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A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)



Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I understand but we canno-" Lena doesn't get to hear the rest of the mans argument as she lays him flat with a single savage righthook. The woman beside her lets out a gasp but before she can scream Lena silences her. She stares into Lena's eyes for a long moment, having stopped molesting her and nodded once. "I c-can't come with b-but...g-go. I won't stop you..." She seemed to be conflicted and stepped back, unfortunately there was no place for her to stash the body, she could take it with her though. The footsteps grow closer and either way Lena is forced to flee down the hall.

It doesn't take long, there's a couple of side rooms lockedb ut not where Jaime's voice was coming from. It's a dim chamber at the end of the tunnel, a dim light casts a shadow. As Lena enters the room she sees a circular chamber divided in half by steel bars with a door. The door, itself made of steel bars is open. There is a table near her with a candle, other than that a torch on the opposite side of the entrance is all the illuminates it.

A few feet from her, on the same side of the bars as Lena is one robed figure with quarter staff in hand, observing with surprise as Lena enters the room. "M-mistress you can't be in here!"

In the barred side of the room is Jaime, tied up to a wooden post in a star position, she is completed naked and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. She looks fine, other than some exhaustion and a...strange pulsing black mass that is covering her grown. It's not very large, but it looks a little familiar...?

A robed figure stands near, inspecting her, but wheeling about when you entered. "Y-you! You can't be in here...!"

"A-about damn time!" Jaime cries, struggling against her bonds, you see she's nearly freed an arm, not that you're surprised. She's always been pretty capable. "Take them out and let's get the -hell- out of here! Farnshold is in danger!"

"Silence you...!" The robed figure near her cries.

Lena strikes to take the man out with a surprise attack. b+bb +1, success! The man is unconscious/stunned

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Thank you. And... for what it's worth, I'm sorry hon. You're really beautiful, too beautiful for these people here," Lena whispered back to the girl quickly, giving her a quick kiss on the lips before she headed down the hall as quickly as her feet could take her.

Bursting into the room, Lena saw the predicament that Jaime was in and sighed at the woman that told her she couldn't be in there. Lena stepped towards the robed figure and shot an arm out and grabbed whoever it was by the throat with one hand and squeezed firmly to get her point across. "Open that cell, and free my friend and get that... thing off of her. Or I will... Free the beast on your throat," Lena ordered the robed figure in a firm tone.

If the robed figure wouldn't comply, Lena would yank them towards her, and quickly choke them out until they were unconscious, before she'd take the staff and move for the cell after checking for any keys on the now unconscious person, where she'd open the cell up and use the staff to beat whatever that thing was in there with Jaime off of her companion or pry it loose if beating it didn't work.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena launches at the man swiftly, but he's pretty quick on his feet. He swings the quarter staff to bat Lena's hand away, but Lena manages to grab it and wrest it from his grasp, forcing him back with a quick slap of the backside of it.

The other robed figure launches out of the barred side of the room and tries to subdue Lena. Lena manages to free herself without much issue, but the figure leaps back before being struck!

Lena is aroused from previous misadventures, but focused enough that it shouldn't effect her presently.
Lena 6/7 FP, 4/8 AP
Jaime 4/8 FP, 5/7 AP
Robed Figure -3/??? FP, ???/??? AP
Robed Figure 2 ???/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Lena lashes out at the figure, unable to take them out but manages to wrest their quarter staff away! While not a spear, Lena feels comfortable using it.
b++b, +2! 3 FP Inflicted.

Jaime attempts to free herself! +bb-, she makes little progress but seems almost there.

Robed 2 attacks Lena! +b-b -1 FP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena gasped and managed to fling her hands up to grab the staff as it was brought to bear against her, and she managed to yank the thing out of the guy's hands before he could do anything further with it. After that, she swung the thing back at him and struck him with the butt of the staff and forced him back, but just as she was turning to take on the other guy, he dashed out of the cell at her and tried to tackle her, where she spun and kicked him away. "G-Get off me," Lena grunted as she shoved him away.

With that, she swung the staff around and hit the one that had been in the cell with Jaime in an attempt to hit him in the head and knock him out so she could get Jaime free, and then they could get the hell out of this place. "Jaime, how's things looking in there hon? You need me to get free?" Lena asked her companion quickly.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I'll get it in a sec!" she hollered back as she struggled with her binds. She let out a gasp as she went. "A-almost...!"

Lena turns her attention back on the two cultists who circle her. "Listen we don't want to fight," one warns. Lena turns and strikes out. The cultist is quick to step back but Lena still manages to land a grazing blow on their chin that sends them reeling a little bit.

One leaps at her from behind, grabbing her arm and trying to pin her against the wall. The other rushes forth to help secure you but you manage to push them both away!

