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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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(Last thread Here

Character: Lena
Name: Lena Weiss
Age: 18
Description: This is Lena's pic while clothed. She is a human hermaphrodite with full DD-cup breasts, and a 12 inch long, inch and a half thick cock, and large testicles that the various beings she'll run into can milk dry of her delicious seed.

Attitude: Lena is a warrior that doesn't give up easily in a fight unless she knows there is no way to win. She is a very kind hearted girl, but will fight viciously when pressed to protect her friends and loved ones, or the innocent. Lena is quite sensitive and weak to pleasure, and tends to give in easier than most, but she can go many more times than most in exchange for that weakness. When pushed too far though, her mind turns submissive and she will willingly allow whatever may be raping her or just having sex with her do whatever they wish.

Max FP: 7
Max AP: 8
XP: 0/8
CP: ???
Spears Rank 1 - Trip
Shield Rank 1 - Shield Bash, Cover
Denial Rank 0 - Deny Self Orgasm

Trip - User is able to attempt to trip up an opponent with their spear. If successful the opponent will miss their action for potentially this turn, and is stunned for the next.
Shield Bash - An extra attack delivered with shield. Deals very little damage, can stun opponents. Usable x times per fight.
Cover - User is able to protect an ally, negating opponents ability to attack them in MOST cases. This does not take an action but is subject to situational benefits/drawbacks
Deny Self Orgasm - User is able to resist an orgasm for x+1 turns per battle. This results in taking an FP point. Higher ranks reduce risk of FP cost.


Cured Corruptions
Desire: [Ork]
Lena's body has been molded slightly by the experience, her surrender to delight has result in her body reacting more strongly to Ork attempts to give her pleasure.

Notable Deeds:
Arrived at Farnshold from the capital! Ready to adventure!
Was assaulted by an Ork woman named Iradin, a chief of the tribe near Farnshold. Marked as her mate.
Assisted in repelling an ambush of Orks, providing vital supplies to Barroton
Has contributed to futa-scientific research!
Journeyed into the woods outside Farnshold, to rescue a trio of women who have gone missing
Carried and birthed the flowering children of Clara, the Mother Alarune of the woods.
Captured by Iradin, placed in the Ork camp as the mate.
Escaped and rescued the woman, together all five of them escaped
Earned the aid of the Mother Alarune of the woods, a likely ally
Annoyed the Sqarm that lived within the Mother Alarune's woods. Bugs don't hold grudges right?
Returned to Farnshold with all three women, heralded as a hero of Farnshold.
Set off to rescue the lost daughter in the abandoned keep.
Met with Seraphina, gained a strange new power.

Jaime, a former farm girl turned mercenary hero. Has been with Lena from the beginning.
Seraphina??? A Succubus with great interest in Lena's potential.

Hero of Farnshold
Mate to Iradin, Cheiften of the Blood Haven Ork Tribe
Novice Member of The Company
Succubus??? In Training

The Journey So Far
Lena was a young adventurer who was travelling with a mercenary group to the far reaches of the Kingdom to a small town of Farnshold who was, like many towns on the edges, dealing with a monster problem. Idryll was the leader, there were several others of note was Ceridyne, a seer who took some 'interest' in Lena and of course Jaime, a young woman from a small farming village with an incredible gift for the bow who over the course of their adventures together is quite smitten with our leading lady.

He time with the company was brief but eventful, they helped repel an attack by the orks, getting supplies to another nearby village. The band moved on but Lena stayed behind accompanied by Jaime. They set out to rescue captured girls, only to be captured by the Ork's themselves! Iradin, an ork woman obsessed with subjugating and mating Lena nearly succeeded but with a little help from Jaime Lena escaped the camp and rescued the girls, an incredible feat that few had, or ever could replicate.

After escaping she met with and befriended the Mother Alarune of the woods, fought off a terrifying swarm of bugs, and brought the women home to be heralded a hero.

It was short lived, soon after the celebration Lena was sought out by a man insisting his daughter had been kidnapped by the ruins. Eager to help she hurried out, tricking a group of bandits before entering the forboding ruins, which cut Jaime off from following. She experienced incredible pleasure at the hands of a enigmatic woman made of slime, escaped and encountered an armored woman whose sadism gave way to her own masochism finally encountering the master of the keep who revealed the man was simply a lure to get her to come to the keep, there was no daughter to save and that she had wanted to meet Lena. She revealed herself as Seraphina, a Succubus of some power who detecting potential in Lena offered to help her train her powers.

