As yet, I still hunger. But, something else has come to my attention. A group approaches my home, even now. Two men, and two women. They are not from here. And, they have come to kill me. They have made a business of hunting and killing members of our kind, I'm afraid, and I doubt that you or your pet would escape their wrath if they were allowed to have their way."

She clapped her hands and rubbed them together slightly, smiling once more as she said; "So. I would propose a trade. A mutually beneficial pact, if you will. I know why you have come here, to find the demoness in hiding, Phyrra, and present her to the reptilian things that have been lurking in the woods of late. So, when she and the two strangers she arrived here with return, I will use all of the resources at my disposal in order to aid in her capture. In addition, I will grant you and your pet asylum here, for as long as you should wish it, as well as unhindered access to all parts of my home. In exchange, I would ask your aid in dealing with these four who are coming to try and destroy me..... And..... In recompense for the servants you have taken from me...." She smiled wide, her fangs fully visible, and she said; "I must ask for blood for blood. I will not deal you any permanent damage, and you will not be changed as whatever silly fairy-tales about my kind might say. But you will, for a time, be weakened, physically."

She waited a moment, her expression becoming serious, before she said; "What say you, Enigma?"
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Re: Enigma (Keylo)

"But of course. As civilized beings, it is only our duty to correct wrongs where they exist...as is appropriate of course."

Unlike others who may have found themselves quivering in fright at the vampire's show of aggression, power even, the elf continued an unwavering facade of nonchalance as she merely sipped the tea that had been offered earlier, after having confirmed it was most likely without poison. Closing her eyes even behind the apparent blindfold, and seeming to take in everything the other said in a stride of sorts, despite her current weakness. A strain of her usual madness? Hardly. Merely a knowledge that a show of fear at this point in time would do little but weaken her position further, and serve as an obstacle in the negotiations to come. Though a faint blush does occur during the mention of her pet's...recent feeding, one that tints the elf's cheeks and ears slightly, but is allowed to pass without comment.

Once the demands and conditions for reimbursement were given of course, and her host's intentions clear, it is then that Enigma's eyes flicker open once again (for part of her suspected that the being before her could see well past them)...and a smile of her own graces her visage as she sets the now half empty cup of tea down.

"My my...Such politeness in face of such adversity, a spectacular trait that's so hard to come by nowadays. My compliments dear for such a show, many of us seem to lose ourselves in the more unsavory things when troubled of late. Myself included of course."

It is then that the elf pauses for a moment, not to allow the ancient being before her to speak, but rather to change her tone from the normal whimsical one..to a much more...serious one. Perhaps out of respect for the other, or to similarly show that the time for pleasantries was over.

"But that is talk for another time. Now is the time to discuss the terms that thou has presented. Which, for the most part I digress, I find to be reasonable enough. However, I believe a degree of clarity between the two of us is required before an agreement can be sealed. If only for the exchange to be fair of course."

Another pause, this time to see if this little condition of hers would be granted...and if so, Enigma would begin what could be considered a long tirade of clarifications and demands for such.

"I am indeed desirous to capture the demon in hiding you name, that is after all, the reason I had laid the foundations to turn, for now which I apologize, the village that served as your feeding grounds into a "toy box" if you would. One filled with all sorts of pleasant things to ensure the capture of said individual, using what I had devoured to create the means of course. As it wouldn't do to infringe upon another's property more than one has done already of course, after becoming aware of a proper owner, I have no qualms in returning the meals I have consumed along with relinquishing the procedures of capture to you. That is not an issue with me, nor will it ever likely be. No sense in treading on another's toes after all...

I would however, like to correct a detail that, no offense meant, seems to have been mispercieved. That I intend offering prey I capture to beings I have merely given a statement of non-aggression. My dear, I am a scholar, one that delves into the mysteries of the world to grasp a perfect understanding of everything. I have no intention of giving away interesting specimens, to the lackies of a bygone existence... I am not nearly as benevolent as some after all. Upon this..."Phyrra" is it?... Yes, upon her capture, she shall serve the role my present pet would have, had not she prove to be so well-behaved. After all, I have little need of two pets, one is good enough. Surely you understand what I mean, given your little foray into my mind. Not exactly a hard thing to grasp after all."

A meticulous smile returns once again, one that remains rather than fading as before.

"Though if you would prefer, after I am done my...investigations, provided the source of blood for blood is not too specific, she could possibly be converted to a reserve source of nourishment for you dear, as others can be...if you are willing of course dear. The maintaining of specimens and "food banks", if you would pardon the term, is a specialty of mine after all... "

...Another pause to gauge reactions, then to continue on another direction all together.

"...Which brings me to my other point. The four that approach. Have you any requests for what is to be done with them? Can they simply be devoured as most miscreants? Or would you prefer they be...coverted, in the manner stated before of course, perhaps brought forth to be punished for insolence? Or, depending on their true nature of course, shall they serve as specimens for progress? Do tell dear, this is an "extremely" important detail for clarification after all...Lest I offend once again."

On and on would the elf perhaps drone, showing that the tendency to "wander" onto strange tangents may or may not necessarily be a result of her accumulated madness, but rather...inherent perhaps. But eventually, barring if she was stopped at one point, the elf would wind down... picking up her cup once again, and taking a sip.

"...Details aside dear, there's only one last thing that intrigues me dear. You claim to have...."courted" my mind? Forayed into it perhaps, the mind of "Enigma", given all the strings you lulled me here upon. Tell me dear, before this frail body of mine succumbs to exhaustion, what is it that you saw in within the corridors of my mind?"