Lena is aroused from previous misadventures, but focused enough that it shouldn't effect her presently.
Lena 5/7 FP, 4/8 AP
Jaime 4/8 FP, 5/7 AP
Robed Figure -3/??? FP, ???/??? AP
Robed Figure 2 -1/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Jaime attempts to free herself! +--+! Almost free. +1 AP (typoed last time, is now 5/7)

Lena attacks robed figure 2! +--b. -1 FP.

Robed Figure attakcs Lena! --++, -1 FP.
Robed Figure 2 attacks Lena! bb-b, no damage.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, alright then. I'll take care of business here then," Lena chuckled to Jaime before turning back to the two robed men. "Yeah and I didn't wanna fight either. See now if you'd Only not bothered Jaime and tried to hurt her and do things to her, I Might have been content to just go along with this. I mean, all the beautiful women I could fuck, whenever I wanted. A dream come true practically for a gal like me. But no, you Had to go and do things to Jaime, my best friend," Lena went on to say to the two men before swinging her staff out, and giving one a little chin music.

Then they both went for her and she felt one arm being pinned to the wall as she kicked her leg out to knock the one holding her arm away, before she attempted to trip the other one up with some quick work with the staff, where she'd bonk him on the head with a quick follow up strike to knock him out hopefully.

(Using her Trip ability on the more damaged of the two men.)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"She assaulted us first!" They argued. "She left us no choice but to subdue her and attempt to pacify her."

"Pacify my ass!" Jaime let out a mighty triumphant cry as she ripped her arm free and moved to untie the other hand. "You tried to indoctrinate me to your fucked up cult...!"

"Please be reasonable we only wanted to-" Lena struck quick, sweeping the leg out from under him with a deft maneuver before swatting him quickly on the head, he let out a cry and went silent, laying dazed for a moment.

The other robed figure backs up for a moment, hesitant to assault. "There are many of us, we won't let you escape from us! Make this easy on yourself, join you friend in the cage and we can sort this out when the leader arrives!"

Lena 5/7 FP, 4/8 AP
Jaime 4/8 FP, 6/7 AP Near Orgasm, -1 to all actions.
Robed Figure -4/??? FP, ???/??? AP TRIPPED
Robed Figure 2 -1/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Jaime attempts to free herself! +-+-! Free! +1 AP

Lena attacks robed figure 1! bbb-. Trip suceeded! -1 FP.

Robed Figure 2 attacks Lena! bb-b, no damage.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, she Probably got scared because you creepy fuckers were huddling up around her," Lena growled back at the man as she struck and tripped one of them up.

"Yeah, maybe we Won't get out of here... easily. But we won't know until we try. And... I've got some tricks up my sleeve that I'm pretty sure none of you would have expected," Lena replied to the man with a grin, before she did a feint attack for the man's gut and spun and quickly tried to lay him out cold along with the other guy with a swift blow to the head.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"We weren't...! Damnit there's no talking sense!" The figure backs up before rushing down the tunnel hall. Lena delivers a quick smash with the end of the quarter staff to keep the robed figure down and out, they stop moving.

Jaime lets out a sigh as she drops from the pillar and remains crouched for a moment. "Ugh...goddamnit," she mutters before climbing to her feet and moving out of the cage. "Damn this place. Are you okay...?"

Lena 5/7 FP, 4/8 AP
Jaime 4/8 FP, 6/7 AP Near Orgasm, -1 to all actions.

Trip (0/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Lena finishes off downed opponent! --b+
Jaime finishes freeing herself, but is too distracted to act this round.

Robed Figure 2 attacks Lena! bb--, no damage.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Talking sense? You're a crazy fucking cult doing gods only know what in here," Lena retorted before she knocked the man out cold, where she turned to check on Jaime. "Am I okay? Are you alright hon? Come on, let's get our stuff and get the hell out of here," Lena asked Jaime quickly once the other guy was down, moving over to her companion and smiling at her.

Lena could tell just how in need Jaime was, and quickly pulled her into a deep kiss and pressed her hand down between Jaime's thighs, where she started fingering her. "Come on hon, you need to focus, and you can't do that while you're This worked up. Lemme give you some relief, and then we'll get the hell out of here," Lena whispered softly to Jaime. "Now... you can repay me later when we get back to town, or whenever we get far enough away from here," Lena then whispered to Jaime before she took her friend's hand, and set off to try and find their way out.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Jaime nodded to her as she approached but as she reached toward her groin she saw the black mass that covered it quivering. "W-wait, don't touch it-" she was cut short, as Lena's finger grazed it the black mass began to writhe and twist, a faint sticky sound from it. Jaime stepped back suddenly, pressed against the wall and went silent save for several rapid breaths as she spasmed. This went on for a few moments before it and she settled down.