Lena accepted. While she has no firm grasp on her gifts, as of yet, she has begun to awaken a strange power.

Attempting to return home they found themselves at the final mystery of the land of Farnshold. A strange waterfall cave guarded by cultists. Lena found herself soon drawn inside by a strange ritual occurring...welcomed openly by the sect.


There's a strange smell in the air, that's probably what feels most inviting about the whole thing. It just feels pleasant, every breath you feeling a wonderful tingle run through your body from head to toe. It feels you up, you feel...energetic, but also content. The atmosphere of the room is electric.

Voices drone in the background adding to the almost hypnotic allure of simply being there, dozens of robed figures chanting in a language you don't understand but they're all speaking to you and it feels good, it's hard to resist just basking in what feels like the adoltation. You are -wanted- here, and it is -good- to be wanted.

Beyond that is the stark desire that tears at you. Your member is fully engorged, impossible to hide, throbbing with a powerful need that not even your companion Jaime could satisfy, only the absolutely gorgeous woman spread out before you on the ground amidst the circle of chanters, her own desire evident.

She is here for you. She is yours. She wants you so badly.

She is your tribute, the 'leader' says as much to you. You ask them what they mean confused, why they have her.

The figure seems almost...amused? "Why, for you of course, why else? She is your gift. We wish only to please you. We can talk more once you are done." The voice is...distinctly neutral, lacking any distinct characteristics.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena looks down at her "tribute" as these people had called her, and gulped, her cock was so hard it hurt, and her balls were aching to release their pent up bounty within them. It was clear that she Wanted to have this woman here and now. But her mind was still fighting it somewhat. "B-But can't you tell me how you knew I'd be coming here at least? S-Surely you can understand my wariness, right?" Lena asked them curiously, her eyes glancing back at Jaime for a moment as she tried to steel her nerves to keep from just grabbing Jaime, throwing her down next to the woman, and fucking them both until they couldn't move, which her body was practically begging her to do at this point really, and her mind was barely hanging on.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"We called to you, of course." The voice seems a bit perplexed. "Of course we knew you would be coming, everything has been laid out to appease you are you displeased?"

As you glance back to Jaime you see her face flushed, eyes a bit glassy, she had her bow raised to the circle of cloaked figures but it is simply held to her side, her free hand has drifted into her skirt for reasons your imagination can probably guess at.

The desire has only grown, you feel like you might cum at any second but something keeps you held back, you couldn't even if you tried. That woman laying there is the thing you want.

Lena 7/7 FP, 8/8 AP!!!

Lena may try to get more answers, or try to remove herself from this place. Any further delays will necessitate will checks to resist her desire to indulge in the 'offering'

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I... w-well I'm just surprised is all. Nobody has ever laid things like this out for me in such a well planned way before," Lena replied, gulping softly as she felt her cock twitch in her trousers, aching... demanding release almost at this point.

She knew instinctively, that if she remained here a second longer, she probably Couldn't resist anymore, but then there was this poor girl, likely pumped full of aphrodisiacs and made to wait here for Lena. Or... was it a trap, all a ruse to lure her in? Was it perhaps Seraphina's doing? The only way she could find That out is if she remained, and to remain meant risking losing herself for the gods only knew how long. But to run meant possibly leaving the girl who might just be an innocent in all of this. Decisions decisions, Lena told herself as she quickly tried to think.

"I... w-well if she is my tribute, then shouldn't the rest of you all be tribute to my glory as well, hmm? I think if I'm to be given tribute then it should be glorious tribute. Don't you?" Lena said after a few moments, a slightly trembling hand reaching up for the cloaked speaker to gently, yet firmly pull the hood down and see if she was speaking to a beautiful woman, or what before she partook in her tribute.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Mmm...?" There's a bit of hesitation as the figure regards you. "Hmm," a faint light emanates from the lead figures robe, you feel a brief sensation wash over you, like a very light static shock but are otherwise unharmed.

"New to this or...?" She makes a face and sighs. You hear the quiet sounds of Jaime behind you moaning. "We have business to attend, of course. Though I'm sure many would be happy to indulge once we're done here."