Strangely enough, despite the elf's powerlessness at this point in time, her voice becomes...strangely layered as she speaks this final line, as if another voice...if not others altogether had wound together at the same time to utter it, as if as a sign of the amalgamation the elf's soul was becoming, or perhaps...had become over time... Regardless however, the elf becomes silent
following, not speaking anymore...perhaps finally showing signs of the weariness she should have been overcome with.
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

HP = 48, PP = 49, EP = 1/91, Status = Low on Energy

The vampire grinned quietly as Enigma rambled on, evidently pleased with what she was saying, though Enigma couldn't hazard a guess as to why. Was it glee that she was more or less agreeing to the terms set before her? Or was it joy that one who was so astute had finally fallen into her clutches? After all, it was rare that a being of such competence as herself was so totally helpless. Or perhaps it was simply that she had one who wasn't a simpleton to talk to, for once, that brought the woman joy.

"The difference is academic. Whether you take Phyrra for your own purposes, or hand her off to the aliens, I care not. Either way, the demoness must be alive when delivered to you." She said, and then responded to each of Enigmas blocks of speech in term, sipping her tea until it was dry and then pouring another cup when it emptied, draining three cups before they had finished. Enigma herself found the tea to be fairly bitter, but not so much that added sugar was needed. It was already thicker than water before the cream, and had a faint minty aftertaste that was actually quite refreshing. More of a morning tea than one for an afternoon, perhaps, but adequate nonetheless.

"The four hunters may be dealt with as you see fit. I would, obviously, prefer them alive, as I have my own diversions to think of, some of which are academic, while others are more.... Sporting. Were all of them delivered to me alive and still able to think and move as before, I could see to some.... Additional rewards, for your trouble. You will find dealing with them more difficult than the peasants you slaughtered earlier. One of the men is quite a brute, and in possession of an artifact that amplifies his strength. The other is an accomplished wizard, and his preference is working with fire and earth, and the things that grow in it. One of the women, the leader, has been called the daughter of the angels by some, and her popular title is; "The Glowing Guardian." She is of sharper mind than would be expected of her kind, and her other title, one she had before she came upon her current occupation, of; "The Silk Snowflake" was well earned at a place of ill repute for its lewd activities. The last is a witch, an amateur in the working of spells, perhaps, but with natural abilities not dissimilar from your own, though perhaps a tad less refined."

"I will not be sitting on my laurels and leave you to deal with them on your own, of course."

Her host grinned at the question, uttered with such force and the mix of her stolen voices with her own, and replied; "I did not linger long within your mind, such a tangled mess that it is. Your pet seems to have drained some of the excess baggage from you, thankfully, and now you are much clearer, more defined. I would not presume to tell you to let her continue, of course, but, as a thing such as clarity of mind is so valued...." She paused dramatically, her smile touching her eyes for once and making her appear almost girlish, before she continued; "What did I see within you, you ask? A maze of walls, invisible but opaque, stronger than iron but as soft as silk. Ones that one without the ability to see as you and I do would never even perceive. I see centuries of battles and journeys and loves not your own, stolen from beings that most mortals would be burnt to dust by. Their memories untapped, perhaps because your mind blocks from your the pain of their deaths, or perhaps simply because you do not yet know how to access them. And, I saw... An absence. Of many things."

She paused again, her smile returning to its previous state, before saying; "Now.... Unless you have further queries, my dear, I believe that it would be best to move on. You are tired, and time is short. Those whom would kill me are walking down the lane toward my door as we speak, after all, and it would not do to have you battle them still weakened from my feeding, as well as that of your pets. After I am finished, you will rest, and your recover. Allow me to make the preparations."

(Gain 4 experience.)
Re: Enigma (Keylo)

"A brute, a wizard, a harlot, a novice...it matters little really. That which is destined to become mere food will rarely become more than such. I jest, but while clarity has returned a bit to a scattered mind, knowledge of that nature is best given only once the means to act upon it returns."

...So the elf had claimed upon learning the nature of the trail to come, seeming as indifferent as she was to the vampire's demands. Confidence? Or arrogance brought about by an excess of power that had been accumulated over the years? Then again, as for the latter, with only so much to gain and so little to lose, or so it seemed, from such a pact...such emotions were perhaps undoubtedly justified...

"...My commendations to you dear. For seeing what many others could not of I...no, perhaps "we" is more fitting. Though the former is perhaps more appropriate at this time, thanks to dearest Lanai's efforts, until the rest begin to stir from the slumber they've receded into of course. The rabble has been dispersed, and all that remains is my original self and of course...the undying. Mayhaps, "I" will take her up on her...offers, if only to return to one's origins every now and then. To be the "Enigma" by which "I" am known is tiring after all, and it is a...refreshing feeling, to be free of that which whittles away at one's very own defining nature. If only for a bit of course. As for that which remains untapped...well then~...Fufufu, let it simply be said that weaving lives, although an inevitability, is a...shattering experience. "

...As was the final display of genuine amusement, where "Enigma" seemed to express a genuine respect for her host's ability to be able to see "that" far into her mind, even if her host had not delved into its deeper sanctums...Then again, given what slept within, it was perhaps for the better, for her sake of course. Setting her now empty cup down, the elf would fold her hands in her lap, a content smile upon her face...as she seemed almost, satisfied for now.

"No more queries for now. Time is fleeting after all, and lest I am to entertain our newest guests with skillets and cutlery, rest is certainly required. Not to undermine the usefulness of household essentials of course...with the proper modifications that is. But a moot point for now I suppose. Do as you see fit~..."

Whereas others may be wary of leaving their fate to one that had expressed desires to turned them into a "food bank", no doubt showing signs of hesitation and the likes, all the necromancer displayed as she "resigned herself to her fate" was an unnatural calm... Seeming more than happy to let destiny take its course, wherever it led her...