"D-damnit. D-don't...don't touch it. It won't come off and it...gets aggressive. We gotta find a way to remove it but first-"

She was cut off by the sound of approaching footsteps. She took a breath and steadied herself off the wall. "Looks like we need to fight our way out of here." She said panting, looking about the room for something to use. She settled on grabbing the torch off the wall holder. "You're ready, right?" She seemed a bit nervous. "I have to admit Lena, these changes, there worrying me."

Lena 6/7 FP, 4/8 AP
Jaime 4/8 FP, 2/7 AP

Trip (0/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

On contact Lena activates the slime attached to Jaime. +3 AP. Orgasm! -1 FP.

Lena and Jaime have a chance to catch a breather, +1 FP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"O-Oh shoot, I'm sorry hon. I... thought it would just come right off," Lena gasped, looking worriedly at Jaime as she stood there supporting her.

When they heard the footsteps soon after, Lena frowned and nodded to Jaime. "Jaime, honey... do you think you could sneak past if I keep them busy? And do you think you could find our things and stuff after that? I can keep them busy. They won't risk hurting me after all. Their leader... needs me. And believe me hon, these changes are really starting to worry me too," Lena asked Jaime after a few moments, looking over at her companion and preparing to switch the torch Jaime had for the staff that Lena had taken from the robed man before. "If you can't get back to me somehow, then take our things and run back to town. Okay? Unless... you're not willing to split up that is. In which case, let's get ready to fight," Lena then whispered to Jaime.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah it's stuck hard to me, something they wanted to pacify me, I think they were trying to use some kind of spell to get into my head...make me like them."

Jaime watched her companion for a moment, mulling over the plan but clearly hating it. "Yeah, no it's a good plan, if you can keep them busy...I can slip past and find our stuff. But I'm not leaving without you, period. These guys...there not good. Not in any sense of the word."

She looked down the tunnel. "They have a plan, something that involves you. And while I'm sure it'd be fun for a time, they're gonna use whatever you have going on with you to hurt a lot of people. And I'm not gonna let them. They might not 'hurt' you, but there are worse fates if you remember." The memory of the orc camp flashes through Lena's mind momentarily. "I love you Lena. Let's kick some butt."

She seemed to brighten, a little bit of color returned to her as she settled down and kissed Lena's cheek quickly. "Alright, you rush them and I'll break past." She held on to the torch, seemed she has a plan.

A small group of cultists emerge! They seem ready to subdue the pair at any costs.

Lena 6/7 FP, 2/8 AP
Jaime 6/8 FP, 0/7 AP
Group of Cultist ???/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Lena rallies Jaime! +2 FP, -2 AP!

Lena calms down a bit! -2 AP!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I know they aren't any good hon. You don't have to worry about that. I'm... w-weak willed when it comes to sex, I know that. But I'm not going to let them take me That easily," Lena told Jaime with a smile, trying to comfort her companion if only a little. "Alright hon. Just be ready to run when I hit them then," Lena whispered after a few moments before narrowing her eyes and preparing to charge the group coming towards them, leveling her staff sideways and charging at them to slam it into as many of their foes as she could manage to start pushing them back and bowling them over with any luck.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

She smiled bright, clearly cheered up by your words. "That's what I like about you, just remember: You're the hero babe."

With that the action begins, four or so individuals begin to filter into the room and you spring at them like a spirit possessed. You run one of them over, swinging the quarter staff into another and essentially giving them hell. More than enough for Jaime who darts around the crowd. As one attempts to grab her she slams her torch into their robes, igniting them as they roar in flames and attempt to pat it out. Jaime bolts past nimbling dancing around the mob as she disappears down the coridoor!

Lena 6/7 FP, 2/8 AP 5/?? CP
Jaime 6/8 FP, 0/7 AP -OUT OF SIGHT-
Group of Cultist -5/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Lena attacks the group! b++b! 4 FP Dealt!
Jaime makes her escape! --++! Succeeds! 1 FP Dealt!
The mob swarms Lena attempting to subdue her! b--b! No damage dealt!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"Heh, why thank you hon. I appreciate that. Me, a hero," Lena chuckled softly to her companion, smiling over at her as she did.

Lena charged at their foes, a total of four, all of whom she managed to slam in to. In the commotion, Lena noticed that Jaime was able to dart past them, and to give her the time she needed to get gone, Lena swung her staff out at her foes to further distract them, and kicked at another one, and spinning around to pin any of the females that came for them against her with her staff, forcing the girl's arms to her sides. "Alright you lot, I'm gonna go right over here, and... you're all going to step into that cell there, and then I'm gonna shut the door, and Nobody else needs to get hurt any," Lena told her attackers, trying to maintain her grip on the girl she had a hold of.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena may find it funny but she knows the town of Farnshold certainly considers her a hero after her rescue of the orc captives. A true hero! Like one in the stories told about the kingdom of the older age of heroism. Still, whether it's a title that really applies or not remains to be fully seen, Jaime seems to agree with it.