You make your approach, moving to go around the women laying on the floor to go to the robed figure standing behind her. As if sensing the reason for your hesitation the woman near you looks up smiling. "P-please...I've waited for this for a long time." You don't make it to the robed figure, when you hear the words, when you see the girl begin to sit up, when you feel her touch along your thigh. That gentle urgent tug as she tries to pull you over to her. Somehow in your mind you just know, absolutely certain (or have convinced yourself...?) that this woman wants nothing more, of her own volition, than to have you take her right now.

She reaches up, sliding her hand along your thigh, you're frozen in your step by it. She undoes your trousers, freeing your member and lets out a gasp, pleased, seizing it in her delicate fingers, mouth already planted to the side as she begins to suck and kiss along it. "Please," she murmurs.

Lena 7/7 FP, ???/8 AP!!!

Rolling for now will be FUDGE based. You can think of it as a d6 or d3 with -/blank/+
You add your skill to it, roll with difficulties based on what your doing.

Will 0, rolled --bb for -2, which is a pretty rough failure on will!

Lena has one choice. Indulge or do something INCREDIBLY DRASTIC. Like, draw her weapon, push the girl away roughly and run outside. It will be hard for her to come back from this if she does not indulge right now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The light static shock surprised Lena, but she wasn't hurt it seemed. "I... o-oh alright I... guess indulging some couldn't hurt. S-Surely. Right? J-Just, don't hurt my friend please, or bother her. She l-looks just as horny as I feel right now," Lena panted softly as she approached and her "tribute" rose up and moved towards her of her own free will it seemed.

The moment Lena's trousers came undone and her hot hard cock bounced free of its prison, she lost any chance to just run, as her other head took control of her body. "Alright cutie. My... t-tribute. Let me make your dreams come true," Lena panted, gently taking the girl's hand away from her cock and lightly pushing her back down where she'd been, before Lena climbed over her, firmly took both legs in her hands, and spread them wide, before she took aim with her cock and pushed it inside, her eyes glazing over instantly with pleasure and lust as she kept pushing in until she hilted.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

The last few times you've managed to have sex you've felt...different, it's made you feel more alive, more present and powerful. You feel that sensation the moment you enter her and it is incredible. You push deep and just stop for a moment stunned by just how great it feels. She lets out an unrestrained sound of joy and wraps her legs around you for a moment. Then, regardless of intent you begin pumping and although you were ready to burst by a stray wind yet you don't cum just yet.

The rest of the room seems to fade away, the voices, the scents, the sounds of Jaime. It feels like it's just you and here alone in this moment, this incredibly passionate moment of lust. But it starts to get...frustrating. You can feel the build up of power, you can feel the sensation grow and grow but it's almost maddening because you can't seem to cum. You don't know how long it goes on, it's not torturous, it still feels great but you just want to...

You notice a presence behind you, the cloaked figure who spoke before. They place a hand gently on your back. It's warm, calming almost.

The figure leans down, pressing their body along your back so that their head is positioned along your ear. Then you hear their voice, luxurious almost, it fills your head and your are driven completely over the edge as the female voice whispers a single command.


The incredible sensation that comes results in Lena blacking out.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"F-Fuck me, s-she's incredible. M-More incredible than a-almost any other gorgeous girl I've had before," Lena moaned aloud for all to hear, letting everyone there know Just how good this felt right now for her.

The moment the girl wrapped her legs around Lena, was the moment Lena stopped caring what might happen now, as her hips reared back and she started knocking away with wild abandon, having lost all reason as she fucked this hot girl. No matter how hard she fucked her tribute though, Lena just Couldn't cum it seemed, and that was annoying at first, for sure, but after several times of being denied, while she lost all sense of her surroundings, Lena was starting to get angry, and was furiously fucking the girl now, until she felt the gentle touch against her from behind.

"P-Please... I... n-need to... c-cum. S-So bad," Lena whimpered pitifully to the cloaked woman behind her, and then she heard it... the command to cum, and Lena did indeed cum, so hard that she felt almost as if she was pumping literal gallons out and into her tribute, and Lena knew that the girl was most certainly pregnant after the sheer amount of cum she'd poured into her, and then... blackness began to take her as she collapsed forward onto the girl, her vision swimming in darkness. "S-So good, s-so fucking good," was all Lena could moan as she collapsed.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

You feel lighter than air, some time has passed but you don't know how much. Relaxed and calm, a few moments pass before you open your eyes. It's a dark cave room, stone tile on the floor, with a brazier in the corner that keeps you warm and the room lit well enough to see.

You remember the moments leading up to passing out, it felt different, the moment of release was incredible but it didn't fill you wtih energy like it did the last few times, you felt the energy leave and vanish into the air around you, then drawn to the ground below you. You have a faint memory of...strange geometric drawings on the floor, a fact you only now realize. Hm.

There's a sound across the room, a cloaked figure, different than the one leading the procession before bows a polite head. "Good morning mistress, our leader tasked us to tend to any need you might have. Are you hungry? Would you like to rest awhile longer? She will be busy with the results of the ritual for a time but should return tonight to speak with you."

Lena feels different. Inside there's something, a distinct presence that wants to do nothing more than indulge in every passion and ectasy that comes along. It's probably always been there but now she can tell it's...something more than just her normal self?

Corruption Level 1

She has gained a power.

Dark Empowerment (0) - Lena is able to draw on the strange presence inside of her for power, to aid in any check she may use this ability. The cost is yet unknown, as are its limits.

Question: What are your thoughts on physical alterations? They would be pretty minor things, I'm not into all that jazz, in this case it would be demonic features, simple at first but growing as she goes further along, if she goes further along. Your call!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

When Lena woke again, she noticed a brazier burning softly in the corner of the room she was in, and Lena assumed that she was on a bed of some sort as she opened her eyes to look around. She noticed that she was in the same room as before, or at least she thought she was anyway. None of that really mattered all that much though, as she looked around to see another cloaked woman who was there with her instead of the other one from before.

"I... h-how long was I out for?" Lena asked, groaning softly as she rubbed her head, before stretching a bit to get her blood flowing properly. "And what ritual results were you all hoping for? I'm a... bit confused to be honest, and still a little... groggy," she then asked curiously trying to raise up to sit and look around, hoping to find Jaime okay.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena was asleep on a bed, well, of sorts. An altar covered with furs, it was...surprisingly comfortable.

"Eight hours or so. Not terribly long, it took a lot out of you I saw." The figure waits politely. Lena feels rested well enough, while no sex filled supernatural energy courses through her presently she feels good enough, if a bit hungry. Though, the idea of sleeping the day away isn't the worst she's heard, there's something about this place.

"Hm..." The cloaked figure eyes you for a moment, thinking. "Well, she did not say you couldn't know, only that she wished you to remain here until her return. Of course, the ritual was to summon you here that we might borrow some of your great power to cast the spell upon Farnshold."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"T-To be honest I am kind of hungry actually. So if it isn't too much trouble, I'd like something to eat," Lena replied, biting her tongue before she expressed her worry, which now wasn't the time, she knew, especially since she had to be careful if she was going to find out about this spell the girl mentioned.

"So... what sort of spell was it? And why did you need My power specifically? I don't think I'm That powerful, surely. Also, where's my friend that was with me?" Lena asked curiously, her cock already feeling a bit like it wanted some action, but not so much she couldn't keep it in check for now, as she glanced around for any signs of Jaime. "And, might I know what my summoners look like at least?" she then asked, gently reaching out for the cloaked and hooded girl to pull the hood down, again only if allowed to do so.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, we'll have food for you very soon then. Any preference? Vegetarian? Meat? Or are you looking for a meal...perhaps a bit more carnal?" She smiled, there was no hidden meaning, she apparently thought sex might appease her appetite...and it just might?

She lets you take the hood down, revealing a young woman with long black hair and an easy going smile.

"Well the ritual was the extract some of your power, our leader is using it to usurp the town for herself and us, to expand our influence a little further. With the town we can actually make our presence known." She doesn't seem to think this is particularly candid information.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"A bit of everything. I'm not overly picky, and I do like my meat, so no vegetarian only please," Lena replied with a nod. "Oh? Your presence? There's... quite a few powerful mages in town if I recall correctly, so you might want to be careful trying to do that. I'd hate for anyone to get hurt. And... a slightly more... carnal meal might be nice I think. Would you like to help me with that cutie?" Lena went on to say after slipping the girl's hood down and finding her Quite attractive to say the least, much more so than she'd expected anyway.