Lena charges once more at the, attempting to pin and assault the group, but they prove fairly resilient, one with its own quarter staff blocks her strike while two climb to their feet and charge her, grabbing her arms. The fourth sandwiches her in the middle, her naked cock pressed between her legs as a hand reaches to stroke along the tip. Regardless of the battle it still feels incredible, the dark presence stirs and demands she enjoy her time here.

Lena 6/7 FP, 4/8 AP 5/?? CP
Jaime 6/8 FP, 0/7 AP -OUT OF SIGHT-
Group of Cultist -5/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

Lena strikes at the mob! 0 Damage! b-b-
Mob assaults Lena! Grappled! 2 AP! b+b+

Lena can: Strike her opponents, or attempt to free herself. Some powers may still be usable.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Seeing just how much of a hero Jaime considered her filled Lena with hope and pride that she could do this without much trouble. Charging in again to keep them distracted, Lena swung her staff, only for it to be batted aside. Then, two of them managed to get back to their feet and rushed her, grabbing her arms to keep them from swinging that staff around again. Within moments, she was sandwiched between all four of these likely gorgeous ladies, as a set of slender fingers brushed along her cock and grasped it, leaving Lena wincing slightly as she bit her lip to resist the pleasure, though it was almost too good to resist.

Lena tried to break free of the ones holding her arms to shove them all back and away from her, and with any luck she'd manage it, to then follow up with a swing of her staff to force the ones in front of her back further, before she'd turn to again try and grapple one of them to use as a shield against the rest. "C-Come on, and just... let me go now. Or... if you promise to let me and my friend go, I'll fuck all four of you right here and now," Lena would tell them, assuming she was able to grab one for use as either a hostage or simply a shield against the rest, hoping they wouldn't attack if she had one in her grasp.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2011
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

Lena is held fast, two of the group pin her arms to the wall while the other two work to service her. Almost immediately her cock is fully erect, the sudden feeling of lust erupts with full force. Lena had always been...well, a horny sort but even for her this is sudden. A burning needs fills her and they're eager to stoke it.

"We will not break our orders," the one on your right coos. "Our leader wishes for you both to remain, and so it must be. Why do you fight us? You -are- lust, you know what you are deep down! Why would a Succubus, even a new one, fight against us...?"

Succubus...? They think your...well. There is the wings...and er, the dark power. Uhoh.

For a moment you find it hard to resist, the pleasure builds as one takes a good bit of the length into her mouth, tongue wriggling along the sensitive nerves under the tip. The other works the base of the shaft gently, coaxing you towards release as she teased your eager folds. You can feel it, you're going to give in again, the darkness in you wants this and after feeding it it's too hard to resist.

But then you think of Jaime, the one who believes in you as a hero and somewhere in your heart you know that you can't let this happen. You surge with renewed strength and throw both the cultists holding you against the wall to the opposite side of the room with a herculean effort that sets them unmoving. The other two are knocked loose and step back, readying quarterstaffs!

The moment of effort fades, and while you remain focused, your throbbing cock warns that it won't take much more to put you over the edge.

Lena 6/7 FP, 7/8 AP 5/?? CP -Aroused! -1 to all rolls!-
Jaime 6/8 FP, 0/7 AP -OUT OF SIGHT-
Group of Cultist -5/??? FP, ???/??? AP

Trip (1/1) (Action)
Empower Self (Free Action)
Shield Bash (1/1) (Action) (Lacks Equipment)

The mob assault Lena while held! +-b+! 3 AP
Lena breaks free with a mighty effort! ++++! Super Crit! 5 FP! Two cultists downed!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Brave New World (Mind Flayer)

"I... I'm not a succubus. I'm a human," Lena stammered as her cock rose to full mast within moments, leaking her pre everywhere, and leaving Lena aching to let out her seed for these lusty ladies.

Was that really what this was about? Did they believe she was a succubus herself, just because of her encounter with Seraphina? Or was Seraphina behind all this herself perhaps? The only way Lena would find out is if she found Seraphina again and was able to talk to her. Then, Lena's thoughts were interrupted by the amazing feeling of her cock disappearing into one of the girl's mouths, and when her folds were teased by a pair of fingers, her body began to give in. "N-No... please, not now body. D-Don't cum yet... p-please!" Lena thought to herself, as if begging her body would will it not to cum.

Then, her thoughts turned to Jaime, who thought of her as a hero, and suddenly Lena felt a surge of strength shoot through her as she managed to break free from their hold. The two holding her arms went flying, so far that Lena amazed even herself with her feat of strength. Glancing at the two remaining cultists ladies to either side, Lena feinted to the left, and darted at the one to the right, knowing that her own staff would be useless now with them to either side, so she dropped it and went for a grab, wrapping her arms around the girl there to fling her at the other one that was still trying to subdue her, hoping her strength would hold out in her efforts here.