Whether the girl took her up on the suggestion or not was obviously up to the girl, though Lena couldn't deny that she kind of did want her now that she'd seen her. "What does your leader, the one I spoke to before the... ritual, look like? Is she even more beautiful than you are? If so I might just have to stay here until I've had every single one of you, hmhm," Lena asked curiously, trying to get on the girl's good side, giggling playfully as she sat on the edge of the altar/bed she'd been lying on as she licked her lips almost... hungrily as she stared at the raven haired beauty.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

(I forgot, so, she would simply say that Jaime was resting in one of the dormitory beds, having tired herself out)

"We know well their powers, suffice to say your power with our leader will more than be a match. I don't think we expect much trouble, and no I doubt many, if any, will be harmed if you are concerned with such things."

She smiles once more at her request for 'food' and nods. "I'll send someone for a proper meal shortly, in the meanwhile if you'd like I am happy to offer myself." She places a hand on Lena's shoulder and moves around her sitting on the bed aside her and looking to her expectantly.

"Our leader? Well she is somewhat short...beautiful white hair, dark skinned. She is an elf, of sorts. I think of her far more beautiful than I..." She smiles and nods. "I can think of few who would not be willing. So long as you do not interfere with our duties, of course..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh? well that's good to know at least. Such... beauty shouldn't be marred by wounds or anything like that. Though if you don't mind my asking. Why spread your influence? And... whom do you serve? Well, other than your mistress of course, or leader, or whatever you call her really," Lena replied softly as she watched the girl sit next to her, her loins already sparking to life as she listened to a rough description of the leader of these women.

"Well then, how are you willing to serve me here, hmm? With just your mouth? Or maybe just your hands? Or could I expect to have my cake and eat it too as they say?" Lena asked after a few moments, her shaft having stiffened up rather impressively in a short amount of time with little more than being close to this lovely girl.

Assuming she was to be given her cake to be able to eat too, as she'd asked, Lena would stand up and scoop the girl up, before laying her back on the altar, pulling that hefty cloak off of her to move out of the way, as it was unneeded right now, Lena told herself, her head down below clearly guiding her actions for the moment, despite her head on her shoulders practically screaming at her other head to stop this, find Jaime, and run back to town as quickly as possible. Once she had the girl's cloak off of her, Lena would kneel down and begin eating the raven haired beauty out right there in plain view of any of the others still there, doing this for nearly a minute before she started raising up, trailing her tongue up from the girl's clit all the way up her waist, across her navel, detouring to lick both of the girl's nipples, before she continued onward on her journey to seek the girl's lips, where she'd plant her own in a deep passionate kiss as her right hand guided her cock right into the girl's waiting folds.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She let out a gentle amused giggle. "You're not at all what we expected," she said warmly. "Well, you want to hear the whole of it? I suppose you're welcome to but it may take some time. We serve our leader, and her alone. She seeks to better the world and we wish to aid her however we may."

"However you wish," she said with a gentle shrug. She reached down to her thigh, gently working her hand along her bare flesh, sending little ripples of goosebumps. She let out a surprised gasp as she was scooped up and laid back long the altar. She helped hike up her cloak, half wriggling out of it before Lena began to bury herself in her loins. Sadly, it appeared she had no audience, this room was separate of the main chamber but perhaps the woman's growing voice would draw attention to them soon. She leaned her had back, legs wriggling, exposing herself happily as she rubbed Lena's head.

By the sounds she made she had gotten pretty close by the time the full minute stopped, breathing hear, a bit of sweat beginning to glisten as she tried to regain her senses. She didn't have much of a chance of course. By the time she met the kiss she returned it with some passion for someone so casually agreeable about doing this in the first place and as Lena guided her cock to the girls entrance she pressed down gently, beginning to swallow the length down slowly but surely, moaning into the kiss as she did.

The foreign presence delighted, filling Lena with a certain implacable ecstasy. She felt certain that she could...add to the girls experience if she welcomed the presence further, did she?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Oh? What did you expect, hmm? Someone a little more... strong looking perhaps? A man even? And better the world how, hmm? You've really piqued my curiosity to say the least," Lena asked curiously before she began eating the girl out, her tongue delving deeply into her and swirling around as she ate the girl out, making her moan and squeal, not even noticing that they weren't really in the main chamber any longer.

Lena's hips feverishly pushed in, and immediately began to pull out to thrust in once again, and then again, and again. Each thrust into the raven haired beauty drove that thought in the back of Lena's mind more and more to the forefront, to welcome that presence a little further, to make her lover here feel as good as she possibly could. After barely another minute in, this time of her thrusting, whether the girl came before her or not, Lena's cock was so sensitive and the pleasure was so good, that her poor mind and body had little other thought or choice but to accept that presence, and so it did, to bring both of them to greater heights of ecstasy as she kissed the girl's lips again, her tongue delving inside and wrestling with her lover's tongue before breaking the kiss after a few moments, leaving a strand of saliva connecting them before Lena went to suck on the girl's neck to leave a very noticeable hickey as she prepared to explode inside of the girl, not stopping her thrusts for a single moment until she did cum, and hilting inside of the girl as she did, hefting one leg up upon reaching her peak and crying out in ecstasy with joy clearly written on her face and in her eyes.

"O-Oh fuck yes... s-so good. C-Come here hon. Let's make you feel even better. I must thank you for making me feel so good," Lena moaned softly as she pulled out and gently rolled them over and guided the girl to turn around in the 69 position, with Lena on bottom, where she began eating the girl out again, not caring that she was tasting and drinking her own cum along with the girl's feminine juices as well.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She shook her head. "No. You're...naive. Inexperienced. New. We thought it would--" she was cut off as Lena began, unable to really contribute more for awhile.

As Lena thrusted into her, once and again more and more, you could feel her working with Lena, seeming to try to give as much as she got. She thrusted against, pulled herself tight, tried to rid against her but as Lena indulged she felt a dark presence in her stir. An energy pulled from the girl filled her and the light in the room seemed to grow dim. It felt incredible, a raw energy surging through her cock as she thrust and the woman let out sharp moans, growing more quiet as she became overwhelmed with lust as the desire Lena inspired grew.

Lena knew the woman wanted her now absolutely, that she would never forget this moment of lust and passion. As she came another loud passionate moan filled the room and the woman went still, save her own steady lustful breathing.

The woman remained quiet until Lena moved her and began to eat her out once more. She cried out, not giving back much at first before eagerly trying, wrapping her hands around Lena's still erect cock, suckling along the bottom of the tip. In that moment of passion suddenly dark black leathery wings sprout from Lena's back, spreading out wide as the girl came once more and begged for a moment of relief.

Lena indulges in a dark desire. ---+, -2

CP has reset to zero, following her awakening.
+1 for indulging, +2 for roll, +1 for her easily ignoring the plight of Farnshold (at least for now)

-2 triggers a sudden transformation. Gained temporary wings.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

As Lena felt the desire in her own loins and body grow more and more, she could tell that it was growing just as much in the girl she was making love to, and that feeling was intense, and... simply amazing to say the least. She could also feel almost instinctively that this black haired beauty wanted her completely now, as if she'd... used some of Seraphina's powers to sort of conquer her heart in a way. The thought both terrified, and excited her to no end, the mixture of those two feelings making her tremble a bit.

Only after the girl was practically begging for relief, after both of them came again, did Lena nod in agreement, needing a little bit of time to recuperate some herself, and only then did she realize that she now had... wings. "H-Huh... that's odd. I've fucked you so hard I'm hallucinating from a lack of blood in my brain I think, cutie," Lena commented, her cock still quite erect as she looked at her wings fluttering gently. "H-Here, you should probably rest a bit. I'm sorry if I overdid it there. Just... h-here lately my lusts have been growing ever more powerful and the urge to just... f-fuck is so intense that I can't help but indulge sometimes," Lena went on to say as she gently shifted the girl back to lying beside her to rest, before she herself raised back up and stood to stretch again.

Once standing, Lena smiled back to the girl. "So... still think I'm naive and inexperienced? And I need a bit of fresh air after that, or I'm liable to just jump on top of you again and fuck you until neither of us can move," Lena asked playfully, winking at the girl before she turned and shook her ass enticingly back at the girl, which in turn caused her balls to jiggle and slosh around a bit as she walked towards the door to explore this place some, unless the girl stopped her that is, and not caring that she was fully naked, and looked Quite aroused still, her mind still not working properly, but clearly enough now that she knew she Had to find Jaime at the very least and make sure she was okay.